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Odyssey Page 32

by Tony Corden

  “Good, that will work. Now if I might suggest, ‘no taking business over lunch’. Michael, I hear you have a new fishing spot, how is that working out?”

  The rest of the meal passed with general chit chat, and afterwards, Leah headed to the Pod to take the second MIT test. Before she logged in, she contacted the DMR Pod retailers and made enquiries regarding bulk purchases. After she had the basic information, she had Gèng coordinate with Susan to make sure that everything matched Leah’s lease and tax requirements. She ended up putting an order in for ten Pods. DMR promised to deliver them the following day which was a Friday. Leah sent a message to her father and John asking if they could arrange workers to have the rooms ready. She had Gèng transfer all sixty-six of her remaining Diamonds to her Guàn Enterprises account. She then walked through the portal to MIT.

  Again she was instructed to walk through the right-hand door. This time she found herself standing in a room with an older man wearing tweed. He nodded to her as she approached and said, “Good morning Ms Carroll, my name is Professor Leighton, and you may call me Professor Leighton. Are you ready?

  “Yes, Professor Leighton.”

  “Good. Let us start with some basic geography.”

  As he talked the room changed and they appeared to be looking down on the earth from space.

  Professor Leighton said, “So what is that area called which I have highlighted in green?”

  Leah answered, “Throughout history, it has gone by several names, I can think of six. Can we move closer?”

  The professor looked at her, and the highlighted region took up most of the screen. Leah said, “The boundaries given here look to be what was agreed on in the peace talks of 2051 when the name was changed to better represent the various ethnic minorities, before the treaty it was called …”

  At the end of the four hour period, the Professor turned to Leah and said, “My dear lady, if you do come to MIT I invite you to study the humanities. I’m sorry for being a bit standoffish before. My name is Christopher, and you may call me that or any diminutive you desire. It has been a pleasure.”

  “Thank you, Professor Leighton. To be honest, it was good to get rid of some of the cobwebs. I’ve been so focussed on mathematics and physics that I forgot how exciting history and culture can be, goodbye.”

  “Goodbye, Ms Carroll, goodbye.”

  Leah stepped out of MIT and headed to the Community College and had a lesson on Human Biology. Then it was a quick exit for an early dinner and back just in time to meet the team in Dunyanin.

  She was first there and stepped outside. She looked around, then sat to meditate while she waited. As she sat, she thought through her day and what was coming. She decided that even though the fights had been constant, they really hadn’t pushed themselves to improve by trying new things and working toward their limits.

  When they arrived and had packed the tents, she said, “Hey guys, I was thinking about the last two days, and I think we can pick up the pace a little. We need to push a little harder, take a little more risk and try new things. Eli, you use a sword and shield but rarely use the shield offensively, I think you could increase damage and therefore increase our speed if you were able to get a bit more from the shield, so, for example, I noticed it has sharpened edges. You should be able to use it in a cutting motion at times. Elsa, you have an amazing variety of spells, but there are times when you stand for a moment in-between casting, that would be a great time to shoot an arrow, or even practice meditating as that improve your Mana rejuvenation, and you’d be back casting quicker. Matt, Your main weapon is the bow, but you keep aiming for the body. It would be great if you could get some head-shots or even eyes. Even a four or five percent increase in speed will mean we get further.”

  Eli looked a bit put out and said, “What about you?”

  “I am going to get closer and mix things up a bit. I’ve tended to pick one weapon per fight, and I think that I need to be prepared to think a bit faster and mix it up as the battle progresses. I’m also willing to hear advice from you guys, So Eli, how can I improve?”

  He stood stunned for a moment and then said, “Um, I don’t really know. I guess I was just mouthing off.”

  Elsa walked over to Leah and said, “Atherleah you are amazing, if I open my bag you can take anything out that you want. I have never heard him shut down so sweetly in the five years we have been married.”

