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To Love, Honor, and Obey...

Page 7

by Dayna Quince

  “I wish there was something I could do,” Obedience admitted with an unusual swell of sisterly emotion.

  Patience glowered at her. “There was until you ruined it.”

  Obedience swallowed. Dare she tell them what an enlightening afternoon she had? Would it help? They were both staring at her with eyes filled with loathing. She held her tongue and decided on retreat. “I didn’t know... I will leave you now.” Obedience kept her head down and exited the library. She let out a heavy sigh as she reached the stairs and hurried to her room. She didn’t know what to do or say to them at such a time. They always lashed out at her, but something needed to be said. She innately wanted to comfort her sister—she was her little sister, after all, but it would be unwelcome. What else could she do? Her gut told her to tell Chance. He would have an answer, and surely see to justice for Patience, but her mother would be against it. If she knew her mother at all, she knew her mother would try to sweep the situation under the rug. Her mother would rather lose an appendage than lose standing in their small community.

  She didn’t know what to do, so she secluded herself in her room and waited for evening to come. Later, her maid Myra arrived with a tray and informed her there would be no formal dinner. Obedience heaved a sigh of relief. However, when she sat at the small table beside her vanity and uncovered her tray, all to be found were a few limp leaves of spinach and an overcooked piece of fish. Obedience looked at Myra in question.

  Myra shrugged. “I was under strict orders. I even tried to slip you a roll, but Mrs. Cornritch inspected yer food and threw it in the trash heap.”

  Obedience groaned. “I will starve to death before I ever leave this place.”

  Myra put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. “You could always run away, join the theater or something.”

  “Thank you but I already considered it.” Obedience gave her a weak smile. She didn’t have to join the theater. She would soon be a duchess. The future could not arrive fast enough for her empty, gnawing stomach. “What are my mother and sister dining on this evening?”

  Myra grimaced.

  “It can’t be as bad as what I was given. Is Esmeralda sick? I can't believe she is even capable of cooking something this...limp.” Obedience poked at the spinach with her fingernail.

  “Your mother requested tomato soup and fresh buttered bread for Miss Patience. For herself, she requested roasted duck in wine sauce with potatoes.”

  Suddenly, Obedience felt very hot. Her fingernails bit into the palms of her hands. She unclenched her fists. “Myra, I will be changing into my riding habit.” She stood quickly and presented her back. She heard Myra gather the garment and begin to undo the back of her gown. “I would appreciate it if you tell no one that I've left.”

  “Yes, miss.” Myra helped her dress and brought her the smart little hat.

  “It’s not needed. I’m only going to the duke’s to dine.”

  Myra nodded. “What should I do with that?” She pointed to the untouched food.

  “Give it to the barn cats. I’m told Mama Fern Tail is expecting again. Goodnight, Myra.” Obedience hurried to the door. She paused and looked back. “For your silence, I will reward you handsomely. I can’t say how yet, just know that I will not break my word.”

  Myra nodded but said nothing. Obedience hurried down the back stairs and out into the side courtyard. The shadows were growing as the sun set, hiding her in their depths as she made her way to the stables. The barn was empty, the stable hands and grooms enjoying their supper. She saddled a horse herself and rode out of the stables without being seen. If they came upon the empty stall, Obedience always left her handkerchief on the peg to let them know it was her doing.

  The ride was a blur, the route second nature to both of them. Obedience rode straight into the duke’s stable, surprising Edgar, the head stableman.

  “You near frightened me to death.” He wiped his brow and took hold of the bridle.

  “I’m sorry, Edgar. I came to surprise the duke and Lord Willowton.”

  “You will always be welcome here, miss.”

  “I know. That is why I’m here so often. It’s nice to feel welcome.”

  “That it is, miss, that it is. I heard the dinner gong two minutes ago, so you’s better hurry.”

  “Thank you, Edgar.” Obedience headed inside the house. She entered through the kitchen, earning a scolding from Mrs. Moore.

  “Why, Miss Wickenham, I had no idea you were dining with us tonight.”

