Unexpected: Desert Knights MC

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Unexpected: Desert Knights MC Page 35

by Paula Cox

  They are grouping up and circling around a figure in the center near a storm door I haven’t noticed before. A storm door I think leads directly to the basement. I look down on my phone in a panic. Should I warn Maddie? Should I try to stop this now? I’m frozen in place, my nerves overtaking me.

  Then, there’s a flash of light, a few pops of a gun, and then a burst of flames. I gasp in horror as I try to figure it all out. A body lies in the grass, not moving as more men from the Mustang’s side moves in. I know staying here isn’t a possibility. I pick up my phone and press the number that called me earlier.

  I weave out of the alley and back into the street. A man spots me and points a gun towards my windshield. I drop the phone immediately, losing it between the leather seats of my car. I scream in a panic as I make my decision. I barrel my car into him as fast as I can, my car tires squealing and spinning as I rev up. This is my only defense. I have to do it.

  His body hits with a loud bang, causing me to push hard on my breaks. I watch as he rolls over the hood of my car and falls to the side of my driver’s side wheel. I don’t stop to see if he is still alive or if I managed to kill him. I can’t risk him being able to pull that gun back out at me.

  I just keep going and going. I’m practically making circles around the block, but I am dead focused on getting that girl out of there before something happens to her. Finally, I see a garage just outside of the clubhouse. It’s the only place I can get out of plain view and the line of fire.

  My lights illuminate the driveway, the cement, and four black boots…I panic as I try to decide if I need to kill these guys, as well. One is aiming his gun at me, but the other isn’t. The other is someone familiar, someone I came to save. I don’t think. I don’t stop. I put the car in park and run out.

  Cal spots me first, calling my name in the darkness, his hand to his head to make out my figure better. But before I can answer, there’s more gunfire. The top of the garage is hit and then a light near the other man’s head. Cal screams out as he runs towards me, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to save you and your daughter! Maddie called me! Where is she?” I grab onto his arms, both of us ducking behind the car. The other man fires back towards where the bullets are coming from.

  “She’s safe. She’s inside. The Mustangs are holding the Coyotes off.” Another round of pops land in my windshield. He looks at me and places a hand to my face as if he can’t believe that I am real. “Michelle,” he says urgently, “I have to get you out of here. Now!”

  “What about Maddie, Cal? We can’t leave her!” I want to slap him, to make him see I don’t need protecting. It’s her we need to be worried about.

  The man next to Cal turns around and gestures wildly, “I’ve got Maddie and the rest of the girls. Go! Get the teacher out of here!”

  Cal doesn’t need to think about it. He grabs my hand and opens the passenger side of the car, throwing me in and buckling my seatbelt for me. He runs to the other side and gets behind the driver’s seat. I throw the keys at him, and he starts it up instantly. The car purrs as he pulls out of the driveway and back into the alley from which I came.

  I turn over my shoulder to see three men in our rearview mirror. They’re shouting something at us as they wave their guns over their head. A man fires, the glass of my back window flying, mixing on the floor of my car with the glass from the windshield. I scream uncontrollably as Cal pushes the car faster.

  We manage to make it out of the neighborhood and back on a main street. Both of us are panting as we pull up to our first stop light. Cal turns left into an empty parking lot, turning off his car as both of us let out small, hurried gasps. It’s the first time either of us has had a moment to catch our breaths, to understand what just happened to both of us.

  He turns to me, checking me. He places a hand to my face and I press my cheek into the warm, soothing palm. His fingers pull at something and I instantly recoil. When he pulls away, his hand is bloody and he holds a piece of glass for me to see.

  I reach to my backseat and pull out an old sweatshirt. He places it to my head, holding it tight to the wound. He looks at me and gently says, “You’re going to be all right, Michelle. You’re going to be okay.”

  I wrap my fingers around his wrist and lean my head’s weight into his hand. I believe him. I believe every word of it. As much as I don’t want to, I know he is real. He is my real savior, my protector. I need him just as much as I know he needs me.

  I look up at him, my eyes catching his glittering in the mixture of the moon and the streetlight. I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. I am lost, so lost. He lowers the sweatshirt and places his hand to my mouth. I kiss his fingertips, his palm, his wrist tenderly. My lips make a trail down to his wrist and up his arm until I have reached over the driver’s seat towards him.

  He pulls the seat back and allows me to curl up in his arms, snuggling his chest. His arms wrap around me as our lips meet. It’s soft and sweet -- words I never thought I’d describe a moment with Cal Ross as. But with each kiss, it become urgent, a plea. The thought of our lives both being taken away like that comes flooding back to us as we go deeper, him finding my tongue and sucking on it hard. I return the favor by taking in his bottom lip, biting down on it hard.

  Cal’s hand slips under my tank top, finding the bare skin. His dull fingertips dig into me as he moves upwards towards my neck, guiding my kisses. The other hand lifts the shirt over my head. I’m braless, exposed, but I don’t mind. All I can think of is his hands on my chest and his cock inside of me.

