Wolf's Run: The Chase of War (Star Wolf Sqaudron Book 2)

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Wolf's Run: The Chase of War (Star Wolf Sqaudron Book 2) Page 38

by Shane VanAulen

  Bannon looked at him hard.

  “You must be very special to have been accepted into my father martial arts school. As he has gotten older he has become very selective,” the commander said raising an eyebrow as he spoke.

  “Your father was the one who was special. I have never seen someone move so fast and be so strong that wasn’t bio-augmented or a Templar. In fact, your father’s training has helped me in several fights including a duel with a Knight Templar.”

  “I hope you won,” he said with a laugh.

  “I did,” Mike answered drawing another look from the commander.

  “You said that you were a navy brat, who is your father?” he questioned now very curious about this young officer.

  “Commander Shaun Collins, he is the executive officer on board the battle carrier ISS Prometheus,” he said with a son’s pride for his father.

  “You mean Captain Shaun Collins, commander of the ISS Prometheus,” he said. “Your father was promoted in battle for his defense at the Battle of Helena. When his captain was killed, he took command and won a great victory stopping the enemy advance in that sector.”

  Mike looked at him for moment in a mild form of shock.

  “I didn’t know,” he mumbled.

  “There was no way you could have being way out here and anyway it looks like you’ve been busy fighting your own battles,” he said and added, “by the way the last I heard there was talk of your father being put in for the Imperial Knight’s Sword or even the Knight’s Star.”

  “How do you know all of this?”

  “I’ve met your father and sort of know him. Besides this news was pretty much common knowledge when we left to find the Star Tiger,” the commander said heading down the corridor to the lift to the bridge.

  Mike didn’t say anything more as they walked. He was still taking in what the NIA officer had said and considering the source. Captain Hope and other senior fleet officers didn’t seem to trust navy intelligence officers very much or at least not this one.

  Entering the lift, they quickly ascended to the bridge level where he led the commander to the side entrance to the captain’s day cabin. There they paused as Mike knocked on the door and waited.

  “Enter!” they heard.

  Opening the door, Collins could see that the officers were still gathered around the captain’s wooden desk and that the holo image of the Karduan Forward Supply and Repair Base was still floating above it.

  Commander Bannon stepped around the young lieutenant and walked boldly over to the desk. He stopped a few steps away looking up at the holo image and then snapped to attention and saluted.

  Captain Hope looked him over for moment and nodded, returning his salute from his seated position on the other side of the desk.

  “What can I do to help you, Commander?” the old veteran asked.

  Cmdr. Jake Bannon looked at the holo image of the Sargasso Station.

  “Well, it looks like my computer guy didn’t quite wipe those files like he should have,” the captain of the Raven declared.

  Hope let out a huff of disapproval, “I’ll ignore for the time being that you could have denied my squadron valuable intelligence and ask you again what do you want of us?”

  Bannon also made a frown and pointed to the holo image where the blue outline of the attack cruiser was berthed at one of the spurs around the base station.

  “As you already know that the Star Tiger’s been captured. Well, I’ve been sent to rescue her,” he informed.

  The Hawk’s frown deepened and he shook his gray head.

  “Commander, we know that you were looking for the Star Tiger even before she was captured so maybe you should rephrase your story and tell us why you need to find her so badly?” Hope said starting to lose his patience with the elusive officer.

  “Sir, could I speak to you in private?” Bannon requested.

  “No,” the senior officer stated leaning back and crossing his arms as he stared at the commander.

  “Captain, what I have to say should really be said just to you,” the junior officer said.

  “Commander, whatever you’d share with me I’d tell them anyway so start explaining,” he ordered more sternly.

  “Sir, I’m sorry …” Bannon started as he reached to his side.

  Mike had moved up behind him as he spoke to the captain and now was in place to act. Thinking that the commander was reaching for his sidearm he grabbed his arm and held him fast.

