Star-Crossed Curves: BBW Erotic Romance Boxed Set

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Star-Crossed Curves: BBW Erotic Romance Boxed Set Page 25

by Carolina Moon

  A boulder loomed up ahead; a dark, familiar shape and I decided I’d walked far enough. It was time to turn around and head back. At that moment, though, a sound caught my attention and I stopped, cocked my head and listened.

  There it was again. A soft moaning sound. The wind?

  I struggled to figure out which direction it was coming from.

  Definitely a moan, louder this time, and I realized it was coming from the other side of the boulder. I started in that direction wondering if someone was hurt or lost or… Then I heard a man’s voice. I didn’t recognize the voice but I understood the passion making it tremble.

  “Damn, baby, your mouth feels so good.”

  I froze.

  “God, I’ve missed you.” An unfamiliar woman’s voice reached my ears, just as throaty as her lover’s.

  There was a soft moan and my knees grew weak. Evidently, this beach wasn’t always deserted. I knew I should walk away. I knew I shouldn’t be listening to them like this but all I could do was stand there with my hands pressed against the smooth surface of that big rock.

  “Let me at that sweet pussy of yours,” he said.

  There was a rustle of clothing.

  “Oh, Jake.” The woman’s voice was shaking as badly as my knees. “Oh, yes, baby, use that tongue.”

  The heat spread outward from my own crotch, down my thighs and up to my nipples. Suddenly, my whole body was on fire as I eavesdropped on the anonymous couple on the other side of the big rock. I had both hands between my legs, squeezing my mound. Already the crotch of my shorts was wet. My excitement grew as quickly as theirs. I vaguely wondered what kind of woman would do this. It was a private moment for them. I had no business listening…

  The hand that clamped tightly over my mouth brought every thought, every emotion to a screeching halt.

  “Want me to take care of that itch for you? Hot breath on my ear and neck. The rock hard body pressing against my backside let me know that he meant business.

  Brent. I sagged weakly against him, my senses reeling, especially when he worked a big hand between my thighs right where mine had been. Quickly, he slipped a finger inside the leg of my panties and dipped it inside of me. He pulled it free and rubbed it against my lips.

  “I’m glad you brought the blanket,” the woman was saying to her lover on the other side of the big rock. “And I’m glad you brought this.”

  Her lover growled and I could only imagine what she was doing. “Spread those legs and let me see that pretty pussy again.”

  “Oh, you’re going to do more than look,” she told him. There was soft laughter and wet kissing sounds.

  “Didn’t know you liked to watch,” Brent breathed, his hand still covering my mouth.

  I shook my head, wanting to explain that it was an accident.

  “I asked if you wanted me to take care of that wet pussy for you.”

  I nodded. I did, consequences be damned.

  He was already working on the button of my shorts and pulling down the zipper. They slid silently off my hips and down to my ankles. My panties followed. The cool night air stroked my wet thighs and made me shiver. The hand that covered my mouth slid down to my breast, caressing me with that rough/gentle touch that was so much a part of Brent. He fumbled with his own zipper with his other hand.

  On the other side of the rock, the woman’s moans grew louder and I closed my eyes, imagining her lover kneeling between her legs, taking her, their bodies glistening with sweat in the moonlight. Inadvertently, I pushed back against Brent, my body aching to be filled with him.

  He chuckled softly and the hot knob of his cock pressed between my legs. He worked it back and forth a few times and I closed my eyes and shuddered as my flowing oils coated him.

  “Get on top,” the man on the other side of the rock grunted. “Ride me baby, just like you used to.”

  Now I imagined the woman straddling this man, sliding downward onto him. Her loud groan told me that he filled her completely. At the same time, Brent pushed me forward so that I was bent over and took me from behind, sliding in to the hilt in one easy thrust. I bit my lip to keep quiet but in all reality, the lovers on the other side of the rock would probably not have heard me. They were working hard to get every ounce of pleasure from this rendezvous.

  Brent squeezed my bottom with one hand and pulled me back against him as I listened to the wet sound of two bodies slapping together. I pictured her bouncing up and down on top of him, his hands covering her breasts. My orgasm built inside of me, rose and crested and then Brent slowed his rhythm and it subsided.

  “Oh, Jake, I’m going to come,” the woman squealed.

  Brent suddenly grabbed my hips with both hands and slammed into me harder and faster than ever. Was he trying to make me climax when they did?

  “Do it, baby. Come all over my dick,” her lover grunted.

  The woman’s moans grew louder, more guttural and I knew she was almost there. My own orgasm threatened to overtake me, my knees quivering as Brent pushed deeper and deeper inside of me. I held onto the rock for support, took everything he had and silently begged for more.

  “Yes,” the woman howled. “Oh, yes.”

  My orgasm hit seconds later, nearly taking my breath away. I put one hand over my mouth as I ground my body back against Brent. My pussy pulsed and fluttered around his cock, which had grown to gigantic proportions. Then, with a barely audible grunt, he exploded inside of me, his hot load jetting deep, filling me to overflowing just like it always did.

