Mom Loves to Suck

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Mom Loves to Suck Page 2

by Laura Lovecraft

“You can come in honey.” She told me, “Or are you too embarrassed?”

  “Um, no.” I told her taking my eyes off of her thighs which were so much fuller than Kelly’s slender legs. “I…well a little.” I laughed, “Can’t say I saw that one coming.”

  “Jeez.” Mom blushed again and put her hands over her face. “I’m sorry Sean. Poor you coming in from seeing your pretty girlfriend and having to see your old lady mom.”

  “Trust me mom, you’re no old lady.” I told her, “You’re pretty hot for your age.”

  “Oh, please.” She waved her hand, “You’re my son you have to say I’m pretty.”

  “I’m not saying it.” I laughed, “My friends have been calling you the hottest Milf in the neighborhood since I was fourteen.”

  “Milf?” she laughed, “I would have hoped for cougar.”

  “Nah, cougars chase young guys,” I explained.

  “Oh.” she shrugged, “Right now I can’t catch the one I married never mind one my son’s age.”

  “Looks like you were trying to catch dad.” I frowned, “Did you guys have something planned? You’re usually getting ready for work.”

  “Yeah.” She sighed. “We…well I’m sure you’ve heard us arguing lately. Your father is working more than ever and for no reason, the firm’s doing better than ever. So Monday night he promised me he would come home early and we would go out for a nice dinner, maybe even go dancing.”

  “You dance like that?” I shook my head, “No wonder you make all those tips.”

  Mom blushed again, “No! I…I thought I would surprise him and we’d you know…”

  “I think I can figure it out.”

  “He was supposed to be here by now.” She looked over at the nightstand where a bottle of wine sat next to two glasses. One glass was half full and picking it up, mom drained it in several long swallows, putting it down she picked up the bottle and filled the glass again, “Of course key words were supposed to.” She took a long gulp from the new glass. “Sean if I blew tonight’s money off for a no show, I swear you’ll have a roommate.”

  “Wow, what did I do?” I laughed nervously, mom and dad had been fighting a lot lately and I knew it was pretty much over dad neglecting her.

  Looking down at mom I wondered what the hell was wrong with my father. I hadn’t been blowing smoke, since my friends were old enough to know what sex was I’d endured milf and cougar remarks about Mom. Many of my friends had seen her dressed in her waitressing outfit and Tim, my best friend, had once offered me fifty dollars he’d won on a scratch ticket if I got him one of mom’s thongs after she wore it to work.

  I accepted all the jokes and crude remarks good naturedly for the most part, but noticed mom was careful around my friends, especially with the pool, never coming out to swim when they were there. No, my mother certainly wasn’t into flaunting what she had except for her job and although her skirt was short she wore a white blouse and never showed a lot of skin.

  I could honestly say I’d never had a sexual thought about her, but did acknowledge the fact she was a damn attractive woman. Especially now, sitting there in that simple robe, her long legs exposed and the black robe a sexy contrast to her white skin. Sexy? I frowned at that last part. Sure mom was technically hot, but she was mom.

  “So why are you home?” Mom cut into my thoughts. “You’re usually not home until after seven, that’s why I figured it was safe to expose myself in the hallway.”

  “Oh, well….” I waved my hand, “We called it quits early, Kelly….”

  “Di you guys have a fight?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Because honey, an eighteen year old boy doesn’t ever pass up on as much sex as he can get.” She grunted, “Wonder if your father remembers those days?”

  “Yeah,” I admitted, “We kind of got into it.”

  “Seems that’s happened a lot lately.” She patted the bed, “Come talk to me about it.”

  “No, that’s okay, it was just a stupid fight, and I’ll call her tomorrow and straighten it out.”

  “Seriously, Sean.” She patted the bed again, “We used to talk about everything, tell me what’s going on, maybe I can help. You know, give you the woman’s side of things.”

  “What about dad? You said he was due home anytime now.”

