Alpha's Mate

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Alpha's Mate Page 10

by Moya Block, Caryn

Chapter Eleven

  The next morning Dmitry awoke early. Leaning over the bed, he gave Violet a quick kiss goodbye. Then moving quickly, he was out the door, helping to look for Lenka and Igorek.

  Violet reached over the warm covers and realized Dmitry was gone. She was alone, again. After a shower she went down to the kitchen. She heard Matfei, at the back door, assuring Alena he would be back at noon to see Sonya on his lunch break. The poor guy looked tired and ragged.

  “How is he?” asked Violet.

  “Exhausted, and worried sick over Sonya.” answered Alena

  “How much older is he?”

  “He is 21, five years older than Sonya. Once she reaches 18 those five years will be like nothing, but now all he sees is how young she is.”

  “How did he know he was her mate?” asked Violet. Because anyone seeing them together knew there was a bond between them.

  “It happens sometimes. At sixteen, a girl is becoming a woman. The man notices her and then he knows. The mating bond is starting to show if you look hard. There are signs for the male. They suffer signs of the mating heat. When the girl is still so young, the older male will approach her father and ask for a handfasting. Sometimes, he tries to stay away from her, until she is of age and he can approach her.” explained Alena.

  “I see” Violet wondered again how the mating bond worked. Were they really destined to be together? Soul Mates?

  Alena turned back to eating her breakfast. Violet fixed herself a cup of tea and a biscuit. She finished eating when Yelena came in carrying a tray. She must have taken breakfast up to Sonya. Violet felt guilty for a moment. She should have stopped to check on the girl. She knew what it was like to lose both parents at once.

  “I'm glad you girls are both up. We need to make and deliver food baskets to the elders who have no family.” said Yelena. “With everyone looking for Lenka and Igorek, no one is hunting. Those who must rely on the kindness of others will be getting low on supplies.”

  Alena groaned and started pulling out pots.

  “Does this fall under the duties of the Alpha female?” asked Violet.

  Alena nodded and continued with her task. Violet turned to Yelena, hoping for more information.

  “Violet, look in the larder and see what fruit we have. Alena, start the beans to soak and pull out the flour for bread. We have a whole day of cooking before us,” said Yelena. Violet dutifully went to the pantry to look for the fruit. She didn’t cook much. Hopefully whatever Yelena wanted her to do would be easy.

  By the end of the afternoon, the women made Borsch, Pirozhki, Milk Millet Kasha, Blini stuffed with pork and apples, and leavened cabbage. Each dish was put into the proper container and then placed in a basket for distribution. Violet only stopped once, to deliver food to Sonya. Before she was back in the kitchen following whatever directions Yelena gave her. The work was tiring. Yet Violet felt a sense of satisfaction, of belonging.

  When the baskets were ready to go, Yelena sent them upstairs to change their clothes. Then they came back downstairs to help carry the baskets to the different cottages. Vikenti showed up to escort the women on their chore. Violet noticed one of the men hung around the lodge all day, keeping watch. But, Dmitry continued to be absent. She would reach for him with her mind. But except for a flush of warmth, he didn’t acknowledge her touch. Vikenti saw how Violet stumbled under the load of four baskets. Smiling he took two off her hands.

  “Mother forgets you are only human, let me help you.”

  Violet accepted his help gratefully. The baskets were heavy. She followed Yelena down the path, to each of the six cottages, belonging to elders.

  These seniors needed someone to hunt for them, and make sure the wood was chopped for winter. Another duty of the Alpha pair was to see to their welfare. Violet would have to research how best to care for the elderly pack members.

  Each couple invited them into their home. Vikenti would wait on the front step, while they were offered tea and a kind of treat. Yelena would refuse them gently and hand over the basket. Then they were proceeding to the next house, sent on their way with a nod and a smile. Violet noticed more than one woman looked at her with approval. She was making a positive impression as the new Alpha female. Thank goodness Yelena was there to guide her.

