Owned by the Mob (Bianchi Crime Family Book 3)

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Owned by the Mob (Bianchi Crime Family Book 3) Page 4

by C. M. Steele

  He laughs with a dark look on his face. “If you ever mention my brother and your pussy in the same sentence, I’ll take you over my fucking knees. Tell me where you got this bruise, and I will explain further.”

  “No can do.” Holy shit. My panties are soaked with that jealous warning.

  “I’m assuming you either have a violent boyfriend who will be dead by the end of the night, or your piece-of-shit father did this.”

  “What does it matter to you?” Why am I turned on by that threat of killing someone who hurt me?

  “Because when it’s all said and done, I own you.” Oh, so I’m his property and he must not like anyone touching his things.

  “You don’t own me. That’s fucking illegal.” He looks even less moved by that tidbit, which I should have expected, considering his profession.

  “Yeah, somehow I don’t give a fuck. Now, you can sit on my lap while I go over these documents, or you can sit your pretty ass over there and let me sit at the desk. We’ll enjoy the first, but it’ll defeat the purpose of my being here, so please have a seat and don’t think of leaving. One of my guards is standing outside just in case.” I have no intention of leaving until he does. For all I know this place could be ablaze and he’d collect the insurance money. Fuck, has the insurance premiums been paid?

  This isn’t how I dreamed of our relationship going. Then again, I had a crush on a guy who I believed was an upstanding citizen, educating the masses not a violent criminal. “Wow, so I’m just supposed to drop down on my knees for you and do your bidding?”

  He smiles and steps around the side of the desk, placing his hands on my hips and lifting me off my feet and swiftly planting me down on the chair next to my desk. Leaning on the armrests, inches from my face, he says with a growl, “One day I’d love to see your lips wrapped around my cock, but it’s not because you owe us money. If you mention it like that again, I’ll burn this place down, strangle your father, and then fuck that mouth of yours because I can.”

  “He’s my stepfather.”

  As soon as the words leave my lips, he smiles and stands straight. “Good. His time stealing air is getting ever closer to ending. Since you just qualified your relationship, I’m guessing that he did that to you,” he says, pointing to my arm.

  “I suppose you’re as smart as you look,” I say, using his words against him.

  “That’s what I’m told. Now, be a good girl and sit to the side. I really need to focus.” As condescending as he sounds, I can tell that he’s absolutely serious. He can’t concentrate with me in his line of sight, so I do as I’m told, adjusting my chair. After all, I’d just come to the realization that I was fucked before he walked in, and not in the way I want.

  Just maybe I want to be fucked by him.

  Chapter Five


  I read over the reports and want to kill the bastard. He has thoroughly screwed her to make sure that if the ship sinks, she’s the only one liable for it. Shit, they need to teach more important shit in high school, so young people don’t end up fucked. They don’t need to know about fucking parallelograms when they can’t handle legal documents.

  See, on top of our loan, she has a loan for double the amount with Bank of America. I wonder if she’s even aware of the matter. “Sweetheart, besides this loan that he put under your name with us, there’s this one here. Did you know about this?”

  “This I remember signing up for. I was told that we didn’t get it but that he got us another, and that I didn’t have to sign any more documents.” I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Holy fuck. My temper is going up to the point I might ignite this shit without a match.

  I take several more calming breaths so I can speak without being a total asshole because she could have Googled some of this shit before agreeing. She gave him power of attorney for the loan documents which is a massive fuck up that I’m sure she’s not even aware of making. “No, Ivy. That’s not how any of this works. Banks would rather kill a hundred trees before they write on another bank’s documents. In fact, I’m wondering if there are more debts under your name that you’re not aware of.”

  “Wouldn’t my credit report show that?” She asks a reasonable question.

  “Yes, but like ours, it was done under the table.” Her face turns pale, and I feel like a heel. I’m supposed to be protecting this woman with my life and I’m making matters worse. I need to check my condescension and arrogance at the door. Not everyone is as well versed in finances.

