Wolf's Run: The Chase of War (Star Wolf Sqaudron Book 2)

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Wolf's Run: The Chase of War (Star Wolf Sqaudron Book 2) Page 23

by Shane VanAulen

  “So I assume we are welcome here,” Hope prompted.

  “We have no orders to turn away Confederation ships but whether you are welcome here is again up to the Knight Commander,” Sir Mark stated and then added “but personally I’d like to say welcome.”

  “Thank you,” the Captain replied with a nod of his gray head.

  “Where do you want our ships?” Richards asked wanting to move away from the gravity well and away from the three cruisers with their spinal mounted cannons.

  “Move your ships into orbit around Blue Rock’s planet. The armored cruiser Heath will escort you,” he said and then ended the communication link.

  “Order the squadron to move into planetary orbit,” Hope commented and then asked in a slightly louder voice “Opinions?”

  “He is clearly not happy with his assignment or their orders,” Richards remarked.

  “His crew also doesn’t like whatever is going on, just look at their body language,” Martin pointed out as he replayed the images from their brief conversation.

  “It is more than a little odd to have two armored cruisers and a battle cruiser just sitting out here on the edge of nowhere guarding a minor outpost,” Chief Burke at fire control station commented.

  “So what is really going on?” Dover asked saying what everyone else was wondering.

  “That’s what we will try to find out,” Hope remarked.

  Moving towards the fourth planet they scanned the system and it was like so many other systems mostly rock and gas planets, planetoids and moons. The star was a spectral Class M red sun, which was a cool sun being under 3,000 Kelvin. At one distant time maybe it burned brighter but now it was on the downward side of its life cycle.

  Blue Rock was the largest moon orbiting the fourth planet from this cool sun. It had a water ice crust that look like blue gray rock. At one time in its far past it may have been an ocean world maybe even teaming with life but now it was a frozen orb of ice and rock.

  As the Wolf Squadron approached the fourth planet the maser station sang out.

  “Sir, I’m reading more ships on the far side of the system,” Ben Lewis at the maser station reported.

  “Type and number,” Richard ordered and then looked to the captain. “Trap?”

  “On screen,” Hope calmly instructed.

  “Ten ships - Two heavy cruisers both Hero class, two light cruisers Commander class, and four frigates all Battle class. The last two vessels are Karduan transport ships,” Lewis reported.

  “The Heath is keeping its position as are the other Templar ships, Julius and the LeBlanc.” Hope commented, “So no trap, but I think we found the surviving ships of the 12th Defense Fleet.”

  “Hail them on a secure channel,” Richards immediately ordered.

  “Sir, I have some transponder signals,” Daily reported and continued, “the two heavy cruisers are the ISS Beowulf and the command heavy cruiser ISS Agamemnon. The light cruisers are the ISS Prescott and the ISS Montgomery. The frigates are the Vella Gulf, Bunker Hill, Agincourt, and the Hastings.”

  “Captain, I have the commander of the Agamemnon on line,” Chief Parker cut in.

  “On screen,” Hope said shifting in his seat.

  The main viewer now showed the bridge of a Hero class heavy cruiser. The Agamemnon had been upgraded to act as a command vessel with an enlarged command and control center for fleet operations. It also looked a mess as if the bridge had taken a direct hit. Several systems did look to have been recently repaired while others were in a state of disarray. An officer in a soiled and disheveled looking uniform was standing in the center of the room where the captain’s chair should have been while a half dozen crewmen were busy working on various control panels behind him.

  “Thank god!” the Confederation commander said who was standing in the middle of the wrecked bridge.

  “I’m Captain Randolph Hope, Captain of the Star Wolf and commander of this task force. Who are you?”

  “Sir, I’m Lt. Commander Reginald Wigglesworth - the acting captain. The admiral was badly wounded. The captain, first officer and second officer were all killed when the bridge took a direct hit at the Battle of Jericho Six. We’ve been operating out of the auxiliary bridge ever since the battle and have just started repairs to this section of the ship.”