  “In about fifteen minutes I’ll get a text, not a call, but a text that something came up and he’ll be home whenever.” She looked away from me, but not before I saw a hurt look in her blue eyes. “I knew I should have just gone to work.”

  She put out a couple of the candles and poured her glass back up to the top. I watched her take a long swallow.

  “Hey watch out you’ll be sleeping in an hour.” I joked.

  “At least something will make me feel good tonight.” She pointed at the other glass, “Want some?”

  “No thanks.” I remained silent and watched her sip at the wine before saying, “Mom how come dad doesn’t want to….spend any time home, or with you?”

  “I asked you about Kelly and you didn’t answer, why should I?”

  “Well because me and Kelly are just dating, you guys are married and, well you know, I guess I’m just a little worried.”

  “Don’t be honey. I’m to loyal to go anywhere and your father would have to stop working long enough to notice another woman.”

  “I didn’t mean that, I just want to see you happy that’s all. You’re a beautiful woman mom.” I laughed, “I can tell you none of my friends would have minded seeing you like that.”

  “Great, Mrs Robinson here I come.” She sighed, then asked, “You mean it?”

  “What, that you’re beautiful? Absolutely!” I told her. “Hot too for you know, my mom.”

  “Really?” she looked up at me with a strange look on her face, “You think I’m hot?”

  “I…well no! I mean, yeah….” I stopped, wondering what the hell I was trying to say and also more than a little disturbed by the fact I was having a hard time not looking at her legs and recalling that brief glimpse of her topless. “I…”

  “That’s a firm answer.” Mom rolled her eyes.

  “Well you’re my mom.” I paused then said, “Okay, put it this way. If I saw you and you weren’t my mother I would think, Damn.”


  “Damn fine, yes.” I told her, “But you are my mom so….you know.” I rolled my eyes this time, “None of this sounds right. I don’t think it’s a good conversation.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded, then gave me a lopsided smile and when her eyes met mine I saw how glossy they were, the wine was catching up with her. “So if you saw me from the neck down the way I came out of the bedroom what would you think?”

  “Mom!” I was honestly taken aback. “I…I’m not going to think about that.” That was a lie the second she said it I pictured her impressive tits and those pink nipples.

  “You’re right.” She blushed, “Sorry, I guess I was fishing for a compliment, been a long time since your father’s mentioned them.”

  “Well you should….”

  “Sean, sit and talk to me.” She looked up at me with a sad look in her eyes. “I…I need to think about something besides my problems, tell me about you and Kelly.” When I hesitated, she pushed her lips out into a pout, “Please? Come talk to your mom?”

  Mom widened her blue eyes and batted her blonde lashes and with a dramatic sigh I went over to the bed and sat next to her.

  “So,” she slipped her arm around my shoulders, “What’s going on with you and that cute little girl of yours?”

  “Um…” When Mom lifted her arm to put around me, her robe opened partway and I found myself staring at the side of her left breast. I could see pretty far down and marveled at how large mom’s boobs were compared to Kelly’s perky little tits.

  “Um?” Mom prodded.

  “Yeah,” I removed my eyes from mom’s chest and forced those weird thoughts from my head,
“We had a fight over something stupid.”

  “Most fights are stupid.” She told me sipping the wine, “You fight about this stupid thing before?”

  “Yeah a few times.”

  “Okay, well, see now it’s not a stupid thing. What are you fighting about?”

  “It’s…” I trailed off partly because it was awkward, but also because mom had crossed her legs. The robe rose exposing her thigh. I let my gaze work down her leg to her bare foot with her bright red toe nails.

  I felt my face getting warm and made an effort to not glance at her chest again.

  “You okay, hon?” Mom asked, “You’re flushed.”

  “Warm in here.” I lied.

  “A little, too many candles. So what are you guys arguing over?”

  “I don’t really want to…”

  “Uh-oh sex.” She grinned.

  “I…yeah sort of.” I admitted.

  “Okay, well what about it? She doesn’t like it?”

  “No she does.”

  “You don’t like it?”

  “I do, but…”

  “But what?” Mom looked at me expectantly.

