Clouds of Glory

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by Michael Korda

  Fremantle, Arthur James Lyon, 523–24, 574; Battle of Gettysburg and, 537, 539, 545, 546, 547, 548–49, 549n, 556, 557, 559, 570, 586–87; description of July 2, Battle of Gettysburg, 571, 571n, 573, 575, 575n; description of July 3, Battle of Gettysburg, 598, 599–600; description of Lee, 549

  Frémont, John C., 303, 311

  French, William, 483

  Fritchie, Barbara, 471n

  From Manassas to Appomattox (Longstreet), 568

  Front Royal (Guard Hill or Cedarville), Battle of, 312

  Frost, Robert, 587

  Fuller, J. F. C., 294, 311–12, 325, 334, 424–25, 439, 470, 471, 497n, 510, 513, 519, 539, 573, 617, 635

  Gaines’s Mill (Chickahominy River), Battle of, 358, 359–76, 366; battlefield with sketch of Jackson’s line of advance, 366; Boatswain’s Creek, 362, 364–65, 370, 371; burying the dead, 375; casualties, 373, 373n; Confederate forces, size of, 374; crumbling of Union line, 372–73; Hood’s charge, 371–72; Jackson’s blunder of wrong route, 367–69, 370; Lee becomes hero, 373; Magruder and, 360; map, area between Chickahominy and Pamunkey rivers, 320; meeting of Jackson and Lee, 370–71; poor Confederate maps and, 361, 362, 365; rebel yell and, 371; Union Army destruction of supplies, 374, 375

  Garcia, G., 214

  Garfield, James A., 608

  Garnett, Richard S., 252–53, 256, 257–58, 271, 407; death of, 258, 407

  Garrett, John W., xxi–xxii

  Garrison, William Lloyd, xxxvii, xxxix, 688

  Gettysburg (film), 423, 533, 561

  Gettysburg, Battle of, 125n, 151, 330, 404, 523–601; Baltimore Pike, 554, 556, 566, 575; Buford at, 33; casualties, 42, 557, 580, 601; Cemetery Hill, 556, 564, 568, 578; Cemetery Ridge, 134n, 556, 564, 566, 571, 573, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 585, 587–88, 591, 594, 595; Confederate advance on, 535–36, 536, 540, 541, 542, 545, 546, 547, 549–50; Confederate Army’s lack of ammunition, 580–81, 595, 596, 601; Confederate defeat, 599; Confederate withdrawal, 601, 603; Culp’s Hill, 556, 557, 558–59, 561, 562–63, 564, 566, 575, 579, 586; Devil’s Den, 576, 577, 578; diagram (July 2–3), 555; “fishhook,” Federal position on Little Round top, 579, 579, 586; Fremantle’s account (see Fremantle, Arthur James Lyon); Fremantle’s description of Lee, July 1, 549; Hood at, 184; horses killed, 581, 594; July 1, day one, 549–67; July 2, day two, 567–83; July 3, day three, 583–601, 597; Lee accepts responsibility for loss, 600–604; Lee as “blinded giant,” 544; Lee’s battle plan, 423, 562, 565, 576, 583–84, 587–89; Lee’s errors, 534–35, 539, 557–58, 558n, 563, 564, 568, 571, 573–74, 580, 581–83; as Lee’s greatest defeat, 220n; Lee’s orders to Stuart, 539–40; Lee’s purported remark to Anderson, 551–53; Lee’s report, 529–30; Lee’s temperament and casualties at, 42; Lee’s unhappiness with site, 545–46, 574; Little Round Top, 564, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 585, 594; Longstreet blamed for loss, 420n, 533, 534, 552, 559–60, 567, 568, 577–78, 577n, 590, 681; Longstreet’s opposition to, 524, 525–26, 528, 576–77; Meade and, 134n, 542, 543, 544, 546, 548, 553, 578, 579, 580, 581, 593, 594, 601; officers killed or wounded, 553, 578, 599, 600–601; opponents of Lee’s plan, 524, 525 (see also Longstreet above); Peach Orchard, 573, 576, 577, 578; Pickett’s Charge, 42, 407, 569, 589–90, 591, 592, 595–96, 597, 598, 600; prisoners taken, 557, 558, 601; questions and controversies about, 533, 539–40, 559–60, 567–68, 571, 572, 590, 601; Round Top, 564, 568, 572–73; Seminary Ridge, 33, 550, 554, 556, 559, 570, 573, 585, 586, 587, 591, 595; Stuart’s mistakes, 540–41, 542, 544, 546, 547, 551, 554, 562, 566, 576, 580, 681; study of, 567–68; Ziegler’s Grove, 587, 588, 591

