Tangled Dreams

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Tangled Dreams Page 13

by Jennifer Anderson

  “Ah, shut it! You know how to ruin a moment dumb ass.” Clay said annoyed. Seeing him was not something I anticipated. It was bad enough putting up with him at school. I didn’t want to have to on the weekends also. Turning around a bunch of girls came around the house giggling about something. Along with a couple other of Clay’s friends.

  “Hi Clay.” They all chimed at the same time.

  “Hey. You know you can say hi to Madison to.” Sneering at them.

  “Oh. Hi Madison.” One of the girls said in a unpleasant tone. Leaning into Madison he whispered.

  “Don’t pay any attention to them, they’re just jealous because no matter what they do, they will never be as beautiful as you.”

  “Clay, you know that’s not true.”

  “No, I know it is true and so do they, that’s why there bitches to you.”

  Smiling at him, “Your to sweet sometimes.”

  “Hey, I brought beer.” Eric said holding up a couple of cases. The girls started squealing happily running over to him.

  “Hey, toss me one.” Clay said ecstatic at the thought.

  “You do have to drive me home.” I said trying not to sound like I was nagging him. But, inside I suddenly was in complete turmoil. My dad being killed by a drunk and my mother being a drunk, made me not a big advocate for alcohol. You could say alcohol pretty much ruined my life and I’ve never even had a drink. That goes to show you don’t have to drink yourself, to have your life be ruined by it.

  “It’s alright gorgeous, I’m just going to have a couple.”

  The girls sat down on the lawn chairs and started drinking with the other guys who came. While Eric started pushing as many back as he could. Just when I thought he couldn’t get anymore obnoxious. Then Clay’s two beers went to six in no time and before I knew it, everyone was drunk but me. Feeling hot, either from the hot tub or the anxiety, I decided to get out. Grabbing a towel I went to sit on one of the chairs away from everyone else. Feeling Eric’s eyes staring at me the whole time.

  “God, Clay you sure have a hot one.” Eric said.

  “Yeah, I do. So don’t even think about it. It’s bad enough I have to compete with Gavin. Let a lone the rest of the male student body.”

  “She has to have the hottest rack I’ve ever seen. You get all the way yet?” He asked ignoring him.

  “Nah but, it’s just a matter of time. Besides I’m Clay. Shouldn’t take to long.” Laughing drunkenly pushing back a couple more beers.

  “When your done with her I’ll take her off of your hands.” Eric said smiling.

  “Like hell, ass hole. Besides, I don’t plan on being done with her for a while.” Getting out of the hot tub Clay stumbled over to where Madison was sitting. “Hey gorgeous.” He said with slurred speech.

  “Clay, your drunk.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m just fine.” He exclaimed raising his finger in the air triumphantly. The girls walked up with the other guys

  “Hey Clay, we’re taking off. I hear there’s a party at Mikes house.”

  “Alright.” Smiling widely. “I’ll be over later.” Then we were left with Eric still sitting in the hot tub with half a case of beer left right beside him.

  “Hey gorgeous, let’s get back in the hot tub.” He said smiling, and pulling me up towards the hot tub, with a lot more strength than I thought he had. Dropping my towel I didn’t know what else to do so, I got back in with them. Better to be close to Clay than to be left alone with Eric around.

  “Eric, throw me another beer.” Tossing another one over to Clay I had lost count on how many he has had. All I knew was they both have had a lot, and the sun was starting to get low in the sky.

  “Clay, what time is it? It looks like it’s getting late.”

  “Um, I don’t now. I mean, I don’t know.” Saying incoherently. “I left my cell phone inside. I’ll go check, be right back.”

  Stumbling out of the hot tub and walking into the house before I could object. Which left me with Eric and my skin started crawling immediately. He sat there drinking and smiling at me while Clay was gone but, a couple minutes stretched into ten and I started to feel uncomfortable.

  “I wonder what’s keeping him. Maybe I should go check on him.”

  “Nah, he’s fine. He probably just got caught up. Maybe he had a phone call.” When really he knew Clay could never handle his liquor. Knowing he was most likely passed out.