  “Oh my goodness. Will there be other people out to kill me for the money?” Her legitimate fear angers me. “What does your brother look like?”

  “What is with mentioning my brother? He’s married to that woman that you saw me talking to the other day.” I’m trying not to get pissed off because I’ve never wanted to punch my brother in the face so badly.

  “Aria, the beautiful woman that I envy?” Can’t Ivy see how stunning she is? To me she’s perfection and my sister-in-law can’t compare.

  “Yes, but I think you’re even more beautiful so you have nothing to be envious of when it comes to her. As for my brother’s appearance, he looks like me, just slightly taller with different colored eyes.”

  “Wow, okay.” She pales, clinging onto the edge of her chair. The tension in her body insanely visible.

  “What’s going on?”

  Her voice is so soft I almost don’t hear her speak. “He does have another debt out. I don’t know who the guy was, but I have a week to get his money or he’s going to take out payments with me.” She doesn’t need to explain, and I’m going to find this fuck and put a bullet in his brain for even suggesting that he had the right to touch my woman.

  “Not if I have a say, which I do. Besides, I’m going to handle this son of a bitch.” I can’t simmer down the anger in the pit of my stomach. It festers with violent need to exact revenge on anyone that crosses Ivy or me.

  “Why?” She sobs into her hands, crying softly and honestly. My poor girl deserves so much more. She doesn’t wait for me to respond which is good because I’m not sure she’d believe me when I’d say how much I love her. She stiffens up her spine and grabs some of the documents off the desk. Her hands shake as she attempts to go back to work.

  Standing, I begin pacing as I attempt to calm down. Needing to speak with my brother, I grab my phone and shoot a text to Dom. I need to talk to you later tonight. More problems.

  He replies within twenty seconds, Call when you’re ready.

  Nodding, I tuck it back in my pants pocket. When I look at Ivy again, she’s taken my seat this time as if she was just itching for me to hop out of it. Stubborn, frustrating, absolutely enchanting woman.

  Leaning over her desk, I press my hand on the paper in front of her. With tired, sad eyes, Ivy looks up at me, and I say, “Enough for the night.”

  “I’m not done. There is just so much to do.” No matter how much she insists, I won’t budge. She wants to pull her hair out, but I can’t let her stress like this. With my skills, I could organize this in the morning, and the rest of the problems we’ll work on.

  “That can wait until morning,” I explain, pulling the papers away and sliding them into the file folder I created for the invoices.

  “I work in the morning.”

  Smiling at her, I remind her why I’m here. “Yes, but I will take care of it.”

  “Don’t you have a job?” Yes. One that I love, but some things are more important, especially her.

  Ivy just does something to me where I just want to laugh. I don’t understand the feelings this woman evokes in me, but I love them. “Yes, but this is one part of it. My brother wants his money back and trusts in my ability to make it happen.”

  “If we’re bleeding money, then…”

  I swipe her thread-bare sweater off the coat stand in the corner and hold it out to her. “Enough. Let’s go. You need some food in your body. What did you eat today?” She pauses to think about it, but she fails to come up with
something quick enough for my tastes. I walk around the other side of the desk so I’m directly behind her sexy body and I slide one arm in, forcing to be dressed by me or doing it herself. She goes for the second option to save some dignity.

  “We’re going.” I pull out my phone and call Enrico who was waiting outside for me. “Tell them I want double my normal order from Mama Donna and bring it to my condo. Please.”

  “Sure.” I end the call and tuck my phone away, so I can easily reach my gun.

  “You have people waiting to do your bidding?” she asks, grabbing her messenger bag and slinging it over her shoulder. I take it from her and put it over my shoulder.

  “Yes and no. They work for the family. My brother is the boss, and my cousin is his second. I’m third.”

  “Why would your cousin outrank you?” It’s a common question since we’re all close in age, but once they meet us, they understand.

  “Because I’m a math nerd who spends my day with my head in the books.”

