Alpha Dawn: Book one of the Teragene Chronicles

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Alpha Dawn: Book one of the Teragene Chronicles Page 23

by Morgan R. R. Haze

  I was taken aback by this. These were decent clothes, and I knew I was clean. "I don't think that will be necessary."

  "As you wish,” She said stiffly. "It is just the custom to do so here."

  "Thank you for informing me. What I would appreciate is if you would alert me when it is time for dinner." I said, trying to smooth over her ruffled feelings. I wondered if Ell, Jason, or Mark were experiencing the same situation.

  After the servant left, I tried to steady my nerves. I was here, in my uncle’s house. He didn't know that we were related, of course. I had hoped to find a feeling of belonging here. But everything was so opulent. Even the servants were dressed in fine clothes. Perhaps I was a fool to be searching the past, instead of focusing on my future. My thoughts kept returning to Kendric. He felt the same connection to me as I did to him. Yet here I was, literally worlds away from him, seeking acceptance from the stranger who felt all this opulence was normal. Neil had been at ease, until he realized only the four of us had accepted his invitation. He seemed troubled by that, but I couldn't read anything more. I understood Ell's concerns, but I doubted he would; which brought me back to my doubts that he would understand or accept me.


  "It is time to go down to dinner, miss." The servant said, bringing me back to my surroundings. I wasn't sure how much time had passed.

  "Thank you, would you show me the way?" I asked her.

  "This way, miss." She replied.

  The dining room was as magnificent as the rest of the villa. Carvings in the stone allowed light to filter in, casting intricate patterns across the room. The table was set with silver, gold and sparkling crystal. Fresh orchids adorned the centerpiece. Everything spoke of wealth. Even the table itself was made from what looked to be real wood.

  "Please come and be seated," Neil said, as he held a chair first for Ell, then for me. "I hope what my chef has prepared for us meets with your approval."

  "I'm sure it will," Jason replied.

  I couldn't seem to find my voice yet, so I just nodded in agreement. If I wanted answers, I needed to pluck up my courage. Being mute would accomplish nothing.

  "...had hoped to get to know my niece better," Neil was saying. I had allowed my mind to drift again.

  "About that, we have found another connection," Ell simply stated. Well, I should have expected her to get right to the facts.

  "Someone else has a family connection with Echo? I thought you and I were her only blood relatives," Neil said, appearing startled.

  Finally finding my voice, I said, "It’s me. I asked Ell and Jason to help me see if I had any other family. DNA shows that Echo is my half-sister."

  Neil turned his head towards me, his eyes slightly widening, "I thought you had similar features to my sister Lydia, but I didn't actually think there was a connection." He was quiet for a moment, but I could tell he was digesting the information. I looked across the table at Ell and Jason. Ell's face was impassive, but Jason gave me an encouraging smile. I knew he wanted me to remember that I had a family on the Waylay, even if Neil didn’t accept me.

  Neil quickly stood up and gestured, "Bartholomew, bring champagne. We have something to celebrate!" he declared. "For years I have felt alone, without family. Now I have more than I ever imagined was possible!" A bright smile lit his face and I suddenly felt a burst of true happiness wash over me. Though Neil was surrounded by servants, they never even called him by his name, only addressing him as ‘Sir’ so his life must have been very impersonal and empty.

  As dinner progressed all of the lingering nervousness I had felt subsided. I asked Neil about my mother and his youth. My grandfather was a brutal man. Neil’s sister Lydia, my mother, had shielded, taught, and entertained him. She sounded tender from his perspective. Yet, Ell and Willow seemed to have known Lydia as a much different person. I wondered what could have changed her so, and why she would have abandoned me on Fell. Of course Neil didn't know. All he knew was that she had been sent by his father to serve at a noble’s house, as Neil had.

