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Blue Phoenix

Page 359

by Tinalynge

  Nodding their heads, the Fu brothers did not pursue it any further, and instead, stepped backwards and allowed for Hui Yue to lead them towards an inn.

  At the inn, Hui Yue quickly rented some rooms so everyone could relax from their long journey. He even rented a room for the Fu brothers.

  His own room was shared with Huli. He sat down and cultivated for a short while before he waited for every beast God to appear one after another. The only ones who was not invited were the Fu brothers, and although they knew that the beast Gods were gathering within Hui Yue's room, they did not try to find out what was going on.

  "I am thinking of going to the Celestial Sword Sect later today," Hui Yue informed the others. "But going alone is not my style. I will carry you all in the Universe Box so that if something should happen, then I have the ability to call everyone out. If worse comes to worst, we can fight our way out with all our might!"

  Chapter 543 - Pei Chen

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  Chapter 543: Pei Chen

  "Are you sure that you should meet up with the Celestial Sword Sect so soon?" Cai Jie asked worriedly. He knew that the Celestial Sword Sect seemingly valued Hui Yue, but it was hard to know for sure, and thus Hui Yue wanted to get it over and done with.

  "I will bring Huli with me," he decided. This was because of more than one reason. First he wished to bring her for his own protection as she was the strongest God in their party, and, secondly, he needed her to activate the dao of space. The memory within his core would only do anything if Hui Yue saw Huli in danger, even his own life was not important enough for it to do anything.

  Seeing that Hui Yue had made his decision, the other Gods all nodded their heads. They allowed for Hui Yue to suck them into the space of the Universe Box. Hui Yue sent them to Muchuan City in the Divine Beast World.

  "Please come with me," he said softly, and Huli, who looked at him with big doe eyes nodded her head. A soft, gentle smile lingered on her lips, and she was very happy everytime Hui Yue showed her affection.

  Taking her hand, Hui Yue led her out of their room and towards the one shared by the Fu brothers.

  Knocking on the door, it only took a few seconds before it opened. The Fu brothers both looked stumped for a moment as they saw Hui Yue and Huli standing outside.

  "What can we do for you?" They asked a little surprised as they only saw Hui Yue and Huli present. Spreading out their sense, they were inwardly shocked that they couldn’t find a trace of the beast Gods. It seemed as if the other beast Gods had sunk into the ground. The eery feeling of not knowing where they went was unnerving to them.

  "It’s just the two of us," Hui Yue said with a smile. "The others decided to experience the wonders of this dark capital. They entered the streets a short while ago, and I figured it would be better to visit the Celestial Sword Sect sooner rather than later."

  Hearing his unsatisfying answer, the two Fu brothers were still in shock that the nine beast Gods had managed to disappear without them noticing anything, but even more than that, they had expected Hui Yue to want a break before visiting the Celestial Sword Sect. Despite what they had thought, here he was ready to go.

  Although they were taken aback, the Fu brothers were elated. The sooner they returned to the Celestial Sword Sect, the better.

  "In that case, let’s head out," Fu Ziyu said excitedly. He could not wait to show off the young master they had found and his outstanding abilities.

  "Give us a second to pack our things; it is likely that we will be forced to stay with the sect after returning," the Fu brothers said. They quickly closed the door while Hui Yue waited outside patiently.

  Closing his eyes, he entered his core and looked at the cave where the black figure with the white spots was waiting. Taking a deep breath, he looked at this figure and finally said in a low voice that only the two of them could hear. "Huli is coming with me today. To protect her and to make her feel safe, lend me your power for today alone. If you lend me your power, I will guarantee that nothing will happen to Huli."

  Hui Yue was not sure if it was worth speaking with this black figure, but he knew that this was the only way he would be able to succeed without Huli being in danger.

  Waiting for a moment, Hui Yue reached out his hand. As his fingertips came into contact with the black figure with white specks of light surrounding him, he felt how they merged together. One ability after another appeared in Hui Yue's mind, and he knew that he had gotten the black figure’s permission to borrow his strength while visiting the Celestial Sword Sect. It seemed that mentioning Huli had quite the outstanding effect on this black figure within his core.

  Opening his eyes, he noticed that the Fu brothers were looking at him strangely and Huli was standing by his side with a gentle hand laid on Hui Yue's arm.

  "Sorry, I had to mentally prepare myself," Hui Yue said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. He could not very well tell them that he had to coerce one of his past lives into lending him some power.

  Nodding their heads, the Fu brothers slipped past Hui Yue and led the way into the busy streets. In their hands was the glass orb that they had used to contact Pei Ze but now it did not show the face of the young master of the Celestial Sword Sect. Instead, it showed an arrow which led them through the streets.

  The moment they exited the inn, Hui Yue spent his time looking around the streets at the various sights. The streets were busy with souls, demons, beasts, humans, and Gods all mingling with one another on the streets. Although the souls of Youdu did not need to eat, as they were already dead, the Gods often enjoyed the food. Because of this many stalls were selling delicacies on the sides of the street.