  “Wow, so you don’t get bothered?”

  “No, we’re tight, and it’s not a big deal. I sure as fuck don’t want anything to happen to them. Now lock up, so I can feed you.” She closes her office with a simple push button lock. I don’t like it because it’s easy to break into. I scan the back room for the first time and don’t see any hint of security systems.

  “You need cameras in here,” I remark while I stand at the back door.

  “I trust my employees.”

  Shaking my head, I invade her space, causing her to back into one of the steel counters. “Honey, I could have my way with you right here and no one would know.”

  “Why? Do you like an audience?” She crosses her arms, huffing out in pure jealousy. Little does she know that it’s wasted energy.

  I close the distance and then brush my fingers down the side of her cheek to her pulse. “When I get you naked, not a soul will be around because every inch of you belongs to me, including every moan, scream, and body shaking orgasm.”

  She blushes and doesn’t have a quick retort. She locks up, but the security is absolute shit and she doesn’t even know it. Pressing my hand to the small of her back, I lead her to my Mercedes.

  I hold open my car door. “Please get in.” She does so without hesitation. Although as soon as I get into the driver’s seat and start my sleek ride, she panics.

  “I can’t go with you.”

  “Well, you are. Remember that whole owning thing?” I wink at her and start driving.

  “Yes, but that’s just the business.”

  “Until we’re even, it’s not. Don’t worry, though—fucking you will not be on the cards and isn’t part of the process, but I refuse to let you out of my sight, so you’ll be staying at my condo.”

  “What the hell? What about my clothes? Did you sneak into my apartment and take them too?”

  “I didn’t steal your clothes. I bought you new clothes.”

  “How do you know my size?”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t look at your clothes in your apartment, but after the lack of electricity this morning, I decided it was best to leave everything where it was. By the way, you can’t stay there anymore, anyway. It’s infested with rats.”

  “What? That’s crazy. I try to keep it clean.”

  When we come to a stop, I pull out the paper from my inside pocket and hand it to her. “No one said you didn’t, but there was a notice on your door about a rat problem around the building.” I might have been the one to put it on the door, but she doesn’t need to know that.

  “Son of a bitch. This is only getting better. I’ve been sold to a mobster, other thugs are hunting me down, and all the while I have no food, no electricity, and now rats.”

  “Calm down, Ivy. This is all about to look up.” We arrive at my condo building, and I pull into my car park. I park in my spot and then turn to her. “We’re home.”

  “Are you serious? You live here?”

  “Yes. Now come on. The food will be here shortly.” I take her hand, and we enter my private elevator, which is only for the top condo. As I unlock the door, I press my hand to the small of her back and lead her into our home.

  “This place is pretty sweet.”

  “Thank you. Come, sit down and relax. I’m sure you’re tired since you’ve been up probably well before the sun.”

  “How did you know that?”

  “Sweetheart, you own a café that opens before the sun fully rises, and it takes about forty-five minutes to take the train into work.”

  “Okay, so you got me there.” She yawns, covering her mouth with her hand so cutely as she sits. As much as I want her to rest, I need her to eat. It’s clear she’s not eating. Her face shows it. Just three days ago, she had more color and her cheeks weren’t so hollowed out. My poor girl. After finding out they had no power and the only food left was spoiled, I suspected that she’d been going without food.

  “What would you like to drink?”

  “Water, please.” I let her get away with it for now because we’re about to have dinner, but she’s been living off water. I noticed she doesn’t drink coffee. It’s a weird thing to see for someone who owns a café.

  I bring out water and a pop out for myself, along with some plates and silverware.

  “These are very nice,” she says, pointing to the plates.

  “Yes, my mother picked them out when I first moved in here.”

  My phone goes off, and it’s Enrico with the food. I buzz him in and he brings the food inside, keeping his eyes down and away from Ivy. He’s a good guy, but I’m a bit crazy, it would seem.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Miss.”

