Tangled Dreams

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Tangled Dreams Page 2

by Jennifer Anderson

  “Yes sir. I mean William.” Clutching at my jeans nervously.

  “Did you have responsibilities around your home?”

  “Yes William. I did all the cleaning and cooking chores.”

  “What did your mother do?”

  Then it was my turn to shift uncomfortably in my seat. “She kept busy.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure she did.”

  And with that, the rest of the way we rode in excruciating silence.

  Finally, we came up on a big three story house at the end of a gravel driveway. It was white with blue shudders. The porch wrapped around the whole front of the house with a swing hanging in the front. On closer inspection it also has a white picket fence around it. It looked right out of a story book that dad used to read to me when I was a child. I couldn’t get over how big the house was. Our apartment isn’t big enough to fill a quarter of that space.

  “Well, this is it. Go ahead and grab your suit case and call Julia when you get inside.” He said pointing to the back of the truck. “I have to get out to the barn to help Gavin. The tractor is broke again.”

  After dictating his orders he quickly turned and walked away towards the barn. To my amusement the barn was just as big as the house. It was painted bright red with a bunch of smaller buildings around it. There were cows grazing in the field to the left of it, and a bunch of chickens on the other side. I just couldn’t help but gawking. I have never seen anything so wonderful in my life.

  Lifting my light suit case out of the truck I was surprised it hadn’t blown out of the back. As I walked up the porch steps I noticed everything was so tidy. The flower beds were thriving with all sorts of colors without one weed in them. Except for the peeling paint on the porch everything looked so nice and neat. Slowly climbing up the rest of the steps, I felt my feet hit something. Looking down it was a welcome mat with a bunch of bright cheery flowers on it and I wondered if I really would be welcome.

  Hesitantly, I pecked on the door and cracked it open and stuck my head in afraid to walk in. “Julia, are you here?”

  “Oh Madison, you’re here. Finally.”

  Julia came into the kitchen and she was very beautiful not at all what I expected. She had long black hair and she was a little shorter than I was. With a very dark tan that looked like she works out in the sun for hours. I figured probably from working in her flower beds. She had a small nose with freckles speckled over her cheeks and a small mouth but, all in all a very pretty woman. Not as pretty as my mother but a more exotic of beauty. Which seemed very out of place, she looked like she belonged on an exotic island. Not a farm-house in Illinois. She looked years younger than William.

  “Madison come in. How are you honey?”

  Walking over she gave me a big hug and held me out at arm’s length to get a good look at me. “You are a beautiful little thing. How old are you now?”

  “I’m sixteen.” She did just what her doorstep mat claimed, she made me feel welcome instantly. Sadly, my mother never showed this much interest in me. Studying her closely I was thinking about how very nice and lovely she was. Not at all like William.

  “Sixteen. Well you and Gavin should get along splendidly. I can’t believe there is only a year between the two of you. You’ll have to wait to meet him though. As of now he is in the barn. However, why don’t you come and meet Kayla and Kylie. They have been dying for you to get here.”

  That made me wonder when mother had time to set up this whole meeting. I noticed she talked a mile a minute. I wondered if she was always like that, or if it was just nerves. Either way I was glad of it because, that meant I didn’t have to say much. Walking up the stairs there was floral wallpaper lining the walls, and I came to the realization she must really like flowers. Half way up I noticed there were pictures going all the way up them. Curiously, looking at them I didn’t recognize any faces. I suppose I was hoping to see a picture of dad. When we got to the top of the landing of the second floor we hung a left down a short hallway.

  “Madison, to your left here is the bathroom. The next door is Williams and mine and this one at the end of the hall is Kayla and Kylie’s.”

  “Where does this stairwell go to?” I asked motioning to my right.

  “Oh, your room and Gavin’s room is up stairs and there is also a junk room that no one uses. I’ll show you that after you meet Kayla and Kylie.”

  Walking into the bedroom my senses were flooded with an overwhelming amount of pink.