  His fingers find my nipples, first warming them under his touch. I arch my back towards the steering wheel as his hands follow. His fingers tease at the tips of my brown nipples as he slightly pulls and pushes them in a round. His thumb rocks up and down on the nub sending me reeling.

  Cal pulls my body back towards him, lifting me up so my breast lines up with his mouth. I let out a soft moan as I feel his wet, lapping tongue soak my nipple in his mouth. His tongue continues the twisting, circular motion his hands had just done while his teeth scrape up against the fleshy part of my small breasts. When he bites down, my hand shoots up towards the car’s ceiling, holding myself in place.

  He places his head between my breasts and plants small kisses. But that can’t distract from me noticing his hands yanking down at my jeans. I stand between his straddled legs as I slip the tight pants down my legs. He follows me by pulling his own down, his large, erect cock spilling out of his pants.

  I come back to his lap, sitting so my already wet pussy is hovering just above his cock. I take his mouth again, diving my tongue in. He murmurs as I begin to rock my hips up and down and in a long swivel. His cock dances underneath me in pleasure. He pulls me in tighter, holding me in place. Before he enters me, he takes one long, tantalizing look into my eyes.

  And then I feel it. It’s as if I am being split open. His cock drives deep into my folds, parting me like a knife. It’s painful in a way that makes me call out immediately, but I don’t stop. I don’t push him out. I want to feel every inch, every bit of him growing inside of me. A small, fiery pit grows in my stomach as he begins to push up into me.

  I respond by using my knees on the car seat to push off. I’m bouncing, practically floating. The more I go, the more I get the courage to lift my hips as high as the tip of his cock and then fall back down, taking him all in. He growls in response and his chest vibrates with the sound of his pleasure.

  My own body takes over as my hands grasp his strong shoulders. My fingertips press into his black and gray tattoos and I let myself go. My hips bounce, jump, leap with his cock. They take the lead as he lets me guide us. That same feeling in my stomach overtakes my lungs, my chest, my nipples, my neck, my head until it falls down to my pussy.

  “Cal!” I shout deeply into his ear. My orgasm fires up every nerve ending in my body as I feel as though I’m being torn in every direction of the universe. He holds me tight, pushing me ba
ck into his body. I’m cold and warm all over, but his kiss brings me back to life. He moves the wild hairs out of my eyes to look deeply into me as our lips meet.

  I come up for air as he says, “I’m not finished yet. He pushes me off his stiff cock and turns me around so my chest lies across the steering wheel. I grasp on, knowing what is to come. Cal isn’t going to take me as gently as I did him. He’s going to want this his way. I brace myself.

  He again enters me not taking any time. I’m stretched but he manages to still feel like a tight fit. My body feels that same twinge of electricity as I restart. He places one of his legs on the seat for balance and another on the ground. It gives him the ability to practically launch his rocket directly into my slit.

  Cal’s cock punishes me as I want to repent for everything -- for what I said earlier that night, for not trusting his instincts, for leaving behind this magical thing between us. Each thrust is harder, deeper as I want to cry. He uses his palm to slap my ass, sending shockwaves throughout my hips and pussy. He hits me again, this time harder and with his fingertips. I try not to think of the red marks he’s leaving and instead concentrate on how good the surprise of it feels.

  Another one of his hands wraps around my small waist. His fingers pull my legs farther apart and trace up the side of my thigh towards where his cock is rocking into me. He moves downwards towards the tip of my pussy and moves the flesh around my most sensitive spot. Like an expert explorer, he finds my clit. Cal twists at it at first, as I scream out a choked cry.

  Bursts of energy hit me as I come again. This time, I can feel my juices flow out of me like a river onto his cock. The extra lubrication only seems to turn him on as he uses it to get even deeper into me. Cal smooths out the hair next to my neck and looks up at my face awash in shock and awe. Something in him changes as he eases up. He stops the twisting and the slapping and instead massages at the nub.

  His hands guide my body backwards towards him as I snuggle next to his neck. His cock follows in me with his hips dipping lower so he can take the lead. I cry out. But he bites down on my earlobe floating next to his mouth, and I go silent. I need to enjoy this ride.

  Cal’s breathing picks up as I throw my arms up and around his neck. He kisses my shoulder and bites into the small flesh around my collarbone. I watch as his hands slide towards the seats, using it as leverage to make his strokes faster. I turn my head slightly to see his eyes go dark like embers from the flame.

  I pull him in for a kiss as he collapses, shaking underneath me. His cock pushes three hard thrusts as I feel him explode inside of me. I don’t dare to move. I don’t try to turn away or to move. Instead, I feel his head pressed into my shoulder, my arm resting on his feathery hair. And both of us finally take our moment to just breathe.

  Chapter 20: Misgivings


  I place my hand on her cheek, feeling the softness of her skin, the hard bone of her jaw. And I do something out of the box for me -- I kiss her again. It’s not because we are having sex or because I want to seduce her. It’s because I want her to know I am here, that she is safe, and that we are together.

  I kiss her again and again until I feel like I am falling back in. But she pushes me back before we can get in too deep again. She leans against the steering wheel and picks up the slinky black tank top off the floor, throwing it on her. As she gathers her things, she turns back to me and asks, “What about Maddie? What about the club?”