  “Slow down Commander,” Hope said realizing the man was talking rather fast. “Tell me what happened?”

  “Sorry sir, we’ve been on the run since the battle. We hid and made basic repairs, moved and hid. We kept doing this until the Star Tiger found us and brought us here. That was eight weeks ago,” he explained.

  “Where is the Star Tiger?” Richards asked.

  “We don’t know they are overdue,” Lt. Commander Wigglesworth said and explained further. “Our ships were in such bad shape that when we got here the Star Tiger went back out and brought in two captured Karduan freighters that were loaded with supplies. We’ve also been using their hulls to patch up our damaged ships. She then went out again but never came back.”

  “Who is your admiral and where is he, I’d like to speak to him?” the Hawk inquired.

  “Rear Admiral Sir Egbert Underhill-Norton is our commander but he was badly wounded and is no longer on board as he was transferred to the Templar base’s hospital,” Reginald Wigglesworth revealed.

  “Commander, I’m sending you a former Karduan repair ship called the Spider to help expedite your repairs. Coordinate with my first officer, Commander Richards as to your needs as we have extra turrets and hull plating on our ships,” Hope informed.

  “The Spider is commanded by Lt. Peters who has a liberated and loyal Karduan male crew,” Richards said and added “So don’t fire on them.”

  Lt. Commander Wigglesworth looked confused but nodded, “Aye sir.”

  “Get your status reports and requirements lists together, I’ll conference call with you and the other captains in an hour,” Commander Richards said.

  “Yes, sir,” Wigglesworth replied with a nod and a weak smile.

  “What about the Templars?” Hope asked.

  “Sir, they’ve given us some supplies and a safe haven but other than that they have left us pretty much alone, that is except for treating the admiral.”

  “Any explanation for their neutrality or for this base and their ships being way out here?”

  “No sir, Captain Decker of the Star Tiger had questioned them but he didn’t share the conversation he had with Sir Jacob, the Knight Commander of the station.”

  “Ok, keep working, I’ll get back to you in an hour,” Richards said and turned to the comm. station signaling Chief Parker to end the transmission.

  “Old Eggy,” Captain Hope said with a grin.

  “A friend, sir?” Richards asked with a smile at see the old man’s face light up.

  “Yes, a dear old friend. Egbert Underhill-Norton and I went through the Star Academy together,” he said and continued, “they must have called him out of retirement to take command of the 12th Defense Fleet.”

  “Hopefully, he is not too badly hurt,” the first officer said while thinking that it didn’t sound good.

  Randolph nodded, looking sullen and then his old face changed to a determined expression.

  “Open a channel to the Templar base on Blue Rock. It is time we got to the bottom of this,” he said sounding as serious as when he went into battle.

  “Sir, I have the duty officer,” CPO Parker said looking to the captain’s chair.

  Richards also looked back and frowned.

  “Please tell the duty officer that Captain Sir Randolph Hope, commander of the attack cruiser Star Wolf would like to speak with Sir Jacob, Knight Commander of this base,” Hope said as the comm. officer repeated his words through his mic.

  “He said he will pass on your request,” Parker shared turning and shaking his head.

  “Chief, contact Commander Hutton, Lt. Collins and Lt. Cappillo. Tell them to get over here as soon as possible,” the Hawk said as h
e turned back to the main viewer.

  “Sir, the base is now signaling that the Knight Commander will see you in one hour,” Parker reported.

  “Tell them I’ll be down in two hours and then cut off the signal,” Hope said his old face staying unmoved and stoic.

  “Aye sir,” Parker said with a smile as the bridge crew chuckled.

  “What now?” Commander Richards asked in a lowered voice as he stepped closer to the command chair.

  “You’ll continue to coordinate with the 12th and aid in their repair operations. I’ll go down to the base and see to these Templars.”

  “They do have a battle cruiser and two armored cruisers,” the first officer reminded.

  Hope grunted and allowed himself a slight grin.