  Cmdr. Bannon moved to pull away and found the lieutenant’s grip was like iron. Testing his strength, he fought back surprising Mike as he found that commander was as strong as he was. It didn’t last long as Bannon quickly rolled his wrist and freed himself with a simple hold release move. Lt. Collins felt his release move start but had already gone on to his next action. He had previously started his draw with his other hand and now pulled his Krager gauss pistol clear of its holster.

  The whole encounter to everyone else in the room was lighting fast and it took them a second to catch up.

  “At ease!” Commander Richards yelled.

  Bannon slowly raised his hands as Mike stepped back out of reach yet still kept his pistol leveled at the intelligence officer’s torso.

  “Gentlemen, that is enough of that!” Hope scolded with a scowl.

  “Sir, I wasn’t reaching for a weapon,” Jake explained and slowly moved his hand down past his holstered pistol to a pocket where he retrieved a palm pad. “As I was saying - Sir, I’m sorry but I don’t have to follow your orders or explain my actions to you. If you would look at this palm pad you will see that I’m carrying an Imperial Writ,” he said without sounding smug or superior.

  Hope leaned forward and looked at the palm pad scrolling the touch screen with his finger rather then using the auto voice advance mode.

  “This is an Imperial Writ but it is rather vague as to your mission. All it states is that all Confederation officers and citizens of the Confederation should give all possible aid to you, Commander Jake Bannon and to your mission.”

  “That’s right and I need your help with no questions asked,” the NIA officer said.

  Hope’s eyes narrowed in displeasure as he quickly resembled the predatory bird of his nickname.

  “No, this is not good enough to risk any of my men and ships without more information,” he stated flatly.

  Bannon looked at him in surprise at his refusal.

  “But you don’t have a choice, that is an Imperial Writ.”

  Hope smiled, “I always have a choice and unless you tell us the whole truth you’ll get no help from me or from my crew.”

  “You’ll face a court martial for this if you don’t,” Bannon countered sounding a little desperate.

  “So be it,” the old captain said unmoved by his threat.

  Cmdr. Bannon looked around the room to the other officers present.

  “You all heard that I have an Imperial Writ and I hereby order you to aid me,” he said.

  Commander Hutton was already shaking his head no but it was Commander Richards that spoke first.

  “Speaking for the crew of the Star Wolf and for the ships under her command, I can tell you that to the man no one will fellow you unless Captain Hope says so.”

  Bannon looked mad as he thought that he had a trump card but now realized that he was facing a stubborn captain and extremely loyal crew.

  “You could all face court martials for this,” he mentioned.

  Except for Hope, they all laughed.

  “Sir, we have been on our own for so long that we are willing to do just that!” Mike said still standing back with his Krager pistol still pointed at him.

  “That is if we survive and get back to Confederation lines,” Hutton added.

  “Also, I might point out that we do have a flag ranked officer among us as well,” Captain Hope commented.

  “What? Who?” Bannon questioned as he looked back to Hope.

  “Rear Admiral Sir Egbert Underhill-Norton, co
mmanding officer of the 12th Defense Fleet is in our sickbay. He turned over complete command of the 12th’s ships to me and I act with his authority,” Hope said playing his next card and sliding a palm pad over to him.

  Bannon grabbed the palm pad and looked at the admiral’s authorization. A rear admiral was a game changer as it took an O-7 or higher officer to suspend an Imperial Writ during time of war. Though any admiral that did that would have to explain his actions to a board of inquiry and could still face a court martial.

  “So what will it be?” Hope asked “Will you tell us your mission and why we need to rescue the Star Tiger or do you want to spend the rest of the war in my brig?” Hope asked done playing nice.

  Jake tossed the palm pad onto the captain’s desk in defeat.

  “Among the Star Tiger’s crew is a member of the Imperial family,” he stated.

  That got everyone’s attention as they looked to each other and back at him. Before the other officers could speak Hope cut them all off.

  “Who?” he asked.

  “Sir, it is on a need to know basis,” Bannon said still trying to keep his secrets.

  “Enough of that!” the Star Wolf’s captain said and then demanded “Who?” as he leaned forward in his chair and across the desk.

  “It is the Black Prince,” the NIA officers revealed.