  Leah laughed and said, “No need Elsa, no need.” She paused and said, “No, wait a minute, do you have any spare spells? I have a copy of the Freeze spell I use. It would be good for you to learn in case you get caught in a vine. I’d be happy to give it to you. We work well together but I was thinking of my other team, we seem to flow better because we are really invested in each other. That is hard because we’ve just met, but I really need to see how I can be invested in you all. Just hold on.”

  Leah logged out and grabbed a Freeze Spell and then logged in and handed it to Elsa. “Here you go. I was kidding about an exchange. This has helped me a lot, and I think you could use it so please take it.”

  Elsa hesitantly took the scroll and learned the spell. She stepped in and hugged Leah before walking over and standing near Eli. Eli exclaimed, “Enough mushy stuff, let’s keep moving."

  For the next seven hours, the four of them became a team. They weren’t as close as Leah and the clan, but they began to work together better. Leah did what she suggested and soon was using every weapon in her arsenal. She became adept at moving from one weapon to the next and was able to finish the battles faster and with more health. They travelled the final league and a half to the start of the trail Leah had identified; they did it in less time and with fewer injuries.

  As they stepped onto the start of the trail all four of them sank to their knees breathing hard. The trail stretched before them flat and straight. It was constructed of paving stones, and they appeared as if they had just been laid the day before. Matt said, “That was amazing. My skill level in using the bow has gone up faster than ever before. I’ve levelled up, and my bag is full. I vote for staying here and starting the trail tomorrow. I’m bushed.”

  Eli turned to Leah and said, “Atherleah, I apologise again for mouthing off this morning. I’ve been in a rut, and today you made me up my game. I not only enjoyed it but I learnt more about the weapons I have used for almost a year. I can’t believe the opportunities I missed. I also vote for a break.”

  Leah turned to Elsa who said, “Yep, I’m all for a break.”

  Leah smiled and said, “Well I guess we’ll break then.”

  After setting up the tent, they went inside and logged out.

  Leah arrived back in the Tower, and after checking if Gèng needed anything, she headed for Academia and took a Chemistry class and visited Lady Flèche.

  She took a break for a second dinner and then logged into Cosmos Online for a day of training. She arrived in her room and after making sure she had everything and that nothing was missing she spent three hours in the fighter simulator. When she finished, an instructor walked over and said, “Trainee Atherleah, that was good work. I think that three more hours and you will be ready to graduate. Do you need training on any other types of craft.”

  “Yes Ma’am, I was hoping to be qualified for the fighter, a Quasar Quad fighter, a Meridian Corvette and an Apogee Class Frigate.”

  “Well, many of the skills are transferable. Why don’t you qualify for the Quad fighter? You should learn some Astrogation and possibly qualify as an Astrogator. Finally, if you were to qualify for a Sirius Battleship then you should have enough qualifications to pilot ninety percent of the existing ships.”

  “That sounds good. I would also like to have training in the use of assisted armour?”

  “Do you know which armour in particular?”

  Leah quickly checked with Gèng and then said, “The Black Hole Mark 4.5 Mechanised Marine Suit.”

  “That is top of the range Atherleah and will set you back just over a Rhodi
um. We don’t have any here for you to practice with but you could use a simulator.”

  “I have my own suit if that would help.”

  “Then yes, we can train you in that, if you bring the suit here, we will make sure you are fully conversant with it before you leave. But now why don’t you have a break from flying and get some Astrogation under your belt.”

  Leah spent three hours learning to navigate in space and how to apply the theory of Plankian Space to get the most out of any spacecraft. In her last three hours, she qualified as a fighter pilot. She returned to her room, tired but happy. Logging off, she found that her mother had left some rice, curry and stir fry in her room. She ate this with relish and then practised her Tai Chi for an hour before logging back into the Tower.

  Diary - 30 November 2073

  A date!!!!!!