  Sliding over next to me I could smell the alcohol on his breath and it was making my stomach turn.

  “So, you like it here at our school?” He asked smiling at me.

  “It’s alright. I guess.” Starting to get really uncomfortable.

  “Alright? Well you look like your making yourself at home with Clay.”

  “Clay is a nice guy.” I said shifting away from him a couple more inches. “Yeah, but what you need is a man. We have been known to share every once in a while.” Shifting closer to me again and putting his hand on my knee.

  Sliding his hand off of my knee I shifted away again. “I think I should go check on Clay.”

  “He’s alright.” Before I could blink he was on top of me straddling over me, holding my arms down by the wrists.

  “What are you doing! Get off me!” I cried out.

  “I’m showing you what a real man can do.”

  He said making me choke from the stench of his breath. Kissing all over my neck and cheek. I was completely paralyzed with fear. I couldn’t move at all. Why can’t I move? Holding my wrists down with one hand, I couldn’t believe how strong he was. He started grabbing at my breasts with his other hand eventually tugging at his shorts.. My stomach welling up with panic. Forcing his whole body on top of mine I still couldn’t move and could feel him rubbing on me.

  “You know you want me baby, just admit it.” He said kissing me all over my neck and chest, trying to move my bikini top out of the way.

  “Quit it. Stop!!” I wailed screaming trying to wiggle away from him finally realizing the real dilemma I was in. Praying that Clay would come back out now.

  “Oh, I like it when they fight. Makes it more fun.” Smiling reaching down to remove my bikini bottoms. I knew at that moment I was in trouble. Clay wasn’t coming out, and Gavin wasn’t here to help me either.

  Welling up all of my courage and strength inside me, I wiggled to one side and as hard as I could, kneed him in the groin. He let me go so suddenly that my head submerged underneath the water. Coming up gasping for air, trying to see through the burning in my eyes. I stumbled out of the hot tub as fast as I could knowing he wasn’t to far behind. I knew people who drank alcohol had a higher tolerance for pain so I had to hurry. Running into the bathroom quickly, slamming and locking the door. I could hear him running behind me as I leaned up against the door still choking. Thanking God there was a phone in here I tried to get myself under control but couldn’t quite stop crying hysterically. Shaking violently I dialed the number for home hoping someone was inside the house. Finally after the third ring Gavin’s voice came over the phone, as Eric was still beating on the door. “Gavin,” I said crying hysterically.

  “Madison, what’s wrong? Where are you? I hear yelling.”

  “Please, help me I’m at Clay’s. Eric is trying to rape me, he’s trying to get in. I’m around at the pool. Please help me.” I said in between sobs.

  “Shit. Madison. Calm down sweetie. I’ll be right there.” Hearing the anger in his voice I almost felt sorry for what was going to happen to Eric as soon as Gavin got a hold of him. Almost.

  Gavin, felt his heart drop to his feet after hanging up the phone. The anger overwhelmed him to the point where he could only see red. The only thing keeping him under control was his fear for her. He hated these mixed emotions, overwhelming him making him feel helpless. Grabbing his keys he ran out to the truck leaping the steps in one bound. Managing to break every speeding law known to man only getting angrier by the second. “I’ll kill the bastard.” He said to himself.

liding down to the floor I laid my head in my hands and all I could do was cry and pray that he didn’t get inside and that Gavin got here quick. My head vibrating back and forth with the jarring of his brutal knocks.

  “Madison, come out. You know you want it. Fine we’ll go slower next time.” Shouting as he beat on the door. “Ah, who needs you I can have any girl I want.”

  Suddenly, getting quiet. Listening carefully I could hear the rumble of Gavin’s truck pulling up and I grabbed my clothes hugging them tightly to my body. Slowly putting my hand on the door knob I unlocked it as quietly as possible opening it up slightly peering out. Paranoid that Gavin wouldn’t know where I was and leave. Not seeing Eric I prayed he got bored and decided to leave. I just wanted to get to Gavin. Quietly Opening up the door wider I stepped slowly feeling a set of arms wrapping around me. One on my chest and one hand on my neck. Screaming I could feel Eric’s breath on my neck.