  There was a total of ten marketplaces in Youdu, and these marketplaces were filled with merchants who sold everything from armor and weapons to skills and even slaves.

  There were also the black market bazaars within the city which sold all the things that one could not buy legally, even soul energy, refined souls, and corpses.

  Youdu looked exactly like any other capital, except that it was filled with the dark energy of shattered souls which permeated the air. The inhabitants of the city were Gods like any immortal city, but it also contained over twenty million souls, not to mention all the demons that also resided within the city.

  They moved quickly through the city, and the closer they came towards the middle of the city, the more ancient and elaborate the buildings became.

  Reaching these buildings, Hui Yue understood that it was the high-class section of the capital. This was where the families who had existed within Youdu for thousands of years lived.

  They reached a mansion that was at least ten times the size of the Hui mansion in Muchuan City, and Hui Yue could not help but look amazed at this sight in front of him.

  "We have arrived," Fu Ziyu said politely as he looked at the gate where a full hundred guards were standing straight in an orderly fashion. Moving closer, the group was stopped by this wall of guards, but Fu Ziyu just flashed a seal with wings and two swords.

  Seeing the seal, these guards looked at their group with reverence. They bowed deeply and stepped out of the way.

  "Milords, please proceed," the guard said as he opened the gate. Hui Yue and the others casually nodded their heads in reply and entered the mansion’s grounds.

  The mansion consisted of more than one building, and as for which building they should enter, Fu Ziyu was uncertain. Standing still, he picked up the same glass orb that had helped him before and poured Ancestral Worldpower into it.

  "Master Pei Ze, we have arrived at the Celestial Sword Sect where should we go?"

  The answer from within the orb came promptly with the arrogance that only a young master of a major sect had, "stay where you are, I will come pick you up shortly."

  After he finished speaking the conversation was cut off, and the glass ball returned to its usual appearance.

  Considering what they had been told, the group, which had just entered the gate, did not move they
all just stood there like a group of tourists while waiting for Pei Ze to arrive.

  The mansion’s grounds were filled with experts and members of the Celestial Sword Sect who were walking back and forth, but all of them were sending strange looks at the Fu brothers, Hui Yue, and Huli.

  The Fu brothers were quite famous within the outer sect, and most of the inner sect disciples knew of these two brothers. This was because they always followed behind Pei Ze, one of the most talented experts of the younger generation.

  But today they were not together with Pei Ze, instead, they were walking with two other experts that none of them had met before, and when they sensed their energy levels, they would all snort in contempt at this young man who was clearly a new God. Though, the woman by his side did receive some more respect as she was an Immortal of Creation.

  "Don't mind them, young master," Fu Jinyan said to Hui Yue with a polite tone. He too felt anger in his stomach from these scornful looks that did not even try to hide their ridicule and disregard they felt for Hui Yue.

  However, Jinyan did not lower his voice when he spoke, and the ones who had looked at Hui Yue with disregard heard him referred to as young master. This was a title only inner sect disciples would be called.

  The experts felt their hearts clench. Was this useless person truly someone they had to consider a young master in the future? A piece of trash like him with almost no Ancestral Worldpower could also be considered a young master, and even the famous Fu brothers referred to him with such respectful words?

  "What is going on here?" A haughty voice suddenly sounded, and everyone's eyes were drawn to an older expert who appeared to be about thirty years old. His face was drawn in an arrogant sneer, and his eyes were cold as he looked at Hui Yue. The moment his eyes landed on Huli they turned greedy and a small smile appeared on his lips. Seeing his expression, Hui Yue felt the black figure from his core stirring within him, and he realized just how protective his past life was towards Huli.

  "I could have sworn I just heard the usually quiet Fu brothers call this youngster a young master? How come I have never seen him before? And he seems to be a new God... How can he be a young master when every expert is born into our inner sect and a God at birth?" He chortled with a sinister expression on his face.

  "Master Pei Chen, this is something you can talk to Young Master Pei Ze about if you want an explanation," Fu Ziyu said with a slight smile on his face. Although Pei Chen was an inner sect disciple, he was already much older than Pei Ze, but strength wise he was still below the Fu brother's young master.

  Hearing these words, the face of Pei Chen turned increasingly ugly, it was true that he did not dare mess with Pei Ze. Pei Ze was no ordinary expert in the sect, but right now Pei Ze was not present, so he decided to put pressure on the Fu brothers.

  "You claim that he is a young brother so let me test his skills! We can bet that beauty of yours," he said as he pointed towards Huli. "I can see that she is your contracted beast. If I beat you she will belong to me."

  Hearing this, Hui Yue did not even need the black figure within him to know how mad he was becoming. His killing intent surged, and he sneered at the older man, "You wish for me to bet my companion? You better bring something out that is worth more than your life in that case. Huli is not something you can take as you please!"

