Alpha's Mate

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by Moya Block, Caryn

  Alpha’s Mate


  Caryn Moya Block

  Published by: Caryn Moya Block

  Copyright © 2011 Caryn M. Block

  Cover Design by Jirves GFX

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.


  To my family and friends.

  With special thanks to Paula, Judith, and Lisa.

  Without your help this book would still be sitting on the shelf.

  And to the Windmore Pen to Paper group of Culpeper County, Virginia.

  Thanks for all the support.

  Chapter One

  Putting a drug lord, and Russian mobster, behind bars was not on Dmitry Volkov’s to do list this trip to Moscow. But here he sat, wired for sound, waiting for Jarvis Petrov and his men to show up. Ivan Kuznetsov, a childhood friend, and now a lieutenant, with the Moscow Police Department waited outside in an unmarked vehicle, hoping to catch Petrov in the act of selling drugs to Dmitry.

  The night club was busy. People laughed and glasses clinked. The music was loud, the noise, hard on his ears. He glanced over the table at his brother, Anton, and his best friend, Nikolai “Kolya” Tosyanov. Each held a glass of Vodka neither would drink. Alcohol didn’t have any effect on Lycans. Most of them avoided drinking the foul smelling stuff, though a few enjoyed the smoky flavor, without the alcoholic effects.

  “So the trick is not to get shot tonight.” Dmitry said, looking specifically at his younger brother. Anton was only eighteen, a youngster in the eyes of the pack. This was his first trip to the big city.

  “Right and why are we doing this again?” asked Anton.

  “You are the one who heard the drug deal going down last week. You are the one who wanted to make a difference.” Kolya pointed out, as he swirled the ice in his glass.

  “That was before you talked about us getting shot. I know it’s hard to kill a Lycan, but I don’t want to come face to face with a bullet.” Anton said as he raked his hand through his dark hair.

  “Look, Ivan is waiting outside with his officers. I’m wired for sound. It’s too late to back out now.” Dmitry said. Was it a good idea to have Anton with them? A nervous Lycan was a dangerous Lycan. Anton was young, but his wolf could tear through a human quicker than a knife through paper. They wanted to catch the drug lord, not kill him.

  “Okay, I know you’re right. Let’s hope this works.” Anton said, looking nervously at the front door.

  Dmitry checked again to see where each exit was located, and the most direct route to each. Police officers were in position outside. Their sources assured them Jarvis would put in an appearance tonight. Dmitry hoped to get Jarvis and his men out back before the bust went down.

  The air moved, as the front door was opened. The energy in the room shifted, became lighter. Dmitry glanced at the woman who entered the night club. Seeing her silhouetted against the door brought his senses screaming to life. His breath caught, his heart clenched. She was small, her body slim, her breasts full and tempting in her pink camisole top. Her mahogany hair was long, falling to her waist. He drank in the sight of her, wanting nothing more than to look at her forever.

  Who was she? What was causing this reaction? His blood heated, his body ached with arousal. He wanted her. Emotions crashed over him like a giant wave, hunger, lust, joy, confusion. His wolf spirit surged to the surface. He wanted to hunt, to capture, to mate

  A fine sheen of sweat broke out on his body. Pulling air into his lungs, he tried to catch the fragrance belonging to her alone. And instead smelled the scent of cigarette smoke, alcohol, sweat and the cologne the humans used to cover it. His body began to tremble. He was startled when, with a flash of light, he felt the pain of his claws ripping out the tips of his fingers. Thank goodness his hands were hidden under the table. The strobe lights and noise of the crowd covered his growl. It was crucial his wolf spirit stay hidden, while humans surrounded him. Where was his control? The shift never came upon him without his knowledge.

  The woman made her way to the edge of the dance floor, weaving between the tables. Unable to touch her physically, his mind reached for her. She stiffened in surprise. How did a mere human feel his telepathic touch? Surrounding the barrier in her mind keeping him from her thoughts, he pushed against it. Her shields were strong and well built. There was no way past them, unless she allowed it. She searched the crowd, trying to find who touched her in such a way. Dmitry kept concealed in the shadows. For the first time in his life, he was unsure of his actions.