  When they finally headed for home, Violet was dragging. The beauty of the evening breeze through the trees couldn’t revive her. She wasn't used to standing in a hot kitchen for hours. Or walking a three mile circuit, with heavy baskets on her arms. Violet was glad when they finally reached the lodge. She headed straight up to her room and collapsed on the bed. Yelena followed her into the room, and fussed over her, helping her get her shoes off and tucking her under the covers.

  “Forgive me, Violet, I forget you are not Lycanthrope. You did well today. The Elders were very pleased with you. Rest now until dinner, when Dmitry comes home I will have him wake you. Sleep, daughter,” said Yelena as she kissed Violet's forehead.

  Violet was asleep before Yelena reached the door.

  Dmitry came home tired and frustrated. There was no sign of Lenka and Igorek, but something told Dmitry they weren't very far away. He needed to find them and make them pay for their crimes. Justice for the people was part of his duty to the pack.

  He was looking forward to seeing Violet. He felt her tentative touches today. Unfortunately, they always came when his attention was required elsewhere. But it warmed him to know she reached for him on her own. He was surprised when he entered the kitchen and she wasn't there with his family.

  “Where is Violet, is she alright?” he asked automatically reaching for her with his thoughts.

  “She is fine son, just resting. I am afraid we wore her out today, but she did so well helping fix the baskets for the elders. Then she helped carry them to their houses. More than one of the couples noticed and approved of her today.” explained Yelena

  “I'm tired too, mother, would you fix me a tray and I will take it upstairs. I think I will join my mate in an early night.”

  “Of course, son, here I have Borsch and Pirozhki for you both.”

  “Thank you, mother.” Dmitry gave her a kiss on the cheek as he took the tray from her hands. He carried the tray up to their room and quietly opened the door. He knew from touching her mind Violet was deeply asleep. He didn’t want to wake her. She lay peacefully in their bed. Dmitry entered and put the tray on the table. He looked down at his clothes and grimaced. He should really shower. He trudged through the woods all day and was hot and sweaty. But Violet was too much of a temptation, so he stripped off his clothes, and climbed into bed. Pulling Violet into his arms, he relaxed for the first time today. It always amazed him, how holding his mate in his arms could give him the peace he craved. He nuzzled her neck and sighed in contentment. Violet sighed as well and snuggled closer. Dmitry decided he would sleep for a little while, and then he would wake her up to eat. He kissed her lightly on the head and closed his eyes.

  Chapter Twelve

  Violet woke up with the sun already shining brightly in the window. Birds sang loudly in the trees, a cheery tune. Waking up to such a beautiful day should have made her happy. But, the bed was empty beside her. Dmitry was out hunting for Lenka and Igorek. She could feel him through the mating bond. He concentrated on the trail. She felt his single-minded determination and focus. No thought for her crossed his mind.

  Violet lay on the bed, fingering the woven bedcover. But the bright oranges and reds couldn’t change her feelings of being cold and alone. It never bothered her being alone before. Why was it so hard now? Why did she miss seeing Dmitry so much? How did her happiness get wrapped up in his smile? For the first time she wondered if she could be a good Alpha's mate. Could she share his time with the pack? Did he grow bored with her?

  When her stomach gave a loud grumble, Violet remembered she missed dinner last night. No wonder she was hungry. Deciding to stop feeling sorry for herself, she got out of bed and got dressed. Left over Milk Millet Kasha would ta
ste good. With a little brown sugar it wasn't much different from hot cereal back home.

  Violet found Yelena and Alena in the kitchen as she helped herself to the left over Kasha.

  “Violet, daughter, you must be hungry. Both you and Dmitry are exhausting yourselves. Neither one of you ate dinner. Dimka left the tray I sent up last night on the sink untouched.”

  “I'm sorry, Yelena. I slept the whole night through. Dmitry never woke me up to eat.”

  “Of course not. When your mate sleeps so soundly, it is good to let them rest.”

  “Mama, can we go over to Kolya's today, and see about redecorating the cottage?” asked Alena

  “Well, if Violet feels well enough to go, then yes.”

  Violet looked at Alena's eager face and couldn't say no. She knew it meant another long day of work, but she would help her new family.