  As our meal drew to a close, Neil said, "Tomorrow I would like to take you all on a tour of the city. The local market, natural geographic formations, and beaches are noted for being especially beautiful. I have a few tasks to accomplish tonight, so I can clear tomorrow’s schedule. I shall say goodnight now. The house is open to you all, though as it is customary for the servants to retire, you will be left alone to relax." Neil began to bow again, then stopped, looking up for a moment at Ell and Jason, "Thank you for coming to my home and accepting my hand of friendship. Whatever you need, I will make it so." Then he looked at Mark, "Mark, there is a library on the first floor which I think you will greatly enjoy. I realize our first meeting was not under the best of circumstances, but I do hope to discuss novels with you in the future." Neil warmly smiled again.

  "Thank you," Jason said.

  "Goodnight," replied Ell and Mark.

  "Until tomorrow, there is still so much I want to know." I said in parting.

  Neil finished his bow and left the room.

  “‘Expectation postponed makes one sick, but it is a tree of life when it comes,’” (Bible, Proverbs) Mark quoted. "I think this was good for you, Bree.”

  "I admit I was uncertain about his reaction, but I am very glad it has gone so well," Jason said.

  "Just remember you have options, and there is still much we don't know about Neil yet," Ell once again stated. "But I am happy you are getting answers."

  Classified Location -Day 379- Fenix Strike Team

  Their time embedded on this backwards world was coming to an end. The leader had his men spread out, covering all of the entrance points in teams of two. One crept closer to the open window that his target was visible through. At least the climate was such that the doors and windows were left open to take advantage of the cool evening breeze that blew in from the ocean. The sound of the waves added an extra layer of cover for their already silent movements. Readying his shot, he waited for the set time for the plan to commence. They had a full hour to clear the building and secure their targets before their rendezvous with the transport ship.

  The target sat reading an old tomb of a book, paying no mind to his surroundings. The strike team had been briefed that the targets were highly skilled but so far they had seen no evidence to that effect. He knew better than to question the intel, but these people must not be in their top form. Most likely they had been lulled into the mindset that seemed so prevalent on this world; the total lack of outside concerns that the highest class exhibited while on this planet was almost disturbing when held up to their ambitious personalities elsewhere. If the effect hadn't been isolated to the highest ranking members of the population, he would have been concerned about an environmental element causing their overly relaxed attitudes.

  Once the mechanical timepiece on his wrist gave an almost inaudible click, which he couldn't have heard had he not been straining to catch it, he pulled the trigger on his firearm and the compressed air canister inside of it sent its projectile sailing soundlessly into the neck of the target. It would have been a perfectly quiet takedown, were it not for the humongous book that the target had been holding. When the target had slumped to the side of the chair after being struck, the book succumbed to the gravity pulling on its great weight and fell to the ground with a deafening bang. The sound of the gold bound book striking the ground was so loud that it alarmed others in the house.

  He covered the room as his partner moved in to secure the target for transport. He could hear some commotion from other parts of the building, and felt some relief at not being the only one to fail at making a silent takedown. With their targets secure they moved out to the main courtyard to regroup with the rest of their strike team. The team leader was not pleased by the less than perfect execution of the operation, but his cruel grin seemed to be directed at the unconscious targets that lay before him rather than at any of his team.

  "We are missing a female target. She was seen enterin
g the house from their shuttle and was not observed leaving. But we do know she is a Recreant. Therefore assume that her skills are at least on par with your own. We have fifty-three minutes to find her. Tear this place apart if you have to. I want her found before our transport arrives." The leader ground out each syllable of every word in a tone that spoke of nothing but hatred. His malice only grew as his gaze never left the tall, light haired target that was placed bound and unconscious at his feet.

  Fenix Battle Cruiser -Day 379- Bree Reiter

  My head hurt, and the room spun when I opened my eyes. Slowly, memories returned of standing on the balcony of my room, listening to the ocean and thinking that hearing it was just another new experience. There was a sting on my neck and a sudden tiredness. Now I was lying on a metal floor. I could feel the vibrations from engines and assumed I was on a ship. When I tried to get up, I found that I couldn't move. The room I was in was cloaked in shadow. I wondered if I was alone.

