Trust in Me (Saved #1.5)

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Trust in Me (Saved #1.5) Page 1

by Shelby Reeves

  Table of Contents

  Trust in Me


  Other books by Shelby


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One



  About the Author

  Trust in Me

  Book 1.5 in the Saved Series

  Copyright 2016 by Shelby Reeves

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products, bands, and/or restaurants referred in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated, with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Photography and Cover Design by Lindee Robinson Photography

  Interior Design by Cover Me, Darling

  Formatting by Athena Interior Book Design

  Other books by Shelby

  Pieces Series

  Picking up the Pieces

  Healing the Pieces

  Torn into Pieces

  Breaking Free of the Pieces

  Saved Series

  Safe with You

  Be on the lookout for

  Holding on for you (Saved #2)

  Searching for the Pieces (Pieces #5)

  To my Bad Ass Friend, Sarah! Without you, this book would still be a work in progress. Love you!

  It’s a Wednesday, a day I’m always going to remember. The sun is shining bright outside the airport, but on the inside, it feels as though it’s raining. Her hand is clutched in mine, fitting perfectly in my hold. I’ve dreaded this day since the judge ordered it. The moment the words passed his lips, my heart crumbled into a thousand pieces.

  Stay, my inner voice urges me to tell her, knowing full well she can’t.

  When her flight is called, my stomach drops. It’s time for me to let her go and I don’t know if I have the strength to let her get on that plane.

  Watching Cassie leave the comfort of my arms is gutting me. My hand doesn’t let go of hers until hers becomes out of reach.

  These next few months will be tough, but I know our relationship is strong enough to withstand this trial.

  Cassie pauses mid-step and turns. Her tear-filled eyes are crushing me. She suddenly takes off running back to me. I meet her half-way, her body slamming into mine, almost knocking me over.

  “I don’t want to leave, J,” she cries, my heart breaking in two.

  “Cassie, believe me, I don’t want you to get on the plane either, but we have no choice.” My own voice shakes as I try to keep from falling apart. Breaking in front of her won’t help as I have to be strong for both of us.

  Her head drops to my shoulder in defeat. She knows she has to go back to Indianapolis to be with her aunt. “I love you, J Michaels,” she murmurs.

  “I love you, Cassie Matlock.” After one final feverish kiss, I let her go. She stops right before she steps on the jetway, turning to me to blow me a kiss. Cassie gives me a small wave as she turns and disappears down the long corridor.

  A hand touches my shoulder. “She will be back here before you know it, J.” My step-brother Bo is trying to cheer me up, but he knows as well as I do it isn’t helping.

  Staring out at the runway through the large window of the airport, I keep my eyes focused on the plane. Any minute now, it will be taking Cassie away from me. Soon, we’ll be ten freakin’ hours apart. How am I supposed to deal with this? I won’t be seeing her every day like I have been. Waking up for school will not be something I look forward to without her here. Nothing will be the same without Cassie by my side.

  When her plane taxi’s backwards, my throat clogs up. I press my hand against the glass, wishing this was a horrible dream. Am I being punished for something? Did I do something so horrible to deserve this torture?

  The plane ascends into the air, but my heart is falling inside my chest. The next few months need to pass at the speed of light. May is a long time to wait to have her back in my arms again.

  Bo and I are silent as we walk out of the airport to where mom and dad are waiting in the car. After saying their goodbyes to Cassie, they left to give me a few minutes alone with her. Bo insisted on sticking around until she boarded the plane. He only hung around to make sure I didn’t do something crazy like not letting her get on the plane. I contemplated it, but I figure the judge wouldn’t take too kindly to me going back on his orders.

  Hearing my mom crying quietly doesn’t help me keep my own emotions locked inside me. Pulling my hood over my head, I lay my head against the cool glass, glancing up at the sky wondering if I will get a glimpse of the plane she is on. Obviously, I wouldn’t know which one but I can imagine her waving down at me.

  Mom, Dad, and Bo talk in hushed tones during the hour and a half drive back home. They try to include me in their conversation but give up once they see I’m not in the mood to talk. I’m not going to be in the mood to do anything except breathe over the next few months. In my mind, I’m already planning my first trip to see her in three weeks.

  My very first memory of her replays in my mind. I remember how I felt the moment my eyes found her. Out of all the students pushing and shoving their way through the hall, my eyes picked her out of the crowd. She was a new fresh sight compared to the other girls at school.

  Cassie tried to fight her attraction for me but I kept pushing and fighting my way into her heart. I wasn’t giving up hope that one day she would be mine. It seemed like everyone except for my family was against us. Ellen, Zack, and her parents all tried to keep us from being together. But Cassie and I held on tight to each other and, though, we might have drifted apart a little, we’d always come back stronger.

  She’s my strength and weakness. If she sees the stars tonight, I hope she recalls the night we cuddled up in the bed of my truck underneath the stars. How I held her tight and kissed her lips. I can’t thank Cassie enough for the happiness she has brought into my life.

