Blue Phoenix

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Blue Phoenix Page 405

by Tinalynge

  Pei Bai's eyes widened more with every mention of a dao. His head suddenly cocked to the side, and his mouth went ajar.

  "All... All of those?!" he said stuttering, and Hui Yue cleared his throat embarrassed as he scratched the back of his head. "I know it is a few, but I did have the help of some Pills of Clarity," he tried to explain, but Pei Bai was no idiot. He knew that there had to be quite a few lucky encounters to make it possible for someone to comprehend so many daos in the short while he had lived.

  "Hell, kid, you have comprehended more daos than I have!" Pei Bai exclaimed shocked, but Hui Yue just smiled at him and said nothing. He was not going to tell anyone about his secrets, and Pei Bai did not ask any questions either as he finally calmed down.

  "Well I will get formations that can integrate with those daos," he finally said. "And while I do so, you will have to compress as many seals as possible! We do not have much time; we really need to rush together, the two of us."

  Chapter 617 - Huli's Rampage

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  Chapter 617: Huli's Rampage

  Hui Yue's life became very routine after this. Every day and night he was focused on formations. He would use up his soulforce and Ancestral Worldpower creating multiple formations simultaneously while supporting them with his daos. Afterwards, he would fight a few rounds against Pei Bai and his formations.

  It was obvious that Hui Yue was at a disadvantage, but constantly being beaten by the stronger, older elder was just what he needed to grow.

  When he used up all his Ancestral Worldpower and soulforce, he would sit down and start compressing seals again. Compressing seals did require soulforce, but the process was very slow. He was able to do this because his soulforce regenerated much faster than the speed with which he compressed seals.

  When his soulforce and Ancestral Worldpower pool had reached its peak once more, Hui Yue would start all over again.

  During the day he would learn how to control multiple formations at the same time, and he would do his best to merge them with his daos. At night he would focus on learning new formations.

  In between these two things he would practice compressing seals. The speed with which Hui Yue advanced was outstanding. He was becoming much more proficient at controlling formations, and Pei Bai considered him a peerless talent when it came to controlling multiple formations at the same time.

  When Hui Yue was trying to learn new formations, Pei Bai would give him pointers. When he needed someone to test his formations against, Pei Bai would be there. If he were stuck at a slight bottleneck, Pei Bai would give him tips on how to get past it. Like this, the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into a month.

  Hui Yue had not left the Formation Palace for a full month, and his control over formations was many times more outstanding than what Pei Bai had expected. In one month, Hui Yue had already gained control of a full seventy-nine seals; he had gained such an understanding of the formations that he could create six different ones simultaneously. During this time, he had learned twenty new formations, whereas ten of them were fire related.

  "Pei Bai is truly a great help!" Hui Yue exclaimed as he entered his room, getting ready to leave the sect to go to the City of Endless Clouds. It was time for him to meet up with Wei, Deng Wu, and Huli.

  Hui Yue switched his clothes and washed up. Time has gone by so fast this month that he had a hard time realizing that a full month had passed.

  'Your speed far exceeds that of what I had expected,' Lan Feng agreed. Although he had never been a God before, and knew little about the world of Gods, he had a keen intuition and his assumptions were usually correct. To have been faster than what Lan Feng assumed was in no way a bad thing.

  Hui Yue nodded his head and got ready to leave. When he had entered the Formation Palace a month ago, he needed to ask Pei Bai to assist him in getting out of the maze-like corridors, but now that he had lived there for a full month he was like a fish in water, able to quickly take the fastest path to leave the palace.

  During the past month when Hui Yue had been training with Pei Bai, the Formation Palace had been closed to outsiders, and if other Formation Masters needed something, they would have to enter the palace and speak with Pei Bai directly. However, no one had dared to come during the last month as everyone knew how important the Formation Master's debate was to Pei Bai, and also how important it was to the entire sect.

  Hui Yue instantly left the sect. He did not go to visit his father, nor did he linger around the outskirts of the sect to see if Pei Ziqi was following him again; instead, he headed straight for the City of Endless Clouds and the meeting that was awaiting him.

  As he reached the City of Endless Clouds, he landed outside the city walls and walked into the city. He noticed that everywhere he went multiple experts were walking, but no one paid special attention to him. Still, he had a feeling of being observed.

  There was no possibility that he could sense Pei Ziqi if she was following behind him because of her high cultivation base and thus he felt a slight bit of worry.

  Seeing that he was slightly uncomfortable because of suddenly being observed, Hui Yue sped up and moved fast towards the towering pagoda in the middle of the city.

  Here he quickly laid eyes on Wei, Huli, and Deng Wu causing a smile to appear on his lips.

  They saw him at the same time as he saw them, and while they made their way towards Hui Yue, Huli was the first to slip to his side. Her arms wrapped themselves around one of Hui Yue's arm, and her cheek nestled against his shoulder.

  The gesture was as simple as breathing to her, and many who were standing close by looked at this display of affection with jealousy and disapproval.