  “Thank you, Enrico. You can go home for the night.” I walk Enrico to the door, so that I can ensure it’s locked up. “Good luck, Niccolò.”

  I wink and say, “I’m going to need it.”

  “Have fun.” He leaves with a grin on his face.

  When I come back into the room, she’s still sitting there, biting on her bottom lip but hasn’t opened a single bag. “Don’t wait for me. Please start eating.”

  “Sorry, I just don’t know where to start.” I open some of the bags, taking out entrees when I find what I’m looking for.

  “Here, taste this.” It’s their famous garlic bread, and it’s magnificent. I stretch out my hand and extend the food to her soft mouth. As she bites down, a moan slips past her lips, and my dick immediately reacts. A growl comes from somewhere in the room, and it takes me a second to understand it’s coming from me. Her beautiful, bright eyes widen in shock.


  “It’s delicious.” Ivy takes the rest of it from me with a devilish grin.

  I need some air before I maul her. “I need to make a call. Please eat.” I step out of the room and into my office to call Dom.

  “Hey, what’s going on? How did she take the news?”

  “Let’s just say she’s not pleased, but there’s another problem. A stage-four asshole came up to her and demanded money or he’s going to take it out on her. So, he owes money to more people than just us.”

  “Who is the soon-to-be dead motherfucker?”

  “I don’t know. I think it’s time we had a talk with her stepfather again. There’s no way in hell anyone is touching a hair on her head.”

  “Calm yourself. You know damn well we’ll get this shit straightened out.”

  “I want to shoot that asshole as soon as he gives us names,” I say, keeping my voice low but my meaning crystal clear.

  “We’ve been over this, Niccolò.”

  “He left a bruise on her arm.” Rage beats in my chest thinking that he could harm my precious Ivy, who is less than half his size. If Billy boy had to deal with a man like me, he wouldn’t dare put a hand on my woman. In fact, he cried like a bitch by the time I was done with him.

  “Okay. He’s ticking all the marks, but you don’t want her to hate you for it. So, I’ll speak to him for now. You d
eal with the business and getting that girl to eat.”

  “Some people are naturally slender.”

  “I know. My wife is nosy. She’s been asking more and more about her, so she knows Ivy hasn’t had money for food and doesn’t eat at work for fear of losing more profits.”

  “Holy shit, your wife could be a detective.”

  “Yes. After all the shit we put her through over the years, she doesn’t play anymore. I think Mama has been a bad influence on her.”

  “Who has been a bad influence?” Aria’s voice rings through the phone.

  “Shit. I’ve gotta go. I’ll take care of him. Good luck,” he whispers on the phone.

  “Same to you.” I laugh and end the call. Aria’s going to get pissy, but I’m sure he’s fine. There’s no sound coming from the living room, but my security hasn’t gone off. When I step into the living room, my sweet girl is sleeping with half a plate of pasta on her lap.

  “Shit.” I take the plate before it falls.

  “Sugar, I need to get you to bed.”

  “I’m too tired tonight.” She sighs, clinging to me, resting her head on my chest. It feels too right, and it’s going to kill me to let her sleep alone but that’s what I promised her.

  “That’s what beds are for, Ivy. It’s bedtime.”

  “Wait, I didn’t finish my garlic bread,” she says, trying to reach for it.

  “Okay. We’ll take it with us.” I bend down and pick up the container.

  “Thank you, Professor.”


  “We didn’t know what you did for a living, but you have something sexy and nerdy going, so you’re like a hot professor.”

  “I need to know which professors you think are hot so I can kill them.”

  “I didn’t go to college, silly.”

  “Good. No professors for you.” I press my lips to her temple and set her on the bed. “Except for me. I’ll be your only instructor.”

  As soon as I leave her in the room with her garlic bread on the nightstand, she doesn’t make another sound. I listen and peek through the door to see her sleeping. She’s beat. I have a couple of calls to make, and then I’ll get her nice and tucked in.


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