  "Is anyone else here?” I managed to whisper through dry lips.

  "Yes," came from the far, darkened corner. The voice was muffled and sounded as rough as mine. I could tell it wasn't Ell, as it was a male's voice, but I wasn't sure who it was.

  "Are we the only ones here?" I asked.

  "Jason and Mark were here the first time I awoke." That would make the speaker Neil.

  "Do you know what happened? I just remember what felt like an insect's sting." I informed him.

  "I was just getting ready to retire to my room, when I heard a loud noise in the library. Mark was slumped over in his chair, and there was a large book on the floor. I ran up to alert Jason and Ell. But I don't remember what happened after I entered their room." Neil replied.

  "Are you hurt? I can’t feel anything from my neck down." I responded.

  "Only one of my terrible headaches, I can’t move, but I don’t think it is anything serious; probably a restraint of some kind. Do you think the attackers may have been enemies of the Waylay’s crew?" Neil asked.

  Thinking about all I had seen of the crew’s security and characters, I answered, "I don't think so. They always strive to behave honorably. They also are very security conscious. If there was anyone after them, I think they would have had some idea of it."

  "I can only think of one other person who may have done this, and I pray it isn't him." Up until now, I had just gotten brief impressions of intense emotion from Neil. Now I felt a wave of terror wash over him. Who could cause such fear in him?

  "What is wrong Neil? I can sense how disturbed you are." I prompted, hoping to find some clue to what was happening.

  Then Neil slowly started talking, seemingly lost while vocalizing his inner thoughts, "I've always tried to overcome any obstacle no matter how dark or desperate life became. In my struggle, I forgot what it was like to feel sentiment towards anyone, and then I found out about Echo. Though I am still perplexed by why my sister never contacted me, at least to tell me about my nieces, I was comforted to know that there was still part of my family out there somewhere. I had hoped to play a bigger part in Echo's future, but I sense a strong hesitance and mistrust from Ell. Even before I met Jason and Ell, I knew that the situation of a distant family relation would be a large gap to bridge, but I was willing to do whatever it took to be there for her. Then I saw you in the security footage, I couldn't believe my eyes. More of the warm feelings that I had for my sister came back, and I had to find out who you were. It was shocking to find out that you were also my sister's child and that you had been left on Fell. I wish that Lydia could have reached out to me, or at least told me about you and Echo. It could have given me hope before I became so involved in certain business dealings." He said quietly.

  "What business dealings are you talking about Neil, what do you mean?" I asked, again prompting him to talk to me or clarify what he meant.

  "After inheriting Mondragon Industries, I had more wealth and power than I could ever dreamt of. Because the Lord Imperator's regime never recognized my claim to the title of Count, the unfair system on Fell fueled my drive to expand my holdings elsewhere. I invested in numerous technological firms and corporations, of which AlliedCorp was included. AlliedCorp has a vision which you may have heard of, "The betterment of mankind through the harmony of our efforts". It was so different than the cruel society of Fell. AlliedCorp sees themselves as the true solution to the universe's problems since the loss of Old Earth and I have even contributed towards their expeditions to find out what happened on Terra Prime, why it vanished. Their causes seemed so pure and inspiring. But I discovered a dark underbelly to that corporation. You see, when you've been around people of power and influence long enough, you can read who the nefarious and benign characters are. And there is no one more scheming or dangerous than Gregor.”

  "Gregor, who is he?" I asked, feeling more nervous about where this conversation was going.

  "He is someone that I've tried to stay away from, at least since the first moment that I discovered his true nature. But that was easier said than done. When I first met him, I admired his fearlessness and his strength. He did what needed to be done and let no one else get the upper hand. He surrounded himself with ancient books of lost empires, and projected unrelenting power towards his subordinates, cutting through them with his gaze. He is the second highest in command at AlliedCorp, and will soon have complete authority over the entire corporation. He seemed to be everything I was lacking, and while he was intimidating much as my father was, I learned far more about how to survive from Gregor than I ever did from my father. But he expected me to prove my allegiance to him. I was eager to prove myself, so I did. But I'll never forget my shame... what I did."