  Gettysburg, PA, 548, 548n, 549, 557; Ewell’s headquarters in, 571, 571n

  Gil Blas (Lesage), 35–36

  Goncharov, Ivan, 165n

  Gordon, John Brown, 558, 658, 659

  Gordonsville, VA, 301, 339, 401, 402, 416; Jackson ordered to advance on, 400, 401, 406; Lee war council at, 413–14, 415–16

  Grant, Ulysses S., 120, 230; alcohol and, 158, 625; appointed commander, U.S. Army, 611; Appomattox, battle and surrender, 651, 652–53, 655; Appomattox, generosity of, at surrender, 668, 669; attack on Richmond and Petersburg, 645–46, 647; Battle of Cold Harbor, 42, 629–31; Battle of Shiloh, 305, 308; Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse, 624–27; Battle of the Crater, 635–36; Battle of Wilderness, 617–24; as “butcher” of troops, 42, 612; capture of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, 288–89; central strategic idea, 524, 612, 616, 636; character of, 611; crossing of Rapidan, 405; disappointment and self-doubts about military career, 99, 157–58; on Floyd, 280; Halleck and, 400, 625; on Hooker, 480n; Lee and, 230, 611–12, 618, 618n, 623, 672, 688; Lee’s pardon and, 676; linking of Mexican War and Civil War, 104; Longstreet and, 533; on McClellan, 293; Meade and, 617n; memoirs, 618, 630, 635, 665; Mexican War and, 154; migraine headaches, 656–57; military genius of, 37, 255; on Mosby’s men, 690; opinion of Burnside, 492; opinion of Lee, 34, 163, 163n; pontoon bridge over the Chickahominy River, 632; prisoners taken, 611; on seizure of Mexican territory, 103–4; siege of Petersburg, 632, 635; siege of Richmond and, 632; size of force, 617; terms of Lee’s surrender, 655, 666–68, 677; uniform, 664–65; Vicksburg and, 524, 525, 528, 601, 611; wife, Julia, 158

  Grant and Lee (Fuller), 424, 497n

  Gratiot, Charles, 49, 69, 78, 82–83, 106; dismissal from command, 93–94; Lee as assistant to, War Department, 75, 80–82; Lee’s Mississippi channel project and, 89

  Green, Israel, xxii, xxvii, xxviii, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxvi

  Greene, Nathanael, 9, 16

  Greenhow, Rose O’Neal “Wild Rose,” 263–64

  Gregg, Maxey, 363

  Grey, Selina, 240, 241, 260

  Grierson, Benjamin, 524

  Grimes, Benjamin F., 475

  Groveton, VA, 434, 436, 438. See also Bull Run, Second Battle of

  Hagerstown, MD, 471–72, 535, 537

  Hale, Horace, 63, 71

  Halleck, Henry, 400, 401, 408, 413, 438, 452, 459, 496, 520, 541, 634; Grant’s famous telegraphic message to, 625

  Hamilton, Alexander, 44

  Hamlin, Hannibal, 216

  Hamtramck Guards, xxii

  Hancock, Winfield Scott: Battle of Gettysburg and, 556; Battle of Wilderness, 619, 623; Mexican War, 154

  Harpers Ferry, VA, 249, 312; changing of hands during the Civil War, 259, 491, 532; defense at, 238; Jackson’s capturing of, 237, 474, 475; John Brown’s raid, xvi–xxiii, xxv–xxxvi, 212; Johnston in command of, 252; Lee and John Brown’s raid, xxiii, xxv–xxxvii, 201, 210; Lee’s message to John Brown at, xxviii; Lee’s plan to attack during Civil War, 465–66, 467, 472, 473; strategic position of, 249

  Harris, Arthur, 331

  Harrisburg, PA, 465, 473, 533, 536, 541

  Harrison’s Landing, VA, 397, 398, 408, 413; Lee’s diversionary operations, 402, 406

  Harvard University, 686n

  Hatch, John Porter, 436n

  Hayne, Paul Hamilton, 286–87

  Heintzelman, Samuel P., 343–44, 345

  Henderson, G. F. R., 424, 444

  Henry, Patrick, 554

  Heth, Henry, 33, 548, 550, 551, 553, 570

  Hickory Hill plantation, 335, 415, 489, 604–5, 607

  Hill, A. P., 407, 434, 550, 573, 636; advance on Gordonsville, 402, 410; Battle of Antietam, 484; Battle of Cedar Mountain, 410–13; Battle of Chancellorsville, 517–18; Battle of Fredericksburg, 502; Battle of Gettysburg and, 534, 535, 548, 551, 553, 554, 556–57, 559, 563, 565, 566, 570, 572, 573, 575, 581–82, 584, 586, 590; Battle of Second Manassas, 439; Battle of Wilderness, 617, 619, 620; character of, 402; dislike of Jackson, 402–3, 406; diversionary tactics by, 531;

