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Odyssey Page 25

by Tony Corden

  She turned to V’fali and said, “I need to visit the Auction house before we head to the Palace.”

  He changed direction, and they were soon in the middle of a large shaded grove with a multitude of small stalls for craftsmen and larger buildings around the outside. He led the way to the Auction house, and Leah went inside and added a new collection of test goods and collected the money from the previous auctions. When she left the Auction house, she found V’fali and the three other attendants surrounded by a small group of High Elf travellers. These were a mix of warriors, mages, craftsmen and rangers. Most of the players were of a higher level than she. One of them who went by the name of Eli_Gúdon and was Level 273 stepped forward and said, “So you are the famous Atherleah, welcome to Göksel-Orman. My name is Eli, and until you arrived, I was the highest ranked traveller in the city. We were just asking your companions about the Road of Kings. Maybe you will be more forthcoming?”

  “Hello Eli, I’m sorry, but I can’t talk now, I have an appointment at the Palace; maybe later.” She then nodded at V’fali who moved through the small crowd and began to lead the way out of the Market. Eli stepped forward in front of Leah and said, “You may outrank me, but my level is so far above yours that it would be stupid of you to ignore me. I’ve asked nicely, don’t make me ask more forcefully.”

  Leah stepped up to him and said, “I’ve answered nicely, Eli. I appreciate you knowing that I can make you do things. The funny thing is you can’t make me do anything. So you go ahead and ask more forcefully, my answer is the same, I’m busy. Now for your information, I just killed a Level 14612 Goddess, so your Level 273 isn’t as scary as you think it is. Please step out of my way.”

  Eli stepped to the side, and Leah stepped past him, then turned and said, “Do your research. The information is all available. Getting it from me won’t satisfy as much as finding it on your own.” She then followed V’fali to the palace.

  At the Palace, she was shown to a large suite of rooms, and after arranging to see a dressmaker the following day, she lay down on the large bed and logged out.

  After two hours of deep-sleep Leah felt relaxed and went to say good morning to her family. She was amazed at the changes they had already made to the rooms. Her mother made her eat a large breakfast and then said, “Lin, I know this is your property, but there is a large area of empty land. May we prepare this for planting?”

  Leah smiled and said, “Mum, this is our land, family land. I certainly want to make the most of it. Let me check the lease and see if there are any restrictions. I’ll ask my lawyer to check, and when she gets back to me, then I’ll let you know. Now, why are dad and Conner over here as well?”

  “Your father is concerned for you. He and your brother are checking every room, and they are working with John to make sure this place is safe.”

  They talked for a few more minutes and then Leah excused herself saying she had several meetings to get to but she hoped to have lunch with the family this evening. It was currently 7.30 am, and she was expected in Dunyanin at midday Dunyanin-time which was five and a half hours away.

  She made her way to the Pod and then after sending a message to Susan she walked to a new section of the Tower where Gèng had installed portals to each of her classes. She decided to start with the Introductory Mathematics course she had enrolled for, this was one of the subjects which was fully AI-taught and required no group work. She asked Gèng to make the portal to Killian Court so she could see the great Dome before walking to the Mathematics Department. As she was walking to the second floor of the Tower heading for the class Gèng interrupted her to say that she had been denied access to the MIT class and had received a message requesting her visit the MIT registrar.

  “See if you can get Susan for me. I think this is probably Meredith carrying out her threats.”

  “Her AI says you can visit in ten minutes, but she is only free for five minutes.”

  “No problem.”

  Ten minutes later Leah was ushered into Susan’s Office.

  “OK Leah, what’s happened that is so urgent.”

  “Meredith Kodoman threatened to cancel my enrolment at MIT. I’ve been denied access to a subject and told to visit the registrar. It may be nothing but wanted to know if you have a recommendation for a lawyer to have ready in case everything is as bad as I think it is?”

  “I have a friend who specialises in Contract Law and Civil Litigation. He is very expensive but is also a Dunyanin fanatic. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll have him arrange to meet. Good call by the way. You need to get ahead of that woman.”

  “Thanks, Susan. Bye”

  Leah was back in the Tower for only five minutes when Gèng said, “I have a request from Pactum Lawyers, a Mr Stephen Riley. He will give you thirty minutes free consultation if he can have a tour of the tower, After that, he usually charges ten platinum every thirty minutes or part thereof, virtual time.”

  “Agreed, but the consultation first and the tour after we’ve dealt with the problem. Have him arrive at the podium and we can get to know him as we walk up the path. Can you bring Mĕi with you?”

  “That is arranged, he will be here in ten minutes.”

  Leah walked down to the podium and found both Gèng and Mĕi waiting. She was a little early, so she had time to play with Mĕi. Gèng gave her warning, so she was ready when Stephen Riley arrived. He was tall, mid-thirties, and wearing a deep-blue pinstriped suit with a red tie.

  “Welcome Mr Riley, my name is Atherleah Carroll, and I appreciate your willingness to see me. This is my AI, Gèng, and my Chimera cub, Mĕi. Would you like to talk inside or will I see if Gèng can arrange some outdoor seating for us.”

