Star-Crossed Curves: BBW Erotic Romance Boxed Set

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Star-Crossed Curves: BBW Erotic Romance Boxed Set Page 1

by Carolina Moon



  BBW Romance Boxed Set


  Carolina Moon

  Copyright © 2014 ButtonFly Books

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  This Wedding Business

  "Jess, you know I hate that kind of thing," Honey Mitchell said. Cradling her cell phone on her shoulder, she straightened the embroidered tulle on the bridal gown.

  "Hate is such a strong word," Jess's attitude came through the phone loud and clear.

  "Okay, I dislike it immensely," Honey corrected, checking to make sure the hem of the gown pooled perfectly on the floor.

  While she continued to work on the mannequin in the window of her shop, Honey Moon Creations, Honey listened to her best friend ramble on about how she needed to get out more, meet new people, not spend all of her time working.

  "You can't hide behind your work forever," Jess finished. Honey pictured her friend with one hand on her ample hip and a pout on her pretty face. "The best way to get over Jeff is to…"

  "I know. I know. Get under someone else," Honey finished the sentence. She'd heard it a hundred times over the past two years.

  "So slip into something pretty and meet me at Casablanca. Eight o'clock sharp,"

  Before Honey could argue further, the line went dead. With a heavy sigh, she reached for the veil lying across a nearby chair and returned to the mannequin. In her heart of hearts, she knew Jess was right. She also knew she'd do as Jess had asked and still come home feeling even more alone than before.

  "But it'll make Jess happy," Honey said to herself as she headed back through her bridal shop. In the back, white bridal gowns of all shapes, sizes and fabrics lined both sides of the wall. She touched each one lovingly as she passed.

  This was where she felt the most comfortable. Until two years ago when she went searching for a wedding dress to marry Jeff, she had no idea that it would be nearly impossible to find a gown that flattered and enhanced her curves without making her look like the Michelin Man, a marshmallow or a wedding cake. That was when she decided to design her own gown and it had turned out beautifully.

  More than she could say for the wedding that never happened.

  But that was long past, and Honey Moon Creations was born out of that disaster. Even though her little shop was barely thriving, she knew this was where she was meant to be.

  She was still in the back when she heard the little bell tinkle over the door. Before she reached the front, she heard a familiar voice.

  "Honey, I'm home." It was Eduardo, who owned Hair Elegante, the hair salon next door. He was using his fake Desi Arnez accent, which always made her smile.

  Honey laughed as she moved behind the counter that held her cash register and usually served as her office. "What's up?"

  "It is my duty to remind you of the reception tomorrow afternoon for the new jeweler," he said with a deep bow.

  "I haven't forgotten," she assured him.

  How could she? Each of their small businesses depended on the other and since the wedding photographer had moved out several months earlier, they'd been searching for a replacement. Instead of a photographer, they ended up with a jeweler who specialized in diamonds. His business was called Dazzlers, and it was supposedly a big deal on the west coast.

  Since he was coming to them from across the country, all business had been transacted over the phone and through his attorneys. And since Karen, the florist, seemed to have the most business sense of their little group, she'd taken care of all that.

  Dazzlers was due to open on Monday and from the preparations they'd all witnessed it was going to be just that: a dazzler.

  "Do I need to bring anything?" Honey asked.

  Eduardo shook his sleek, dark head, his pony tail flipping over one shoulder. "No, madam, Mr. Paul has everything under control. Just bring your pretty face and that sexy, vavava voom body of yours." He wiggled shaggy dark eyebrows and thrust his hips in her direction.

  "Stop it," Honey said, trying not to sound stern and not succeeding very well. "If Joseph saw you…"

  "How do you know I don't swing both ways?" Eduardo continued in a low, sexy voice. Joseph owned the Top Hat Tuxedos and Men's Wear shop on the other side of hers. The two men had been an item since day one, their devotion to each other apparent.

  "I know," she said. "Trust me, I know."

  Eduardo turned and left, laughing all the way down the cobblestone walkway. Honey jotted a note reminding herself to reimburse Paul, who owned Sweet Nothings Bakery, for some of his expenses for this reception. He was struggling as badly as she was. No need to make him carry the whole financial burden.

  After the shop closed, Honey took the ten minute drive to the house she shared with her father. After her mother died, she couldn't bear the thought of him living alone so she had moved back into her old room. Keith Mitchell surprised her, bouncing back from the loss of her mother even more healthy and vibrant than before. He had even started dating again,which was more than Honey could say for herself over the last two years. Sometimes she wondered if she needed him more than he needed her.

  Or maybe he let her stay with him because he just felt sorry for her after Jeff.

  Honey shook her head to rid it of the negative thoughts that tried to creep in. Her curly chestnut colored hair cascaded down around her shoulders, and she flipped it back out of the way. It was time to forget Jeff, she told herself for the millionth time. She would go out with Jess and they'd drink a little and laugh and Jess would flirt outrageously and then she'd come home.