  “Look, mom, it’s…I really don’t think I can talk to you about it.”

  “Why not, I have sex, okay,” she sighed and sipped more wine, “I used to.”

  “It’s different, mom, I…” I stopped when her phone buzzed on the nightstand.

  With a smirk on her face, she picked it up, looked at it and then held it up to me. I leaned forward and saw it was a text from dad.

  “Becky, sorry I’m not there. Paul’s client just changed his entire testimony and I’m helping him with the new deposition, I’ll be home soon I promise.”

  “Like clockwork.” She put the phone down. “Looks like me, the rest of the wine and some batteries tonight. I can’t believe I blew off the best night of the week to get blown off.” She grunted “And he wonders why he doesn’t get blown off.”

  I sat there surprised at the way she was talking and kept my mind from following up with any visuals of sex toys or what mom’s crack about a blow job would conjure up. The latter was a losing battle as my eyes focused on her full sensual lips, the ones Tim had referred to as blow job lips.

  “Sorry mom.” I spoke to get my mind off of her mouth. “Well you guys are still going out tomorrow night, right?”

  “Yeah, dinner during which he’ll be glued to his phone then back here so he can go to bed by nine. Anyway, seeing I’m a lost cause let’s help you, what’s the issue with you guys?”

  “I…Kelly won’t…” I stopped unable to say it.

  “Won’t…put out?”

  “Sex she’s okay with, well she’s really shy about talking dirty and…you know being a little dirty.”

  “She’s eighteen you guys are each other’s first so you grow as you go, she’ll get into being a bad girl.”

  “You think?”

  “I guess.” She giggled, “I always liked being a bad girl. So that’s it, she doesn’t like to talk dirty?”

  “No she won’t….” I paused and when mom shrugged I added, “You know.”

  “I….don’t know.” She rolled her eyes.

  “She doesn’t want it in….”

  “Back there?” she widened her eyes, “I don’t blame her, at least not at her age, jeez Sean that’s….”

  “No!” I exclaimed, “Not…that. She won’t.” Feeling like an idiot, but knowing I couldn’t say it, I touched my lips with my fingers.

  Mom looked at me and I felt like an idiot, but she nodded and said, “She won’t suck your cock.”

  “I….” I blinked at how bluntly she’d said it. “Jeez Mom.”

  “Jeez Sean.” She mimicked me, “I’ve told you before honey, you’re eighteen not eight, I’d like to think we can talk as adults.”

  “Yeah, but….hearing my mom talk about….”

  “Talk about what?” she winked, “Sucking cock, giving head, blow jobs?” she laughed at the look on my face. “Hate to tell you Sean, but I’ve had some experience with the topic.”

  “TMI.” I said even though her saying the phrase sucking cock echoed in my mind. “Not something I should talk about with my mother, it’s kind of…”

  “Well I’m not talking about sucking yours.” She waved her hand, “We’re having an adult conversation, not a mother son talk.”

  “Sucking…” I trailed off and watched her kill the glass of wine. Her face was red and her blue eyes wide and glossy. I hoped she didn’t go for more because who the hell knew what she would come out with.

  Mom put the glass down and to my relief put her hands in her lap. I looked at her red nails and imagined her slender fingers around a cock, stroking it as her full lips lowered and her mouth opened to…Jesus! You’d think I’d been the one drinking.

  “So let’s figure this out.” Mom said unaware of the fact I’d never finished my sentence. “What happened when she tried it?”

  “Nothing, she never tried.”

  “She…” Mom turned sideways on the bed to face me, “She’s never tried?”


  “Then how does she know she won’t like it?”

  “That’s what I keep asking!” I put my hands in the air. “If she tried and for some reason didn’t it would be different. She’s….she thinks it’s dirty.”

  “It is.” Mom giggled, “But it’s a fun dirty. Being on your knees looking up while…” she stopped and seemed to catch herself. “It can be dirty if a girls doing it to any guy who comes around, but between two people who care its fun, it’s about making the other person happy.” She paused, “Can I ask you something?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Do you lick her…”

  “Yes!” I said quickly not wanting to hear mom utter the word pussy.

