Alpha's Mate

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Alpha's Mate Page 5

by Moya Block, Caryn

  “We will find a way, Kolya. If our unattached males cannot be trusted at home, then we will send them out into the world in search of mates like Violet. I don't have all the answers, my friend, but don't give up hope.”

  “If our males are like Fyodor, Lenka, and Igorek, maybe it is better to let our kind die out.” Kolya said.

  “You do not mean that. Fyodor was always getting into trouble. He hated authority and following rules. He wanted Alena, and thought to take her, even knowing she was not his mate. He was one bad apple, out of many good ones.”

  “You will need to take a stronger hand, Dimka. Our males must be willing to swear a blood oath to you. If they are not willing, then they must be banished.”

  “You are probably right. But I want to speak to my father and the other elders, and get their opinions, before we take such a drastic measure.” Dmitry said tiredly.

  “There is more. What if the pack does not accept Violet as your mate?”

  “The mating bond is there for all to see.” Dmitri growled.

  “But she is human. The council could still say nay.”

  “The council is to advise me, not control my actions or decisions.”

  “But, what if?” Kolya persisted, unwilling to let the matter go.

  “Then you will be Alpha, whether you want it or not. I will not abandon my mate, Kolya. What worries me more, than the council, is what Violet will do when she finds out we aren't human but lycanthropes. I don't think I can survive her leaving me. Where she goes, I will have to follow.”

  “The pack needs you. You must somehow convince her to accept us. If she loves you, it will be easier.” Kolya tried to reassure him.

  “I hoped to give her time to love me. But this trip is going to make it hard to keep our existence a secret. Don't forget she is a strong telepath, and already our bond is solid. I can't lie to her, Kolya.” Their people were in crisis, and Violet could be their biggest hope, or their biggest mistake. If she couldn't find it in her heart to love him as a wolf, then their pack was truly headed for extinction. “Besides Alena, what other females are unattached?”

  “There is only Sonya. She turned 16 last month.”

  “Do we know who her mate is?” asked Dmitry

  “She is very young still, but Alena thinks young Lukyan is destined to be her mate.”

  “We must make sure and then handfast them as in times past. Lukyan's family will then guard her, as well as her own. I will not have our females put in danger. How many unattached males do we have?”

  “With Anton and myself included, around 30 or so, plus four juveniles.”

  “I will think on this. If Violet can give me a child with a wolf spirit, then the answer is to send them out looking for mates.”

  “Violet has to accept your wolf first, Dimka.”

  “I know, Kolya, believe me, I know.”

  Chapter Six

  Violet found the cockpit experience fun, but her thoughts kept going back to Dmitry and his people. Who were they, and why was she chosen as his mate? She knew in her heart she was falling for Dmitry. The chemistry between them was electric, but it was more than chemistry. She touched his mind and knew him, as well as she knew herself. She realized he was holding information back from her, but she also sensed his need of her acceptance and love, like a huge sore only she could heal. It was all very confusing at times. She'd only known him for a couple of days, but already she couldn't see herself living without him. Then there was the horrible grief she experienced when they were separated. Could she stand living without him?

  Her own mother often spoke of knowing she would marry her father, from the first moment she saw him. Was this the same thing, love at first sight. Dmitry felt so right to her, like coming home after one of her assignments. What was she doing? Putting her work on hold to follow this man? Violet hoped her intuition was working, because everything within kept pointing to Dmitry. She wanted him, needed him. She was in love with him! It was like her parents, she somehow knew Dmitry was the one. She sat frozen in shock.

  Just then, the door to the cockpit was thrown open, Dmitry stood looking at her. He reached out his hand and caressed her cheek.

  What is it, lyubov moya? You are upset.

  Violet thought she could drown in the love she saw in his eyes. Then she realized how very strong their bond must be. He felt her shock and came to her, thinking something was wrong.

  It is only my own thoughts upsetting me.