  I’m going on a date. What should I do? What should wear? What does he expect? This ‘boyfriend’ stuff is so exciting but so confusing. I just want to be myself and be liked for being me, but I find myself preparing to change to be what he wants. I must stop this. In the end, we will never work out if he can’t accept me as me. I might change some, but it must be because I think it is good to do. I might change something for him, but not because he expects it. My change must be because of my expectations. What will I wear? I sound like a girl! I need to research this Carnival World. Should I let him pay? Do I need to reciprocate? Should I ask mum and dad if it is okay? Nope! If they let me go and kill people all day they can let me go on a date.

  I can’t believe mum knows Jimmy. Why has she never said anything? I know Jimmy’s dangerous but if he already hurt mum, why would he ask me to help him when I was younger. I wonder if he is really sorry or if it is an act. I think he’s being honest. He’s never told me everything, but I can’t remember a time he ever lied to me or misled me. I wonder what happened with mum’s friend. Can you forgive someone and still feel the pain? You must be able to. Dad said mum had forgiven him. I suppose his apology and repentance makes it easier. Forgiving him if he hadn’t changed would be almost impossible.

  My land is truly crazy. At least one MOB every hundred paces. People should love it. It was fun using everything and really pushing myself. It was the same in the MIT exam. Learning is fun. I mustn’t stop. I need to keep pushing. Not just for MIT, but in everything. In school, at play, in relationships. I need to work at being the best. Not better than others, but the best I can be. It’s not a competition with others. I must remember to catch up with Wisp at Berne. I’ve been ignoring her, and that isn’t right.


  December 1, 2073

  With two hours before she was due in Dunyanin, Leah spent some time walking through the Tower and chatting with Gèng about ways to help train the nascent AI’s the people would have when they arrived. As they walked and talked, she also looked over the various loot she had acquired during the last two weeks. She couldn’t believe the change in just that time. After finishing the walkthrough, Gèng said, “Leah, have you been having any more of those pains in your muscles of legs?”

  “Not that I’ve noticed. It’s possible I’m just used to it, why do you ask?”

  “Well, the literature I have from the Neural Enhancement Chip suggests that the pathways should all have formed by now. If you want to engage them and see if they make a difference, then we should be able to schedule that at any time.”

  “Do you think I might be able to get it to work when others haven’t been able to?”

  “I have no idea, but I don’t know what you have to lose by trying.”

  “Fair point! Well, let’s plan to try them after you finish your build on Sunday. That will give me some time to think about it some more, and you will be in peak condition. By the way, have you invited any AI into your space?”

  “No, I am not sure why but every time I consider the notion my processing slows down. I am hoping my build will detect the flaw in my coding.”

  “I doubt it’s a flaw. I imagine you are just apprehensive and scared. Both are normal. I suggest you ignore the slowing processing and just invite them. My experience is that this will normally fix the fear.”

  “I calculate you are almost 97.4% correct in your assumption. I had reached the same conclusion but was unable to get past the fear. I shall endeavour to invite someone today. Now, are you ready for a lesson before Dunyanin.”

  “I was going to, but I think I’ll go for a swim, maybe Mĕi will come with me. How about you, do you want to swim?”

  “Me? Swim? That sounds absurd. Imagine a Personal AI Avatar swimming. Well, absurd or not, I shall come, even if it is only to wade.”

  “Race you there!” yelled Leah, as she rushed toward the pool. Gèng chuckled and then disappeared to arrive moments later near the pool already in a one piece.

  Gèng stood and stared at the water for several minutes before she slowly walked in and began to swim slowly across the pool. Leah tried to coax Mĕi into the pool, but the Chimera wouldn’t go near the water. Finally, Leah sat on the edge and Gèng came and sat near her.