  There was a job to do, everything was set. Jarvis and his men would arrive any minute. The need to possess and protect her ate away at his control. His wolf spirit howled in challenge, demanding its mate. Could she be the one? Was she a Lycanthrope? Somehow, he needed to get her to leave the club. Things could get dangerous, people could get hurt. It was important he stay focused on the drug bust. A distraction could be deadly. Lycanthropes could be killed if the injuries were severe. He would find her when this business with the police department was over. But first, he needed to touch her. He pushed his wolf spirit deep inside and under control. He watched his claws retract and become normal fingers again.

  He rose from his chair, the loud music drowned out the sound of scraping wood. Anton looked up, startled, and started to rise. Dmitry shook his head, and motioned him to sit. Then he moved into the crowd, hunting her.

  His body screamed at him with need, his pants so tight they hurt. All of that became secondary, as he stalked his prey. The bass was thumping like a heartbeat. The lights were low, the strobe flashing. Moving through the crowd, his wolf spirit guided him. Never touching anyone, he drew closer and closer.

  She was sitting at a table, with two other women, sipping on a soda. It was a good thing there wasn’t a man with her. Dmitry feared what his reaction would have been if a man accompanied her. He realized, with surprise, he was a jealous male. Nobody touched what was his. This woman was meant to be his. The pull of attraction was too hard to resist.

  Moving up to her table, he smiled his most charming smile, the one he knew no female alive could resist. Her soft brown eyes sent a jolt of awareness through him. Her scent filled his nostrils, lavender on a warm summer day. She was human. No trace of Lycan was in her scent. As her scent wrapped around him, he grew harder with need. He suppressed a groan, and hoped his voice wouldn’t come out in a growl.

  “Splyashetye co mnoy…, dance with me.”

  Wariness clouded her eyes. Could she see what he was? Her friends were encouraging her, laughing and joking. She looked puzzled, her mouth turned into a frown. Was she going to refuse him? Something must have warned her. He needed her to say yes.

  “It’s just a dance. I won’t bite. Are you afraid?”

  Her friends laughed uneasily. Would his dare work? He held his hand out, and she allowed him to draw her from her chair. How small her hand looked in his. But it was the electricity, which sparked between them that was really surprising. Leading her out onto the dance floor, he pulled her into his embrace. She seemed confident, but reserved, as he drew her in. The music was fast. But, now with his arms were around her, he needed to keep her close. He loved the feel of her skin, so soft beneath his hands. The silkiness of her hair, as it brushed his face, felt like a caress. He smelled deeply, taking in her scent, memorizing its sweetness. Other dancing couples surrounded them, but he allowed no one to touch her. It felt so right, this woman in his arms. Moving together, they complemented each other in the dance. She was made for him. This h
uman woman was the one, his mate.

  “What is your name, milaya moya?” he asked as his lips brushed her temple.

  “Violet.” She gave the information reluctantly.

  “I am Dmitry,” he said, executing a turn, and then returning her to his arms. “Your mate.”

  She looked up in surprise. Anger and then defiance flashed in her eyes. She would run from him. Her intent was plain to see. His arms tightened around her in warning.

  “I will never hurt you, Violet, but don’t think to run from me. You are mine.”

  “No one owns me.” she answered, her eyes flashing with annoyance.

  Dmitry held her carefully, not wanting to upset her further. The music changed, becoming a slow melody. She stayed relaxed in his arms, their bodies synchronizing. He lifted her arms around his neck and pulled her closer. A flush of pleasure came over him. Needing to taste her, he licked her ear lobe and nibbled her neck. She stiffened and started to pull away. He rubbed his cheek against her hair, wanting his scent on her, and she started to relax. He knew the mating heat was starting to affect her. Soon she would be drawn to him, if she wasn’t already.

