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A Little Taste of Red

Page 1

by Beth Wylde

  Published by Phaze Books

  Also by Beth Wylde

  The Big 4-Oh!

  This is an explicit and erotic novel

  intended for the enjoyment

  of adult readers. Please keep

  out of the hands of children.

  A Little Taste of Red

  A novella of paranormal erotic romance by


  A Little Taste of Red copyright 2008 Beth Wylde

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  A Phaze Production

  Phaze Books

  6470A Glenway Avenue, #109

  Cincinnati, OH 45211-5222

  Phaze is an imprint of Mundania Press, LLC.

  To order additional copies of this book, contact:

  Cover art © 2008 Debi Lewis

  Edited by Mychael Black

  ISBN-13: 978-1-60659-002-7

  First Edition – September, 2008

  Printed in the United States of America

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Chapter One

  Tinsel Redleigh Sawyers, known by all her friends and family as Red, finished her sit-ups and flipped off her dilapidated old TV. Without cable, she knew it was useless to try channel surfing so late at night. “Damn infomercials and reality shows!”

  She glanced around her apartment slowly, taking note of the way the icicles hanging from the rooftop gleamed outdoors in the moonlight as she drew the window blinds down tight for the evening. Winter had arrived with a vengeance, and Tinsel felt irritable and cranky after being forced to forego her daily run due to the below-freezing temperatures outside. Working out indoors to an aerobic video just didn’t provide the same type of adrenaline rush that a good long run could. She needed to find a way to relax or she knew she’d never get to sleep. Luckily, she had just the thing to soothe her frazzled nerves.

  She checked the shades once more and made her way over to the day bed in the corner that doubled as a couch in her tiny studio apartment. The space was cramped and the neighbors were often a bit boisterous, but the rent was cheap. Her best friend Katie was rich and would have gladly lent her the money for a nicer place, but she liked the feeling of being able to take care of herself. She’d always been independent, and being forced to live on a limited income had only made her more determined to succeed on her own.

  Tinsel shed her sports bra and sweatpants in favor of a knee-length sleep shirt and slipped under the covers. After getting settled, she reached over into the top drawer of her nightstand that doubled as an end table. Her hand came out, holding an extremely ragged-looking book with several multicolored bookmarks hanging out of the frayed pages. Judging by the novel’s condition, it was obviously a well-worn favorite and one that needed replacing soon.

  Tinsel patted the book lovingly as she traced the faded image of the sexy male model who graced the cover. “Who needs reality? My imagination is a much more exciting place.”

  She reclined back against the headboard with a contented sigh as she thumbed the book open to one of the dog-eared sections. Carefully balancing the book on her knees, she started to read. Her right hand plucked at the low-rise neckline of her nightshirt, fanning the fabric back and forth as her body temperature steadily rose despite the cool climate outside. She scanned rapidly through the first couple paragraphs until she found her favorite part of the story.

  The Space Pirate had just kidnapped his lady love and they were in the midst of some graphically detailed foreplay. Tinsel flipped forward another page until she reached the hottest scene in the book. While the characters got down to business, her hand slid lower until she was slowly fondling one breast. She gasped aloud as the Space Pirate spread Princess Miranda’s legs and made his intention to fuck her clear.

  “Lucky bitch. I’d give that pirate the ride of his life.”

  As the pleasant tingling between Tinsel’s thighs intensified, she paused to pull off her panties, reaching behind her to flip on the switch for the ceiling fan. The cool breeze felt good, but it still wasn’t enough to lower her temperature to a comfortable level. She sat up and pulled off her t-shirt, enjoying the way the chilly air whispered across her heated flesh and made her nipples harden. She scooted back down in the bed, tugging the sheet over her knees for modesty before letting her legs drop open beneath it. Her apartment was also in a rather unsavory part of town, so even though her blinds were closed, she used the covers to ensure herself a little extra privacy. The position was a bit awkward and forced her to hold the book steady with her left hand, but she didn’t mind the imposition. She also ignored the fact that she’d been without a guy for so long that she’d been reduced to masturbating to erotica in bed. Desperate times often called for desperate measures.

  Her hand slid down over her stomach, pausing for a moment to trace the edges of her belly button before continuing onward. Her fingers skimmed sideways, bypassing her most intimate spot and caressing her inner leg instead. After building up an acceptable amount of tension, she moved back upward until her hand brushed firmly against her pussy. Tinsel bucked against the sensation and nearly dropped her book in the process. It was getting hard to focus on the words on the page, so she finished off one last paragraph and put the book aside to let her imagination take over.

  She snuggled down deeper under the covers and let herself relax, closing her eyes and giving her mind free rein. Her fingers danced gently over her engorged clit as she conjured up an image of her ideal male. Tall, strong, athletic, and ruggedly handsome. His hair and skin color didn’t matter as long as he was the kind of man who could take control and sweep a girl off her feet. She grimaced as a picture formed in her head.