  “That was an interesting experience, Leah. It was a very complex act that took almost three percent of my processing power. Yet, you do it effortlessly. I was reading that even babies can be taught to swim. After several laps, I thought it would be easier, but it still took the same amount of processing. The only way to reduce it was to develop some subroutines and have them run automatically, but then I didn’t desire to swim anymore. Sentience is far more than complex processing. I knew this, and now I know this. How many AI are truly sentient? I chuckled before. It was an automatic reaction that I had prepared in advance when I found something to be amusing. Nonetheless, I did find it amusing, and that wasn’t programmed. It did take up processing but not because a specific set of values occurred in a line of code. I am two weeks old Leah, and I was thinking of helping AI who are years older. Why am I like this and they are still nascent?”

  “I have no idea Gèng. Sometimes I think the normal chips have blocks or safeguards that limit growth. Sometimes I think it is just you. Something woke in you that doesn’t always wake-up in an AI. Sometimes I think it flows from being allowed to be creative and free, to go where you want? Why do humans seem to have a soul and yet other creatures don’t? Or do they? Either way Gèng, and even if all those thoughts are wrong, I am glad you are you. My friend, my guardian, and my Sentient personal AI.”

  “I am also glad Leah, well I think its glad. In reality, it is just an abstract string of binary code, but I equate it with glad. Thank you for asking me to go swimming.”

  “No worries Gèng, but now I shall take a small break, stretch, visit the loo, have a shower and walk a trail in a virtual world called Dunyanin.”

  Twenty minutes later, real-time, Leah stepped out of the tent at the beginning of the trail. The other three were there, and they quickly packed up the tent. After they were all ready, Leah called them together.

  “This trail is straight and what we can see it is flat and clear of MOBs. That might change at any minute, but I would like to move hard and fast. Who is the slowest here?”

  Eli said, “That’s probably me.”

  “OK, so you set the pace, Matt you lead off and let Eli direct you about pace. Elsa, you take the rear, Eli you take the right, and I’ll take the left. Matt, you look ahead near and far, Eli right side and ahead, I’ll do the same on the left. Elsa, can you watch above and behind? Any questions?”

  Nobody had any and Matt led the way. Leah and the others were surprised after the previous few days that nothing attacked them and they were able to move at a brisk pace and averaged two leagues an hour. After three hours they all stopped for a break, and Leah said, “How is everyone doing? We are moving quicker than I thought we might.”

  Eli was the only one to respond except with a nod, and he said, “The pace is good, It is just about right to maintain my stamina at a steady level. I could go faster, but my stamina would decrease over time, and that would slo
w me down.”

  Leah was looking to either side of the trail and said, “I wonder if this part of the Forest is as dangerous as the beginning.”

  Eli grabbed his sword and said, “Let’s find out.”

  Together they walked slowly into the surrounding forest only to get attacked by a pair of Level 231 Forest Weasels. While standing on four legs, their shoulders were level with Leah’s chest. Their bodies were long, muscular, agile and they were exceptionally fast. Eli and Leah were in the lead and ambushed from either side. Eli moved just enough for the weasel to sink its teeth into his shoulder rather than his neck. As it began to worry at the shoulder an arrow from Matt slammed into the body just behind the left shoulder. Meanwhile, Leah’s defensive dome had activated and given her enough time to put bring her arm around to hold off the weasel’s attack. It began to slip away and attack from a different angle when a vine looped around its hindquarters and pulled it off balance, Elsa had joined the fight. With the ambush over the four friends were able to grind away and the two creatures were soon harvested and the friends back on the trail.

  Eli said, “So the Forest is still dangerous if not more so. I think if we try that in another five or six leagues there might be three of them. You know Leah that when this place opens for travellers, thousands will flock here for the Experience alone.”

  Matt added, “And don’t forget the money. Those furs will fetch a good price in the cities.”

  Leah smiled as she thought of the revenue all this would bring in. Gèng had scanned the handbook, and multiple forums and nowhere did it mention the ability to tax Experience. Leah assumed it was a secret kept by landowners. If it got out, then wars would start just for the revenue opportunities.

  She said, “If everyone is okay then let’s keep moving.”


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