  “Hi girls. Meet your cousin. This is Madison. Madison this is Kayla and Kylie.” Pointing to one, and then the other.

  “Nice to meet you.” The resemblance was astonishing. I wonder If I’ll ever be able to tell them apart. They were very pretty girls and they looked a lot like their mother. Beautiful long black hair with dark eyes, and very skinny. Kayla was in a beautiful dress with matching shoes and her hair braided neatly. Kylie was in a dingy pair of pants with both of the knees blown out in them, a t-shirt and a ball cap. They look alike, but I have a feeling that is where the resemblance ends.

  “Hi Madison.” Kylie said holding her hand out for me to shake.

  “Hi Kylie. You’re a very pretty girl.”

  “Kylie come over here and say hi to Madison.” She looked so shy and reminded me of how I was at that age. I would be happy to say I grew out of that but, I would be lying. Hesitantly, Kylie came forward and gave me a hug which needless to say melted my heart. She was so tiny and sweet. She looked up at me and very quietly told me hello.

  “Mom, can we take Madison out to the barn to meet Gavin?” Kylie asked.

  “No Kylie. You know how your father is about being disturbed while they are working. She will meet Gavin when they come in for supper. Then after supper maybe you can go outside and let her meet your pony.” That of course, brought the disappointment straight out of her eyes. “Now you girls finish cleaning your room and I’ll call you down when it’s time for you to help with supper.” Very obediently they both said “yes mommy” at the same time.

  “Okay Madison, let’s go up to your room so we can get you settled.”

  Climbing up the third floor stairs, I didn’t notice any pictures and it was about half the size of the second floor, but still very large. We came up to a small landing.

  “This room to your left is your room. This door next to yours is Gavin’s, and this room to your right is the junk room.”

  Opening the door to my room and walking in I gasped. I could never believe I would have a room this big, even if it is for a short amount of time.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Are you kidding me? I love it.” It had a beautiful canopy bed in the middle of the room. The walls were painted a light powder blue. There was a gorgeous vanity on one wall. The opposite, a dresser and next to it was a huge picture window looking out at the fields and the barn.

  “This is your closet right here.” She said pointing to the double doors.

  “I don’t have enough to fill up one dresser let alone a closet.”

  “Oh, honey. Is that one suitcase all you brought?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Call me Julia. We are going to have to fix that. You can’t live with that few of clothes. We’ll go into town this weekend and pick you some things up.”

  “You don’t have to got to that much trouble. I won’t be here that long anyway.”

  And then there was that uncomfortable shifting from one leg to the other again. I wonder why her and William keep doing that when I mention not staying. Something was just not right but, I decided to shrug it off to nerves.

  “Oh. Well we are girls and we can never have to many clothes.” She said smiling.

  “Well, alright. Thank you. Is that door over there another closet?”

  “No, that door goes to Gavin’s room. Don’t worry though, he won’t bother you. He pretty much sticks to himself. Now why don’t you get settled in. There is still a couple of hours until supper.”

  “Thank you so much. I might lay
down for a while. We were on the bus all night last night and I didn’t sleep a wink.”

  “Oh honey, by all means lay down then. You must be exhausted. I assure you that bed is really comfortable.” She said turning to leave.

  After she walked out I sat down completely exhausted on the bed and realized she wasn’t lying. This has to be the most comfortable bed I’ve ever been on. I’ll just lay down and close my eyes for a couple of minutes. No longer able to fight the drowsiness I drifted off quickly.

  When I woke up again, I panicked to realize that I shut my eyes for more than a couple of minutes. The room was completely dark now except for the glow of the clock. Squinting at that tiny light and rubbing my eyes it read nine o’clock. Panicking I realized I said I would help Julia with supper. Now knowing I missed it and that is going to make me look really lazy and ungrateful. Without realizing it, tears were streaming down my face everything hitting me all at one time. Everything is moving to fast. I don’t have anyone anymore. What am I doing here? I don’t belong here. Trying not to panic.

