The Duke of My Heart (Regency Romance)

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The Duke of My Heart (Regency Romance) Page 8

by Hanna Hamilton

  “Thank you very much, Betty,” she replied with a large smile. Betty noticed how much more beautiful this girl was with a grin, her entire face lit up with it. “I will let you know how this goes.”

  The tray shook lightly in Iris’s hands as she returned to the dining room. Her uncle was sitting at the head of the table – in the seat that used to be her father’s – and Daisy was sitting across from him. Walter looked a little more like he was paying attention now as Daisy explained the grim details of Iris’s father’s death.

  "The illness got to him quickly then?" Walter leant in closer as he spoke. "There was not anything that the doctors could do?"

  “He did not give me all the details,” Daisy answered honestly. “But it certainly seems that way.”

  “He never liked to talk, even to my sister. I felt sorry for her when she had to marry him, but she seemed happy enough.”

  This stunned Iris much more than it did Daisy. She was not used to people speaking ill of anyone else, particularly not the dead. It also struck her that this man knew her father well, and her mother even better. If the circumstances were any different, she could speak to him about her. She could ask him what she was like as a child, and how she was similar.

  But those questions would have to go unanswered because she needed to keep up appearances.

  “Here is the tea,” she commented softly, while curtsying. Daisy had taught her that whenever she was in doubt she should curtsy. It was a sign of respect that the wealthy could not get enough of. Despite the fact that Iris thought it was very silly, she went along with it anyway. “Shall I pour you both a cup, Sir? Miss?”

  At that moment, Walter turned around to face Iris and he looked at her. He really looked at her. He examined her closely while narrowing his eyes as if he felt confused. Iris's heart stopped dead in her chest, and she felt certain that Daisy was afraid too. He was staring at her much too intently, it seemed that their plan was already over. Now they would have to face the consequence of what they had done...

  “Yes, tea, please,” he eventually commented while twisting away from her. “Now, Iris,” he addressed Daisy. “What is it you were saying about your father’s funeral? Was it a terrible affair? I felt awful that I could not travel on time...”

  Iris breathed deeply, maybe too deeply. She could not believe it; they had gotten away with it! Her uncle believed that she was a servant and Daisy was a lady. It was almost too good to be true. They could move forward, they could continue on and really get into these roles.

  Speaking of which...

  Iris picked up the tray and took it over to the table with a smile on her face. It was time to finally serve.

  Chapter 10

  “Phew, that was exhausting!” Iris exclaimed gleefully to Daisy as they finally locked themselves away back in her bedroom. She even went as far as to wipe some mock perspiration from her forehead. Admittedly, her body did ache a little but she was riding on such an adrenaline rush that she hardly noticed. “Is it always so tiring to serve dinner?”

  “Is it, but I assume a lot of your weariness comes from the mask too,” Daisy gasped, sounded a little shell shocked herself. Her brain hadn’t yet processed what had happened tonight, she felt in a completely different place to Iris. “I know that is why I am so worn out. I feel like I have been running for hours.”

  “Oh, but you did such a wonderful job.” Iris hugged her gratefully as she finally started to realise just how much her friend had put on the line for her. She could have lost her job and everything over this, even if they had acted like it was all just a little joke. There was no way of telling how her uncle would react. She did not expect him to be so surly. “I started to believe that you were me myself!”

  Daisy pushed Iris backwards. She wanted to embrace her and to celebrate, but there were currently more pressing issues that needed to be addressed. "Miss Iris, what will we do with this ball that your uncle wants to hold? He will expect you to meet the Duke there."

  “Yes, I know,” Iris answered slowly as she tried to work out what Daisy’s issue might be. None of that had come as a shock to her. “That is what we expected, is it not? You have got a lot of the dance moves perfectly, and you will only need to dance for two songs anyway...”

  “Why is that again?” Daisy interrupted unapologetically. She knew that this was becoming far too real for her now. Every step they took into becoming one another, the more challenging it would become to extract themselves and to return to normal. There was no denying that needed to happen eventually. She couldn’t see any other potential outcome.

  “It is unseemly to dance more than two songs with one man... and since I, well you, are betrothed, you will be expected to dance only with him.”

  “Why can I not just meet him one on one?” Daisy bunched up the soft material of her dress between her fingers. “I think it will be much better that way. A nice dinner or a walk, something like that.”

  “I don’t know,” Iris answered sadly, finally starting to acknowledge this could be a problem. “I wish I could help you with that, but since my uncle is in charge of your introduction it can be only this way.”

  “You still would like to do this?” There was no hiding the panic behind Daisy’s eyes now, she already felt like she was in too deep and that she might end up drowning. “We could put a halt to it now if we wanted, we could tell your uncle the truth.”

  “But you would lose your job,” Iris answered desperately. “And I would still have to get married.” She reached out and touched her friend’s cheek, feeling horrible for what she was asking her friend to do. “If you really cannot stand it, if it is too much for you, I will understand.” She would, even if it’d kill her.

