Star-Crossed Curves: BBW Erotic Romance Boxed Set

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Star-Crossed Curves: BBW Erotic Romance Boxed Set Page 6

by Carolina Moon

  Honey nodded, her heart pounding. She had hardly been able to look at that dress since she called the wedding off. Now they were expecting her to wear it. "Really, guys, really, I can't…."

  "Yes, you can do it," Eduardo said, sounding relieved. "I'll do your hair. You'll make a beautiful bride."

  "It's either that or we lose everything, including the money we've already paid to attend," Joseph said with a shrug.

  Honey knew when she was backed into a corner. "Who will run my booth?" she asked as a final way out.

  "We can take turns doing it. We'll put you right between me and Eduardo and we can answer any questions and give out your cards," Joseph told her proudly.

  "I don't think I have a choice," she said finally.

  The next morning when Max heard the news, he laughed. "Life plays awful tricks on us, doesn't it?"

  "I guess so."

  "You know they've roped me into wearing a tuxedo all day and walking around the mall with the bridesmaids," he said.

  "I didn't know that," Honey said, putting her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.

  "Yeah, it seems I'm just the perfect male specimen. Besides the groom and his friends can't make it until later in the day," he explained.

  "What a fiasco this has turned out to be."

  Unwrapping that wedding dress took every ounce of strength Honey could muster. Putting it on sapped her completely. It fit perfectly and she wept silently as she stood in front of the full-length mirror in the back of her shop. She wanted to rip it off. She wanted to stomp on the dress that started this whole wedding business. What made her think she could make a go of this? What made her think she could succeed at such a huge business?

  The longer she stood there in front of that mirror staring at her reflection, the angrier she became. Then that anger turned into determination. Yes, she could do this. She would wear this wedding dress and she and the others would put on the best wedding show anyone had ever seen.


  The night before the wedding, everyone from Lover's Ring went to the mall and began setting up their booths and exhibits. Honey was amazed at the floral arrangements Karen had already brought down and what she had originally pictured as a plywood runway with fabric draped over the sides turned out to be much more than that. With the white lattice arches covered in ivy and the sumptuous carpet it was actually designed to look like a small wedding chapel. She walked around with Jess just staring in amazement at the transformation.

  "Jess, you guys have done a wonderful job," Honey told her friend.

  "I think it's going to be one of the best bridal expos we've had. And we want to make sure the vendors who pulled out are going to be sorry."

  "Tomorrow's the big day," Karen said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

  "It is," Honey said.

  "Are you going to be okay?" Jess asked.

  Honey nodded. "I don't have much choice do I?"

  Just then they spotted Max helping Joseph and Eduardo. Honey couldn't decide if he looked sexier in the denim shirt and jeans he was wearing or a suit and tie. Maybe he just looked sexy in everything.

  "I wouldn't mind pretending to be married to that hunk," Jess said.

  Honey and Karen laughed and then Karen changed the subject.

  Honey barely slept that night. She wore casual clothing to the mall knowing she would be wearing several different outfits during the day to advertise the designs she carried in her shop. The first one was a cream colored sheath dress that just skimmed her curves with a matching long jacket. When she looked at herself after Eduardo had finished with her hair and makeup, she couldn't believe what she saw in the mirror.

  "You look ravishing," Eduardo told her. "Now, go strut your stuff," he said with a wink.

  The mall was just starting to get busy when she stepped out of their little dressing area, and the first person she ran into was Max, who was wearing a beautifully tailored gray suit. He whistled low and shook his head, looking her up and down slowly. "Walk with me."

  Looping her arm through his, she strolled alongside the gorgeous man smiling at everyone. Once or twice they were stopped by customers and asked questions. They directed them to the booths in the main court and continued walking.

  Two hours later they returned to the main attraction only to find it packed with interested customers. "Looks like you're busy," Honey said to Karen. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay and help?"

  "Keep sending them in this direction," Karen told her. "We're managing to keep it under control here."

