A Ranger's Love: A Military Erotic Romance

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A Ranger's Love: A Military Erotic Romance Page 4

by Kristin Fletcher

  “I was in class. The sergeants, they didn't try to kill me today,” Mike explains when I comment on his energy.

  Mike doesn’t seem to be able to keep his hands off me as I prepare dinner. He is constantly caressing my ass or standing behind me nuzzling my neck, as he pulls me into him. I ignore him, but it’s hard, damn hard.

  “Sit,” I order, as I place the potatoes and fried chicken on the table. I wish I had some steaks, but I don’t eat beef often because it costs so much. The chicken will have to do.

  Mike takes the first tentative bite of the chicken. I can see his eyes open wide in surprise. “This is really, really good!” he gushes.

  I smile, warming with his praise. “Nobody could fry chicken like my mama,” I say. I get ready to clamp down on the pain, but I find it doesn’t hurt so much to think of her tonight. “Dad was always bitching, saying she was trying to make him fat.”

  “You learned to cook from your mother?”

  “Yeah. I knew I was going to be leaving soon, so I started helping out in the kitchen. Mom was a nurse, so we didn’t cook much except on the weekends. I find that I enjoy it. Cooking I mean.”

  “You’re good at it, too,” Mike says, looking at the plate of chicken in longing.

  “Help yourself,” I say with a giggle. “It’s why I cooked it.”

  “I can see why your dad would complain. If I had someone to cook like this for me, I would have the same problem.”

  I get a little rush. I wonder if his comment means anything. Then, I decide it probably doesn’t. “You are welcome to eat here anytime you can get away,” I offer.

  Mike smiles. “Thank you, Daisy. That’s nice of you to offer.”

  “It’s nice to share a meal,” I say, pushing my potatoes around with my fork. “That’s one of the things I miss, eating with my family. We had dinner together every night. Dad said it was the one time of the day the world could just wait.”

  “Sounds like you had a great family,” Mike says softly. “I would have liked to have met them.”

  I smile. “Yeah. I think they would have liked you.” I’m amazed that I have been able to talk to Mike about my family this long without wanting to cry.

  “Any brothers or sisters? Anyone like that?”

  “No. Nobody. I have some grandparents, Dad’s mom and dad, but that’s all. Mom’s family is from Alabama, but they’re both dead. Died years ago when I was small.”

  “Why didn’t you go live with your grandparents?” Mike asks.

  “They’re retired and live in an RV. They didn’t say so, but I knew they wouldn’t want me around. That, and the fact that this is my home. I grew up here. I can’t leave.” I don’t add that this is my last connection to my parents and I can’t bear to sever it.

  “So, you really are pretty much on your own,” Mike says.

  “Yeah. Pretty much.”

  We finish eating, as we talk about my parents and growing up in the Army. I decide that it’s Mike’s presence that allows me to talk about Mom and Dad without falling to pieces. I still miss them, but the pain of my loss is tempered with the memories of the good times. Then, it doesn’t hurt so much.

  When we’re done eating Mike helps me clean up. He shuttles the dishes from the table, as I load them in the dishwasher. “So tell me about your family,” I say without looking at him. “You said your parents are dead?”

  Mike is quiet, but I don’t turn from the sink. Just when I think he is not going to answer or that he’ll change the subject, he responds, “Not dead. They’re just not my family anymore.”

  I didn’t know what I expected to hear, but it isn’t that. “I don’t understand,” I say, as I shut off the water and turn to face Mike.

  “They threw me out. Told me not to come back. Ever.”

  I’m so shocked, I almost can’t speak. I can’t imagine my parents ever telling me that. “Why?” I ask, the surprise clear in my voice.

  “I fucked up. I let my little brother get injured in an accident. Now, he’s a quadriplegic.”

  I can see the deep guilt and pain written all over Mike’s face. My heart rends for him. “If it was an accident, how could it be your fault?” I ask softly.

  “I should have been there. Watching. But…”

  “But what, Mike?”

  “We were at the lake. I was eighteen and Bobby was seventeen. There was beer there, but I left with my girlfriend in her car. Her parents were gone and I wanted to spend some time alone with her. Anyway, I left Bobby the keys to my truck, so he could get home. He crashed it. Ran off the road and rolled it before it hit a tree. Killed four of our friends that were riding in the back. Two guys and their girlfriends. Bobby’s girlfriend was in the cab with him. She was such a pretty girl. She lived, but she’s a vegetable. She just stares out the window at her parents’ home.”

  “Oh my God, Mike! I’m so sorry.” Mike looks haunted by the memories.

  “Mom and Dad, they couldn’t cope. They said I was the oldest, the adult. Two of those killed were just sixteen. The others were only seventeen. I should have known better than to leave them there, especially with alcohol. I did know, but all I could think about was getting away to be alone with Lisa.”

  “Mike,” I say softly. “What happened wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known that was going to happen.”

  “Yeah? My folks don’t see it that way.”

  “When did you talk to them last?”

  Mike smiles sadly. I can feel my tears well up in sympathy. “The day they threw me out.”