  “See honey. I knew you couldn’t resist. I knew you’d come out.” He said squeezing my body tightly against his.

  “Gavin.” I screamed crying.

  “You don’t need him either sweet heart.” Kissing my neck more forcefully. Unable to move against his type grip around my throat.

  Running around the corner all he could see was Eric’s filthy hands on her. Kissing her. Madison crying hysterically. Looking up she’d never seen anything more beautiful than Gavin running toward her.

  “Get your fucking hands off her.” He said ripping me out of his arms. Shoving me behind his back protectively.

  “Hey, that slut is mine.” Eric said stumbling a bit.

  “You ever touch her again, you’ll be in a wheel chair permanently.” Pulling his arm back and laying him out on to the ground. Crying hysterically, all I could remember thinking was that he had broken his nose for sure while Eric was writhing on the ground in pain.

  “You’ll pay for this bastard.” He said blood all over his hands from his nose.

  “Keep talking asshole. I’ll break some more bones.” Gavin said towering over him.

  “My father will sue you.”

  “Go ahead.”

  Feeling numb and sick, the last think I remember was wanting to retreat. I wasn’t sure if that was physically, or emotionally but it was obviously to much for my body and the next thing I remember was seeing black and collapsing to the ground out cold. The final realization of what could have happened, and what did happen, was to much for me to deal with. The best way I could describe it is my body shut down in order for me to cope. The next thing I knew I was waking up in Gavin’s truck. Panicking at first I thought I was still at Clays house with Eric. I started to scream until I realized I was with Gavin and he was pulled off the side of the road somewhere I didn’t recognize. Looking down realizing I was still in my bikini, very much wet, getting cold and it wasn‘t a bad dream after all. Staring to cry again Gavin slid over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

  “Shh, babe, it’s alright. Its over. I’m here now and I’ll never let anything happen to you.”

  We had been sitting here on the side of the road for ten minutes now and it took at least that long for me to stop shaking. I was so angry and scared what would have happened if I hadn’t gotten there in time. Not to mention what could have happened if she hadn’t of gotten away from him the first time to call.

  “Gavin, thank you. I was so scared.” I said crying.

  “It’s alright. I’m here now.” Stroking my wet hair back out of my face.

  “I’m so sorry I lied to you Gavin. I should have told you where I was going.”

  “Yeah, you should have.” He said angrily. “Because if you had of, I wouldn’t of let you go in the first place.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” Shaking I started sobbing harder.

  “I don’t want lies between us Maddie. Promise me this won’t happen again.”

  “I promise.” Leaning over me he grabbed his jacket and laid it on top of my shaking body kissing me on top of my head.

  “Are you cold babe?”

  “Yes, and still scared.”

  “I’ll take care of you. Don’t worry about it.”

  “When you say it. I actually believe it.” Snuggling closer to him I just wanted to close my eyes and die. “Your parents are going to kill me.”

  “Well, right now they’re not home. I’ll get you in and take care of you before they get home.

  “I don’t know what I would do without you Gavin. I’m sorry to put you through so much. You must hate me”

  “I don’t hate you babe. Just the opposite.” He quietly sliding back over to the drivers seat. “We’ll get you cleaned up and in bed before mom and dad gets home. I’ll just tell them you had a bad headache and went to bed early.”

  “Thank you Gavin.” I said trying to calm down.

  “Don’t thank me yet. Your going to tell me what happened today after we get you settled.” I could still see the anger in his eyes and thought it best not to argue.

  He didn’t know what he was most angry about. What happened to her. Or being lied to. Even now with her curled up in his seat she looked beautiful especially in that bikini. How dare anyone touch her! He thought absolutely livid. Eric was damn lucky that Maddie passed out because, he wasn’t nearly done beating the shit out of him. No matter how angry he was though, he wasn’t about to let Maddie lay there passed out cold just to beat the shit out of that asshole. Especially, the woman he loved. Any doubts he had dwindled away when the fear hit him that she was hurt and in trouble. The realization that he really does love her with all of his heart was scaring him to death. The fear that he couldn’t protect her twenty four hours a day hit him like a sledge hammer and pissed him off in the worst sort of way. Curling up as tight as I could in the seat I laid my head in his lap as he drove home and I closed my eyes. I could feel him run his hands through my hair and it felt comforting. The relief of being with Gavin washing over me.