  “Aye sir,” Richards said turning away with a smile. Whatever the old warrior had planning he almost pitted the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon.

  Two hours later the armored shuttle Shaker was headed down to the icy surface of Blue Rock. They could have taken the very large Sky Train or the smaller Tom Thumb - the captain’s four seat launch. Unfortunately, both were unarmed and ill suited to the situation. Besides Captain Hope boing onboard was Lt. Alistair Dover and Lt. Cappillo acting as pilot and copilot. They were both dressed in plain flight suits without rank insignia. Behind them manning the computer and gunnery station was Lt. Daily and Specialist Rita Rojas.

  Dr. Lt. Duarte was seated between the elder captain and her love, Lt. Collins. He was decked out in his combat armor, complete with his Krager gauss pistol and extension sword.

  Commander Hutton was also coming along but he was attired in a dress uniform complete with an extension sword and a holstered Smith and Wesson gauss pistol. The upper left section of his chest was covered with awards which were topped off with fighter wings and an Imperial Commando badge. What was most unusual was the blue and white cape he wore. It hung off one shoulder and was of a medium blue with a white cross. In the center of the cross was a sliver sword with blue flames around its blade.

  The cloak indicated he was member of the Order of Saint Michael. At his throat was the silver clasp that served as the badge of his office as well as a clasp for his cape. Anyone who saw him would have to admit that he cut quite a dashing figure.

  Captain Hope was the last passenger on the shuttle. He was also wearing his dress uniform and didn’t look very happy about it. He had on a pistol belt with a standard officer’s dress sword. Mike had once seen his dress sword and knew that it wasn’t just for show. The ceremonial looking sword had a razor sharp poly-carbon steel blade. The old warrior also had a chest full of ribbons and above all them was the badge of the Knight’s Sword, awarded to him by the Emperor himself. This was the second highest award in the Confederation with only the Knight’s Star outranking it.

  Commander Hutton insisted that they go down in dress uniforms, beings that the two of them were knights and that this might give them some sort of influence to whatever discussions they were about to have. Templars were notorious for being arrogant and unfriendly. They absolutely had little patience or respect for those not of a knightly order. It was probably why they offered to help Admiral Sir Egbert Norton-Underhill.

  “Ten minutes until we reach the surface,” Rufo called back to them from the shuttle’s helm.

  “Everyone know what they are going to do?” Captain Hope asked one last time as they approached the moon.

  “Yes sir,” a chorus of excited and somewhat nervous people replied.

  “Mike, are you sure about your part?” Cmdr. Hutton inquired.

  Lt. Collins nodded his blond head.

  “No problem sir, I got this,” he stated as Angelique squeezed his hand.

  Dr. Duarte leaned closer to his shoulder.

  “How is our friend, Lt. Thornton doing?” she inquired in a whisper.

  Mike had thought she was getting closer for a kiss and turned to accept it. Now he frowned and shrugged his shoulders before smiling.

  “Always the doctor,” he commented still grinning.

  “But of course,” she said giving him a quick peck on his lips. She then looked around to see if anyone noticed but the others had looked away either honestly distracted or were just being polite.

  “Lt. Thornton is doing fine, in fact he is currently sitting in my captain’s chair and running the ship in my absence,” he informed.

  “Tres bon,” she replied and wrapped her arm through his pulling herself as close as she could.

  Mike took his free hand and fumbled to activated his palm pad. He wanted to read about the modern Templars one more time before they landed.

  Less than a hundred years ago space travel had become a reality and within it the expansion of man and the dangers of the unknown. Those dangers presented a new need for para-military organizations and even the church was forced to answer that call.

  With the migration of humanity came the inevitable contact with other races as well as human conflicts. Part of that conflict was directed towards new settlers who were usually ill protected and over matched. Unfortunately, the Earth government was hard pressed to fight these enemies or even police its own space-fairing nations. Seeing their pilgrims robbed and murdered, the Catholic Church decided to once more protect its own.