  One hundred-sixteen days until her birthday or sixteen weeks and four days. Either way, it’s too damn far away. I won’t see her at my house on Thanksgiving, or Christmas, or be able to take her to prom. How long will it be before I get to see her beautiful face again? Oh, right. Six freakin’ long months of torture until I get to wrap my arms around her and kiss those pretty pink lips.

  The days drag on as I force myself to go to school and sit through the boring classes. The guys on the team try to lighten up my mood along with Bo, and still, I’m not smiling. Nothing holds my interest anymore. The only brightness to my day is when I get to talk to Cass.

  “School getting any better?” The first day back at her old school was rough for her. Since all of her classmates knew about what happened with Zack and considering most of them were good friends with him, they aren’t happy with Cassie. None of them knew the whole truth t
hough and they weren’t there to witness his craziness and his obsession with Cassie.

  “I’m still getting death glares, but other than that, it’s getting better.”

  “Good. I miss you, Cass,” I breathe into the phone.

  Even if I can’t see it, I know when she is smiling. “I miss you, too, J. Oh, before I forget to tell you. My aunt thinks I should get a job.”

  I automatically jump up and pace the carpet. “Hell no. Why does she think you need a job?”

  “Will you please calm down and listen? She thinks it will look good for me, that it will help the days pass by quicker and so I won’t be moping around all day and glancing at the clock every two minutes. Plus, if I put the money back, I can save for college or use it to come see you.”

  “But I won’t get to talk to you as much.” God, I sound so selfish right now.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to get home to you, J. Even if it means our long talks are being cut short. I would sacrifice it just so I could see you sooner.”

  I’m such an idiot. I know Cassie doesn’t do things without having a reason for it. “I’m sorry for sounding selfish. I miss the hell out of you, Cassie.”

  “I miss you more than you know, too.”

  “I’m going to come see you during Thanksgiving break.”

  I hear her sigh softly through the phone. “Don’t miss Thanksgiving with your family J.”

  “Cassie, I have Thanksgiving with my parents every year. It won’t hurt for me to miss one. Besides, it’s not the same without you here. We planned this remember?”

  “I don’t want your parents mad at me.”

  “They won’t be, I promise. They will understand because I know they miss you, as well.” And that’s the honest truth.

  “How are Bo and Jess doing?”

  My brother needs to stop hurting Jess’s feelings. We all know he doesn’t intentionally hurt her. He is only trying not to fall for her. I think it’s too late, that he is already sunk, but he doesn’t believe me. Jess is the girl for him and he is trying his damnedest not to commit. Bo has always had commitment issues. I think both of our parents’ failed marriages is the reason why.

  “They are doing good. Bo is still believing he isn’t going to fall for Jess.”

  “It will hit him one day, J, I know it. Maybe it won’t be too late when it does.”

  Walking down the hall of my old high school brings back lots of memories. Memories that seem like a lifetime ago. The girl I was then is nothing compared to the grown-up version of me. When I reflect on the time I was ‘in love’ with Zack, I realize our version of love couldn’t touch the love J and I share.

  “Oh my goodness! Is that Cassie Matlock?” I hear yelled from a group of girls I used to call friends.

  “What happened to her?” I hear from the same group.

  “Hey, Cassie!” Clara, the girl who wanted to steal Zack from me when we were dating, yells my name.

  Against my better judgment, I turn and resist an eye roll. “Yes, Clara?”

  “We all would like to know what happened to you? I mean, you look so ordinary and plain now that we almost didn’t recognize you.”

  This time, I don’t resist rolling my eyes. “Life happened and if you want to know my honest opinion, I’m glad it did. Being popular sucks.”

  Clara flicks her hair back behind her shoulder. “So, weren’t you and Zack so in love? I heard he moved all the way to Alabama to be with you and you blew him off for two guys?”

  I’m assuming the rumor she heard is talking about Bo and J since all three of us were together at times. “I’m sorry, you must’ve heard wrong. You see, I only blew him off for one guy and that’s, J, my boyfriend. As far as Zack goes, he wasn’t the guy I knew. He was crazed, Clara. Zack had this obsession over me that he wouldn’t let go. That Zack was not the guy I had loved at one time.”

  Of course, she didn’t believe a word I said. “So, let me get this straight. He comes to profess his love for you and you call him crazy? Judging by your new makeover, I’d say you’re the crazy one.”

  “Believe what you want, Clara.” Shrugging my backpack further up my shoulder, I shake my head and walk away like I should have done, to begin with.

  I never thought coming back to my old high school would bring so much drama into my life. I didn’t imagine being on the receiving end of many glares. But these people were friends with Zack and they believe I am responsible for his problems. The stories they all have heard, are just rumors. None of them know the real truth since they weren’t there to witness all of it.