  Daisy didn't answer Iris. Instead, she wandered towards the window and she stared out over the land. She had often seen Iris doing the same as she daydreamed, and just for once she wanted to lose herself in her imagination as well. Even if she wasn't as good at it.

  Aside from the fear she had snaking through her veins, Daisy enjoyed being a lady. She loved the gorgeous dress, the lovely hairstyle, the makeup... it was all very exciting to her. She also loved the way that people treated her with respect. It wasn't a sensation that she'd ever experienced before, and it was really nice.

  She tried to imagine what it would be like to attend a ball as a lady rather than as the help, and actually, it was a picture that she liked the look of. Herself in a beautiful gown, swishing around her, a high-born man with his arms wrapped around her, the life of luxury that she could lead if she went down that path...

  “How would we ensure that your sisters do not come?” Daisy asked in a dazed tone of voice. Now that she had the idea in her mind, she actually liked the plan. Maybe being a lady called out to her more than she’d ever dared to believe before. “They will see the switch for sure.”

  “I will take care of it.” Iris did not want to sound too excited. She hated the thought that she was putting pressure on her friend. Just because she needed this desperately, Daisy didn’t. She was not getting anything out of the arrangement. “I do not know how right now, but I will ensure that it is not a problem. If you want to do this, of course.”

  “I think I do.” Daisy couldn’t help it; she was actually thrilled at the idea of having another night of fun living the life of someone else. “Yes, I think I do.”

  “Oh my goodness, you have no idea what this means to me, I am the happiest woman alive.”

  Iris's face had the widest smile across it, her eyes sparkled with intense glee, Daisy could see that despite the possible negative outcomes of this plan, she was doing the right thing for her friend.

  “I suppose we need to start tonight then.” Daisy shrugged. “I will need to sleep in your bed, and you will have to sleep in mine.”

  “Oh yes, of course!” Again, Iris felt only excitement by the idea. The bed wouldn’t be as comfortable as the one she had up here, and it meant she needed to leave her comfort zone, but this was a situation where
she felt like she could handle it. This was for a good cause. “Do you think the other staff will mind me sleeping among them?”

  “They love you,” Daisy told her firmly. “They love you so much that they agreed to do all of this for you, just like I did. Everyone is willing to put their lives on the line for you. They will not mind you sleeping among them.”

  Iris’s heart warmed and swelled as a loving sensation filled her. It had been a very long time since she had felt so much kindness around her. It was a wonderful feeling that she wanted so much more of.

  Actually, now that she thought about it, she was looking forward to tonight.

  "Well, I suppose I should say goodnight then unless you would like me to dress you like a lady?" Iris smiled teasingly. "I'm aware that you can do it yourself, but it is always nice to be treated well."

  “Oh no, I shall wait until I am a married lady with handmaidens to do that for me.”

  Daisy was only joking, but something resonated within her at that concept. She could actually see herself living in some mansion like this with people looking after her. She would be a kind lady, of course, knowing how difficult it was to work with those that weren’t, but she would certainly enjoy being treated well.

  “Yes, I can see you in that position,” Iris mused thoughtfully. “Maybe it is you that should have been born a lady, and me a maid.”

  “Well, that is what we are trying out now! Let’s see how it goes.”

  “Goodnight.” Iris held onto Daisy’s hands and she gave her a loving look. “And thank you again, I truly appreciate everything that you have done for me.”

  “Oh do not worry yourself, Iris, I will see you in the morning.”

  As Iris left the room, Daisy stared around her in a little bit of shock. She had spent a lot of time in this bedroom, she knew this room very well, but now she could see it all differently. Now it was almost hers... at least for the next few days at any rate.

  Maybe Iris was right, maybe she should have been born a lady.

  Despite Daisy’s kind words, Iris felt a little nervous as she made her way down the stairs to where the servants slept. She had always known about this area of the house, but it hadn’t ever troubled her. She had never really thought about it, it was just this small piece of knowledge in her mind.

  Now though, it was everything to her.

  The staff had been so lovely with her, particularly Betty, but she was not sure if things would be different if she told them that the plan was still going ahead and that now she was to become one of them. Iris feared that she would be asked the questions that she had no idea how to answer: what will happen after the ball? Will you switch forever? What if someone finds out? What if another male from the ball wants to marry you... and you are Daisy?

  Iris did not have the answers, she did not want to think too much about them because they poked too many unwanted holes in the idea, and she was scared that tonight she might have to face them.

  “Oh, Iris,” Betty gasped and she clutched her heaving chest as soon as she laid eyes on her. “How did it go? Did you manage to serve well?”

  “I did...” she answered cautiously. “It went very well. My uncle believes that Daisy is me.”

  “So, what now?” Betty had a homely look about her, and it helped to put Iris at ease... at least a little bit. “What will happen next?”

  “My uncle wants to hold a ball in which Daisy, or I, will meet Duke Pembroke.”

  “And that is where Daisy will put him off you?”

  Oh, it sounded so silly to have someone else say it. "Yes, I suppose to."

  She braced herself, flinching as she prepared herself for a lecture, but somehow it didn’t come. Instead, Betty changed the subject completely.