  Everyone could see that Hui Yue was a young man who had yet to become an Immortal of Creation. His strength was limited, but the woman by his side was without a doubt stronger than him by miles. They couldn’t understand why such a beauty would hang out with such a loser; it was obvious that she was far better than him in every respect!

  Huli had always had an attractive and alluring charm to her. Almost any man who saw her would be bewitched by her beauty, and as for whether or not this was because she was a fox, Hui Yue had no clue, but he knew that this woman's allure was one of her assets.

  Unfortunately, this caused him to be the subject of hate and jealousy when people looked at this peerless and powerful beauty that was curling around Hui Yue's arm. It did not take long before a young man could no longer stand it and stepped forward.

  "You there!" he called out as he pointed his finger at Hui Yue. His eyes blazed with a mixture of jealousy and greed. "That woman by your side, she is very pretty. Is she your beast companion who ended up having better talents than you!?" he inquired laughingly, and his question echoed what was on everyone’s mind.

  It made sense if the two knew each other for a long time that the beast would share an intimate relationship with him, even if the beast had grown up to be much stronger than her owner.

  "What is it to you?" Hui Yue asked casually as he calmly crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the young man who had the courage to stand out in front of everyone else.

  "It’s simple; I want that beast by your side! She is far too good for someone like you! You, a mere toad, thinks he can feast on swan meat? You are clearly attempting to be something you are not! Why not trade her for something that has more interest to you and allow me to show her the far ends of the universe?"

  Hui Yue lifted his eyebrow and shook his head. Although he was considering playing with this fool, he quickly dismissed that idea. He did not want to even joke about trading Huli away to anyone else. Huli was his fox, and he would keep her by his side.

  "Not interested," Hui Yue said casually as he took Huli's hand. Then he turned around to leave, but the young man did not let up. He waved his hand, and suddenly, a whole group of experts surrounded Hui Yue, Wei, Huli, and Deng Wu though despite being surrounded none of them looked overly worried.

  "You trash! I off
ered you a great opportunity, but you did not accept it!" he growled as the thugs he had summoned moved closer and closer to the group of friends; however, the moment he spoke anger appeared in Huli's eyes.

  "Trash?" she spoke for the first time since Hui Yue had met up with her that day and her voice was filled with cold killing intent as she looked at the man who had just spoken.

  "You dare call him trash?" she asked. Her voice was filled with hate, and her eyes were so sharp that if looks could kill, then everyone would have already been dead.

  "I think I need to show you who is really trash. If I were to measure your talent against his, you would be even lower than an ant!" she said with a voice so cold that everyone who heard it felt a shiver go down their spine.

  "Crushing ants is too tedious for my master. Why not allow this one, his beast, to exterminate the trash."

  Huli put extra emphasis on the fact that she was, indeed, his beast before she moved so quickly it was as if she had teleported.

  She instantly appeared behind the back of one of the experts, and moments after, he dropped to the ground. His head was severed from his body, and soon his body started dissipating into thin air. His soul was caught by Huli, and she clenched her hand. The soul wailed out before it exploded. As for whether or not it was able to enter the yellow river, Hui Yue had no idea. Seeing the ferociousness of Huli, he thought that she might have destroyed his soul completely.

  Everything had happened in a brief moment, and the entire square lapsed into silence. Huli, however, did not stop. Instead, she vanished and reappeared behind another thug, taking his life as quickly as she had the other.

  Someone tried to escape, but as he did, Hui Yue saw wind blades many times bigger and sharper than his own sent out as the fleeing thugs ran away. All of them were instantly caught by the wind blades, and their legs were cleanly severed.

  Screams could be heard in the square, and some of the thugs even tried to leave behind their bodies to flee as souls, but all of them were stopped by Huli. Every single person was instantly killed by her, and their souls were shattered.

  The young man who had called out was petrified. How could he have guessed that this woman was so protective of her master that she would flare up in a fit of rage for something as little as him calling her master trash?

  Within a short amount of time, every thug had been killed, and Huli looked at the young man with a venomous expression. "Weak," she said as she looked at him. "So weak and yet you are trying to act tough. Scram now and I will spare your life, but if you ever show your face in front of my master again, I will personally kill you in the most terrible way you can imagine."

  Her voice was cold, and she had no intention of letting him go; however, moments before she had seen Hui Yue shake his head. Although she really wanted to kill him, she would obey Hui Yue, even if that meant letting this coward live.

  "Everyone Halt!" a voice suddenly boomed out, and the law enforcers appeared out of nowhere. "The City of Endless Clouds is not an area for fights! You dare act viciously in my city?" he called out, and Hui Yue sighed. It seemed that trouble had come to find them.

  Chapter 618 - Shadow Attack

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  Chapter 618: Shadow Attack

  Hui Yue was about to step forward to speak with the law enforcer of the sect when Huli flickered her wrist, and a memory stone appeared in her hand.