  "Maybe tonight will be different," Honey said to her reflection in the mirror a while later. She was wearing a black dress with an empire waistline and a flirty little skirt that stopped just above her knees. It had a sweetheart neckline that she adored and the bodice draped perfectly. She smoothed the dress down around her thighs and looked at her backside in the mirror. The sturdy fabric emphasized her shapely hips without clinging. This was another one of her designs and she wondered idly if she should branch out into party dresses as well.

  "Got a date?" Keith Mitchell asked when Honey breezed through the kitchen with her purse in hand.

  "Just going out with Jess," Honey told him and kissed his cheek. "Don't wait up for me."

  Keith winked at his daughter. ""Who says I'll even be here?"

  "Dad!" Honey huffed in exasperation and headed for her car. As she drove it occurred to her that her father probably, no make that definitely, got more action than she did.

  By the time she had reached Casablanca on the other side of town, Honey had decided that tonight she was going to have fun no matter what happened. Jess was going to see a different side of her old friend toni

  Honey had just stepped into the dimly lit bar when her cell rang. Seeing that it was Jess, she made a U-turn back out the door and answered it. "What's up, Chic?"

  "You're gonna kill me," Jess said.

  "Probably not but…"

  "I fell down the steps and twisted my ankle," Jess said.

  "Oh, no," Honey said, immediately concerned. "Do you need me…?"

  "No, I think it's just sprained. I've got it propped up but it's still swollen," Jess said. "I think if I just stay off of it, it'll be okay."

  "Okay but let me know if I need to get you anything," Honey said.

  Disappointed that she wouldn't be seeing her friend, Honey stepped back inside, dropped her phone into her purse, and stood there for a moment, just looking around. The place was as busy as she'd ever seen it, filled with voices, laughter and the thump of music from a local band that was playing on the small stage in the far corner. They were pretty good. Several couples were on the dance floor and Honey smiled warmly, remembering how it felt to dance with a lover.

  It had been so long that she'd almost forgotten how.

  Reaching a quick decision, she slid onto the closest bar stool and ordered a Fuzzy Navel. Since she was already there, she might as well have a drink and soak up some of this lively, positive energy. She could pretend she was out there on the dance floor. The band kicked into an old rock song that she liked and she found herself tapping her toe to the rhythm. Maybe after a couple of drinks she'd just get out there and dance by herself.

  By the time Honey had ordered her second drink, the dance floor was almost full and the music was loud and upbeat. She was enjoying watching people pair up, laughing and talking and then dancing together.

  That's when she saw him walking in her direction. The room was too dark for her to see his features but he was tall and broad shouldered, and he moved with a confident, easy grace. He was also turning heads left and right. Wearing a white shirt and dark slacks, his very presence seemed to demand attention.

  She forced herself to look away, thinking that he was probably headed for the bar to order drinks for his model thin wife, who would be waiting impatiently at a table somewhere. But when her gaze returned to him, he was still heading straight for her and now she could see his dark eyes were pinned on her.

  "Dance with me," he said, holding out a large hand.

  "Excuse me?" Honey said, trying to ignore the way his deep voice made her stomach do a little flutter.

  "You know you want to dance and I'll bet you're good at it. I saw you tapping your foot," he said. "Come on."

  And then he grinned, a big, boyish, lopsided grin that deepened the dimple in his chin. He caught one of Honey's hands in his and electricity shot straight up her arm, putting on a little fireworks display in her brain that quickly headed south.

  With a nervous laugh, Honey let herself be pulled off the barstool and onto the nearby dance floor. She felt awkward at first, adjusting her body to match his, but the longer they danced, the more she relaxed. He was a good dancer, and by the third song he was leading her around the dance floor as if they'd danced together for years.

  "You are good," he complimented her when the song ended abruptly.

  "You're not so bad yourself," she said, returning the compliment. When he looked at her, he made her feel like she was the only woman in the room.

  Both of them were breathing hard and smiling. Honey heard her own laughter tinkling and was surprised that it sounded foreign to her. He started to lead her from the floor when the band began belting out one of her all-time favorites, an old Bob Seger tune.

  "Oh, no," she said heading back to the floor. "I never sit this one out."

  To her surprise, the stranger followed her and they were at it again, dancing their hearts out, practicing old steps and making up some new ones as they went along. They ended up dancing through yet another old rock tune and then the lights dimmed signaling that the band was going to slow things down a bit.

  As couples moved close together, arms entwined, Honey started to leave the dance floor.

  "Oh, no," he said, catching her hand and pulling her toward him. His eyes were dancing, teasing her. "I never sit this one out."

  And then she was in his arms, their bodies pressed together more intimately than she had been since Jeff… Would the ghost of what could have been never leave her alone?