  “Have you tried to call them?”

  “Not in the last couple of years. I called them once every few month after I joined the Army. I wanted to tell them how sorry I was. I would leave messages, but they never called me back. Mom answered the phone once, but as soon as she knew it was me, she told me to never call again and hung up. I haven’t called since.”

  “You joined after they threw you out?”

  “Yeah. I had nowhere to go. I stayed with the family of a friend until I was accepted.”

  I take Mike into my arms and just hold him. He’s had so much pain, so much suffering. “I’m so sorry, Mike. I’m so very sorry for you; but, you must know, it’s not your fault.”

  “I don’t know. I know better than to drink and drive. If I had been there, I would have been driving. Then, none of this would have happened.”

  I feel so terribly sad for Mike. Suddenly, my loss pales in comparison. I miss my parents, but I’m not being eaten from inside with guilt. Just looking at Mike, I can see in his eyes that he carries the guilt for that day still. I silently damn his parents. Kids have been drinking beer at lakes during the summer forever. It’s not Mike’s fault this tragedy happened. It’s not fair that he should be held responsible for the actions of others who were old enough to know better.

  Mike pushes me away gently. “I’m sorry. Some date, huh?”

  “I’ve had worse,” I say with a small smile at our role reversal.

  “Uh-huh,” Mike says. “I suppose you picked up this dude that was a chick?”

  “What? Were you there?” I ask.

  Mike looks at me a moment. Then, he chuckles, as he bends to kiss me.

  “I’m sorry for dumping all that shit on you,” Mike says, as we pull apart.

  “Thank you for sharing it,” I say. I mean it. I suddenly feel closer to Mike than any other man I have been with, even though I have known him for only a few days.


  We finish cleaning the kitchen. Then, we move to the couch while the dishwasher does its thing. As we sit and watch an old movie on the television, I realize that what I want, more than anything else in this world, is to take away Mike’s pain. It hurts me that his parents treat him so unfairly, especially since I would give so much to have mine back.

  We watch the entire movie, saying little. Each of us lost in our own thoughts. As the credits begin to roll, I look to Mike. He is staring at the television, but I know he is seeing past event
s. “Mike,” I whisper. “Are you okay?”

  Mike looks as me and smiles softly. “Yeah. Just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “About life. Decisions I’ve made.” Mike shrugs. “Nothing really.”

  I look at the clock on the cable box. It’s only nine o’clock, but it’s late enough. “Okay. Will you do something for me then?”


  “Will you take me to bed and just hold me for a while?”

  I watch Mike, as his eyes search mine. “Just hold you?”

  “To start with. Then, we’ll see what happens. If that is okay with you,” I add, in case he wants an out.

  Mike’s smile softens even more. “I would love to.”


  Saturday morning, I wake up still wrapped in Mike’s arms. We didn’t make love last night and I don’t care. After we turned in, I lay in Mike’s arms. We didn’t talk and eventually I drifted away into sleep. Enveloped in his embrace, I feel more at peace and more secure than I have felt in three years. I don’t move, as I listen to Mike’s rhythmic breathing. I don’t want to disturb this moment.

  I know I’m not in love, not after just a week; but, there is no denying that Mike is exerting a powerful pull on me. At this moment, I want nothing more than to lie here, forever. I simply want to feel him close to me.

  As his deep, slow breathing begins to lull me back to sleep, I feel him stir. I turn in his arms to face him and wait until his eyes open. “Good morning,” I whisper, punctuating my greeting with a kiss. The kiss is chaste, but his morning erection hints that there may be more to come.

  “Good morning,” Mike says, smiling. “How did you sleep?”

  “Like the dead. You?”

  “Better than I have in a long time,” Mike says softly. “Daisy, I’m sorry about last night.”

  “What? For what?”

  “For dumping all that on you, then turning into such a douche bag.”

  “I don’t know what you mean. I’m glad you felt you could share that with me.”

  “I mean I got all sullen and pissy.”

  “I don’t think that happened at all,” I object. “And to be honest, just having you hold me last night was nice.”

  “You’re not disappointed?”

  “Are you?” I counter.

  “A little,” Mike admits. “Not that I’m saying I didn’t enjoy spending the night with you, but-”

  “But it’s not something to brag about to your buddies?”

  “No! I’m not saying that either! I wouldn’t do that!”

  “I’m just kidding, Mike,” I say with a smile, as I touch his face. “I know what you mean. There is still this morning.”

  “And this evening,” Mike adds with a crooked smile.

  “And let’s not forget this afternoon,” I suggest.

  “I hope I’m up for it.”

  “So do I,” I say with a grin.

  Mike snickers. “Are we are having oysters for dinner?”

  “If we must.”

  Mike snickers again. “Wait a minute,” he says, as he rolls out of the bed. I wonder where he’s going, but the sound of running water tells me. While Mike brushes his teeth and shaves, I take a moment to freshen up, as well.