  Come to the back with me. I will give you thoughts not upsetting to you. She smiled and allowed him to lead her out of the cockpit, and to their original seats. Violet was happy to see Kolya talking to Anton, he seemed to be feeling better. Dmitry sat down and pulled her onto his lap.

  “Now what has upset you, milaya moya?”

  “What does that mean? It is different from the other one you say.”

  “It means, ‘my sweet’. But I think you are trying to change the subject.”

  “Yes, a little.”

  “Tell me Violet.” Dmitry spoke quietly, and waited.

  Violet looked down at him, and he could see emotions crossing her eyes. He thought he saw love and tenderness, and his heart fluttered in his chest. How much he wanted to see those emotions as she looked at him. Then the emotions were replaced with wariness and determination. Dmitry felt as if a knife gutted him. He stiffened, but still he waited. He could try to take the information from her mind. But he wanted her to trust him enough, to share her concerns. He could not blame her for being wary, he was not completely honest with her. But it hurt him anyway.

  “Dmitry, everything is happening so fast. I've only known you a couple of days. I don't understand this mating bond, or how it works, or why me?” she finished with a sigh.

  Dmitry looked at her and wondered what to say. He could tell she was keeping things back from him, but figured it was more of the same. She didn't understand what was happening to her. He wasn't sure how to explain, but he would try, if only to take the wariness from her eyes.

  “You are a telepath, so you know some people have more to them than others, yes? My people also have differences. We have abilities that could make us targets, or science experiments. Like you, we keep our abilities to ourselves. But we have gathered together for protection and support. It was necessary to survive.

  “One of our differences is the mating bond. My people mate for life, with the other half of their soul. The mating bond is an outside symbol, of the bonding, of the two halves of our soul. You and I were born to be one. I already told you, how we will need to be in contact with the other, if only with our minds. But there is more. Our lives are now entwined. If something were to happen to you and you died, I would follow you. I literally cannot live without you, lyubov moya.”

  “People die every day. A drunk driver hit my parents and killed them. Why would you do this?”

  “It is our commitment to our soul mate. Why would I wish to live without the other half of my soul?”

  “Okay, so our souls are bound, and we can't live without the other. What if I didn't want to be bound?”

  “There is always free will, you must have been willing, for the bond to appear and do its work. It is easily seen between us.”

  “I would be lying if I said I wasn't willing. But how could I know, what I was getting into?”

  “Are you saying you no longer want me? Do you look for a way to undo our mating bond?” Dmitry asked quietly. He would never give her up. Not now that he found her. There must be a way to make her understand. Her happiness was his. They were meant to be together.

  “No, I do not want to undo our mating bond. I am trying to understand, Dmitry. Please don't be upset with me. I'm sorry my questions are hurting you.”

  “I am not upset with you, Violet. This is new to me also. Never before, has one of us found a mate in the general population. Always it was within our own people. I am as confused as you are. The only explanation I have is you are a telepath, and that is why the bond is possi
ble between us.”

  Violet could tell Dmitry was upset. So much for thoughts not upsetting, she mused. But she was finished with the confusion and hurt. Dmitry may not admit it, but he was hurt. So she reached for him and kissed his lips. She started gently at first, but when he allowed her to take the lead; she became more aggressive, sucking and biting at his lips between kissing him. They finally broke apart, both of them panting, at the heat they could generate together.

  “Be careful, Alpha, you'll cause the plane to catch fire.” Kolya laughed at Violet as she blushed.

  “I brought you a bottle of water. Thought you might need cooling off.” Anton smirked. He held out two bottles of water to Violet.

  “You two are becoming way too bold,” growled Dmitry “Mind your manners.”

  “Yes, Alpha,” they sing-songed in unison. Violet couldn't help herself, she laughed. They were like two little children, baiting their older brother.

  Dmitry gave her a squeeze, and then reached for one of the bottles of water. Violet was glad to see a smile on his face, even if it didn't take the worry from his eyes.