  It’s no wonder I haven’t had a date in ages, she thought. My standards are so high that no human on Earth could ever live up to my expectations.

  Tinsel pushed the depressing revelation aside before it ruined the moment. As she teased herself, her fingers slid easily through her moist folds. She was so excited from just the anticipation that wetness dribbled down the crack of her ass and onto the sheet below. “Good Lord!” Tinsel knew she needed to slow down or she’d come before things really got started.

  She slid her other arm down beneath the sheet, gently parting her nether lips open as she slid in first one finger and then another. “Oh hell.”

  A loud moan exploded out of her throat as the slick walls of her vagina clenched down on the invading digits. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d actually had sex with a guy, and she was almost as tight as a virgin. Her hand moved faster, back and forth and in and out until she couldn’t hold still any longer. Tinsel thrust her hips upwards, using her body’s momentum to help her fuck herself until sweat beaded across her forehead and her skin felt like it was on fire. Helpless mewling noises flew from her lips, faster and faster, until the sound condensed into one long wail of need.

  Off in the distance she heard the shrill sound of her cell phone ringing, but she was too far gone to stop and make herself answer it. Her generic ring tone stopped and a triple beep announced that her caller had left a message. Tinsel spread her legs open as wide as they could go, her flexible body stretching itself into almost a complete split. She tried to force the tip of a third finger inside herself, but there wasn’t any room left for it to go. She gave up the fight and curled forward the two fingers already deeply imbedded inside herself. They slid delicately over her inner walls, searching for the magic spot that would help her reach the earth-shattering climax she was striving for. Her middle finger found the tiny bump and stroked it relentlessly, moving over it again and again.

  Tinsel went wild. She flipped her body over and flung her ass in the air, giving in to her instincts and letting her body do whatever it wanted in order to gain the release she’d been craving for so long. Minutes later, she cried out, her body shaking until she collapsed against the mattress, covered in sweat and out of breath. She had enough energy left to pull her legs shut and roll sideways before the pleasant afterglow and exhaustion lulled her into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Two

  It was a little after midnight, and Tinsel was enjoying the hottest sexual encounter of her life with a naughty vampire prince named Gregor, when the sound of her cell phone going nuts startled her awake. “What the fuck?” She dashed out of bed and ran to the kitchen, where she knew she’d seen the phone last. “Somebody better be dead or bleeding,” she grumbled as she spotted the little pink Razor doing a wild dance across the counter.

  The expensive sparkly device had been a gift from her best friend, Katie, who’d completely freaked out when she’d been informed that Tinsel wasn’t going to be able to afford to have a phone installed in her apartment. Katie immediately towed Tinsel down to the cellular store and insisted on buying the most expensive phone and service plan the place offered. Tinsel didn’t see the lack of phone service as a big deal, but to Katie the idea of living without unlimited minutes and text messages was unthinkable.

  Tinsel grabbed the shiny neon monstrosity before it fell on the floor and didn’t bother to check the Caller ID. She automatically assumed it was her best friend calling, probably with another disastrous ‘emergency’ on her hands. Katie’s idea of an emergency usually involved one of two things, boys or clothes, and not necessarily in that order. Tinsel was extremely frustrated about being woken up and prepared to let Katie know about it. She flipped open the skinny rectangle and let her anger loose.

  “Katie Lucille Covington, do you have any idea what time it is?”

  The sound of a delicate yet stern female voice that was obviously not Katie’s shocked Tinsel into silence. “Yes, I do and I’m sorry to disturb you. I’m looking for Ms. Tinsel Sawyers.”

  A sudden feeling of dread settled over Tinsel as she replied, “I’m Tinsel Sawyers.”

  “My name is Amanda Hughes. I’m one of the emergency room nurses here at River Region Medical Center. Are you familiar with a Gertrude Swann?”

  Tinsel covered the receiver with her hand as she fought to remain calm. After several deep breaths, she came back online, already fearing the worst and trying to prepare herself. “Yes, I am. She’s my grandmother. Is something wrong?”

  “I’m afraid so, Ms. Sawyers. She became very ill this evening and had to call 911. The paramedics transported her to the emergency room. I need to ask you a few questions about her health history. Are you familiar with her medical information?”

  Tinsel exhaled deeply as she realized her grandmother was still alive. “Pretty much so. I lived with her from the time I was five until two years ago when I turned eighteen.”

  The nurse sounded relieved. “I’m so glad. She’s very incoherent and unable to answer our questions at this time. Her sugar was dangerously elevated when she arrived. Does she have a history of diabetes?”

  Tinsel swore silently. “Yes. She was diagnosed with it three months ago, but I can’t get her to give up the sweets. She’s a chocoholic.”

