Alpha's Mate

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Alpha's Mate Page 8

by Moya Block, Caryn

  “It would be a pleasure, and in asking, I know my son has chosen well.”

  Violet spent the rest of the afternoon talking to Yelena and Alena. When the back door was thrown open and Illarion ran in, all the women smiled. He came over to the table and gave everyone a hug, then promptly sat on Violet's lap. She ruffled his hair and asked about school, as Yelena got him a glass of milk and Alena passed him the plate of cookies. He rambled on about his friends, as she stroked his back. He seemed to need the touch and would squirm if she stopped.

  Violet thought she knew what one of the differences was Dmitry didn't mention. Illarion's hair felt like the puppy this morning, and when she smelled him, she could still pick up the puppy scent. She was pretty sure Dmitry called the puppy Illarion. She decided to test it.

  “So, did you have fun helping me wake up Dmitry this morning?” she asked him.

  “Oh, yeah! Did you see how long it took for him to catch me?”

  “Yes, I thought it was ever so clever of you to come at him from above the pillow.” she added, ruffling his hair and kissing his head.

  “It was great fun, Violet. Thanks for inviting me in.”

  “You are welcome anytime, little one. Next time don't knock me down.”

  “I'm sorry, Violet. I didn't mean to knock you down.”

  “I know, Illarion. Don't worry, I am not angry with you.”

  Yelena stiffened and looked sharply at Violet.

  “Illarion, I think you should go see your mother. I will give you a plate of cookies to take home with you.” Yelena interrupted.

  “Okay. Can I come back tomorrow, Violet?”

  “Yes, as long as you go to school.”

  “Okay, thanks for the cookies, Yelena.” and then he was off and running again.

  Violet turned to see Yelena watching her. She smiled, trying to wipe the worry from the older woman’s eyes.

  “You know....” Yelena made it a statement rather than a question.

  “Let's say, I suspected. Why don't you tell me the rest.”

  “We are Lycanthropes.”


  “No, but perhaps the werewolf legend is connected to us. We carry a wolf spirit within us; it allows us to shapeshift into a wolf. It gives us superior strength and senses, compared to humans.”

  “That's why Dmitry is always so careful with me, and why he chastised Anton this morning.”


  “So can you catch it? Will I turn into a wolf?”

  “No, this is not a disease. It is like being born with blue eyes, instead of brown.”

  “So my children could have it?” asked Violet

  “It is our greatest hope, especially if the child is a girl.”

  “I see. Back to the breeding thing again.”

  “Do not misunderstand me. You are Dmitry’s mate even if you are barren.

  But if you could give us a girl child with a wolf spirit, then you give the pack hope for a future.”

  “Geez, no pressure.”

  “You will have to blame Dmitry,” teased Alena

  Violet smiled when both Yelena and Alena laughed. She was already growing fond of them. It was nice to be included in a family again.

  “Will you shift for me, so I can see?” asked Violet.

  “I will do it,” offered Alena “It is easier if we are naked first, or our clothes would be ruined. Being naked is a normal part of our culture. Though, Dmitry did tell father not to wander around naked anymore, since you are here.”

  Violet felt her cheeks heat, but refused to turn away when Alena slipped off her clothes and laid them on the chair. Next she reached her hands over her head and the light shifted around her. Her shape blurred and then reformed into a beautiful silver and white wolf.

  “Wow the change is so neat. What is it like to be a wolf?” asked Violet.

  “We are still conscious and in control of our mind, but we are one with nature and with the earth. We see more, hear more, and smell more than you can imagine. We are strong and sure in our wolf body.” said Yelena.

  The light surrounded and transformed Alena a second time. She was back to being a young woman again. She smiled in pleasure and began to slip on her peasant top and long skirt.

  “Thank you both for showing and explaining things to me,” said Violet. What would it feel like to run through the woods in wolf form? Did they have the same instincts as the wolves they turned into, the same hierarchy?

  “It is our pleasure to help our Alpha's mate.” said Alena formally.

  “Alena, if Kolya is Dmitry’s second in command, doesn’t that make you my second in command, as his mate?

