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Blue Phoenix

Page 393

by Tinalynge

  "You made your father proud!" Pei Tian said with a great smile on his face as he placed a hand on Hui Yue's shoulder. Although Hui Yue had spoken with Pei Tian before, he had never met him in real life, and now that they were close to each other, he could feel a heavy pressure from all three.

  He quickly understood that these experts had at least comprehended a full major dao, or maybe even two. They had lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and it was only natural that they had become some of the strongest experts because of this. It was quite hard to live this long without getting killed, but now that they were that old it would be near impossible to kill them. They were simply too monstrously strong.

  Of course for someone like Yama, he could kill them with but a thought though others would have to use quite a lot of energy to kill them if they even could. Even someone like Yanluo would have to spend quite a bit of energy to kill them, and if all three were together, then it would be impossible for him to kill them.

  "I am glad I made you proud," Hui Yue said with a smile on his face as he looked at his father. Since he had merged with the celestial wing's memory, he also felt genuine affection towards this powerful old man.

  "You are the pride of my life. You just returned, but you already brought with you so many astonishing achievements. Your talent is no less than that of Yanluo, and if you are given enough time then you will be able to become the strongest expert in the entire galaxy!"

  "For now though you will have to stay within the Celestial Sword Sect. Although some people might be rude towards you, no one will dare to harm you. Since it is like this, you will be able to train in silence." Pei Tian laughed, and Hui Yue nodded his head.

  It was indeed true that Hui Yue was able to train in silence, but he needed some pressure to truly bring out his full potential. Because of this, Hui Yue did not mind if he was viewed with hostility by the other members of the Celestial Sword Sect. Although he was a member of the sect and would never betray it, he also understood that he had no deep ties to the sect yet.

  The rest of the night was spent by Hui Yue talking with his father, the patriarch, and the second ancestor. He was mainly asking questions about the sect while the ancestors and patriarchs showed more interest in his trials to become the next Judge of Hell.

  Chapter 598 - Alchemist Palace

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  Chapter 598: Alchemist Palace

  The welcoming banquet came to a close with no incidents. The younger generation and a few of the older generation challenged one another to duels, yet no one was brazen enough to challenge Hui Yue, even if they wanted to do so.

  Hui Yue was introduced to the dao protectors of the sect, and these dao protectors had been told of the patriarch and the ancestor's theory about Hui Yue. Thus their opinion of Hui Yue was very different from the others. They too felt that he was truly a member of their Celestial Sword Sect, yet only the dao protectors, ancestors, and patriarch knew about this theory, and they had all sworn to never speak a word of it. Although it would make things easier for Hui Yue, it would trouble him in many other ways.

  The sect had quite a lot of elders, and for such a great celebration like this, the majority were present. Even the Sect Leader was present.

  When the patriarch and the ancestors made an appearance, everyone else had to do the same, and although some of the elders were unhappy, they could do nothing.

  Even so many were curious about whether or not Hui Yue was a member of the Celestial Sword Sect. If he was only fifty years old, how could he possibly be the son of the first ancestor? This made absolutely no sense. Everyone knew that the first ancestor had been in the sect for at least the last millennia. How could he suddenly have left under the noses of everyone and produced a son?

  Also, was the first ancestor such a person? Would he break sect rules knowingly? It made no sense to the elders who knew the first ancestor, and it made all the juniors just as confused, but no one could deny the fatherly pride they saw in Pei Tian's face whenever he looked at Hui Yue. Neither could they deny that he had stepped out and announced that he was this young man’s father.

  Only a handful of experts had seen Hui Yue's wings on full display, and it was easy to question if they were as bright and powerful as others said.

  Hui Yue could not be bothered with all those people who doubted him. He knew that since he was going to be in the sect for a longer period, it was only natural that he would have to spar against other members. It was only a question of time before he would have to rely on the bloodline of the great roc to pressure the others.

  Seeing that the dao protectors had all accepted Hui Yue and seeing them converse with him casually as if he was their equal made many of the younger experts red-eyed with jealousy and filled with indignation. Just because Hui Yue had managed to become a mere Judge of Hell, he was now an important figure. But all of them had a hard time forgetting that he was the result of someone breaking the rules. The only upside they could find was that he was not allowed to be the new Sect Leader or an elder.

  As the day came to a close, the banquet also ended. As it ended, Hui Yue was uncertain about where he was supposed to go. He had not been given any time to prepare after entering the sect; he had not even been given a place to stay, everything was just happening right away.

  "Just follow me," Pei Tian said with a smile on his face, and Hui Yue nodded his head as he followed behind the ancestor.