  Honey changed clothes again, this time wearing yet another pretty dress that she hoped would get people's attention. It was cut in a deep V that showed off just enough cleavage to be tasteful and yet teasing. Eduardo placed the diamond pendant from Dazzlers around her neck that she and Max had decided on. It felt like months ago. When he snapped it in place, he whispered in her ear that she was beautiful.

  Paul came by with a tray of pastries and insisted that she eat. Her stomach was in knots but she knew she had to eat something. So she ate without even tasting the food.

  Max seemed to be waiting for her. She ran into him again and, again, he insisted they walk together.

  "I thought you were supposed to escort the bridesmaids, too," Honey said.

  "I found someone else to do that," Max said simply.

  At about two in the afternoon, they ended up back at the main court. Max led her to a small bench flanked by rose encrusted topiaries. Several reporters from the newspaper were there as well as from the TV station. They snapped pictures and seemed to be waiting for something spectacular to happen.

  Her jaw dropped when Max got down on one knee in front of her and pulled a small box out of his pocket. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he said.

  Honey was stunned for a moment and she placed one hand on her chest. Her heart stood still and her breath caught in her throat as she recognized the diamond she had picked out in the store.

  "Will you marry me?" he asked, looking quite sincere.

  Finally, Honey caught on. This was for the show and she was going to play her part to the hilt. "Oh, yes," she breathed as he slipped the diamond on her finger. This time it fit perfectly. Then she leaned forward and kissed him with every ounce of emotion she could dare show in public.

  The crowd roared, clapped, whistled and shouted and Honey smiled down at Max. He winked, stood up and helped her to her feet. As they walked yet another lap around the huge mall, Honey couldn't help but look at the diamond flashing on her finger.

  "Now we're engaged," Max said when he saw her gazing at the ring.

  "Shut up," Honey said. However, caught up in the moment, she really did feel like a bride to be.

  The 'wedding' was to be held promptly at six o'clock. An hour before that, Honey entered the dressing room to find Eduardo putting the final touches on the bridesmaids' hair and make-up.

  "Everything else okay?" she asked him.

  He nodded. "Joseph is helping the groom and best man. Oh, and your dad is here."

  "My dad?"

  "Yeah, he's going to give the bride away, wearing one of Joseph's suits, of course. It was nice of him to offer to help out."

  Finally, Honey was dressed in her wedding gown and as she gazed at her reflection, she didn't flinch. This dress was nothing more than silk and thread and lace. She had finally conquered any ghosts that tagged along with it. Eduardo and Joseph double-checked every inch of her to make sure it was perfect. When they were both satisfied, Karen swept in with her bouquet.

  "You are such a beautiful bride," Karen said with tears in her eyes.

  "I'm not really a bride. I'm a pretend bride, remember?" Honey reminded her, taking the bouquet that Karen handed her. It was bigger than the ones the bridesmaids carried and looked different than when Honey had seen it before. It contained white dahlias, silver brunia, coral peonies, spray roses, and Versilia roses, cascading down from her hands in a delicate waterfall effect.

began to play out front and the crowd that gathered in the mall fell quiet.

  "This place is packed," Paul said, sticking his head into the little makeshift dressing room. "Honey, if you can pull this off, you can do anything."

  "We pulled this off," she reminded him and looked pointedly at Eduardo and Joseph. "We did it."

  The bridesmaids were lined up, matched with an equally handsome young man dressed in one of Joseph's tuxedos. Honey stood at the back of the line, clutching her bouquet and praying this would soon be over. All she wanted to do was go home and soak in a hot tub.

  "There's my little girl."

  Honey jumped and gasped at the sight of her father striding toward her. He was dressed in a navy blue suit that fit him perfectly. "Thanks for coming by to help out, Dad," Honey said, kissing his cheek.

  "I wanted to give away the bride," he said with a grin. "Looks like I made it just in time."