  Placing the memory stone between her eyebrows a gentle blue light shone from the stone as Huli recorded the memories of everything that had happened and then tossed the memory stone towards the law enforcer who caught it in the air.

  He did not waste any time and placed it on his forehead; his brows frowned as soon as the memories flooded into his mind.

  "They were indeed in the wrong," he said slowly. "But they were not so bad as to warrant their deaths," he continued, not completely sure how to deal with this situation.

  It was clear that Huli was a monstrous beast with amazing strength. If she was so strong, then who was her master? Although it seemed that he was not as strong as Huli, it was clear that he was no ordinary person either. Looking at him, even now he was incredibly calm as he stared back at the law enforcer with his blue piercing eyes.

  Clearing his throat, the law enforcer was about to speak when the young master who had been the subject of Huli's ridicule suddenly spoke up.

  "Master Law Enforcer, I am Fan Jian! The young master of the Fan family who is the strongest family within the Gate of Revelation!"

  Hui Yue raised his eyebrow slightly as he heard this. The Gate of Revelation was the second strongest guardian sect within the Celestial Sword Sect's World. The Gate of Revelation had always been one of the most loyal supporters of the Celestial Sword Sect and had followed them ever since the sect was first founded.

  The Fan family was very well known, and to see one of the young masters of the Fan family act in such a disgraceful manner, Hui Yue was truly shocked.

  "Young man, you seem to be the leader of this group," the law enforcer turned his focus on Hui Yue who nodded his head.

  He could feel that all Huli's muscles were taut, and her body was ready to pounce at whoever said anything bad about Hui Yue, but he gently placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a slight squeeze before he smiled at the law enforcer.

  "Sorry, it seems that I failed to introduce myself," he said apologetically, and the law enforcer held his breath. He had a strange feeling that this young man was no ordinary person.

  The law was that no matter who, fighting within the City of Endless Clouds was forbidden, but in reality, it depended on who you were and the situation. If a direct descendant of the Great Roc came and caused problems, they would usually leave it be after a small punishment. Right now the law enforcer needed to know who Hui Yue was to know what kind of punishment he should administer.

  "My name is Pei Yue!" Hui Yue said with a voice filled with authority, "I am a third generation descendant of the Great Roc and the Second Judge of Hell!"

  Every word he said caused the young master Fan Jian to shake in fear. When he heard the name Pei, he already knew that he was in way over his head and that it was impossible for him to get out of this unscathed. He had insulted a direct descendant and not just any descendant, but one of the third generation! It was akin to buying his own coffin!. If he had put Pei Yue in a bad mood just now, he would be dead for sure.

  "I see, so you are an esteemed young master from the inner sect," the law enforcer had already guessed some of Hui YuUe's background, but he was still shocked when he heard that he was a third generation descendant.

  It was not only Fan Jian and the law enforcer who were deeply shocked but also everyone else who had stopped and watch the situation. The actions of Huli caused many experts to stop in their tracks and observe what was happening, even more so when they saw a law enforcer take action.

  It was human nature to want to see a scene, and now that one was happening in front of them, everyone was of course very curious.

  Therefore when Hui Yue introduced himself, there was already a massive crowd that had formed, and the majority sucked in a breath of air when they heard his words.

  Many of the people present were from the guardian sects who had been given time off and needed to do some shopping in the capital. These guardian sect members were all staring with wide eyes and felt as if they had just seen a hero descend from the heavens above.

  Obviously, there were also many people who were not from the Celestial Sword Sect itself but were here for various missions, or who were just traveling. All of them knew that the Celestial Sword Sect controlled this world, and hearing what Hui Yue said, they understood that there was something outstanding about this young man.

  "Young master Pei!" Fan Jian exclaimed frightened as he looked at Hui Yue with terror in his eyes. He was unsure what he should do first. Should he cling to Hui Yue's clothes and beg for forgiveness or should he bow so deeply that his face touched the ground in the hope that his sincerity could
be seen?

  "I did not know you were a member of the inner sect! I had eyes but could not see Mt. Tai! Please forgive this lowly one and I shall do my best to improve my shameful personality!"

  The sudden change in Fan Jian's behavior shocked a few of the touring experts that had come to the Celestial Sword Sect's world, but the majority understood how much trouble this young master had brought on himself.

  Although it was frowned upon to kill experts of the guardian sects as an inner sect disciple, it wasn’t unheard of. The guardian sects members’ understood this and knew that insulting such a highly ranked member of the main sect was just asking for a beating or worse. This time the young master from the Gate of Revelation had insulted Pei Yue far too much."

  Hui Yue sighed. He had expected something similar when he introduced himself, but he was still quite shocked. He knelt down in front of the bowing expert and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I am sorry for my companion killing your friends," he said apologetically. He had not planned for them to die, but he knew that Huli had a weak spot when it came to him. Anyone who insulted him had to die. Anyone who might stand in the way of Hui Yue would be killed by her in a moment.


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