  The knock on my door jerked me out of my thoughts. A tall guy about six-foot three walked in with black hair that was just long enough to catch a glimpse of it out of the back of his ball cap. He had dark eyes and a very deep tan, and looked very muscular and sort of an edgier side. Realizing just then that he was who everyone was talking about when a girl said they wanted a guy who was tall, dark, and handsome. He had blue jeans and a black t-shirt, and no shoes on. He looked totally comfortable but, one of those guys that seemed unapproachable all at the same time.

  “Hey, I’m Gavin. Mom wanted me to bring you up some food.” Noting just how very appealing that voice was. Then feeling like a fool I brushed the tears away from my cheek not wanting the first time I met him to be with me bawling like a baby.

  “Hi, I’m Madison.”

  “I know. You okay?” He asked me with an annoyed, confused look on his face.

  “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  “Well, I’ll just set this down right here. Just knock on my door when you are done and I’ll take it down for you.”

  “Thanks, but you don’t have to do that.”

  “Yes. I do. I’m ordered to. Anyways, just let me know. Alright?”

  “Okay.” Then he walked out grouchy, slamming the door. I don’t think he is going to wheel out the welcome wagon for me any time soon. If ever. I guess everyone can’t like you. Although he doesn’t even know me. Getting up I didn’t realize just how hungry I was until I smelled the aroma and it was absolutely delicious, easily the best meal I’ve had in months. Which made me feel even worse for not helping with it.

  Walking into his bedroom Gavin slammed his door shut behind him. The thump of the door shaking his bookshelf. “Why the hell do I have to be her damn maid to?” He grumbled as he kicked the side of the dresser. God I hate this place. I hate everyone and everything. I hate working my tail off for nothing. Why the hell do I have to put up with this shit when all my friends are out having a good time? Thinking bitterly to himself. Sitting down in his chair and swinging it around to look at the wall where she sat in her room. She is kinda cute he thought begrudgingly. I guess there could be worse things to do than looking at her. He just came up from a very long lecture from his parents how he needs to look after Madison. That she has been through a lot and has nobody and no friends. Well, a long lecture mostly from mom. Well, what the hell is that my problem? He asked himself. Like I want to do anything for my parents after they betrayed me the way they did. Well, they can just kiss my ass he thought, as he slammed his fist down on his desk.

  In the room next to him, Madison was wondering what all the commotion was about. Deciding not to go over quite yet. Not going to the bathroom since I arrived the need was getting rather urgent. Plus, cleaning up and taking a shower wouldn’t be such a bad thing to do. Just realizing I hadn’t taken one in quite a while. I grabbed a fresh pair of blue jeans and a thin strapped shirt, and headed down the stairs to the second floor bathroom. Now laying on his bed Gavin heard the door to her room shut and heard her go down the stairs. Whatever he thought. She can do whatever the hell she wants.

  Chapter Three: Is anything Easy?

  Realizing that I had only seen the kitchen, downstairs I had to fight the urge to want to go down to explore. Walking into the bathroom I found the light and was stunned to look at the reflection in the mirror. I didn’t even look like myself. Leaning in closer to the mirror, my eyes were completely bloodshot from crying. My hair is a tangled mess. My clothes are dirty, and I most likely stink. No wonder Gavin didn’t want to get within ten feet of me. Hearing a commotion coming from the room next door I realized it was uncle William and aunt Julia shouting.

  “Well, what do you want me to do William? Gavin now knows he is adopted.”

  “I told you Julia that we should have told him by now.”

  “You think I wanted him to find out this way? I just wanted him to be happy. He is ours. Even if I didn’t give birth to him. He his still our son.

  Taking a step back I looked at the wall like I could see through it. I felt bad for hearing such a private conversation. Gavin adopted? Shocked to the core by this. Maybe that is why he is so cold to me? I’m not his family at all. Maybe I misjudged him. After all it’s obvious that he just found out this news. Anyone would feel a sense of betrayal. I could hear aunt Julia releasing her tears into sobs.