  "I used to have a small valley for my family," he explained as he flew into the air outside of the banquet hall, and Hui Yue quickly followed behind. "But since I no longer have any family, apart from you, the valley was given to another family. For now, you will reside on my mountain, but I assume you will be living in the same valley as the other third generation descendants. They are your cousins, and they will help to look after you."

  Hui Yue nodded his head but was uncertain whether or not these cousins would be friendly towards him. They were used to being the upper echelons of the sect and to suddenly make space for a youngster could cause them to feel ire.

  Hui Yue flew side by side with Pei Tian, and although he knew that he was only here because of his previous life, he could not help but have a feeling of returning home after having been away for a long time.

  As his eyes roamed across the sect, many things had been changed since the time his previous life had lived here. It had grown immensely; more valleys now spread as far as the eye could see and the inner sect had many more formidable buildings than in the past.

  Mountains had been leveled to create training areas; buildings had been built on mountain sides, mountains had been carved out to have libraries and many other things inside of them. In many ways, the sect was as different as night and day from the sect he had lived in so long ago.

  Still, the feel of the sect had not changed. People flew back and forth, from building to building. Even though it was in the middle of the night, some people had left the banquet and moved straight to the training grounds. Some headed to outdoor fields where they could practice their fighting, their Ancestral Worldpower Skills, or their dao techniques while others ventured to the homes containing meditation rooms and other training grounds.

  Others went to libraries or the skill palace preparing to study the night away, while others went back to their residence to cultivate and just absorb Ancestral Worldpower.

  Everyone here was a God. They were born Gods, and thus they needed nothing like sleep or food to keep living. All they needed was Ancestral Worldpower.

  Since this was the case, they were worked throughout the day and did not spend their lives living like mortals. To them, night was as good a time to work and train as daytime.

  Coming to this conclusion, Hui Yue reached the peak of the mountain where he saw his father's residence. When looking at it from the outside, it looked exactly like a small cave, yet when entering the cave, he found that a mansion had been carved inside the mountain. In this residence, there were multiple rooms and even a hot spring which produc
ed hot water for the rooms. This allowed the residents to bathe in the hot spring water in their room.

  "Take whichever room you want," Pei Tian said with a gentle smile on his face. "My room is over here, but no one else has lived here for a long time. You can treat this place as your home."

  Looking around the home, Hui Yue quickly picked a room not too far away from the one his father lived in. The room was not the biggest, but it was not the smallest either.

  The room had a hot spring and a bed alongside a desk and a chair. There were stones hanging on the wall that emitted a gentle glow and illuminated the room. This light covered the room in a gentle and warm atmosphere. There were no windows in the room as no sunlight entered inside of this mountain, but with these light stones, it was just fine.

  The first thing Hui Yue did was show his gratitude towards his father, and chat with him for a bit, but his mind kept returning to the hot spring in his room. After a bit, he excused himself as he returned to his new room and finally allowed for himself to sink into the warm water and relax.

  He had not been able to relax for a long time. Since he started the trials, he had been together with Wei the whole time. After he had been coronated, he had needed to meet up with one official after another, and right after that, he had to travel for months on end to the Celestial Sword Sect.

  He had not been given any time to relax, and as soon as he arrived, a massive banquet had been held for him. The few moments he had alone, he used to enter the Universe Box and visit his friends and family. Now, though, he could relax.

  He felt how his tired body was being washed of all its fatigue; how all the tiredness vanished and his eyes became focused and filled with determination.

  He was going to stay within the Celestial Sword Sect for quite a long amount of time. He was not allowed to leave before he had become an Immortal of Creation. Although his talent was amazing, and he had not spent long to become a Primordial Immortal, this was completely different and would take him quite a bit of time.

  Since he was going to stay in the Celestial Sword Sect, he might as well familiarize himself with the area and the sect. As soon as he finished his bath, he left the sanctuary of the mountaintop and entered the inner sect itself.

  Everyone was flying everywhere, and Hui Yue flew from one building to another. He found the libraries which had books filled with everything from the history of the galaxy to books about the heroes who had been born during the many different eras. There were also books about the world where the Celestial Sword Sect resided and books about every other world in the galaxy.

  Hui Yue found the Mission Tower and found that there were four types of missions available. Two of the missions were for within the Celestial Sword World, and the other two required one to leave the world of the Celestial Sword Sect.

  One of each of these kinds could only be acquired by members of the Mission Tower, while the other two were open for anyone who wished to try their hand at completing missions.

  Every mission gave contribution points, and the more contribution points one had, the better. These contribution points could be used to exchange for resources, items, and skills.

  Every month every member of the sect would be given a certain amount of pills, but these pills were not enough to increase the training speed of a cultivator.

  After visiting the Mission Tower, Hui Yue visited the Alchemist Palace. This was one of the most elaborately decorated buildings in the entire inner sect, and it was also one of the busiest ones. People were flying in and out all the time.