  The old me would be standing up to all of them, but the new me just wants to hide. I have changed in a lot of ways over the last three years and, so far most of it has been for the better. But one of the negative changes is wanting to be out of the spotlight because if there is one thing my parents reminded me constantly about, it’s not standing out in a crowd. And right now, just about everyone’s eyes are on me.

  The girl’s bathroom comes into view so I duck inside to hide in one of the stalls.

  My phone buzzes in my back pocket signaling I have a text. When I notice who the text is from, my frown turns into a smile.

  J: How’s your first day back?

  I could lie to J, except he would know right off the bat when he talked to me later.

  Me: It sucks. Everyone is all on Zack’s side.

  J: Screw them, Cass. Baby, I wish I was there to them all in their place. Don’t let them get to you.

  Me: I know; it just makes the day difficult

  J: Think of me, Cass. Imagine me there beside you with my arm around you and my mouth on yours.

  Holy crap, J! How is it that he always knows exactly what to say?

  Me: I love you

  J: Not as much as I do, Cass

  The bell rings for class so I quickly power off my phone and shove it in my bag. I rush out of the bathroom and down the hall so I wouldn’t be late.

  Thinking of J will definitely turn my day around. I may not be paying attention in class since I will be daydreaming, but it will be all right.

  A note is tossed on my desk a few minutes after class starts. Hesitantly, I open it.

  So you’re the one everyone hates now. I’m glad it isn’t me anymore. I guess I have you to thank for that.

  Peeking over my shoulder, I get a glimpse of the guy behind me. Tall, reddish, brown hair. He doesn’t look like a jock or someone who cares about popularity. Judging by his note I’d say he is at the bottom of the totem pole for some reason.

  Either way, I still don’t trust him.

  Folding up the note, I place it in my book not bothering to reply. Why does everyone want to bring up Zack?

  The bell rings signaling the end of class. I gather up my books, ready to get to my next class. Hopefully, without any glares or whispers. Highly doubtful, but a girl can’t have too many wishes.

  “I’m sorry if I offended you. I was just trying to make a conversation,” the guy behind me rushes out before I could exit the classroom.

  Turning to face him, I hoist my books up further in my arms. “Look, I just want to get these next few months over with so I can go back home, okay?”

  I get out of there as fast as I can before he tries to talk to me again and before I am late.

  I don’t know what that guy was trying to pull, but new guy or not, I don’t trust anyone in this school.

  The next six months are going to be even longer than I originally thought.

  “Who the hell does she think she is?” Jess scoffs. Bo, Jess, and I are hanging out by my locker until the bell rings for class.

  Following Jess’ gaze, I see Heather strutting through the hall like she owns this place, throwing a wink my way as she passes us. Shaking my head in disgust, I turn back around.

  “Colt is throwing a party tonight,” Jess announces like it’s fresh news. Colt always throws parties. Always. If there isn’t a reason for a party, he will make one.

  “You would know a
ll about it wouldn’t you.” Bo is still bitter about Jess sleeping with Colt. When it comes to other people, Bo is as easy-going as they come, but with Jess, he turns into an asshole.

  “Bo,” I scold.

  Hurt flashes in Jess’ eyes, then they harden as if Bo’s snide comment doesn’t affect her. “Yeah, I do know. I also know that he’d be better than you.”

  Oh shit, Jess just made all this ten times worse. To be fair, Bo had it coming, though.

  Jess walks briskly away. Briefly, I ponder if I should go after her or not. If Cassie were here, she’d be running after her. Deciding I have enough problems on my own, I let her be.

  Bo’s fist connects with the metal locker next to mine. “Damn it, why do I let her get to me like that?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because you like her and you are figuring out how badly you screwed up with her?” I reiterate for the hundredth time.

  “She’s just a girl, J.”

  “Is that really what you still think? Ask yourself, if she is honestly just a girl to you, then why does it bother you that she slept with Colt?” Bo doesn’t reply because he knows as well as I do that I am right.

  The bell rings, saving Bo from having to answer me. He’s quiet as we walk to our first class of the day. If Bo doesn’t pull his head out of his ass soon he will be too late. Someone else may catch Jess’ attention. If he is this tore up about it now, imagine how bad it will be if Jess starts dating? I shudder, not wanting to go there.

  The day gets worse as the clock ticks by. It’s lunch time, and Bo and Jess are still not speaking. Judging by the look she is giving him, I’m afraid she might light him on fire.

  To make things worse Colt takes a seat next to Jess. Bo fists his hand around his fork as if he wants to stab him in the eye with it.

  “It’s so quiet over here,” Colt jokes, apparently not catching on to their moods.

  “Just a bad day, that’s all,” Jess replies, leaving out the fact that Bo is the reason for that.

  “Want to talk about it?” he asks Jess who immediately shakes her head no. Finding out you’re the reason for the bad day is not something you would want to know. “I tell you what. How about we hang out this afternoon? Whatever you want,” Colt offers to Jess.


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