  Chapter Ten: Just Breath

  Pulling up to the house he flicked the key off and closed his eyes taking a deep breath trying to get his anger harnessed. Slipping out of the truck he grabbed me and pulled me out of the drivers side seat into his arms. I didn’t even have it in me to argue with him about carrying me. Not that he would listen anyways. Carrying me inside he went up to the second floor bathroom setting me down on a stool.

  Taking the coat from around her he realized she was still clutching her clothes tight and he struggled with the tears burning in his eyes.

  “Babe, you can let them go now. Prying them out of her hands.”

  “Oh, sorry.” I said looking down with tears in my eyes still visibly shaken. Getting up he turned on the shower, turning it as hot as it would go, and helped me up and into it, and closed the curtain.

  “Please don’t leave me.” I said panicked grabbing his arm. “I won’t babe. I’ll stay right here.” Sitting down on the toilet to wait for me I stripped off my bikini and laid it over the side of the tub. Taking them he wound them up in a towel and threw them in the hamper. He’d just tell mom they were having swim class in P.E. or something. Laying his head in his hands he tried to rub away the headache that was starting right behind his eyes.

  The hot water beating against my body felt heavenly. Looking down at myself taking the inventory, my wrists were red and bruised and very sore. My chest was also really red where his fingers dug in too hard. Looking down at my legs they were really scratched up from his fingernails digging into me. All in all bruised and upset but, alive and still able to save myself for the right guy. It could have been a hell of a lot worse I thought to myself as fear trickled down my spine. Shutting off the water, I grabbed the towel so tired and numb that I felt like I could burst out in tears again at any moment. I barely felt Gavin picking me up and taking me to my room. Sitting me down on my bed he caught sight of my wrists and I could see the anger welling up in his eyes again.

  Grabbing my hands, “Damn it. Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.
I’m just sore and tired.”

  “How bad did he hurt you? Did he rape you?” Asking with anger and hurt in his eyes. Confused, he thought she said he tried to rape her but, her bruised body took on a different story.

  “No, it was close. I managed to get away though.” Not wanting to get into details.

  “Did he touch you? Um where he shouldn’t of been?” Not knowing of any other way to ask.

  “Yes.” I said holding back the sobs as I remembered. “It was so horrible his hands and his mouth was all over me.” I said laying my head in my hands to ashamed to look up at him.

  “I’ll kill the bastard.” Gavin said as his eyes glazed over in anger. Starting to cry again he looked down at her and seen the red scratch marks on the inside of her thighs and realized just how hard she was trying to fight him off and it was breaking his heart not being there for her.

  “Get under the covers Madison. Your shaking.” The anger washing over him making him so angry that he could hardly form words. Seeing now that the top of her chest was bruised to. “I’m going to find the asshole.” Turning in anger and heading for the door.

  “Gavin, please don’t leave me.” I said with tears in my eyes. “I really don‘t want to be alone.”

  “You’ll be fine here. No one will hurt you.” He said heading toward the door again.

  “Gavin!! Please.” I said sobbing harder.

  Turning around he couldn’t stand seeing her lying in bed so tiny and crying and hurt. Coming to me he kicked off his shoes and stripped his shirt off and got under the covers with me wrapping me up into his arms.

  “Thank you for not leaving me.”

  “Sh, I’ll always be here for you. I hate seeing you so hurt. Just where the hell was Clay anyways?”

  “I don’t know. He got drunk and went inside the house and never came back out.”

  “Asshole probably passed out. I know I told you I would stay out of it, but you don’t need to be around any of them anymore.”

  Knowing it wasn’t Clays fault. I was still a little mad at him. I knew he shouldn’t of ever gotten drunk and left me with Eric in the first place. I don’t know if I’ll be able to forgive him I thought sadly to myself. Not even really caring right now being wrapped up in Gavin’s arms was enough.


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