  “Oh, yes. If you will have me. I would be honored to be your Beta. I know I am young, yet. But I will try my very best. Here….” Alena picked up a knife and pricked her finger. A bead of blood appeared on her white flesh. “You must take this as my pledge to you, and to give us a blood bond, so we can speak telepathically.”

  “What do I do?” asked Violet anxiously.

  “You drink it, dear. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt Alena. You are giving her a great honor. The Alpha female is in charge of all the females. Alena’s job will be to help you.” said Yelena.

  Violet nodded her head in understanding and took Alena’s finger into her mouth. She licked the blood off her finger, before it could drop to the floor. She felt a surge of energy flow through her, and could see a cord of light flow from Alena to her. A blood bond, heart’s blood, this was similar to the heart mate bond. Can you hear me? She sent to her Beta.

  Yes, Alpha. I hear you. Thank you for this great honor.

  “What else does the Alpha female do?” Violet asked. She might as well learn the whole story now. She should be screaming in terror, but only felt resolved. She wanted this.

  Violet, you are well? Dmitry’s voice came flooding into her mind, as well as a wave of love. Did he feel her reaction to this new challenge?

  Yes, I am enjoying getting to know your mother and sister.

  I can feel you are fond of them, which is good. We are returning and will be with you soon.

  Okay, I'll let them know.

  I missed you, lyubov moya.

  I missed you, too, Dmitry.

  Violet turned to Yelena. “They will be home very shortly.” she reported.

  “What will you do, now?” asked Alena

  “I'm not sure.”

  “In Dmitry’s defense, he was afraid of losing you. He would have told you sooner or later.” said Yelena.

  “I know. He couldn’t keep a secret this big forever.”

  “He underestimated you, when he didn't think you would figure it out.” said Alena.

  “No, I think it was more he hoped I would figure it out. He is so worried about the pack’s problems; he didn't know how to fix this one.” When he called his people a pack, he meant literally. Now she was the Alpha female. If she remembered her wolf sociology, she would have her work cut out for her.

  “I am sure you are right, Violet. But perhaps he didn't expect you to figure it out so soon. You have been here less than 24 hours.” Yelena said thoughtfully.

  “Let's leave it alone for now. You can teach me the duties of the Alpha female, later. Dmitry needs our support right now.”

  “Spoken like a true Alpha's mate.” Yelena praised her.

  Dmitry couldn't wait to get back to Violet. He spent the day visiting with all the elders, and getting their opinions on the breeding problem, his mating with a human, and making a mandatory blood oath. Through it all he tried to be polite and contained, when he wanted to growl with frustration. After all this time, he was back to the beginning. It was his decision. None of the elders knew why the population was dwindling. They all gave their own opinion, but no true evidence. Most of them could care less whom he mated with, as long as he found a way to increase their numbers. And with all the advice, pro and con, it was still his decision, whether to ask for a blood oath from the pack members. Dmitry wondered why he t
ook the time to ask.

  Vikenti, sensing his son's frustration, patted him on the back. “You are doing the right thing in asking. If only so they won’t have their feelings hurt when you make a decision.”

  But the decision would still be his, as it was his right, as Alpha. It was time to go home. After removing their clothes and leaving them in one of the strong boxes left along the trail, Dmitry gave the signal to shift. A good run would help them release their tension.

  The large black wolf’s lips pulled back from his teeth as he reached for the next leap. He ran as fast as he was able, his tail straight out behind him. He sped past, jumping over fallen logs and low lying brush. His every muscle and bone strove for the perfection of movement. His pack members spread out behind him. This was his world. The Siberian Tundra, his home and refuge. The wind rushed past, bringing the scent of prey, food. Strength flowed through him.

  Dmitry loved being a wolf. The freedom was intoxicating, the power tremendous. He reached for Violet’s mind wanting to share the exhilaration of being a wolf. His mother reported their conversation, and Violet’s correct conclusions. She was terrifying in her observations. He was so proud of her. Their minds merged as he shared each experience with her. He was returning to her, his mate.