  "Have you come to have one of our alchemists produce pills for you? In that case, you need to pay Worldpower Stones," a guard said the moment he saw Hui Yue, but Hui Yue shook his head. "I would like to enter and see what the Alchemist Palace is like. I might even join them," he said with a chuckle, but the guard just narrowed his eyes as if he had heard a joke.

  "It is not possible to just join the Alchemist Palace because you wish to do so!" he scolded, but just as the words came out of his mouth, he noticed that everyone who was flying had stopped in their tracks and they were looking at Hui Yue with curiosity.

  The guard, who was not stupid, started understanding what was going on. His throat became dry, his eyes slightly red. He cleared his throat as he bowed to Hui Yue, "please excuse me. I had eyes but did not see Mt. Tai. Please enter the Alchemist Palace and see if there is anything of interest inside. Perhaps you will find what you seek, if not maybe you will be accepted to join them."

  Hui Yue could not be bothered arguing with a mere guard, and he nodded his head as he entered the palace with a dignified expression on his face. He was really quite curious about this Alchemist Palace.

  Chapter 599 - Tour of the Sect

  * * *

  Chapter 599: Tour of the Sect

  As soon as Hui Yue entered the palace, he found the massive palace lit from the many light stones that were on the walls.

  Even though it was early, the entry hall was bustling with cultivators that were waiting in line for their turn to get into contact with an alchemist.

  There was a counter in the hall and behind this counter was a young woman. Young experts would run towards her with jade boxes, jade vials, and various containers holding items and herbs along with a slip of paper which would have a name written on it.

  "Pei Yin," the woman called out, and a woman called Pei Yin stepped forward and accepted a pill with reverence.

  Looking around Hui Yue found that there was also another line of experts waiting to talk with the young man at a counter as well. All of these experts had two bags in their hands, and scanning them with his soulforce, Hui Yue could tell that one contained herbs and materials while the other contained Worldpower Stones.

  Focusing on hearing, Hui Yue eavesdropped on what they were talking about at the counter. "I have four sets of materials and two thousand Worldpower Stones. I wish to hire an alchemist to concoct the Myriad of Daos pill."

  Hui Yue scoured his memories and found the pill recipe in question. It was a fairly simple pill which allowed for a person to come into contact with and feel the daos in the world around them. Usually, it was used when one had just comprehended a full dao, and they wanted to start on their next dao.

  This was a pill that Hui Yue had complete confidence he could concoct, but it seemed that they required this person to hand over four full sets of materials alongside Worldpower Stones. It seemed that the alchemists in his sect were beyond rich!

  It was clear that these alchemists were in control of quite a lot of power and were looked at with veneration but even so Hui Yue threw away any idea he had of joining them.

  They were so busy concocting pills and perfecting their pill formulas that they would be incapable of spending much time comprehending the dao or cultivating.

  Because of this, the alchemists were amazing at what they specialized in, and compared to mortals they were far too strong, but compared to the majority of other Gods, they were simply too weak.

  Hui Yue was curious about joining the Alchemist Palace with the hope of getting his hands on more formulas, but after thinking it through, he shook his head and turned to leave.

  As he left, everyone within the hall, who had pretended not to see him, suddenly turned silent and watched him leave with mixed emotions. Some looked at him with curiosity while others looked at him with hostility.

  Hui Yue had noticed this change, but he did not mind it too much. He quickly exited the building before moving towards the next location that would catch his attention.

  He found that there was a dining hall within the inner sect, but everyone who wanted to eat had to pay with either contribution points or Worldpower Stones. Since food was not needed to live, it was just a luxury, and so one had to pay for it.

  Hui Yue was not eager to eat and quickly passed the dining hall. Then he found a small shop that specialized in herbs; a place where herbs were being traded for Worldpower Stones or contribution points. This was a place Hui Yue had
a great interest in. Although he had been given a mountain of herbs by Yanluo, he could not help but feel that he might be in need of extra herbs.

  The herb shop was very similar to the Alchemist Palace, yet quite a bit smaller. In the entrance hall, there were multiple books where one could flip through, find the herb they needed, and walk towards one of the five counters to place an order.

  Hui Yue found that the entrance hall was smaller than the hall within the Alchemist Palace, but it was just as crowded. He waited in line for his turn to go through one of the books and look at what kind of herbs were available. He was astonished as he saw that every kind of herb was present, albeit some of them had an exorbitant price.

  Hui Yue spent some time going through the book, but he did not find any herbs that he could use. He already had all the herbs that he needed for the time being, and he gave the book to the next one in line before turning and leaving. Once more his departure was filled with glances and mixed emotions.


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