  Curtains parted slightly and the first bridesmaid and her escort walked down the "aisle" which was really a carpeted runway just slightly elevated above the crowd. Honey listened for the audience's reaction to what the girl was wearing and smiled when she heard a smattering of applause. The second bridesmaid went out the same way and Honey stepped forward, clutching her father's arm, growing more nervous by the moment.

  The applause was louder this time.

  The third bridesmaid was wearing one of Honey's favorites, an off the shoulder tea length dress with a soft coral lace overlay. That was the hit of the day, as she knew it would be, and she was beaming with pride.

  Until the first strains of the Wedding March reached her ears.

  "It's show time," her father said and eased her forward.

  Honey was shaking from head to toe as she walked through the curtains on her father's arm. The crowd applauded loudly and she looked from one side to the other, smiling happily.

  Until she saw Max waiting for her at the altar.

  What was he doing here? Where was the model? How had things gotten so out of control?

  Max smiled when their eyes met and when the 'ceremony' began she stood between the two men. When it was time, her father kissed her on the cheek and handed her over to Max with a graceful and dignified bow. She was aware of him taking a seat between Jess and Karen in the crowd.

  And then something was wrong. Max was falling…or…maybe she was falling…or…

  Max was on one knee in front of her again. "Honey, will you marry me?"

  "What?" They'd already done this once. You didn't propose during a wedding.

  "I'm asking you to marry me. For real this time," he said, his eyes pleading with her to say yes

  "You mean, now?"

  "It looks like we're pretty well set up for it. And I can't imagine a more beautiful bride," Max says.

  For a brief moment everything and everyone was completely silent. It seemed they were all holding their breath, waiting for her answer. And finally, Honey gave in to the emotions she'd been fighting since the night she met Max.

  "Yes," she breathed. "Yes."

  Max stood up and moved to kiss her but the minister stopped him. "Not yet."

  Laughter rippled through their audience.

  Honey was only vaguely aware of the rest of the ceremony, except when she looked into Max's eyes and said, "I do." Then he slipped the band that matched the diamond onto her finger.

  "Now," the minister said loudly. "Now you may kiss your bride."

  They were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson and then Max swept her up in his arms and carried her down the steps into the crowd. It was a huge celebration, with people congratulating them, confetti flying and balloons filling the area. Honey thought that her heart would never stop pounding or that Max would never let her go, he was holing on so tightly. She snuggled into him, perfectly happy. They led the way to a restaurant in the mall, where their reception would be catered.

  "Don't tell me you weren't in on this," Honey confronted Karen and Jess when she had the chance.

  "And Joseph and Eduardo and Paul," Karen told her.

  "Even Tiffany grudgingly kept our secret."

  "How did you know I'd say yes?" Honey wanted to know.

  "All we had to do was see you two together one time," Karen told her. "The way he looks at you. The way you look at him. It was pretty obvious."

  "Thank you," Honey said hugging each of them in turn.

  "I'm going to proclaim this a success. Just from the response we've had today I know Lover's Ring is going to be a hot spot for weddings for a long time," Karen said, smiling happily.

  "I just don't know how we're going to top this next year," Jess said.

  Just then Max stepped up behind his bride and put his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him. "Maybe we'll have a mock baby shower next year," he said, kissing her ear. "Or a real one."

  His words thrilled her and suddenly, Honey could hardly wait to get her new husband all to herself.

  Penthouse Perfect

  Lia Davies was staring blankly at herself in the mirrored elevator walls when the chime sounded, interrupting her thoughts. Blinking, she realized that she was going up instead of down. She sighed and curled her fingers into loose fists, then tried in vain to loosen the muscles in her shoulders. What next? I’m already twenty minutes late for work because of this damned elevator.

  No wonder there was never anyone else on this elevator. It was faster to walk.