  “So you do it and she won’t.” Mom said softly, “Very frustrating.”

  “It is because I….I like to make her feel good. I said that and she told me I don’t have to do that anymore.”

  “She sounds like she needs to grow up a little.” Mom said, “To not even try is pretty immature. So that was the argument? You asked and she didn’t?”

  “Yeah pretty much.” I left out the details that I’d slipped and pushed it in her mouth. “I feel stupid, I mean I guess it isn’t a big deal, but I…”

  “You what?”

  I frowned and felt another blush coming on, but figured I’d already said more than I was comfortable with and bit the bullet. “Kelly wasn’t just the first girl I had sex with; she’s the first girl I’ve done anything with.”

  “Oh,” Mom nodded, “So you never have, then it is a big deal honey. Kelly’s not being very fair to you, Sean. You guys are supposed to want to make each other happy.”

  “Yeah, but like I said, when I push her and she gets mad I feel like a jerk, I mean how important is it?”

  “Very.” Mom answered, “Because it’s not just about a blow job it’s about her desire to please you. Honey if I knew twenty years ago, that at forty two I’d be having this little sex, I may not have married your father. Sex is important and when you’re in love it’s more important because even dirty things like sucking each other off is about love, loving to make your special someone happy.”

  “Yeah.” I nodded more to cut her off then that I had anything else to add. The sucking each other off remark was another eye opener.

  “I have to say Sean, this is a problem. Most people start off doing dirty things and having fun, then peter out as they get older. This girl is eighteen and already not very much fun.” She stopped then asked, “Are you happy with Kelly otherwise?”

  “Yes,” I said immediately, “She’s sweet, she’s pretty, she’s…” I laughed, “The way she is with sex tells me I don’t have to worry about her being with anyone else. At least I know she’s a good girl.”

  “Too good.” Mom smiled, “Honey, a good girl is a bad girl for he
r special someone, but just for him. So it’s just that one thing?”


  “Well I have to say you’re a good boy because I bet a good looking young man like you could find a girl to do that for you.” Mom laughed, “There were always those girls around. The ones that would just suck a guy off just for the thrill because he had a girlfriend.”

  “Well I don’t want to do that.” I told her.

  “What if it’s the only way? What if she never wants to? Long time to go without something that’s so much fun.” She sighed, “I love doing it almost as much as I love having it done to me.”

  “Okay, mom.”

  “Just the feeling of…” she stopped and nodded, “Sorry, its…it’s been awhile for a lot of things for us. I think your dad’s lucky I take marriage seriously because I get plenty of offers at work.”

  “I bet.” I frowned, “You…wouldn’t, right?”

  “I promised myself I would never find sex outside of this house.” She said, “Don’t worry Sean, I’m fine, just frustrated.”

  “Like me.”

  “More than you. You could leave Kelly if you chose, and not many stay with their first love. You could end up much happier. For me? This is it; sitting here wearing nothing but a thong, drinking wine and knowing that in the end it will be me and some batteries.”

  “So what about Kelly?” I changed the subject.

  “Up to you honey. You’re the one that will go without. All I can tell you is it’s not fun to not be satisfied, but hey, at least you get sex.”

  “I just wish…” I shrugged, “I just want to know what it’s like, but you’re right she’s not going to get better about it. I guess if I want to have that, I’ll have to make a choice.”

  “Maybe not.” Mom said.

  “What do you mean?”

  Mom looked at me, an odd expression on her face.

  “What is it?”

  “I…” she swallowed and it dawned on me she looked nervous, “You know Sean a couple of weeks ago, I saw this…”

  We both jumped at the sound of a car door in the driveway. Getting up, I peeked out and saw Dad walking down the driveway towards the front door.

  “Hey, dad’s home!” I was relieved not just because it would end an awkward conversation, but that he came home and would hopefully take care of mom tonight. “Looks like the nights saved after all,” I laughed.


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