  Dmitry was glad to be reminded of where he was. Looking into Violet's eyes, and seeing the passion darkening them, made him think of throwing her to the floor and taking them both on a trip to heaven. It was so easy to lose himself in her. He would need to be more careful.

  Violet made as if to slide off his lap, but Dmitry tightened his arms around her. He realized she could probably feel his arousal pushing against her.

  Stay, lyubov moya. Let me hold you. He whispered in her mind.

  She squirmed a little in his lap and smiled when she heard him gritting his teeth. But then she settled, and began to drink the water, Anton gave them.

  Anton and Kolya joined them in the seats across the aisle. Dmitry watched as they talked and joked, with him and his mate. He was glad to see how easily she got along with his family. He hoped, with all his heart she would be able to accept their wolf spirits as well.

  Anton and Violet decided to get up and go into the galley to warm up food. Kolya leaned over and whispered to him. “How is it going? Do you think she suspects?”

  “No, and stop whispering. This isn't one of those spy movies you like to watch.”

  “Just trying to be careful.” teased Kolya

  “If you were truly being careful, then you would use telepathy. You find all this amusing, don't you?”

  “Not at all. The great and fearsome Alpha, brought low by a small human female. What is amusing in that?” asked Kolya smiling.

  “Keep it up, Kolya, you won't find it amusing if I have to leave the pack.”

  “No, my friend, that would not be amusing. I am trying to lighten your load a little, do not worry so much.”

  “This morning, it was you playing devil's advocate. Now you want me to lighten up?”

  “She loves you, Dimka. I see how she looks at you.”

  “Do you think so?” Dmitry looked at his mate. “But what if she runs in terror, when she realizes a wolf shares my soul?”

  “If you two are truly soul mates, then the wolf shares her soul as well. Have faith, my friend.”

  “I feel like I am balanced on a precipice, I could fall either way.” Dmitry admitted.

  “You have already fallen, Dimka. You are in love with her as well.”

  “I can't stop worrying. I love her so much, I ache with it. I cannot lose her, Kolya.”

  “I don't think you will, she is strong of spirit, your mate. Don't forget how she denied the mating bond, punishing you both. If she decides to stand with you, then nothing will shake her loose. She has already proven herself to be an Alpha's mate.”

  “You always know what to say to make me feel better, brother of my heart.”

  “Don't go getting all mushy on me. I'd rather leave you wallowing in misery.”

  Dmitry looked at the disgusted expression on Kolya's face, and burst out laughing. His friend was acting like a clown.

  Violet turned at the sound of Dmitry’s laughter, and felt her heart clench. Kolya once again broke the mood and helped his friend. Kolya walked up to the galley and Violet touched his arm.

  “Thank you. He needs to laugh more.”

  “I can only give him laughter, Violet. You are the one who can give him love and passion. Those are what he needs to heal his soul.”

  “You are still a good friend to him. I am glad he has you in his life.”

  “But it is you who now holds his life in your hands. Be careful with it, Violet.”

  Violet looked up quickly and saw the steely look in Kolya's eyes. All humor was gone. She felt a myriad of emotions hit her. Fear, Anger, Hurt and finally Realization. “A good friend indeed.” she muttered, patting his arm.

  Kolya watched, as Violet picked up two trays of food, and walked back to Dmitry. He wasn't sure, what to think, of her response to his warning.

  “You shouldn't have done that, Nikolai. If Dmitry finds out, he will be angry.” Anton hissed at him.

  “He is my friend and Alpha. I will protect him, from his mate, if necessary.”

  “Do you think it necessary?”

  “We shall see soon enough, Anton. If she will not accept his wolf, then I fear it will be.”

  Violet walked up and handed a plate of food to Dmitry, and then sat down beside him, and began to eat.

  “Thinking again, lyubov moya? I felt an extreme emotional response.” Dmitry asked quietly.

  “You need to stop. They are merely thoughts, everyone has them.”