  “Outdoor is great. Is the cub from Dunyanin?”

  “Yes, I’ve only had her for a few days and to be honest, she spends more time with Gèng than with me. Now I would love to chat, but I understand from your message that time is money. Shall we start the thirty minutes now or after a tour?”

  “Sorry about that, most people find it hard to get to the point so mentioning money keeps them on track. I’m sure that the tour will cover the entire consultation fee regardless of how long it takes. Just meeting Mĕi has been a privilege.”

  Gèng had arranged a small gazebo with some comfortable cane furniture and a low table with drinks and some snacks.

  “Please have a seat, Mr Riley.”

  “Please call me Stephen. Susan told me I needed to take this case and have a tour of your world or she wouldn’t join my Dunyanin group for a whole month. She is one of the best rangers in Dunyanin, and so I’m here. Having seen this much, I can see why she said I had to come. How can I help you?”

  Leah gave a brief overview of some events; she didn’t mention Tubbs or the slavery ring. She explained how she had enrolled in MIT and how she met Susan. Leah explained what had happened as she tried to attend the class. She did point the finger at Meredith but didn’t give reasons.

  “But why do you think Mrs Kodoman has something to do with this?”

  “Gèng, could you please show Stephen the feed from the fourth step of the Road of the Kings until just after the threat is made.”

  “The fools. This step of the Road was made mine by the curse of Orumeck. It is mine, and now you are mine. Kum Firtinasi has been my follower for many years. He has experience at destroying someone’s will. When he has finished with you, he will give what is left to me. Know this, whenever you log in to Dunyanin you will be here, with me. Oh yes, I know the truth of this world. You can log out, but you will never again enjoy it here. Your only other option is to cancel your subscription and start again. But I have contacts even in your world. I will find your new identity and ruin that also. By the way, one of my followers by the name of Merideath says that you should respond to her message or the pain you feel here will be multiplied in every world in the virtual universe. She also wanted you to know that unless you respond soon then you will find that your enrolment at MIT is cancelled.”

  “Amazing, Imagine using an AI to pass on a message. I know why you blame her but am still no closer as to why she hates you. Still, I can work with that. Before we move on can I watch what happened next, please? I promise to keep quiet about it, client confidentiality and all.”

  “Gèng, just until before the throne room.”

  Stephen watched as Leah defied and then killed Suzluk.

  “That has paid for the consult. The tour will pay for something along the way. Is there anything else that I need to know?”

  “Yes, I have received several letters from the Australian Government and am wary of anything that will make them look bad, they have threatened some serious consequences.”

  “That is fairly normal, but in reality, they will find it hard to touch you now that you have an income.”

  “Yes, but they can hurt my family and friends.”

  “True. Ok, I will accept you as a client. The best thing would be for you to visit the registrar and then invite me to join you when I give the word. Gèng here can relay what is happening to me, and I will give advice.”

  After discussing options for several minutes, Leah said farewell to Stephen and walked with Gèng toward the Tower. Leah entered the Academia Portal and asked for a doorway to MIT. Entering the doorway she saw the same registrar as before.

  “Professor Hill, I’m sorry to disturb you, but I had a message that you wished to see me.”

  “Welcome Ms Carroll, thank you for coming. If you will permit me to get straight to the point, it appears that there is some doubt as to the legitimacy of your Academic grades to date. We have received information that you may have falsified your achievements in Secondary Education, and therefore it is appropriate that we cancel your enrolment.”

  “I assure you Professor Hill, the records you received were accurate. Might I know who my accuser is?”

  “The information we received is confidential, I’m sure you understand, but we cannot reveal the source of this information.”

  Gèng passed on a message from Stephen which Leah then repeated, “Professor Hill, I understand that I have a right of appeal according to the MIT handbook. For this appeal, I am required to give an appropriate defence of any charges brought. I cannot do this without more substantial information. I believe I have a right to know my accusers.”

  “Be that as it may, MIT is satisfied that the party who provided the information is above reproach and has access to the truth of the matter.”

  “I see, then I must request according to Bylaw 1342a that I be allowed appropriate representation in this meeting. I declare that Mr Stephen Riley is ready to stand as my representative. Here are his credentials, I request that you permit him access to this meeting.”

  “There is no need for a lawyer young lady, request denied.”

  “Professor Hill, I suggest you refer to your own bylaws and the Student Handbook. This is my right, and you have no option in the matter. For the second time: I declare that Mr Stephen Riley is ready to stand as my representative. Here are his credentials, I request that you permit him access to this meeting.”

  It seemed for a moment that Professor Hill was stationary and then she said, “Please wait here, the Chancellor of the School has decided to take control of this issue.”

  A few moments later the door opened, and an older man walked in. He was dressed impeccably in a charcoal suit. Leah stood as he walked toward her. He ignored her and walked behind the desk and sat down.

  “Ms Carroll, I hate being disturbed. In my ten years as Chancellor, this is only the third time that the registrar AI hasn’t been able to come to a clear decision. Please give me several moments to make myself aware of the situation.”