  The anger that was rising in Hui Yue's heart was clear in his voice, but Pei Chen was shocked when he heard that Hui Yue did not fear him even a little. Seeing this, he could not help but snicker. This cultivator was but a new God, and he had such an attractive beast companion of the Immortal of Creation rank. This newbie really was a toad feasting on swan meat.

  "Fine," Pei Chen spoke out in a clear voice, "If you win, my life will belong to you!"

  Chapter 544 - Spacelock

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  Chater 544: Spacelock

  "Your life?" Hui Yue snorted. "Why on earth would I want your life? It’s worth nothing to me. Take out something more valuable."

  Pei Chen's face turned green when he heard what Hui Yue said, but instead of taking out something else, he roared to the sky and charged at Hui Yue.

  Seeing his sudden outburst of anger, and the sudden attack, Hui Yue was not fearful. Right now he had the full support of the black figure, and when he lifted his hand, he clenched it slowly. This caused space around him to start twisting and churning, and suddenly Pei Chen was stopped in his tracks; he could not move even an inch, and he couldn’t even blink his eyelids.

  Seeing Pei Chen stunned like this everyone was shocked but Hui Yue just walked forward very slowly. As he reached this expert who was frozen in place, Hui Yue took out his sword.

  "Your life? You bet your life? Unfortunately, I am not very interested in owning your life so why don't you just die already?" The cold words that Hui Yue said shocked everyone present. Although Pei Chen was not one of the strongest members of the inner sect, he was still a direct descendant of the great roc! He was revered by countless outer sect disciples.

  "Master Hui Yue, it’s good to see you again," Pei Ze's voice suddenly sounded out, and hearing it, Hui Yue instantly withdrew his sword into the Universe Box. He nodded his head, but still did not release Pei Chen from the locked space he was trapped within.

  Behind Pei Ze was an elder, and the moment these experts saw him, all of them fell to their knees, even the Fu brothers were no exception and bowed in respect.

  After a moment only a handful of experts remained standing. Hui Yue could tell that these experts were most likely inner sect disciples.

  "Master Hui Yue, this is elder Pei Qin. He is one of the head elders in our Celestial Sword Sect." Pei Ze said politely as he introduced the elderly man behind him.

  "Hui Yue greets elder Pei Qin," Hui Yue said as he cupped his hands and bowed to the elder. Although he bowed, it was not as deep a bow as the others had given him. This caused the elder’s eye to rise in surprise.

  "I’ve heard quite a bit about your performance and to see the spacelock you used on young Pei Chen it is indeed true that you are a talent we don't see often."

  Hearing the word spacelock, everyone present was completely shocked.

  What did a spacelock technique signify? It signified that the expert had many insights into the dao of space, one of the most elusive and powerful daos that existed! Although it was not a major dao, the power one gained from the dao of space was even more outstanding than some major daos.

  The experts who had looked at Hui Yue with disdain and disrespect now looked as if they saw a monster. It was clear that Hui Yue was just a new God. The amount of Ancestral Worldpower one had could not be faked, but he was actually able to comprehend the dao of space while at such a level! It was obvious that he had not even been a God for a thousand years!

  Actually, the truth was even more shocking. If they knew that Hui Yue had not even been a God for a decade, everyone would be coughing up blood in anger at his impossibly quick cultivation speed. However, Hui Yue had absorbed the souls of two Gods and a large group of mortal souls that had already shattered. From this Hui Yue had been able to deepen the amount of Ancestral Worldpower that his body could contain giving the impression that although he was a new God. In reality, because of all of his many experiences up to now, he was not as new as he appeared.

  "To have comprehended the dao of space and have some control over soulforce while just having ascended to the God rank... It is indeed rare for such an outstanding seedling to appear. Were it not for being the result of someone breaking sect laws you would already have been one of our most outstanding individuals of the younger generation, but since your situation is so unique, I am unable to make a decision on my own."

  Having spoken for some time elder Pei Qin pondered for a bit of time before he finally nodded his head. "Come with me," he said as he turned around to leave. His arms behind his back, the group consisting of the Fu brothers, Pei Ze, Pei Qin, Hui Yue, and Huli turned to leave.

  As they left the spacelock around
Pei Chen collapsed, and the man who had been locked in space gasped for air. A cold sweat ran down his face, and he shuddered in fear. It seemed that the one he had insulted was actually a dragon amongst men! Trembling with rage, he watched the group depart and shook his head. He grit his teeth and swore that he would gain back every bit of face he lost today ten-fold! He had always hated Pei Ze's faction and supported he supported his rival, and thus he instantly turned to leave, ready to tell his master about this young man.

  Elder Pei Qin led Hui Yue and the others into one of the main buildings and walked through many corridors and chambers before reaching a set of double doors. As he opened the door, Hui Yue saw that there were even more elderly experts waiting inside. In total there were five experts here, which just showed exactly how important this Judge of Hell trial was to the Celestial Sword Sect.

  The elders all turned to look at Hui Yue and the group, their eyes displayed the question in their hearts.


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