  “But if you are unhappy, I want to fix whatever is wrong, so you will be happy again.”

  “You’re sweet, but you are not responsible for my happiness.”

  “You are wrong.” Dmitry moved the tray from her lap and pulled her into his arms. “I live for your happiness.” He captured her lips and kissed her. Breathless they broke apart, and Violet sank back into her chair a little dazed. Dmitry chuckled as he handed her tray back to her and returned to his seat. “Finish eating, Violet. It will be very late before we reach my home.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “We fly into Yakutsk and then drive from there. The roads are bad, and the trip will be uncomfortable. There will be no place to stop, once we start.”

  “Why is the trip so bad?”

  “We don't want to be found. The last part of our journey will be on foot. Wear your hiking boots. Once we are there, you will have all the comforts of home. The journey is the hard part.”

  “Thanks for the warning. I'll change before we land. What about my equipment and supplies?”

  “There is storage at the airport. It will be safe there.”

  “Can I take my camera bag and overnight case with us?”

  “Of course.” Dmitry reached over and took Violet's hand. “Do not worry lyubov moya. All will be well.”

  “That's what they all say.” Violet mumbled to herself. What, have I gotten myself into?

  Violet watched as Dmitry, and the boys, laughed and joked. They also did something not all men did. They touched; a hand on the shoulder, a pat on the back, ruffling each other's hair. They touched each other easily and without thought.

  Violet wondered if this was one of the differences Dmitry mentioned, and what other differences would she learn about. He alluded to abilities. She knew he was a telepath, but what other differences were there. He said they could become targets, or science experiments. She was afraid of being targeted as well. What if someone wanted to know how she could read minds? It wasn't like she could explain it.

  Not everyone was trustworthy, and Violet realized she never before trusted anyone with her secrets, besides her parents and friends. Dmitry entrusted her with his secret, and the secret of his people. No wonder Kolya was worried. She could bring them a lot of trouble. Violet would bet they would kill to keep their secret.

  She shivered with understanding. These people were dangerous, and she was bonded to their leader. Dmitry reached into a bin, and pulled out a
blanket. Without a word he wrapped it around her and tucked it in.

  “I will be happy to warm you further if you need it, lyubov moya.” he whispered.

  Violet looked into her lover’s eyes. They might be dangerous, but never before was she treated so gently, or with so much care. They treated their mates like treasures. Dmitry said they loved all the children. Whoever they were, they were good and honorable. Violet could have found someone much worse. Her last boyfriend took a swing at her, when she found him in their bed with another woman.

  She went to self-defense classes after the attack, and tried to learn from her mistakes. Following Dmitry home might be a mistake as well, but she loved him. He treated her like a queen. He shared his mind with her. She knew him. He was worth the risk.

  Dmitry wrapped the blanket around Violet, and wondered what she was thinking about. She was very quiet. He didn't feel any ripples of extreme emotion, but she seemed far away from him. He knew it was being selfish, but he didn't like it. He realized she sat quietly for hours, waiting for one good photo. But he would feel better if she was, at least, interacting with them.

  Maybe she was tired. They stayed up late, making love, and sharing intimacies. He knew her favorite color was purple, but pink roses were her favorite flower. She knew he wore black, not because it was his favorite color, but for the intimidation quality and the ease to slip into shadows. She knew he loved his mother, and the hardest thing he ever did was take the Alpha position from his father. She didn't know exactly what being Alpha entailed, but understood taking the power of the position away, from someone he loved, was hard. He knew she was ticklish at times, but only if she allowed herself to be. He was glad she allowed herself to be with him. She might be small, but she possessed a will of iron. She believed in a higher power, good would always triumph over evil, and love was what everything was about.

  Dmitry let the wave of love he felt for her, wash over him, and into her. Violet gasped and looked at him. Then she threw the blanket aside and crawled into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. She didn't need to say anything; the emotions she was feeling flowed into his mind. Dmitry felt himself shudder with hope.


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