  “When you arrived, the Coyotes were retreating. The Mustangs were holding them off. There’s no way they got into that basement.” I don’t sound as sure as my own words. The truth of the matter is that I abandoned my club and my daughter in battle to make sure Michelle got out of the line of fire. I cringe to think of what was going to happen to me when the dust settles.

  “But what if --” Michelle senses my fear and doubt. She’s got that way about reading people, but it’s a gift that overwhelms her. She takes on everyone else’s emotions as her own, but this is especially true with Maddie. Why else would she come all this way to the clubhouse knowing the danger she would face when she could have easily just called the cops? “Cal,” she says interrupting my own thoughts, “You need to go back. You need to go back right now. I can’t be here with you making love when your daughter and your, uh, home is in danger!”

  I don’t care that she has called the motorcycle gang a “home.” I’m more stuck on us “making love.” Were we? Was what I doing to her even in that category? I can’t deny that I’m starting to feel something for her beyond annoyed resentment over all that’s happened with Maddie and school. But have we gotten to that place?

  I can’t dwell on this, though. She’s right. There’s something so much more important to think about than our feelings or desires. And that thing is potentially trapped in a clubhouse unable to defend herself. I had to get back to her.

  I reach for my pants as Michelle moves back to the passenger side to put on her own jeans. I start the car up as she gives me directions the rest of the way to her house. Neither of us talks. What else is there to say? Our bodies have done enough for one night.

  Her house is just as I imagine it to be. It’s neat, clean, precise. The lawn has been recently cut and there isn’t a leaf to be seen. Unlike the clubhouse, the home itself is in pristine condition without a shingle missing from the roof. As I park, she shrugs a bit nervously as she thinks of what words to leave me with. “This is my place. Thank you for the ride back. How are you going to get back?”

  “I’ll take your car. It’s of no use to you with the busted out windows. I’ll have Marco, our repair shop guy, look at it tomorrow.”

  She turns slowly towards me and looks at me hard. Her head tilted to the side as she asks slowly, “Repair shop? Did you hear about that repair shop burning down this afternoon? They found four guys there, maybe dead.”

  I slink down in the seat. She knows it was me. I look down at my hands as if I were a child again caught stealing. “Yeah, I know.”

  She reaches out a hand and lifts my head up and over ‘til I am eye to eye to her. She kneels in the passenger seat so our heads are level. “That was you, wasn’t it? The fire? The bodies? The fire trucks? All of it?”

  I don’t look away. I don’t pretend to be more honorable than I am. That fire and the men on the ground was part of who I am and the life I lead as a Mustang. She won’t understand it or want to understand it, but it’s the truth. There was no use of hiding from it now. “It’s my job, Michelle. It’s what I do.”

  She spits back at me, completely taken aback, “It isn’t your job. Jobs are things people quit or retire from. What you’re doing is something much worse…it’s…it’s sport. You’re killing for a team.”

  “Did you see them shooting at you? Did you see them come after us like we were nothing? Those Coyotes don’t give a fuck about who we are or what our lives are like. They want to hunt us down and kill us. I was only doing what I had to do to protect myself.”

  “What about Maddie? Have you ever stopped to think about her? What if what you did today with the fire started this? What if she’s dead right now because of you?” She’s screaming at me, the little veins on her neck going purple and blue as they pop out. Michelle opens her door and exits. She runs over to my side to add one last shot, “You go back to your clubhouse, or whatever it is, and you fix this shit. Because if you think you are going to put that girl in harm’s way again, you’ve got another thing coming for you.”

  “Michelle, come on…” I stop myself. I don’t want to fight with her. I know every word she is saying is true. I am selfish. I am unstable. I am nothing without stability like her in my life. I am the catalyst and the last spark, the reason Maddie and I both need her so desperately.

  I reach out my hand to gently touch her face and to brush away the hairs from her eyes, but she pulls away. The tears falling from her eyes are making puddles along her jawline as she quivers. She sniffles as she says, “I’ll need my car back for Monday.”
  I nod and turn on the car again. I am only halfway out the driveway when I see another woman run out from the house. She’s dressed in a pair of loose fitting pajama pants. Her sleek bob is messy from being slept on, but she looks as if she has been up for hours. She gathers Michelle in her arms and holds her closely to her chest.

  The woman yells something at me, and I stop the car. She runs towards it again, Michelle following slowly behind, unsure of what to do. “Listen, asshole! Don’t you dare come back here again. Ever! Take your fucking motorcycle gang and your henchmen and get out of Michelle’s life! She doesn’t need you!” She opens the driver’s door and slams it back for emphasis. I sit there stony and silent as I process exactly what is going on. I look towards Michelle, but her face is buried in her arm as she pushes back another sob. I don’t know whether to move or to defend myself, and my reluctance to go is only angering her more as she shouts, “Don’t think I haven’t already called the cops on your ass! And tomorrow, I’m calling child protective services. If Michelle can’t do it, I will!”

  “Erin, no.” Michelle lets out a small cry. She looks at me nervously, her eyes growing from the shock.


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