  Hill, A. P. illness of, 556, 626; promotion to lieutenant general, 526; Seven Days Battles and, 340, 354, 355, 356, 361, 362, 363–64, 365, 369–70, 380, 383, 384, 392

  Hill, D. H.: attack on Pope’s flanks and, 409; Battle of Antietam, 482–83; Battle of South Mountain, 473–74; Maryland Campaign, 472; Seven Days Battles and, 338, 340, 354, 355, 357, 361, 362, 369–70, 387, 392

enburg, Paul von, 564

  Hoffbauer, Charles, 650

  Holmes, Theophilus, 262, 303, 384

  Hood, John Bell, 184, 186, 189, 239, 323; Atlanta and, 637, 638; Battle of Antietam, 479, 481; Battle of Gaines’s Mill and, 371–72; Battle of Gettysburg, 562, 567, 570, 576, 577–78, 584; Battle of Malvern Hill and, 389; Battle of Second Manassas, 439, 446; Battle of Wilderness and, 621; at Hanover Junction, 409; Texas Brigade, 323, 371, 439; wounding at Gettysburg, 578

  Hooker, Joseph, 479–81, 479n, 480n; Battle of Brandy Station, 531; Battle of Chancellorsville, 508–21, 508, 511; Battle of Fredericksburg, 501; character of, 509; as commander, Army of the Potomac, 507; last words of, 515; Lee’s Gettysburg campaign and, 528–29, 530, 531–32, 535–36; Mexican War and, 154; military ability of, 509, 515; observation balloons used by, 507; ordered to protect Washington versus attacking Richmond, 532; replaces Burnside, 504; resignation of U.S. Army command, 541–42; retreat from Chancellorsville, 520; wounding at Antietam, 483; wounding at Chancellorsville, 518

  horses: British Household Cavalry, 8, 175n; cavalry as “mounted infantry,” 551, 551n; cavalry charge and, 551n; Confederate Army needs for, 505n, 550; dragoon-seat, 175, 175n; First and Second Cavalry, southerners in, 186, 192; Grant’s terms of surrender and, 668; “heavy cavalry” or dragoons, 7–8, 175n; “horse holder,” 551; Jackson’s Little Sorrel, 297, 342, 363, 412, 435, 517; killed at Gettysburg, 581, 594; Lee and riding school at West Point, 179; Lee’s Creole, 108, 110, 118–19, 119n; Lee’s dark bay gelding (Mexican War), 119; Lee’s Grace Darling, 108, 110, 119, 175; Lee’s judge of horseflesh, 108; Lee’s Lucy Long, 284, 688; Lee’s preference for mares, 118; Lee’s Richmond, 272–73, 284; Lee’s rides with son, 175; Lee’s Traveller (see Traveller); Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava, 8; light cavalry, 7, 8; Longstreet’s Hero, 550; Rob Lee’s Santa Anna (pony), 158, 175; Saumur Cavalry School and, 179, 179n; starvation of, 505, 506

  Hotchkiss, Jedediah, 300, 303, 304, 341, 348, 351, 354, 404, 409, 410, 513–14, 518, 626

  Houdon, Jean-Antoine, 236

  Houston, Sam, 217

  Howard, Oliver, 515, 516

  Huger, Benjamin, 252, 303, 357–58, 376, 378, 383, 384, 385, 398; Lines of advance by the Army of Northern Virginia, morning of July 1, 1862, 388