  Mike is the first back to the bed. He is waiting on me, propped on an elbow, as I exit the bathroom. He’s covered by the bed linens to the waist, but the way he looks and the way he gazes at me is a woman’s wet dream. I begin to tingle with anticipation. A good night’s sleep with Mike tucked in close has put me in the mood. I slide into the bed with Mike on the near side. It forces him to move over to give me room. At the same time, it allows us to touch and move against each other, as we adjust our positions.

  As soon as I have enough room so I don’t have to worry about falling out of the bed, Mike stops moving. Then, he pushes me over onto my back. He lightly drapes himself across me before taking my lips with his own. I inhale deeply. My simmering desire for him flares into life. I wrap him in my arms. The kiss takes on a life of its own. We devour each other. Our tongues probe and dart, as we suck and nibble on each other’s lips.

  I am so into the kiss that I don’t even feel Mike move his hand…until he inserts a finger into me. He strokes me, tickling the sweet spot inside of me with his finger. The pleasure of his touch explodes in me. I begin to kiss him frantically. My hips buck, as I moan. As I thrash, Mike increases the speed and power of his strokes until I break the kiss with a gasp.

  I grab at Mike’s hand, as I twist and lurch. My body curls up, as unimaginable pleasure batters me. It makes me nearly incoherent, as my orgasm consumes me. I am unable to breathe, as I wrestle with Mike. I continue to grip his hand, trying to make him stop until my orgasm release me. “Stop, stop, stop, stop,” I say, gasping; but, Mike continues to torture me with his finger.

  I feel Mike’s finger stop its motion. Although the cessation finally allows me to relax, he continues to hold his finger in me. As soon as I can think again, Mike gives me single stroke. His finger touches me just right and I lunge hard. I grunt, as pleasure explodes in me once more. Mike pauses again, as I pant. Then, he gives me another single stroke; yet again, I groan and jerk, as pleasure roars through me. I’m not having an orgasm, but I might as well be. The intensity of Mike’s touch is so extreme.

  I feel Mike withdraw his finger. I almost gasp in relief, but my respite is short lived. He takes my breast into his mouth for a thorough going over. At the same time, his fingers find my button at my womanhood.

  As he touches and caresses me, I begin to move and writhe again. I feel Mike’s arm pass under my neck. I am so lost in pleasure, I don’t know what he is doing or why. Nor do I care. I feel his fingers begin to tease the nipple on my other breast, gently caressing it to attention. With one stroke to my womanhood, Mike sends me soaring with pleasure. I whimper through two more mind-numbing orgasms, as he licks, strokes, tickles, and kneads.

  After my third orgasm, I can’t take it anymore. “Please, Mike! Please! I want you! Please!”

  Mike continues to ravage me for a moment longer. Then, he moves. He positions himself between my legs. As I struggle to catch my breath, Mike moves under my legs. He drapes them across his shoulders. As he enters me, he slides impossibly deep. I moan.

  “Hard,” I gasp, wrapping my hands behind his head. “Fuck me hard.”

  Mike starts out slow, but he rapidly increases the power of his thrusts. He drives into me hard, fast, and deep. Mike starts out braced up on his hands, but as he pounds into me, he lowers his body and bends me almost in half. I begin to push back against him with my legs. The strain of my push increases my pleasure even more.

  Mike leans into me with a fierce face. I relax my push and allow him to settle on me and take my lips for a kiss. It is fantastic, but my legs are too far back to be comfortable. I slip them from his shoulders and wrap them around his waist, locking my ankles and clamping down on him with everything I have.

  “Oh God!” Mike groans, as he shudders. “I’m going to come.”

  His admission excites me. I try to squeeze him harder still. I hold his head into my neck and pull hard with my arms wrapped around his back. My orgasm is close, so close.

  “Wait,” I beg, wanting to peak with him. “Please, wait.” I feel Mike slow slightly, as he tries to delay his release. “Please, harder, please,” I gasp.

  “I’m going to come,” Mike gasps, but then he begins to drive into me furiously. He gasps and groans, as he does.

  The sudden increase in speed and power and Mike’s gasps of pleasure, as he struggles to hold his seed, all conspire to push me over the edge. I feel myself tightening up for another hard orgasm, just as Mike issues an explosive gasp. His thrusts are becoming erratic, as I begin to groan and thrash. My orgasm steals my breath and my voice.

  We fall out of our orgasms at the same time. Our exhales, as we relax, announce our completion. I’m desperate to kiss Mike and I pull his lips to mine. We kiss, long, slow, and erotica
lly for what seems like hours. I can feel Mike going soft in me, but I don’t care. I am totally, completely, satisfied. Satisfied at a deeper and more profound level than ever before. I feel myself becoming drowsy.

  Mike finally falls from within me and moves to my side. I turn and tuck into his arms. I have a leg and an arm thrown possessively over him. I take a deep breath and I feel my eyes close, as I snuggle in and fall asleep in moments.


  I feel Mike gently shaking me awake. I swim up out of the darkness, trying to throw off the cloak of sleep. I yawn and stretch, rising up to look at the bedside clock. “Holy, shit! It’s nearly noon!” I have been asleep for more than three hours.


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