  The lovers on the other side of the rock were changing positions again. Ivy was still moaning and her lover was muttering dirty little nothings, no doubt trying to distract himself and make this last as long as possible.

  Brent pulled out of me with a soft plop when he had control of himself again and I heard him pulling up his zipper, buckling his belt. I quickly pulled my own shorts and panties back up into place. Finally, I turned to face him.

  He was gone. The only thing I saw was a tall, shadowed figure running away from me with long, easy strides along the beach.

  Leaving the beach behind as quickly as I could, I stumbled home. I slipped into my bathroom and avoided the mirror, only guessing what I must look like. As the hot water cascaded over me, I scooped his sweet come from inside of myself with my fingertips and licked them clean. Soon, I was using those same fingers to bring myself to another roaring climax, thrilled and amazed at what had just happened.

  How had he known that I needed him right at that moment? He must be watching the house…watching me. I closed my eyes and leaned against the tiled wall. Brent still wanted me, still needed me as badly as I needed him. As long as he didn’t get too close while Lilly and Ivy were visiting.

  Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed a towel and dried quickly. I was just putting on my robe when a panicked scream from the living room jolted me into action.


  Tying my robe quickly, I headed down the hall, only to run right into her. Her eyes were as big as saucers and she was shaking all over.

  “What, what is it?” I caught her in my arms.

  “Someone was… I saw someone,” she screeched.


  “I saw a man,” she squealed, holding onto me with all her strength.


  “I went outside to stretch and I saw him running through the yard.”

  I could feel her heart pounding and realized she was genuinely scared. I also realized she’d probably just seen Brent coming back from the beach.

  “Honey, it’s okay. I’m sure it was just your imagination,” I tried calming her. “You’ve been reading a long time.”

  “No, Mom, I saw him,” she insisted.

  “Honey, there is no one out here except us.” I didn’t mention that there was a couple out on the beach right now having a secret rendezvous with a man. And I didn’t dare tell her that I’d just had sex with Brent while we listened to the pair. “You’re just tired.”
  She seemed to believe me but was still shaking.

  “Let’s go have some tea. That’ll help you calm down,” I said.

  Taking my daughter’s cold hand, I led her toward the kitchen. We talked while I made tea and then we sat at the table, sipping it slowly until she caught her breath.

  And that’s where Ivy found us when she came in.

  “What’s wrong?” she demanded immediately, looking from her sister to me and back again. “What happened?”

  Was that an accusing look I saw on her face.

  “Lilly thought she saw someone outside,” I explained. “She’s fine.”

  “I did see someone,” Lilly insisted, panic rising in her voice again.

  “I tried to tell her no one is out here except us,” I explained.

  Ever the protective “big” sister, Ivy rounded the table and took Lilly into her arms. “What did he look like?”

  “I don’t know. It was dark. I just saw him running,” Lilly was sobbing again, burying her face in her sister’s shoulder.

  They’d grown even closer since the loss of their father and I suddenly felt like an outsider. “I’ll go outside and look if you want,” I offered.

  “No! He might still be out there,” Lilly grabbed my hand.

  “Wait,” Ivy forced Lilly to look up at her. “Lilly, could it have been Mom’s caretaker?”

  “What caretaker?” I asked, suddenly feeling a little panicky myself.

  “That old guy that stays out here. Is he a handyman or something?”

  I was totally confused. “Honey, I don’t have a caretaker or a handyman or anyone else. There’s only me.”

  “Then who is that old guy with the baggy pants and gray hair that watches us all the time?”

  I suddenly remembered all the times I’d felt like someone was watching me.


  “Please call the police. We’ve seen that old guy several times and just thought he worked for you,” Ivy said, giving me a pleading look over the top of her sister’s head.

  “I don’t have anyone working for me. You should have said something sooner,” I said, trying to control my shaking voice as I reached for the cordless phone on the kitchen counter. The very last thing I wanted to do was involve the authorities, sure Brent would insist on being the one to respond, but my daughters left me no choice. My fingers were shaking so badly I could hardly dial 911.

  The female voice that answered was brisk and businesslike, and I tried to give the girls a reassuring smile.

  “My name is Billie Picard. I own the bed and breakfast outside of town. We think someone might be prowling around outside my house,” I explained, feeling more panicky than I dared to admit.

  Holding the phone with one hand, I moved to the kitchen door and checked to see if it was locked. Ivy headed toward the living room and I knew she was doing the same with the front door.

  “Go with your sister and check all the windows,” I whispered to Lilly.

  The dispatcher asked for my name and address even though I’d just given it to her. I repeated myself and answered her questions as calmly as I could. As I listened to my daughters moving through the house, I thought about all the times I’d felt like someone was watching me. The night I had found my bedroom door open stood out vividly in my mind. I clutched my bathrobe tighter around me. And then I remembered all the things I’d done outside…on the deck…on the beach…with Brent. The thought of some stranger lurking around, watching us, spying on us made me angry.

  “We have officers on the way, ma’am. I’d like for you to stay on the phone with me until they get there,” she said in calm, reassuring voice.


  “Can you describe the person you saw?”

  “Not really. My…my daughter saw him and it’s very dark out here,” I answered, struggling to hear a siren.