  “William do you think he’ll ever forgive us for not telling him the truth?”

  “He’s just acting out Julia. He’s hurt and he’s mad. He’ll bounce back. He’s a strong boy.”

  My conscience couldn’t let me hear anymore so I flipped on the shower. Stepping out of my filthy clothes felt great, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Sometimes hating to look at myself because I see my mother in the mirror. I remember going to mother with my complaints of being well endowed and she would tell me to shut up and I’d appreciate it later. Well, being older now I guess I understand it a little more. Still makes you feel uncomfortable when boys stare at you nonetheless. However, mother told me to get used to it that I was beautiful just like her. She never did have any problems with her self-image. She is beautiful but I have a long ways to go before I match her beauty.

  With a sigh, stepping under the hot water felt great, and it washed all my worries away for that short time. I could have stood in here for hours underneath the hot spray but, forced myself to get out. After giving Gavin some attitude I decided I probably should cut him some slack. After all, he might feel just as lonely, and lost as I do. Brushing my hair until it was pretty much dry I climbed the stairs back up into my room grabbing the tray. Knocking on the door to Gavin’s room, I knew I was going to ignore that adjoining door. Hearing nothing for a while, I finally hear a bang and some cursing along with it before the door swung open wildly.

  “Yeah? What do you want?”

  “I um have my tray like you wanted.”

  He kinda took a step back stunned at how beautiful she looked.

  “Just throw it down on the desk. I’ll take it down later.” He snapped. Turning, he walked away and flopped back down on the bed to watch the movie he had going.

  “I can take it down, if your busy.”

  “Will you leave it alone. There will be plenty of time for you to suck up to mom and dad.” Just as soon as he said it, he regretted it. The hurt instantly flashing across her face, she took a step back, and out of his room quietly shutting the door.”

  “Damn it Madison. Come back.”

  If she heard him, she didn’t acknowledge him. Throwing his head in his hands he cursed himself for being an idiot. She was just trying to be nice, and I act like an ass. I don’t want to like her. I can’t like her. Everyone in my life has betrayed me. I just can’t be her friend. Not wanting to get close to anyone, just to have them screw him over. Trying to fight the pull he was feeling towards her. Thinking that maybe he should at least try to be her friend. Her father just recently dying is enough to
make anyone feel alone. Not to mention she had no idea that her mother had no plans on coming back for her. I shouldn’t have known that either, but one of my endearing qualities is that I’m very quiet and over heard mom and dad talking. Or I should say arguing about it. Dad didn’t want her to stay, and mom did. It didn’t really surprise me. Dad didn’t really like outsiders. And to him she was an outsider. So, I’m stuck with her for a while, whether I like it or not. She isn’t that hard on the eyes on closer inspection. Noticing that she had an even more stunning face than initially thought. Deep green eyes that could make you forget all your worries. Not getting much of an opinion on her body with the baggy clothes he has seen her in so far. Swatting his thoughts away like flies he settled back in to watch the rest of his movie.

  Walking back into my bedroom, I was infuriated. What gives him the right to treat me like that? I was just trying to be nice. Well, maybe I should reconsider cutting him some slack. If he wants to be a jerk, then fine. But, he’ll be doing it alone. Completely miffed I rummaged through my suitcase looking for my mothers old nightgown. It left little to the imagination, but it’s all I had. Thinking maybe I can pick up a new one. Finally, rolling into bed I grabbed my diary and put it safely on the nightstand before shutting my eyes for the night.

  I woke up to my alarm going off, and immediately jumped up and got dressed. Running down the stairs Julia was the only one in the kitchen.

  “Hi sweetie. I saved you some breakfast.”

  “I slept late again? I thought for sure I would get up in time. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay Madison. I could have woke you up but, you needed the sleep. You can help tomorrow. We get up at 5 in the morning, and the guys have to be out by 6 to do chores. The girls are also out doing chores. Everyone pulls their weight around here but you can start tomorrow. You need another day of rest.” She said with a smile.


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