  Led by Pope Henry V, the once debunked military orders were revived. Some orders where still around like the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem who were better known as the Hospitalers or the Knights of Malta. The Teutonic Knights were also still around but nothing more than their name remained from their past glories.

  The Hospitalers had been a strictly religious and charitable organization since Pope John XXIII had reorganized them in the mid-twentieth century. The Teutonic Knights shared the Hospitalers’ fate and once resurrected they had for hundreds of years concentrating on charitable works and humane relief efforts.

  Other orders fell into the faded pages of history. The Knights Templar, had suffered the worst fate possible. Since their founding in 1119 AD they had protected pilgrims to the Holy Lands and fought in the Crusades. Through mostly trade and some conquests the Templars had become powerful and rich. In 1307 the King of France, Phillip IV and Pope Clement V grew envious of the order’s wealth and power. These secular and ecclesiastic leaders conspired together to strip the order of its wealth and position.

  The French Grand Master of the Templars, Sir Jacques de Molay was arrested along with other leaders of the order. They were then tortured and forced to confess to the crimes of Satanism and sacrilege. They were then all burned at the stake and the Order was suppressed. Many of the remaining Templars shared their leader’s fate and met their ends in the torturous death.

  The Order’s lands and wealth was divided among King Philip IV of France, King Edward II of England and Pope Clement V. Some of their holdings were even given to their long time rival, the Order the Knights Hospitalers, but most went to those who the Templars had served loyally for over two centuries and who had ultimately betrayed them.

  It took almost eight hundred years before the Order could be restored. The need for protection and the dream of one man had combined to restore the Templars and others knightly orders to their original military purpose.

  The dream was that of Henri de Molay, a descendant of the last French Grand Master, Sir Jacques de Molay. Some of Jacques’ family members had escaped the stake and with them they took the knowledge of hiding places of the Order’s immense treasure.

  For generations the family had secretly invested that fortune and waited for the right time and opportunity to restore the order. Henri de Molay, like many of their family had entered the priesthood, taking the name of Father Henri. After a lifetime of hard work and numerous well placed connections, Father Henri had become Bishop Henri, then Cardinal and eventually Pope Henry V.

  Once the College of Cardinals had elected him, the new Pope set out to strength the power of the church and to protect its flock. To fulfill that task he was now in the position to also comple
te an almost millennium long quest and restore his family’s good name by restoring the Knights Templar. That was years ago, long after the Apocalypse Wars and Vorooshin Invasion of Earth. Now the order was once more the strong arm of the Vatican and were as powerful as many nations.

  “Moving into an approach vector,” Rufo announced, “Prepare for landing, fasten seat belts and place all trays in the upright positions please.”

  “Commander Hutton, can you tell us anything else about the Templars besides what the history books have to say?” Mike asked looking to the knight of the Order of Saint Michael.

  The navy commander rubbed his hand across his face and mouth once before he answered. It was like he knew more but was considering what exactly he wanted to share.

  “The Templars are odd in that they are fast and strong yet don’t seem to have any augmentation,” Hutton revealed.

  “You mean they don’t have a neural hardwire or bionic implants?” Angelique questioned in surprise.

  “Nothing,” he replied shaking his head.

  “Are they genetically altered?” Mike asked, considering his own most recent revelation.

  “No, many of them are foundlings taken from Catholic orphanages from all over the known worlds,” he said shaking his head.

  “So, no mechanical or genetic alterations,” Duarte summed up still sounding shocked and then suggested, “Maybe some kind of chemical boost like a battle drug or perhaps nanobots?”

  “Nothing that can be easily detected,” Hutton remarked.

  Hope grunted having remained silent during their conversation.

  “They say that they are blessed by God with the strength of their faith,” the old knight and captain said with a sour expression.

  “We are receiving the homing signal for the landing approach,” Dover announced setting the armored shuttle controls for the automatic landing sequence. The Templar base’s computer would auto pilot the shuttle to the surface from this point on.


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