  Hugo, Victor, xxxvi

  Hunt, Henry W., 594, 595

  Imboden, John D., 547, 562

  Intruder in the Dust (Faulkner), 592

  Jackson, Andrew, 41, 227, 642

  Jackson, Henry R., 272, 278

  Jackson, Thomas J. “Stonewall,” xxxviii, 120, 239, 245, 268, 325–26, 329, 399, 421, 424, 585; absence at Gettysburg, effect of, 572, 603, 604n; advance on Gordonsville, 400, 401, 402, 406, 409, 410; appearance, 339–40, 342, 351, 361, 367, 370, 412; assistant adjutant general for, 350; attack on Pope’s flanks, 407–8; background, 296–97; Battle of Antietam, 477, 478; Battle of Cedar Mountain, 410–13, 413n; Battle of Chancellorsville, 513–14, 516–17, 578; Battle of Falling Waters, 259; Battle of First Manassas, 266, 266n, 267; Battle of First Winchester, 312, 332; Battle of Frayser’s Farm and, 382; Battle of Fredericksburg, 496, 500, 501–2; Battle of Front Royal, 312; Battle of Gaines’s Mill, 361–71, 366; Battle of Kernstown, 304; Battle of Malvern Hill, 386, 388, 393; Battle of McDowell, 312; Battle of Mechanicsburg, 341–42, 348; Battle of Orange Court House, 406; Battle of Ox Hill, 457–58; Battle of Savage’s Station, 379, 381; Battle of Second Manassas, 427–28, 435–58; calm in battle, 412; capture of Pope’s supply base, 431, 434; character of, 296, 297–98, 332, 339, 340–41, 402, 407, 435, 564–65; death of, 298, 514, 517, 520; dislike of A. P. Hill, 402–3, 406; execution of John Brown and, 298; exhaustion of, 341–42, 349–50, 351, 353, 367, 371, 382; “foot cavalry” of, 312; “Grapevine Bridge” and Alexander’s Bridge, 376–77, 377n, 378; guerrilla warfare and, 299; Harpers Ferry assault and capture, 465–66, 467, 472, 473, 474, 491; headquarters, Winchester, 299; health of, 297; horse, Little Sorrel (see horses); Lee and, 237, 295–96, 303, 311, 330, 332, 340, 341, 361, 370–71, 381, 383, 398, 402, 409, 430, 442, 443, 467; Lee’s confusing letter about approaches to Beaver Dam Creek, 348; Lee’s Council of War (June 23, 1862), 340–41; Lee’s council with at Gordonsville, 413–14, 415–16; Lee’s council with at Jefferston, 427; Lee’s “historic” message to, 309; Lee’s last sight of, 514; Lee’s letters to, 249–50, 310–11, 333, 334; Lee’s meetings with, before Chancellorsville, 512–13, 514; Lee’s meeting with, Harpers Ferry plan (Sept. 9, 1862), 465–66; Lee’s orders regarding Pope, 405; Lee’s plan to bring in from Shenandoah to stop McClellan, 332–33, 334–35, 338, 339, 345, 348, 349–53; as legend, 298; map of advance, area between Chickahominy and Pamunkey rivers, 320; march from Manassas Junction, 433–34; march from Winchester to join Lee at Fredericksburg, 494; march to Beaver Dam Creek, 349–56, 352; marriage of, 684; methods as basis for Germany blitzkreig, 312; Mexican War and, 144, 154, 297; occupation of Harpers Ferry, 237, 249–50, 252; piety and religion of, 425, 438; Pope’s desire to trap, 433; promotion to lieutenant general, 491; protecting Virginia Central Railroad, 400; pursuit of Pope, 455; rallying the troops, 412; rebel yell and, 266; ride to Richmond to meet Lee, 339–40; secrecy of, 332, 333, 334, 340–41, 403, 409, 434; Seven Days campaign failures, 353–55, 382–83, 393; size of force, 430n; Stonewall Brigade, 299; stragglers and, 342; studies of, 311–12; Valley campaign, 299–304, 302, 309–13, 323; weakness of, 368; at West Point, 297

  Jefferson, Thomas, 6, 12, 14, 28, 47, 50

  Jefferson Guard, from Charles Town, Virginia, xxi, xxii, xxviii–xxix

  Jenkins, Albert G., 547

  John Brown’s Body (Benét), 693

  Johnson, Andrew, 676

  Johnson, Edward, 303, 311, 312, 586; Battle of Gettysburg and, 558

  Johnson, Herschel, 216

  Johnson, Samuel, 36

  Johnston, Albert Sidney, xxv, 33, 186, 187, 188, 198, 213, 305

  Johnston, Joseph E., 33, 63, 70, 245, 259, 299, 326; abandonment of Yorktown and, 313–14, 318; attack on McClellan at Chickahominy river, 319, 321, 322; Battle of First Manassas and, 265, 266; Battle of Seven Pines and, 323–25, 329; character of, 307, 308, 314, 315; Civil War and, 261; as codesigner of the Confederate battle flag, 186; command at Harpers Ferry, 252; Culpeper Court House and, 304; in First Cavalry, 186; on Lee, 34; Lee’s command and, 256, 262; Lee’s letters to, 86; Lee’s strategic differences with, 300, 301, 306–7, 312, 313, 314, 315–16, 524; on McClellan, 306; Mexican War and, 154; Mexican War and Lee, 123–24, 125, 125n, 144; poor discipline of army, 329; refusal to reinforce Magruder, 305; secretiveness of, 321, 322, 323; size of command, 528; threatens to resign, 315; withdrawal to Rappahannock, 292–93, 301, 304; wounding, 324