  “Do you think you feel well enough, Violet? We will take Anton with us to move the really heavy furniture.”

  “I would love to help you, Alena.” Violet assured her.

  It took a little under an hour to gather cleaning supplies and a tape measure. Violet followed along obediently behind Yelena, carrying a broom and a mop, while Alena and Anton followed the group, with the rest of the supplies. Kolya's house was down near the river, but not as far as Sonya's parent's house. It was nestled in a little dell, back away from the trail. The cottage looked much larger than the other houses near it; with the carvings around the eaves it looked quaint. Along the side there appeared to be a good size garden in need of repair. Something else Violet would have to ask about. What food did they grow in their gardens?

  “Isn't it a nice house, Violet?” asked Alena. “Kolya’s family was once very large. They have always been close to the Alpha's family, serving as their seconds. The cottage has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. I hope we have a child for every room.”

  “What? Only one for every room? You know twins run in our family. Maybe you will have two for every room.” Anton teased his sister. “Or I could come and live with you, until I find a mate of my own.”

  “Anton, your sister will need privacy with her new mate. The last thing she needs is her twin in the house.”

  Violet smiled watching her new family. The love they shared was so easy to see. She felt lucky to be a part of it, now if only Dmitry were here to share in it. Yelena unlocked the door and they all trooped inside. Violet and the others looked around in despair. The house was in terrible shape. The floors were so dusty they could see their footprints where they entered. Violet grimaced and wondered what else they would find. Hopefully there weren’t any critters living here. She hated dealing with mice jumping out at her. The drapes were worn and moth eaten and covered the windows, making the rooms dark and depressing. The place felt old and tired. The few pieces of furniture didn't look any better.

  “Anton, open the windows and pull down those drapes. Violet, start sweeping this room, Alena, come with me, let's see what else we can find,” directed Yelena.

  Violet immediately started sweeping the dust towards the front door and wondered if a vacuum might work better. There didn’t seem to be any electricity in the house. But a large fireplace dominated the outside wall. At least they would be warm in the winter. Anton went to each window and pulled down the drapes and then opened the windows. Luckily a nice breeze blew in to refresh the air as she swept.

  “Geez, no wonder Kolya always stays at the lodge.” said Anton.

  “In his defense, it is an awfully large place for one person. He was probably lonely.”

  “And we were in Moscow for a whole month. When he got home, Dmitry told him to stay at the lodge because of Lenka and Igorek. So, of course, the house is a little dirty.”

  “A LITTLE dirty?” asked Violet

  They both looked at each other and started laughing. Violet wondered if Kolya knew how to clean house. But not to worry, with Alena in his life, he would learn.

  Violet went from room to room and swept each floor, while Anton opened each window and pulled down each drape.

  Alena and Yelena worked in the kitchen and bathrooms, scrubbing tile and washing dishes. As they cleaned, Alena started a list of things she would need to start housekeeping, with the number one item, a set of pots and pans.

  Violet decided she would use the computer at the lodge to order the couple a set for their new life together. It would be her gift to them. Feeling pain in her shoulder, Violet rubbed at it. She must be tired from all the cleaning.

  When lunch time came around, Yelena called for a halt. Violet looked around. Most of the rooms were clean of dust and debris. Things were looking good. Yelena made them sandwiches and they all sat on the newly washed kitchen floor to eat.

  Violet kept getting these little twinges of pain in her shoulder. But she dismissed it, thinking she was tired. She wondered what Dmitry was doing for lunch. She couldn’t feel his thoughts through the mating bond. He seemed to be up in the mountains.

  “Write down table and chairs, on the list.” said Yelena

  “You'll need a new couch and chair for the front room.” added Anton. ”But you might find something in the pack storage facility.”

  “The mattress in the big bedroom looks good and there is a nice dresser in there, too.” said Violet.

  “So you see, Alena? With a little work, you can move in with Kolya. The other bedrooms can wait until you have little ones to fill them,” said Yelena

  “Or for storage, you have all the furniture in your room at home to bring over too.” added Anton.