  "What did you do Neil?" I could hear the fear in my own voice.

  "I wish I could forget. I tried to make it right by breaking all ties with Gregor afterwards. He isn't one to allow others out of his control. The thought of what happened, it..." The door opened and two armed men grabbed Neil, dragging him out of the room. He was limp, and I could see a blinking device on his neck, probably what was keeping us immobile.

  "Where are you taking him? Why are you doing this? Who do you work for?" I yelled, but was ignored. The door closed behind them and I was alone, and no closer to understanding what was happening.

  Fenix Battle Cruiser in Route to Unknown Destination -Day 380- Jason Singer

  Feeling groggy, I heard Rask's voice, and assumed I must be dreaming about my time in the Fenix Service Program. The last thing I remembered was the attack on the villa. As my eyes began to focus, I realized my ears had been correct.

  "Rask..." I said; my voice harsh and raspy.

  "So, you finally join us, MISTER Singer." He said in his condescending voice, that I remembered all too well.

  "And what shall I address you as?" I asked.

  "I'm a Commander now, though I had to fight hard to receive my rank. Your whole unit came under scrutiny after you went Recreant. We all had to work twice as hard to advance. I hope you found it was worth it." He said through gritted teeth.

  Seeing the hatred in his eyes, I wondered if he had gone rogue for this operation, or if it had been sanctioned by Fenix. My thoughts turned to Ell. If she was here, it could be very bad for everyone involved.

  "Did you know the laws were changed on Sthenos after you married your child bride?" He asked jeeringly.

  I could tell he wanted to rattle me, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Being proud of all my decisions since leaving Fenix, I could meet his gaze squarely and stay quiet.

  "Where is she anyway? Did she get too old for you? We didn't find her with you." He said accusingly.

  If he only knew how relieved his words made me feel. Ell was safe. I hoped Bree, Neil and Mark would be okay, since they had no history with Fenix.

  "Still no response? I guess some of your training stuck. Too bad loyalty didn’t. It is bad enough you left, but you have encouraged others to leave as well. The shame your father must feel! And what about your grandmother,
she must be turning in her grave. Not one but both of her grandchildren Recreant, one married to another Recreant. Your family line is dead in Fenix."

  Again, my conscience was clear. The only connection I have left on Sthenos is my father; Peter and I had only been a burden to him since our mother died.

  "You care so little for your father or the men you left behind!" Rask's temper was simmering.

  "Fenix is a proud and mighty force. Our very beginning as a military power was forged by the High Council of Old Earth. We have been the guardians of peace and order in the known universe for thousands of years. Even when Terra Prime vanished into darkness and all hope of a united mankind had nearly come to an end, we stood our ground, a bastion of steadfastness in a universe in conflict. Though many worlds sought to dominate others once the seat of power on Terra Prime was no more, we did not let such usurper's reign supreme; we fought so many wars and crushed subsequent uprisings to preserve true unity. You were once parts of our great order, but you choose to leave, to abandon us;" Rask had obviously bought into Fenix’ ideology, hook, line, and sinker.

  "Do you not see? By us knowing our place in the universe, we hold everything together! Now we are on the brink of a new age; a time when we can return to our former glory. How can you not understand the importance of what we stand for and what we can achieve Jason?" Rask's temper had quickly reached its boiling point, as it always had when he got worked up over something. I was sure it was his anger issues that were more of the reason behind his slow promotion, rather than my defection.

  I was fully prepared as his interrogation became physical. When Rask's anger boiled over in the past I had to keep him from torturing our prisoners that we had taken captive from Fenix military operations, even when we had no orders to harm them. Still there were times Rask was sent on missions without me, and I had found his "work" only after the fact. Cruelty wasn't a strong enough word to describe what he was capable of. Still, I refused to rise to his bait, remaining silent.


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