  Jones, Charles C., 16

  Jones, D. R., 482

  Jones, J. William, 638

  Jones Spring, VA, 348, 488–89

  Kanawha, VA, 275–76, 280–82

  Kansas: “bleeding Kansas,” xvii, 182; Kansas-Nebraska Act, 181–82; two capitals of, 182, 182n; violence over slavery in, 192–93

  Kayser, Henry, 86–87

  Kearny, Philip, 457–58, 458n

  Kearny, Stephen, 107

  Kemper, James L., 601

  Kernstown, Battle of, 304

  Killer Angels, The (Shaara), 423, 533, 561

  King, William Rufus, xxii, 436, 436n

  Kinloch, 242, 260, 269, 294

  Kinnon, Mrs. Brittania Peter, 684

  Kipling, Rudyard, 600

  Korda, Michael, 618n

  Kosciuszko, Tadeusz*, 29

  Krick, Robert K., 298n

  Lacy, B. Tucker, 513–14

  Lafayette, Marquis de (Gibert du Motier), xix, 22, 31

  Laurel Hill, battle of, 257–58

  Lawrence, T. E., 9, 299

  Lee, [Eleanor] Agnes (daughter), 92n, 160, 174, 188, 222, 224, 239, 240, 294, 414–15, 488–89, 604, 641, 674, 677; death, 609; Orton Williams and, 607, 608–9; post-war life, 678, 679, 691; typhoid fever and, 609, 682; visit to besieged Petersburg, 645

Lee, Anne Carter “Annie” (daughter), 92n, 160, 174, 175, 197, 224, 239, 294, 414–15, 488–89; death, 489, 677; facial birthmark of, 101; Lee’s letters to, 214–15

  Lee, Ann Hill Carter (mother), 18–21; ancestral home of, Shirley, 6, 11, 14, 18, 691; children of, 11; death, 45; distressed circumstances, 38; estate of, 46; Fitzhugh and, 13, 25; George Washington and, 11; health of, 13, 18–19, 38; Lafayette and, 22, 31; Lee and, 38, 20–21, 26; Lee’s admittance to West Point and, 23–26; nearly buried alive, 19, 19n; portrait of, 11; religious faith of, 19; slaves owned by, 28, 46; at Stratford, 11; values taught to Lee, 14, 18, 20–21

  Lee, Ann Robinson McCarty, 39

  Lee, Charles Carter (brother), 23, 38, 46, 47, 51, 673

  Lee, Charlotte (daughter-in-law), 335, 346, 348, 414, 428, 489, 604, 605; death, 605, 613

  Lee, Fitzhugh (nephew), 178, 294, 418–20, 418n, 421, 642, 642n, 656, 661n; Battle of Appomattox Court House, 658–59; Battle of Chancellorsville, 512–13, 515–16, 517; ride back to Richmond after surrender, 673

  Lee, George Washington Custis, “Custis” or “Boo” (son): birth of, 70, 92n; Brady’s historic photograph of Lee and, 674; capture of, 650; Confederate Army and, 224, 241, 242, 414, 488; home rented in Richmond, 641–42; illness of, 414; Jeb Stuart and, xxv; Lee’s letters to, 138, 139, 201–2, 213, 217, 221, 224; Lee’s return from Mexican War and, 160; mother’s health and, 224; post-war life, 679; at Ravensworth, 241; in Saint Louis with Lee, 90; in the U.S. Army, 201; at the War Department, 218, 224; at West Point, 169–70, 178, 184

  Lee, Henry Lee, I, 5

  Lee, Henry, II (paternal grandfather), 5

  Lee, Henry, III “Light-Horse Harry Lee” (father), 5, 7–16, 245, 552, 565; attack on and injury, 15–16; Caribbean exile and death, 16; character flaws and scandal, 7, 9–16; charm of, 7, 9–10; children of, 11; debtors’ prison and, 12; first wife, Matilda Lee, 10; George Washington and, 5, 6, 8–9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 683; as governor of Virginia, 10, 11, 12; grave of, 288, 690; Jones’s book about, 16–17; Lafayette and, 31; Lee and formation of character, 17–18; Lee’s relationship with, 7, 13–14; as Revolutionary hero, 7–9, 13–14; second wife, Ann Hill Carter, 11; Stratford mansion and, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14


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