  “Did I hear someone say little ones?” asked Vikenti at the door.

  Everyone looked up in surprise as Vikenti reached behind him and lifted a pine cradle with little heart cutouts into the room.

  “For my daughter’s first child,” he said gruffly.

  “Oh, Daddy, it is beautiful!” exclaimed Alena

  Soon all three women were looking at the cradle and cooing over the little details Vikenti carved into it. Violet noticed he looked a little overwhelmed, but his eyes twinkled in enjoyment.

  “I will make one for your first child also, Violet.” Vikenti assured her.

  “Or possibly two, Dad. You know how twins run in the family.” reminded Anton.

  “Yes, very possible, you are right. I will start two new cribs in the fall.”

  When the family finished their lunch, it was back to work again. Yelena asked Violet to help her measure and write down how big each window was, as well as how big the bed was in the master bedroom. Vikenti and Anton moved the old couch and chair out to a garbage pile. Alena went room to room, writing anything down she could think of she might want or need for her new house.

  Finally they finished all they could do at the house. Everyone walked back to the lodge, where they spit up. Vikenti and Anton went with Alena to see if they could find furniture and rugs at the pack storage facility, near the large meeting hall. Violet followed Yelena into the lodge and up to the attic to find material for curtains and other linens. Once Yelena decided on what materials she wanted, Violet helped her carry it all downstairs and into a small sewing room near the back of the house.

  “Do you sew, Violet?” asked Yelena

  “I learned in high school, like most girls in America. But I haven't touched a sewing machine in years.”

  “Luckily, curtains are all straight stitching. When we are done, you will be a pro.”

  Violet spent the next three hours cutting and pinning and sewing. When Yelena called a halt, to prepare dinner, Violet was feeling a little cross-eyed. She gladly ran upstairs to shower before dinner. As she climbed into the shower she realized she didn't see or hear from Dmitry all day. She could still feel him through their mating bond, but no real emotion was coming through. Knowing how important it was to stay in touch with each other, Violet sent a wave of love to pour through the bond to Dmitry. She missed him so much. She felt his surprise when his mind flooded with the feeling. But then he closed the bond down further. Feeling
rebuffed, Violet finished her shower and slowly got dressed. When would Dmitry return to the man who wooed her so successfully?

  Dmitry knew the moment Violet awoke. He felt her pleasure of the day slide away to loneliness and confusion. It was his fault. He should have left her a note, such a little thing to do, to make her feel loved. But he didn’t do it. His only thought this morning was finding Lenka. Violet would be safe at the lodge with his family guarding her, while he led the search. The death of Sonya’s parents would be avenged.

  One of the patrols found evidence of Lenka and Igorek hiding out in a cave. When the report came, Dmitry went to investigate immediately. The caves ran along the highest mountain ridge on pack property. It probably was a volcano a millennium ago, the molten lava flow forming the caves. It would make a good place to hide.

  Dmitry found Sergei and Andrei waiting for him at the entrance to the first level. They would have to be careful. It was easy to get lost in this place.

  “We found their scent trail leading up here. But the trail is old, at least a day or two.” Sergei reported.

  Dmitry felt his teeth clench. Another dead end? When would they find them?

  “Any idea what they were doing up here?” asked Dmitry.

  “Mining. There are several veins of gold running through these caves.” Andrei pointed out. Dmitry knew about the gold and on a deeper level of the caves, there were also diamonds.

  “So on top of their other crimes, they are stealing from the pack.” Dmitry made it a statement, not a question. The pack incorporated when Russia opened to commerce. All members of the pack jointly owned the land, mineral rights, oil rights and businesses, with each family given a certain number of shares. If a family died out without an heir, the shares were returned to the pack’s general account.

  “Show me what you’ve found.” Dmitry sighed, and ran his hand through his hair. He followed Andrei into the main cave. It was very dark inside, but Lycanthropes could see clearly in the dark. He sniffed the air and found the scent of the traitors leading away from the entrance. Sergei was right, the scent trail was at least a day old.


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