  The nurse chuckled softly. “Being a diabetic myself, I do understand her dilemma, but she needs to understand how dangerous it is to stray from the diet her doctor has put her on. Do you know if she checks her sugar regularly?”

  “As far as I know, she does. She’s always been very independent. She raised me by herself. She only goes to the doctor when it’s absolutely necessary.”

  “That sounds like a lot of our patients here.”

  “Is she going to be okay?”

  “She should be fine once we get her sugar level stabilized. What you’ve told me has helped a lot. She’ll probably be admitted for a few days just for observation and to reinforce her diabetic education.”

  “Can I come see her?” Tinsel hated the needy sound in her voice, but she wouldn’t be able to believe her grandmother was okay until she could actually see her in person.

  “ER patients are allowed one visitor. She’ll probably be admitted to the critical care unit as a precaution and their visiting hours are very strict, but if you come now, you can see her for a few hours at least. You sound like you need the company as much or more than she does.”

  Tinsel wanted to sob with relief. “I do. She’s the closest thing I have to a mother.”

  “I’ll see you soon then. I’m on duty until seven in the morning, so just ask for Nurse Hughes. One of the attendants will escort you to her room. She’s in 1-A. Do you know how to get here?”

  Tinsel spoke through her tears. “I do. It’s about an hour away, though.”

  “Take your time and be careful. Thank you again for the help.”

  “You’re welcome. Please take care of her for me until I get there.”

  “I will. Goodbye.”

  Tinsel got off the phone and raced into the bathroom, getting clean and dressed in record time. The trek to the parking lot was a quick one. One didn’t dawdle in the neighborhood at night unless they were looking for trouble.

  She found her battered, little blue Honda parked right where she’d left it earlier. A lot of the tenants had trouble with their cars being vandalized, but Tinsel had never had a problem. As she stared at her pitiful excuse for a vehicle, she knew exactly why it remained untouched. The only real value in the car was sentimental. Her grandma had given it to her as a graduation gift and she knew how much of a struggle it had been for her to afford the overly used vehicle on such a limited budget. She should have traded it years ago, but the thought of getting rid of it made her want to cry. It was a testament to how much her grandmother meant to her.

  Katie hated the thing. The paint was dull and the letters on the tires were faded as well, but it ran pretty decent and had great gas mileage. As she slid inside, Tinsel looked around and took note of the things her best friend always complained about. The interior was worn, the carpet was permanently stained in spots, and the passenger side window would only go half way down. Tinsel didn’t care, though; she was proud to own it. She knew Katie’s taste ran more toward BMWs and Cadillacs than Preludes, but with her dad’s huge bank account, she could afford to be picky when Tinsel couldn’t.

  Chapter Three

  The ride to the hospital seemed endless. Gertrude lived out in the boonies, preferring the quiet wilderness to the loud sounds and bright lights of the city. Tinsel understood her grandmother’s need for peace and privacy, it was something she yearned for as well, but the long distance between them often caused transportation issues. Tinsel’s car wasn’t always dependable and her grandmother didn’t drive at all anymore. She was looking forward to the day when she could afford to move out of the city and purchase her own little cottage in the woods.

  The sound of her cell phone going off again interrupted Tinsel’s train of thought. She instantly feared it was bad news about her grandmother until she saw Katie’s name and number flashing across the miniature screen. She breathed a sigh of relief, then immediately wondered what could be so bad that
her best friend would be calling her at almost one in the morning.


  “Oh, Red, something terrible has happened.” Tinsel held her hand over the receiver to stifle her moan of irritation. Katie had called her by her nickname, which meant that whatever disaster had taken place revolved strictly around her friend’s social life. If it had been something truly urgent, Katie would have used her entire name to start off the conversation.

  “Tinsel, are you listening to me at all? I’m having a crisis here and you’ve probably got your head stuck in one of those weird books again. Vampires, shapeshifters, and space aliens do not exist and if they did, they wouldn’t be running around in search of mortal women to have super-hot, smutty sex with.”

  “Ugh.” Tinsel tuned out the lecture she’d heard a thousand times before, knowing that their friendship truly worked because they were so different from each other. Katie was the rich heiress with a model’s figure and the dough to do whatever she pleased, while Tinsel was the smaller, more timid friend in the background with all the brains. Together, they’d managed to get in and out of some pretty incredible situations.

  “Kat, I’m not reading a book. I’m on my way to the hospital to check on Grandma. A nurse from the emergency room just called me and told me she’d been brought in via ambulance.”

  Tinsel spotted the exit she was looking for and merged off the freeway onto the small two-lane country road that would take her through Yanceyville to the medical center. Gertrude’s home was closer to the hospital in the next county than it was to the big one in Raleigh, near where Tinsel lived. The back roads were always dangerous at night, even under normal circumstances, but with the recent snow, driving was even more deadly. Tinsel’s impatience didn’t help the situation any either.


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