  Honey mentally shook off the feelings and simply allowed herself to enjoy the moment. Warmth spread outward and all over her body from where her partner's hand lay on the curve of her back. As they swayed together slowly, he kissed her fingertips and placed her hand on his shoulder. Now his other hand was on her back, pulling her even closer, his fingertips moving in small circles.

  Honey had never felt closer to a man in her life than she did at that moment. She nestled her head against his shoulder, inhaled his spicy, woodsy scent and closed her eyes, loving the way his strong body moved against hers. Her fingers moved to the back of his neck and tangled in the dark hair there.

  "You are the most beautiful woman in the room," he breathed into her ear.

  Honey shivered when his hot breath caressed her ear and neck. She knew it was all just talk, but she didn't care at that moment. It was what she wanted, no needed, to hear.

  "A diamond," he continued. "Perfectly cut, flashing fire…"

  Honey finally looked up at him in surprise. Had he just compared her to a diamond? Just as she began to wonder what it would be like to kiss him, he kissed her. His mouth covered hers, taking and giving at the same time, making dark promises. The way his lips moved against hers made her knees weak and her head spin. All of her senses were completely out of control.

  When he moved his mouth from hers, he traced her wet lips with his fingertips and whispered. "I'm staying here at the hotel. Come up to my room. I want to explore every inch of you."

  Honey hesitated for a moment, surprised but excited. She didn't do this sort of thing, she wasn't someone who did one-night stands. This was something Jess would do. Still…

  She bit her lip, not sure what to say. Then, with a deep breath, she gave in to what felt like years of pent up emotions, desires, needs. "Yes, I'd like that."

  They were alone in the elevator and as soon as the doors closed, they were in each other's arms again. They kissed more deeply this time, his tongue darting between her parted lips while his hands caressed her back and hips through the silky fabric of her clothing. All Honey could think about was the heat that raced through her body wherever he was touching her. She wanted to be naked with him, longed to feel his warm skin against hers. She felt a flood of desire wet her panties.

  The elevator doors opened and he led her, trembling from head to toe down the hall to his room. She noted that his hand was shaking as he swiped the key card and pushed the door open. The room was cool and dark but they needed no light. He pressed her against the closed door, his kisses and his touch growing more and more demanding by the moment. He kissed her again and again, her eyes, her cheeks, her nose, her lips, the thrill of the moment almost taking her breath away.

  Honey moaned softly when his hot mouth moved across her jaw line and down her neck. He made small, wet circles with the tip of his tongue on every inch of sensitive skin that was exposed to him.

  "May I unzip your dress?" he whispered.

  "Yes," Honey hissed. She swept her hair over one shoulder and turned around so that her back was to him.

  The sound of the zipper being lowered could barely be heard over the pounding of her heart. As the dress slid away and more skin was exposed, he caressed her back and hips with hands that seemed to know exactly how to excite her even more.

  Honey's moans grew louder. He unhooked her bra and she shrugged it off. It ended up on the floor at her feet with her dress. Lifting her hair out of the way, he kissed the back of her neck, his hot mouth searing her skin. Reaching around her, he used one hand to caress her breast, tugging playfully at one of her sensitive nipples. It grew complet
ely erect at his touch, making Honey gasp. His other hand moved downward slowly, fingers setting little fires every place they touched her.

  "Oh," Honey whimpered when he cupped her mound gently. She knew he would find her panties wet.

  With a soft sound, he began licking his way down her spine. Honey whimpered again and pressed her forehead against the cool wood of the door. She was eager for this man, this stranger to do anything he pleased, anything that would quench the raging desire turning her into a helpless, trembling mass of needy flesh.

  His hands were on the move again. He stroked her inner thighs and caressed her backside. All the while his lips and tongue made sure not an area of skin was left untouched.

  When he urged Honey to turn around, she was afraid her legs would not hold her. There he was, kneeling at her feet, kissing her knees now, working his mouth back up her legs, causing her to whimper and moan. She ran her fingers through his thick, dark hair, silently begging him to continue, thinking she would simply die if he stopped now.

  But it seemed this man had no plans to stop any time soon. As he planted little kisses all over the front of her panties, Honey's skin suddenly felt too tight, too confining, too hot. Never had a man thrilled her like this before…and he was still dressed.

  Finally, he cupped her bottom in both hands and pulled her hard against his mouth, using his tongue to push her panties up inside of her and then sucking the thin fabric back out.

  "Please," Honey whispered, unable to control her body any longer. She pressed her crotch against his mouth. "Please."

  He peeled her panties down her hips and his mouth was on her again. This time nothing separated her most sensitive spot from his probing tongue. Honey cried out, spread her legs and tangled her fingers in his hair. Waves of excitement crashed over her and her legs were so weak she was surprised they were still holding her up.

  The loving caresses from his tongue continued. The orgasm that had been threatening to overtake her rose, crested and subsided again. Then he gently worked two fingers inside of her, pushing them deep and beginning a rhythmic in and out motion that matched his tongue's caress.


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