  “Neither did I.” Obedience smiled. “I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience.”

  “Nonsense. We are always happy to have you, but His Grace and his lordship are dining informally in His Grace’s room.”

  “Oh, I suppose that is easier when there is no company.” Obedience hesitated. She hadn’t stopped to consider where the duke ate when she wasn’t here. Obedience didn’t mind inviting herself to dinner in the dining room. However, the duke’s bedroom was a different story.

  “Would it be too much trouble if I ate with you?” Obedience asked nervously.

  “With us?” Mrs. Moore looked scandalized.

  “You see, my mother intends to starve me with a ridiculous slimming regime, and I simply must eat something other than spinach leaves.” Obedience looked around at the shocked faces and considered going to a local inn. Her mother would love hearing about that.

  “You honor us, Miss Wickenham, but I know His Grace would prefer you dine with him. I’ll have another service sent up straight away. Don’t you worry about a thing.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Moore.” Obedience blushed with embarrassment.

  “Miss Wickenham, if you will allow me, I will show you to His Grace’s rooms.” Gable waved her forward.

  “Thank you.”

  Obedience folded her clammy hands behind her back as they climbed the stairs to the duke’s suite. They paused before the door, and Gable promptly knocked before entering. Obedience waited while he announced her. Chance appeared at the door instantly, his brow furrowed. “Is everything all right?”

  “Well, yes. I just wanted to see the duke. I hope I’m not interrupting your dinner?”

  Chance raised a brow. “It just arrived...with an extra place setting.”

  Obedience smiled bashfully. “I came in through the kitchen, and Mrs. Moore insisted I join you. I hope it’s not a bother.”

  “Of course not,” Chance stepped back and beckoned her in. “Our home is now your home.”

  Obedience walked in slowly, her smile timid but very real. Her heart squeezed painfully in her chest when she saw the duke. He was looking at her with his shrewd eyes and seeing far too much, but she didn’t care because it was a reminder that he cared for her, and she didn’t often feel cared for anymore. She was surprised to find herself feeling weepy suddenly. A swell of fond emotion suffused her, and her eyes felt watery. Chance held out a chair for her and she sat.

  The duke continued to watch her, his gaze softening and a smile playing about his lips. “This is a pleasant surprise.”

  “I'm glad you think so.” Obedience brightened. “May I join you?”

  “Certainly, you never have to ask, my dear. You presence is always a gift to me.”

  “Stop wooing my fiancée, Father.” Chance chuckled and took his seat. The footman came forward and began to serve them.

  Obedience sighed in appreciation as covers were removed to reveal roasted asparagus in hollandaise sauce, creamy potatoes, succulent slices of roast beef dripping with juices, and rolls, golden and puffed to perfection. Her mouth began to water, and she gripped her skirts under the table to keep herself from scooping handfuls of food into her mouth like a starving beast. The glasses before her were filled with wine and water, and then the footman retreated to his post.

  “A toast,” the duke raised his glass. “To the future, and all the blessings it will bring.”

  Chance and Obedience raised their glasses. Chance gave her an apologetic smile before sipping his wine. O
bedience smiled in return, grateful beyond words for their kindness.

  Obedience attacked her food gracefully. There was no need to fill the void with conversation. Instead, there was a sense of peaceful companionship amongst them. When her plate was cleared, and the footman presented her with apricot pudding, Obedience almost declined. But then she thought about the chances of indulging in such a delight before her marriage to Chance and caved into the wants of her sweet tooth. She didn't know when they would be married, and it wasn't as if she could come to dinner every night. She was courting scandal every time she came here alone, but she just couldn't summon the urge to care at this point in her life.

  They finished eating, and Obedience knew she couldn't stay any longer. She stood and kissed the duke on the cheek, bringing a ruby glow to his cheeks though he waved her away bashfully.

  “Don't waste your kisses on an old man like me. You've a fiancé now.” He laughed.

  “Father,” Chance scolded. His father laughed at his dismay.