  She and the maintenance guy Tim had tried to get her car battery to charge, to no avail, so she’d had to run back upstairs to change out of her grease-stained dress and call her boss to warn him of her impending but momentary absence. The problem was that this stupid elevator was so. Freakin’. Slow. By the time she got to her home phone, she was already ten minutes late.

  And now, instead of going down to her bus ride – the car didn’t start at all – she was headed up.

  Part of the problem was the size of the building. It was fifty-two stories in all, and she had inherited her Gran’s apartment on the twenty-first floor. It was a lovely apartment, but very far from the ground. Gran had loved it, because of the view, but then Gran hadn’t had to get to work on time every day.

  At least it’s got an elevator.

  Why? It wouldn’t hurt you to climb a few stairs.

  HA! On the twenty-first floor, that would be three hundred and fifteen stairs. No thank you, brain.

  You could do that. In fact, you should - twice a day. You could be a size ten in no time.

  I could be crippled, too. Or dead of a heart attack. Remember – if I die, you die.

  Her brain had no answer for that.

  Just as she began to gloat over her silent victory, the chime announced the penthouse, the smooth doors slid open and Joel Cortran stepped inside, looking through some sort of leather book. Today he was wearing a black suit with a silk dress shirt, but the jacket was thrown carelessly over his arm.



  I’m glad we agree.

  Like it matters.

  The man was so far out of her league that he was playing a different game altogether.

  She fervently wished that she was wearing something a little sexier, or not. She wasn’t fat, exactly, but she wasn’t a size three, either, and revealing clothes made her feel naked. Still, the plain blue dress must offend his very eyes. At least her black heels were sexy.

  Lia swallowed hard, mumbled hello, and stared at the floor…the softly lit buttons…her hands… Anywhere but at him. She felt her face turn red and gave up breathing altogether. Which was good, because whatever delicious aftershave he was wearing made her knees instantly weak.

  It wasn’t because of him – the couple of times that she had spoken with him, he had been a perfect gentleman. He had even invited her to his housewarming (penthouse warming?) party, but she had been too flabbergasted by the invitation to actually go. It was cowardly, but she couldn’t help it.

  So, no, it wasn’t him. It was all those fant
asies she’d had about him. Night after night she had imagined them in exotic locales making sweet, sweet love. She imagined running her fingertips through the dark, too-long hair that feathered around his collar and glinted with reddish highlights. She imagined reaching up to caress the hard chest that resided just under the silk shirts he wore. She imagined slowly peeling off the suits that cost more than her car, piece by piece, until he was glistening and naked under her hands.

  She imagined that he shared his secrets with her and made her feel precious. She imagined that he would croon his devotion to her and then sweep her up in those beautiful, strong arms and carry her to their room for a wild night of passion in front of a roaring fireplace.

  Yeah, right, her brain piped up. This guy can afford to have someone carry him around if he wants – can’t really see him carrying you around. She sighed. Sometimes her brain was a pain in the ass.

  “Shut up,” she mumbled, then immediately realized that she’d said the words aloud. She bit her lip and jerked her head up to see if he noticed.

  He looked up at her movement and noticed her noticing, then seemed to realize that she’d spoken. “Are you OK?”

  “Yes. Sorry. I’m fine.” She looked back down at the floor and willed the elevator to fall. Or explode. Anything to get his penetrating gaze off of her. No such luck, though – the dratted thing ticked and hummed quietly and slowly toward the main floor.

  “Your name is Lia, right?”

  She nodded, tried hard to say yes and be flattered, but she just couldn’t. Instead, she swallowed and nodded.

  He stuck out one perfectly manicured hand. “We’ve met once or twice before. It’s nice to see you again.”

  Her own fingers stiffened, and she forced them to relax before taking his hand.

  Instead of shaking it, though, he turned it gently to the soft underside and looked at her wrist. “You have a little something…”

  She glanced down to see grease streaked up her inner arm. “Oh, yeah. I was…I had some car trouble this morning. Dead battery.”

  He was touching her.

  Oh God, he was touching her.


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