  Leah sat still and waited. After ten minutes the Chancellor said, “I don’t see a need for a lawyer Ms Carroll, you have been caught falsifying data and attempting to enrol under false pretences. We will refund a portion of your fees and take no further action. If lawyers get involved, be assured that we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law. This may include a ban from Academia. Now I suggest you accept the punishment and try some other school.”

  “Chancellor Foggerty, I suggest you refer to your own bylaws and the student handbook. I have a right to representation, and MIT truly has no option in the matter. For the third time: I declare that Mr Stephen Riley is ready to stand as my representative. Here are his credentials, I request that you permit him access to this meeting. Be advised that having declared my intent to have Mr Riley as my representative three times that I will have no hesitation in referring this matter to the International Virtual Court to demand compensation for your denial of my rights under the 'International Regulations for Consumer Rights in the Virtual World.'”

  “Ms Carroll, you can’t seriously think that you could take MIT to court. Request Denied.”

  Gèng shared, “Stephen says just to sit there and wait. He has submitted a copy of the interactions with the court, and they are being considered. He expects a ruling within moments.”

  Leah saw the moment that the Chancellor received the information, his whole body seemed to slump. He glared at Leah until two people appeared in the room, Stephen and a woman. The woman turned to Leah and said, “Ms Carroll, Your representative Mr Riley has referred your situation to the International Virtual Court for a ruling. I am an Avatar of the International Judiciary AI number 791. As regards your request for representation, I find that your rights have been denied by the MIT Chancellor, in accord with the relevant guidelines I have made three rulings. First, you are owed compensation: MIT will pay your legal costs, it will refund your course fees and will provide you with free education for any current or future studies at this institution. Second, Mr Stephen Riley is permitted to represent you at this and any subsequent meetings with MIT regardless of the issue at hand; his fees will be paid by the School. Finally, I will act as Judge in the current dispute: Chancellor Foggerty, please send me all the relevant information, failure to provide this will result in the suspension of MIT’s licence to operate in Academia.”

  The Chancellor was about to say something then stiffened and said, “International Judiciary AI number 791, your honour. I declare that Mr John Patterson and Ms Karen Henson are ready to stand as my representatives and for MIT. Here are their credentials, I request that you permit them access to this meeting.”

  “Access has been granted.”

  Two more people arrived, and they immediately went and stood with the Chancellor. The man said, “International Judiciary AI number 791, your honour. My name is Mr John Patterson, Attorney for MIT. I request a delay of proceedings to get acquainted with the issues at hand. Might I suggest we meet in one week.”

  “Your request is acceptable. You have thirty minutes. All parties will meet at the International Virtual Court, Room 453, in thirty minutes.”

  The Judge disappeared, and then the Chancellor turned to say something to Leah, but his lawyer stopped him and said, “Mr Riley, Ms Carroll, we will see you in thirty minutes.”

  Stephen said, “Indeed. Ms Carroll, I think we should meet at my offices, I have given Gèng the information.”

  Leah and Stephen disappeared and arrived in a well-furnished office. Stephen took a seat behind the large wooden desk and indicated that Leah should sit wherever she wanted.

  “Well Leah, that was well played. I hope you realise that I will be charging you my full rates for this.”

  “I would expect nothing less.”

  “Can you think of any way that your grades might qualify as having been falsified? They seemed pretty sure of themselves.”

  “No, I’ve checked what is on my final record, and that matches what is on all the scores received throughout my schooling. I have records from when I started school until now, hard and soft copies.”

  “You’re kidding right, hard copies from when you were six.”

  “Nope! I’ll have Gèng send you everything I copied over the years.”

  “Then I’m sure your appeal will
be upheld. Do you still want to study at MIT?”

  “Yes, they have the best program, and now it will cost me nothing.”

  “Ok, then we need to offer them a way to save credibility. The money isn’t the issue, but we need to lay the blame at their information, not their attitude. If we can help them blame their informant then even though they lose financially, they will feel vindicated. I just wish we knew who it was.”

  “Stephen, I haven’t told you everything about my past. Some things I have suppressed because of promises made. Gèng has informed me that because you are now my lawyer in this matter that one of my friends has given permission for you to know more. Could you please allow Security Oversight AI 4 to join us?”

  Stephen looked shocked for a moment then nodded.

  When Security Oversight AI 4 arrived, she said, “Hello Leah, Gèng contacted me and mentioned the problems you were having. It isn’t my business, but your attorney should have full information. Mr Riley, my name is Security Oversight AI 4, and I would like to share some information about Atherleah Carroll and the Kodomans. As her attorney, this falls under privileged-information, and you are required to keep this secret. Do you agree to these conditions?”


  Security Oversight AI 4 then explained about the altercation with Mr Tubbs and the AI code which led to enslaving people. She then discussed how Atherleah had helped rescue people and the current lawsuits against the Kodomans. After explaining she excused herself and disappeared.

  “Well, it all makes more sense now. I suppose it is the Australian Education Department and the Kodomans who have done this. We have little time so let me think on this while you prepare yourself. You cannot lose your temper in the court. You must be polite and show respect always.”


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