  The earth exploded next to his front paw. Then he heard it, the whine of a bullet. He jumped to the left as he called to Vikenti and Grigori. If they could get into the deeper forest, whoever was shooting at them would have a harder time finding a target. As he reached the tree line, he felt the bullet enter his hip. The pain was excruciating. White hot flames engulfed him. He staggered, but pushed himself to keep going. Safety was only a few feet away. Violet screamed, feeling his pain, she called out to him telepathically. Unable to shield her from the agony, he broke contact. Finally, deep into the forest, Dmitry collapsed next to a fallen tree.

  His father followed him and shapeshifted immediately, kneeling at his side. Vikenti started pressing against the wound, feeling for the bullet. Dmitry screamed in his mind, the pain unbearable. Violet came flooding into his thoughts, soothing him. He would have pushed her out, but lacked the strength.

  I am with you, let me help you.

  Dmitry had no choice but to let her stay connected to his mind. His heart melted, knowing she wanted to comfort him.

  “The bullet is out now. You need to shift, Dmitry.” Vikenti looked worried. Dmitry knew he lost a lot of blood. Could he make the shift being so weak?

  Strength poured into him. Dmitry realized Violet and his family were trying to aid him. He called the shift, felt his bones start to reknit, torn flesh to mend. It was painful, but lasted only a moment as the wolf reshaped and became the man.

  Dmitry lay on the ground panting. The pain was gone, but he was still weak from the loss of blood. His father helped him sit up and lean against the tree.

  “That hurt like hell, Father…”

  “Yes, I could feel the pain radiating from you. Give it a moment before you try to rise. Grigori has gone to look for the shooter.”

  Dmitry sent warmth and reassurance to Violet. He could still feel her fear in his gut.

  It’s alright, lyubov moya. I am healed and will be home soon. Stay within the lodge until I return. He could feel her relief and her irritation about his ordering her around again. But she would stay safe for him. He smiled, knowing he would pay later for his arrogance, as she liked to call it.

  The shooter is gone. Hunter’s spray masks his scent. I do not know if he is one of us, or a hunter who wandered onto our land. Grigori sent telepathically. I will attempt to track him and make sure he leaves pack lands.

  Not alone, I will call Sergei to come and aid you. This feels like a planned attack. We are deep into pack territory and the borders are being patrolled. How did a hunter cross our lines? Be careful, Grigori. Dmitry sent to him as he rested against the log.

  You think it is Lenka, or one of his followers. Grigori sent back to Dmitry with a growl echoing through his mind. It wasn’t hard to feel the rage Grigori tried hard to hide. He considered himself Dmitry’s protector, and was furious about the shooting.

  I am not jumping to conclusions, as you should not. Report back to me at the lodge what you find. Vikenti and I will walk back. Dmitry didn’t add he wasn’t sure he possessed the strength to walk back. It would only have infuriated Grigori more. If it was a hunter, than sending an enraged wolf after him was a death sentence. Dmitry could feel Sergei getting closer and hoped having the younger wolf in on the hunt would calm Grigori’s ire. If it was Lenka, then it would be better if pack members patrolled in pairs.

  Dmitry opened his eyes, not realizing he closed them. His father was looking down at him in concern. He tried to smile and reassure the man. After resting a moment he could feel his strength returning. A juicy piece of meat would help him finish the rebuilding of his blood. It was time to go home.

  Kolya ran up, a pack on his back. “Thought you might like clothes. Violet is worried sick about you. It is only because she knew she would slow me down that she didn’t rush to you. I wouldn’t put it past her to head this way. Alena was trying to keep her at the lodge.”

  Violet, I need you to heed me. Stay at the house. Dmitry sent to her immediately as Kolya shook off the pack and started handing out clothes.

  I am not a dog to be told to stay. It is only because your sister would cry, that I remain behind. Violet sent to him, irritation coloring her thoughts.

  I thank you for being so considerate of my sister’s feelings. I could wish you would be as considerate of mine.

  I considered your feelings. But, being overprotective is not a good reason to order me around. Never the less, I await your pleasure.