  “Come, Obedience. I will see you out.”

  Obedience squeezed the duke’s hand. Her cheeks felt warm as well. “Goodnight.” She took Chance’s offered elbow and they left the room.

  “I don't suppose you arrived in something acceptable like a carriage?”

  “No.” She looked up and smiled at his disapproving frown. “I rode.”

  Chance rolled his eyes. “I'll have the carriage brought round then.”

  “No. My mother doesn't know I've left. I can ride back.”

  Chance pulled her to a stop in the hall. “Obedience, why the clandestine dinner?”

  “I wanted real food. If I hadn't come here, I would have been forced to eat my pillow. It would have tasted far superior to what I was supposed to eat.”

  “Good god. I'm going to speak with her,” he said furiously.

  “Don't do that. It's only until we're married, and then I can be a glutton. I don't want to make things worse than they already are.” She thought of her sister, and the joy of the evening faded away.

  Chance took her hand. “It shouldn't be long now. The messenger will return with a special license in a few days.” He looked down at her.

  Obedience had the urge to step closer to him, to rest her head against his chest and let him shelter her. He was her champion, sacrificing himself for her and his father. She would do anything to make it up to him. “I am indebted to you, Chance. You are giving up so much for me...and for your father.”

  He smiled. “I'm not giving up anything, now come. We can take the carriage most of the way with our horses hitched behind, and then I will ride you to the stables.” He pulled her along the hall, but he didn't let go of her hand.

  “That really isn't necessary.”

  “It absolutely is necessary. No more riding about the countryside at night. I'm only grateful you didn't show up in breeches.”

  “Someday, women in breeches will be quite common place.”

  Chance laughed. “I don't know whether to be happy or horrified should such a day come.”

  The night was cool and clear when they stepped out from under the portico. Chance handed her into the carriage and boldly sat beside her. He still had possession of her hand, which she didn't seem to mind. The interior was dark with only faint light from the outer lanterns to see by. He had one simple goal while escorting her home, and that was to further their intimacy, however slightly, before they married. He tried to tell himself it was for her benefit, but he knew that the simple truth was he wanted to kiss her again. It could be only a matter of days before they were wed, and being an innocent, she might be completely ignorant of the duties that would befall a wife come her wedding night. Not that he would rush her. In fact, his plan was the opposite. He wanted to give her as much time as she needed and greet each pleasurable milestone slowly, even after they said their vows.

  He turned to look at her, her profile illuminated by the light from outside the window. Just looking at her made his blood heat. He couldn't remember the last time he was this affected like this by a woman. Most of his liaisons were sophisticated games of cat and mouse, but Obedience made him feel different, like a conqueror, and he didn’t understand why. She hadn't this effect on him before. Perhaps he hadn't been ready to see it, but now he couldn't look away. Every cell in his body wanted to reach out to her and claim what could already be his. “Obedience.” He startled her and himself with the roughness of his voice.

  She turned to look at him, the details of her face disappearing in the shadows. He brought a hand up to her face, his thumb instinctively locating and sliding over the arc of her lip. Without hesitation, he bent to kiss her, capturing her gasp of surprise. She recovered quickly, her lips softening and then opening to allow him to take her mouth. Chance smiled against her lips. He should have known she'd be a fast learner.

  She slid her tongue across his, and he felt it all the way to his groin. She brought her hands up to his shoulders, turning her body toward him. Sliding his hands to her shoulders and down her back, he pulled her onto his lap and leaned back against the squabs. She didn't fight him. Instead, she leaned into the kiss, her hip digging into him uncomfortably.

  Chance groaned, but it wasn't from pleasure. Pulling back from the kiss, he tried to look into her eyes, but they were shrouded in darkness.

  “Do you trust me, Obedience?” he asked, his voice thick with desire.

  “Of course.”

  Chance reached for her skirts, pulling them up to her knees. “Sit astride me.”