  “You must be very hungry, Iris, I have not seen you eat all day long.” Iris had not thought about it before, but now the thought of food had her stomach growling desperately. She hadn’t eaten out of nerves, but now all of that unwound. “Let me get you a plate of food. It is a stew, probably not the lovely food that you are used to, but it will fill you up.”

  “Oh that sounds delicious,” Iris practically whispered with excitement. “Thank you so much.”

  The dining rules were much more relaxed in the servant’s quarters. The table was not set up in a fancy way, there were no decorations getting in the way, the cutlery was scattered everywhere. There was also a bench along the table, rather than chairs, and other people had their bodies twisted in whatever way they wanted. It made Iris realise just how stiff and formal the dinners that she had attended actually were. Here there was chatter, laughter, a lovely atmosphere that was utterly welcoming.

  One of the girls even had her elbows on the table, that was practically unheard of! It made Iris’s heart explode with a deliciously happy sensation. This was far more fun.

  Iris felt strange as she took her seat, as much as it was welcoming, she still felt out of place, but Betty sat with her to help her feel comfortable. She had already eaten herself, but she sensed that Iris was not yet ready to be left alone.

  “Are you sleeping in Daisy’s bed?” she asked her quietly. “And Daisy in yours?”

  “Yes, for now.” Iris tucked into the food, the starvation too much for her, and she moaned with bliss as the stew slid down her throat. “Oh, Betty, you are amazing,” she cried. “I’ve always known how much of a wonderful cook that you are, but this is incredible.”

  “Oh no, that is just because you haven’t eaten all day.” Betty blushed as she tried to brush off the compliment. “But thank you very much, it is kind of you to say.”

  "I mean it, Betty. I really appreciate everything that you have done for me." Of course, Iris was not only referring to the meal at this point, which Betty understood.

  She held onto Iris’s hand and smiled lovingly at her. “You are more than welcome, Miss Iris, I would do anything for you.” There was something about Iris that made all of them want to protect her, it was an aura that she gave off. “You know that we are all here for you now, no matter what happens next.”

  Iris was torn. On the one hand, she was happy that Olivia would be getting such a wonderful staff for herself and her child, but on the other, she wanted to keep them for herself. She loved these people, even more so now that she knew them. Whatever happened next, it would be impossible.

  “Thank you, Betty, you are wonderful.”

  Eventually, the other members of the staff started talking to Iris too, and instead of judging her or asking challenging questions that she would never be able to answer, they welcomed her into the fold as if she was one of their own. The more they spoke to her as if she was one of them, the happier Iris felt. There was such an intense blissfulness within her that she actually felt lighter than air.

  Once she had finished eating, and she crawled into bed surrounding by many other people, Iris felt like herself. Shaking off the expectations that weighed heavily on her, brushing off the Warwick name and taking on another, it was freeing. Even more than she thought it would be.

  This experiment had shocked her in more ways than one. For someone who had spent most of her life alone, she was stunned to realize how confident she could be with other people if she allowed herself. She wasn’t sure why, maybe it was just because she had spent so much time with Daisy, but she felt much more like herself with these people than with the ones that she should have spent her life with.

  Of course, Iris was still scared about a lot of things. She might have told Daisy that the ball would be absolutely fine, but she wasn't convinced herself. It would be a challenge to ensure that no one who knew her face well enough to recognize her would attend the ball unless she somehow managed to convince her uncle to let her organize the guest list.

  That wouldn't be the easiest plan, but it was not impossible either. He might not want to delve into her father's address book to sort out some written invitations. Betty would help her, and the others too, probably if she asked them.

  Maybe she would have to ask
them, she couldn’t do all of this alone.

  As Iris turned on the bumpy mattress and she pulled the scratchy blanket further up over her body, she couldn’t stop smiling. Finally, she felt a little bit in control of herself and her life, and that sensation was wonderful. She never wanted it to end.

  Chapter 11

  The house was decorated beyond recognition. Much as the Warwick home always had an air of glamour to it, tonight it was on another level of beautiful. The maids – including a very enthusiastic Iris – had worked all day long to ensure that there was not even a scrap of dirt or dust to be seen, strings of lantern lights hung in the hallway to greet people, and there were floral decorations everywhere.

  And that was before the guests got to the grand hall.

  The hall was a giant room that the Warwick family used only on very rare occasions. It was situated at the back of the home, and no one ever bothered to enter it unless there was an event. Iris had been incredibly excited to go inside it finally because she had not ever been considered suitable to enter before. Her father ensured that she was locked in her room whenever the family did anything, for which she was usually very grateful.

  Today she was glad to be a part of the celebrations.

  The grand hall had an atmosphere of magic filling it. It was impossible not to feel it the moment you stepped inside. It was as if the walls contained many wonderful secrets, and by listening close enough you could pick up some of them.

  One moment, while she was left alone in the hall, Iris spun around on her heels, imagining that the prince from her daydreams was there twirling her to the music. She hummed to herself, seeing lights twinkling above her like stars, and she felt warm in her imaginary man’s touch.


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