  Fully dressed now, Dmitry ran his hand through his hair in frustration. Kolya winked at him. “I brought the item you asked for. It is in the pocket of your pants.”

  His father openly smiled at him. Both of them knew his mate was giving him trouble. From the looks on their faces, they might think he deserved it, or worse, it was good for him.

  “Come on,” he grumbled “let’s get home.”

  Walking through the woods always calmed Dmitry. The whisper of the wind through the trees felt magical and the fragrance of pine, fir and cedar soothed him. This was his home, the place he was happiest. He would have said before his heart lived here. But he knew his heart now lived with Violet. He didn’t mean to be hard on her. His gut twisted because of her upset. But, he needed to protect her and couldn’t change who he was. He felt her amusement through the mating bond. I know you can’t help it. Hurry, I need to see you.

  He understood her need to see him. He needed to see her as well, to hold her close to him, to know they were both safe in each other’s arms. Their mating was still new and this scared both of them. I come, lyubov moya. He sent her, his pace increasing.

  When Dmitry walked into the back door, he saw Violet sitting at the table. She got up and launched herself into his arms. Grabbing her to his chest, he kissed her like a man starving.

  I missed you so much, lyubov moya. How I wish I could spend every moment in your company.

  I missed you, too. Are you sure you’re alright? Violet ran her hands up his chest and then down his back, as if needing to feel he was whole. I was so afraid for you. I felt your pain through the mating bond. Your family is gawking at us, we should stop.

  Let them gawk. I am sorry, I couldn’t shield you. I am fine, really, lyubov moya. Dmitry pulled her closer. He wanted to share the same skin with her. She was his life.

  I’m glad you didn’t. I want to be with you, help you when I can. Even, if it is only to lend you strength, when you are injured. I love you, Dmitry.

  “Now who is mauling your mate? Really bro, get a room.” Anton snickered.

  “Enough, Anton, mind your manners” scolded Vikenti as he leaned down to kiss Yelena. “Kolya will be around shortly, Alena. Will you move over to his house?”

  “I'm not sure papa, he hasn't asked me.” answered
Alena, who promptly burst into tears and ran out of the room.

  “Oh dear.” murmured Yelena

  “Way to go dad.” Anton quipped.

  “What did I say? Yelena, what did I say?” asked Vikenti.

  “Come dear, I will explain it to you.” Yelena said as they walked out of the kitchen.

  Dmitry looked up and realized he and Violet were finally alone. He loved looking into her dazed eyes, her lips still wet and slightly swollen from his kisses.

  “Have I told you how much I love you?” asked Dmitry, rubbing his thumb over Violet's bottom lip.

  “A woman never tires of hearing those words, and I love you, too.”

  “I think a woman never tires of getting gifts as well?”

  “I guess it would depend on the gift.” answered Violet.

  Dmitry reached into his pocket and pulled out a diamond ring. It once belonged to his father’s mother. Blue sapphires surrounded the 1 carat diamond.

  “I would get down on one knee, but then I would have to put you down, and I like holding you too much to do so. Ti viy-desh za me-nya, Will you marry me, and wear my ring?”

  Violet gasped with surprise. “It would be my honor, Dmitry Volkov, to be your bride.”

  Dmitry placed the ring on her left hand and then kissed it into place. “I love you. Thank you for being mine.”

  Violet didn't think she could be any happier than at this moment. She found her true love and a new family to care for. The ring was exquisite and looked to be a family heirloom.

  The rest of the evening went past in a blur. Dinner was served and there were new pack members to meet, as they came to see their Alpha. All the women wanted to admire the ring. News of their engagement spread throughout the pack. Dmitry managed to at least hold her hand. Through dinner, he managed to touch her at all times. It was not overt, but Dmitry was keeping in contact. Violet was very touched with the display. The shooting really upset him.

  Kolya came in, and he and Alena made up. Alena was going to go over to Kolya's house and make any changes she thought she might need to make, before moving in. A big ceremony was going to take place at the end of the week. Both Alena and Violet would be presented as mated females to the Alpha and the pack.


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