  His wolf spirit demanded her. His canines lengthened in his mouth. He wanted to claim her, bite her, so everyone would know she was his. But it couldn’t be here or now. This wasn’t the proper place to claim a mate.

  “I want you to go home after this dance. I will come to you tomorrow.” He whispered in her ear. She stayed quiet. Would she obey him? Was the mating heat strong enough that she would want to please him? Could he force himself to let her go? What would he do if another man approached her? Could he keep his wolf under control? He felt a snarl coming to his lips and pushed it down. He would stay in control. He did not want to frighten her.

  When the music ended, he reluctantly released her. Forcing his wolf down again, he felt his canines shift back to normal. Thankfully, the strobe lights would have hidden them. He guided her through the crowd. Sheltering her from the mass of people, he took her back to the table and her friends. He hated to leave her. All of his instincts screamed at him to keep her close. This woman was his. He would have her. But danger would soon be coming. Her safety was more important than his need.

  “Remember what I said. You must leave now.” Dmitry whispered in her ear, as he pulled her chair out for her. He wanted to give her a telepathic push to obey him, but with her shields up, all he could do was hope. So forcing himself, he turned and walked away.

  Dmitry returned to the table in the shadows, where his brother and best friend waited. He felt so conflicted, but his honor demanded he help the police catch this man who preyed on the innocent and weak. Claiming his mate would have to wait until tomorrow.

  “Anton, follow the women home, make sure they arrive safely. If they split up, stay with the one I danced with. Make note of her address. Keep her safe.”

  “What is this about, Dmitry? You know Ivan is waiting outside to make the bust.” said Anton reluctantly getting up.

  “Go quickly, they are leaving.” Dmitry directed as Violet and her two friends moved towards the exit. It was a relief to know she followed his orders to leave. She would be safe from harm when Jarvis arrived and the drug deal went down. Sending Anton to watch out for her would alleviate his worry about his brother’s control.

  Anton moved out of the shadows to follow the women. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  Kolya moved his chair closer, waiting for an explanation. Kolya was his Beta, his second in command, as well as his best friend. They grew up together, and were as close as brothers.

  “Govno, Kolya, why does my timing always have to stink? Why tonight? We’ve been staking this place out for a week, but tonight, the one night I am locked into doing something, she walks in the door.”


  “Violet….My mate.” The one meant for him alone. His soul mate.

  “You think the skinny little thing, with the long corkscrew hair is your mate?” asked Kolya looking puzzled.

  “I don’t think, Nikolai, I know. If you speak of her with disrespect again, I’ll rip you apart, do you understand?” Dmitry said glaring.

  “Yes, Alpha, I understand.” Kolya said grinning like a fool.

  Dmitry glared at him, but Kolya kept smiling, knowing his Alpha was displeased. Dmitry felt his lips twitch in amusement at his friend. Joy broke free, and he was laughing. He found his mate. A human female was a bit of a surprise. And she was a strong telepath. Everyone in the pack assumed the Alpha would choose someone with a wolf spirit. Since women in the pack were few, this could be a good thing. He thought to go home without any hope for his pack, and their breeding problems. But now, there was Violet.

  Jarvis Petrov and his two body guards walked into the room. Dmitry let go of thoughts of the future. It was time to go to work. The three men were dressed in expensive black suits. They reeked of the oily metallic scent from the guns hiding beneath their jackets. The smell was so strong; it was noticeable in the crowd. They scanned the room, looking for their contact. Dmitry flipped the switch on the wire so everything said would be recorded. Then leaning forward he turned to Kolya. “Here they are. The hunt begins.”

  Chapter Two

  Violet Anderson felt like her whole world tilted, and was out of focus. The sexiest man alive, danced with her, and then told her to leave. She could still feel the warmth of his hands on her body, branding her. It was crazy. Thinking about him made her hot. The man was arrogant, and elegant, and infuriating. She wanted to kick him as much as she wanted to kiss him. She turned to her two best friends Margaret “Maggie” Brady and Ellen James.