  She didn't respond, but he saw her head dip in agreement. He held her skirts up as she shifted to her knees beside him, her head lowering to avoid the roof. She brought one knee over his hips and slowly lowered. Chance dropped her skirts and let his hand slide up her thigh as she sat. By the time she settled on top of him, he was as hard as granite. She jerked in surprise, holding herself just above him. There was very little material between them now. He could feel the heat from the core of her body. “Did I shock you?”

  “No… Yes, I—I don't want to hurt you,” she admitted.

  Chance chuckled and brushed his hand over her buttock to her hip. With pressure, he brought her down fully onto his hardness, shuddering with restrained passion as he did so. “You won't hurt me, but you will drive me mad.”

  “I'm sorry,” she said, adjusting herself a little.

  “Don't do that.” Chance groaned aloud. “For gods sake, hold still and kiss me.”

  Obedience could feel her heart racing, her breaths shallow and excited. She set her lips against his, his mouth opening and inviting her to enter. She took the lead, a novel experience, and did her own exploring. He kept his hand firmly on her hip. Occasionally, the carriage would roll over a bump. They would grind against each other as she wiggled in his lap, torturing him.

  “I told you to remain still.” Chance panted as he broke the kiss. “How am I to remain in control if you can't?” He emphasized his words by thrusting against her.

  She moaned. “But Chance, I like it.”

  “I know you do, but I wanted to take things slow,” he said and thrust against her again.

  She squeezed her thighs in response. Her body undulated, driving him mad with more friction. “Teddy, please,” she begged, her words as arousing as every touch.

  He squeezed her hip, teasing himself with the hot dampness between her legs. Damn it but this was a mistake. He should have never kissed her, but it was too late. She had tucked her head into his shoulder, her breath huffing against his skin. He dipped his hand between her thighs and she jerked.

  “Shhh. I'm going to give you what you want, but I want you to do something for me.”

  “Anything.” She panted.

  Chance smiled in the darkness. “Take off your jacket and open your blouse.”

  She did as he said, her fingers moving quickly over the buttons. She separated the halves of her riding jacket and began on the buttons of her shirt, making quick work of the two buttons at the neck and
tape tied around her waist. She pulled open her shirt, and Chance brought his free hand up to cup her breast. “No stays?”

  “I hate stays,” she said and sucked in a breath as he squeezed her breast.

  His other hand gently touched the folds of her sex. With nimble fingers, he untied the strap of her chemise and pulled it down, revealing her bare breast. He bent forward and touched his lips to her skin, his tongue darting out to tease her sensitive nipple. She gasped but didn't move, and he drew her attention to his hand between her legs by dipping a single finger into her sheath. Her hands moved from his shoulders to his neck where her fingernails lightly bit into his skin. Using his thumb, he massaged the sensitive bead hidden in her curls, and she jerked against his hand.

  “Chance,” she cried.

  “It's all right. It's only going to get better.” He drew her nipple into his mouth and sucked, drawing another moan from her. At the same time, he added a second finger to the first and slowly moved them in and out. He could feel her thighs tensing around him, her back rigid. He pulled back his mouth, giving her some reprieve. “Relax. Do you not like what I'm doing?”

  “No, I mean... Please don't stop.” Her voice was strangled.

  Chance nuzzled her breasts and smiled. His little porcupette was going to fall to pieces in his arms soon. This boded well for their future as husband and wife. Their marriage bed would be anything but dull because she was so fearless and trusting. Chance brought his head up caught her mouth in a kiss. He increased the tempo of his fingers between her legs and the pressure of his thumb. She was shaking now, her first climax destined to be earth-shattering. He only wished he could be buried inside her when it happened, but that would have to wait. He was already far beyond the measured pace he'd wanted to keep for her introduction to passion.

  She was arching her back now, her hips moving with his hand instinctively. He growled in satisfaction as she climaxed, her head tipping back as she moaned in release. She went limp in his arms then, and Chance tucked her against him. He only let her rest for a moment before urging her to sit up so he could do up her blouse and jacket. Once she was put together, he cradled her face and kissed her softly. He could feel the flutter of her eyelashes against his cheeks.


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