  The twins returned to the kitchen, staring at me, wide-eyed with fear.

  “Have you seen anyone out there at night before?” she asked.

  Again, the cold prickle of fear when I thought about all those times I’d felt like I was being watched.


  “I’m sorry. No, I haven’t seen anyone out here before,” I answered.

  Even though I was trying to appear calm for my daughters, they knew I was just as terrified as they were. Lilly, looking like a scared little girl, held onto my free hand. Her fingers were ice.

  The loud knock on the back door brought a stifled scream from Lilly. Both Ivy and I jumped and I almost dropped the phone.


  Relief flooded through me at the sound of Brent’s voice. I handed the phone to Ivy and nodded reassurance to my daughters.

  Opening the door, seeing him standing there, tall and proud in his uniform, brought tears to my eyes. He was backlit by the porch light so I could not see his face to get an idea of what he was thinking. I moved backward into the kitchen and he followed me.

  “Sheriff, these are my daughters,” I said by way of introduction. “Ivy and Lilly.”

  Brent tipped his hat but I still could not read his expression. “Ladies.”

  “I didn’t hear any sirens,” I said lamely. At that moment, I was willing to do just about anything to keep him from looking too closely at the two young women, afraid he might recognize….

  “We turned them off a little way out. Turned off the lights, too,” he explained, his blue eyes returning to me. “Now, what is going on?”

  All three of us started talking at the same time, but Brent held up his big hands, silently commanding us to stop.

  “Who saw the intruder?” he asked, all business now.

  “I did,” Lilly said. “He was running through the yard. Away from the beach, toward the road.”

  “And you’ve seen him before?” he asked.

  Ivy explained that she and Lilly had seen someone before but thought he worked for me.

  “Can you describe him?”

  Ivy nodded. “Kind of old. Stringy gray hair that he sometimes wears in a ponytail and baggy pants. He sort of has a limp.”

  Something flashed across Brent’s face. Something that I couldn’t put a name to; something that he hid immediately.

  “What about you?” he asked, finally turning to me.

  “I haven’t seen anyone,” I told him. “Every once in a while I had a feeling I was being watched and one night…” I stopped in mid-sentence. "Are we in danger?"

  “One night, what?” Brent snapped.

  “One night I found my bedroom door open but I may have just left it open,” I finished with a shrug.

  “You’d better go look for him,” Lilly burst out. “He might be getting away.”

  Brent smiled for the first time. “Officers are already scouring the property,” he explained.

  As if on cue, there was a quiet knock at the door and two more local police officers stepped into my kitchen, making the space seem very small. Lilly and Ivy moved close to me and I put my arms around them, pulling them even closer.

  “Sheriff, we didn’t find anything but the remains of an old camp site out in the woods,” one of the police officers told Brent. “I’d like to come back tomorrow in the daylight to double check.”

  Brent nodded in agreement.

  “Ma’am, who stays in that little shed?” One officer directed a question at me. He was carrying the biggest flashlight I’d ever seen.

  I looked at him blankly.

  “The little potting shed on the path down to the beach,” he explained patiently.

  All eyes turned to me. “No one,” I answered, my voice quivering. “No one stays in there. It’s a potting shed.”

  The officers all exchanged looks and Brent ushered them out of the kitchen. I remembered trying to get the door open earlier that evening but it had been stuck. Had someone been just on the other side of that door holding it closed? Had I been that close to exposing someone’s safe house, hiding spot? Alone and in the dark? Suddenly, too we
ak, too tired to stand any longer, I sank down in the closest chair at the table, no longer worried about secrets or anything else but our safety.

  “Are you okay?” Ivy asked.

  I nodded, too numb to even talk.

  Brent returned to the kitchen and knelt down in front of me. “Ms. Picard, it looks like someone has been living in your little shed. We found blankets and tins of food and cigarette butts.”

  I simply stared at him, barely comprehending what he’d just said.

  “We’ve gathered up a few items for evidence,” Brent continued in that same deep, reassuring voice. “He’s been spotted and he probably knows it so whoever it is may be long gone by now.”

  I was sure anyone paying attention would know that we had been lovers at some point and I prayed that Lilly and Ivy were too busy listening to notice. I longed for him to take me into his arms. I wanted him to stay with me that night and forever. But the situation with my daughters was too complicated and he was already standing up, already moving away from me.

  “Make sure all your windows and doors are locked,” he said, looking at the three of us in turn. “Don’t open the door for anyone but one of us. We’ll be patrolling the area pretty heavily tonight, just to be on the safe side.”

  I nodded, suddenly cold and pulled my bathrobe tighter around me.

  “We’ll be back in the morning,” he said, moving to the door. “Don’t hesitate to call the office if you suspect anything.”

  And then he was gone.

  The three of us stayed together, checking the doors and windows all over again and then I glanced at my watch. It was two in the morning.

  “Girls, we’d better get some sleep,” I said.

  “You mean alone?” Lilly gasped.

  “In our rooms?” Ivy added.

  “Or we could just camp out in the living room,” I suggested, relieved that I didn’t have to spend the night alone in my bed. “Like a real slumber party.”


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