  “Let’s go. I’ve had enough of tall, dark and arrogant. I don’t want to be around if he decides to come back.”

  “I don’t know,” said Ellen, cocking her head. “You two looked pretty good out there together.”

  “Yeah, Violet. You seemed to be really cozy with him, and boy is he gorgeous or what? You sure you don’t want to hang around?” asked Maggie

  “You could always freeze him in place like you did the lion in Africa.” Ellen giggled.

  “Shhh, someone will hear you. That’s supposed to be a secret,” said Maggie as she quickly glanced around the room.

  “No one would believe it, if they heard it. Violet is a woman with a gift.” said Ellen

  “Come on you two. You’ve got an early flight, and I’m done celebrating. Especially with men, who up and disappear on you.” Or worse tell you to leave. Should she stay to spite him? No, it was better to call it a night. She didn’t want to dance with anyone else in the club. Maggie and Ellen looked at each other and shrugged.

  “You’re hopeless, Violet.” Ellen complained.

  “No she’s not, she’s just choosy. Though if it was my choice, tall, dark and handsome works for me. Did he mention any friends?” asked Maggie.

  “Sorry it didn’t come up,” said Violet.

  “Oooh, did something else come up? Do tell…” said Ellen giggling.

  As Violet and her two friends got up to go, she looked around. There were plenty of people on the dance floor. But Dmitry was nowhere in sight. What was that about? She was a little disappointed. He was gorgeous, over six feet tall with shoulder length black hair and cobalt blue eyes. His shoulders were broad and she could imagine the six pack abs under his silk shirt. The black leather pants was icing on the cake. And for a minute, she felt.... something. But Violet didn’t normally attract gorgeous men. She knew she was too skinny and long ago gave up on wearing makeup. If a man was interested in her, he could see right away what he was getting. She didn’t have time for a man anyway. She spent too many days out in the middle of nowhere. Something told her Dmitry would take up all of her time, if she let him.

  As they walked towards the exit, Violet wondered again why she let her two best friends talk her into coming to this club. She knew they were worried about her and the fact she was still grieving for her parents. They were killed the previous year in a car acc
ident with a drunk driver. Her friends were so sincere with wanting to help her. She gave in to them against her better judgment, thinking what harm could it do?

  The mini-vacation in Moscow was supposed to give her a new perspective. She found it made her more aware of being alone. Not that being alone was bad. She often needed to get away from everyone’s thoughts. Violet was a professional wildlife photographer, and spent many hours out in the wilds alone. There she could lower her shields without worrying what she might pick up. But since her parent’s death, she was missing something in her life, tenderness, and belonging.

  Tonight supposedly was the big send off. Maggie and Ellen were flying back to Washington DC tomorrow, while Violet would go farther into the wilds of Siberia to photograph wolves. Her friends remembered how much she loved to dance when they were in college, and thought the club would cheer her up.

  Instead, she felt more confused. Dancing with Dmitry made her want something she never thought she’d have, a normal life, with a special someone. She tried to pick up Dmitry’s thoughts while they were dancing, but he remained strangely quiet. It calmed her. She didn’t have to worry about picking up something hurtful. It was the first time in her life she couldn’t read someone while touching them. Instead a feeling of safety and acceptance came over her. It was intriguing and a little scary.

  The trip back to the hotel was uneventful. There were still plenty of people on the subway. Police officers could be seen patrolling on the street. No one seemed to take much notice of three women walking together. Violet enjoyed being away from the crowd of people at the club. It always made her nervous, when so many people surrounded her. Once at the hotel, they hugged each other before going into their separate rooms. Finally, Violet plopped down on the bed.

  She couldn’t stop thinking about Dmitry. How his blue eyes looked at her with such desire. How she wanted to melt into his arms and let him hold her safe forever. How he smelled of fir trees, and his voice seemed to caress her.


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