  “What!” Hutton exclaimed almost falling off of his grav chair.

  Commander Richards grabbed his friend’s arm and steadied him.

  “What is the crown prince of the Confederation doing on an attack cruiser?” he inquired making it sound as if it was the dumbest idea he had ever heard.

  Attack cruiser and shadow cruiser duty was some of the most dangerous assignments in the Confederation fleet. Men and women who signed up for deep space service knew that they would be fighting behind enemy lines, usually alone in a single ship and stood less of a chance of survival than being with a squadron or a fleet of ships.

  “He volunteered and even insisted on attack cruiser duty when they came into service,” Bannon explained moving to an empty leather chair and flopping down in defeat.

  “I’ve meet Prince Connor and he is a professional trained naval officer with a decade or more of service,” Hope said remembering the vigilant and dedicated young officer from their brief meeting years ago.

  “The royal family have had a long history of military service ever since the first King of America, who many still compared to George Washington. The Confederation Senate doesn’t like it but there is little they can do to stop it and most often they don’t even know which royals are serving or where they have been assigned,” Cmdr. Bannon explained.

  “But how do they get away with it?” Mike asked wondering how a starship captain could smoothly operate his command with a royal family member as part of his crew. It would seem that they would be either self conscious or awe struck.

  “The Black Prince uses an alias and is placed within commands where they don’t know him as the prince or with officers that he has served with in the past and who know him as his alias,” Bannon answered.

  “Even his commanding officer doesn’t know who he is?” Hutton questioned.

  “No, with the enemy having telepaths it wouldn’t be a good idea for anyone but a Psi Void to know his secret,” he said not liking the idea of him being captured or the Karduans knowing that they had such an important symbol of the Confederation.

  “Well, I’d have to say that the capture of the Star Tiger made attacking this station a high priority even if it was just to destroy the ship and keep it out of enemy hands but now it is an imperative to get both the ship and the prince,” Commander Richards said running a hand through his short cropped hair and rubbing the back of his neck.

  They all seemed to pause in their conversations as they looked at the holo of the forward operating and repair base.

  “Mr. Daily, what can you tell us more about this base?” Hope inquired looking to the young lieutenant junior grade.

  Martin had remained quiet since Cmdr. Bannon’s arrival though he did move to support Mike and had even drawn his S&W gauss pistol just in case.

  “Sir, from the computer files and what we already know from past encounters of this type of station we can safely say that it is actually two stations that have been connected together. Both sections have docking spurs to handle ten ships each. What is different is that it has a center ring for larger capital ships,” the computer wiz explained.

  “How many personnel?” Mark Richards questioned.

  “It should have a crew complement of a thousand for each section so I’d say at least two thousand,” Lt. Daily reported.

  “Armaments?” Mike asked.

  “Each section has two rotary Type G particle cannons, bigger than most ship turrets but not as powerful as a spinal mounted particle cannon. Numerous fixed point defense laser turrets, and dozens of fusion turrets with at least two turrets on each level on a rotary ring.”

  “Any missiles or torpedoes?” Hutton inquired.

  “No sir, these stations were built for their Civil War and haven’t been updated or modified that we know of,” Daily said glancing to the NIA officer for confirmation.

  Bannon shrugged, “We know that they’re incorporating our weaponry but not all of the Karduan Houses see a need for missiles, torpedoes and fighters. They also don’t share technology, innovation or tactics amongst their ruling Houses. It all has to do with long standing inter-house rivalries. So, the station may have updated weapons like missiles and torpedoes launchers and then again it might not?”

  “We need more information that a quick cursory look just doesn't provide. I want detailed examinations of all Karduan records of this station and its system. Check all captured ship records to see who visited there and what information they have. I want all Karduan officers that we have in custody questioned and bring that pirate captain and his officers in for interrogation as well,” the Hawk commanded.

  “Aye sir,” the collected officers echoed in response.

  Hope then looked at the NIA officer seated before him.

  “Commander, I’m assigning you crew quarters on the Wolf so you can help with the planning. Have any of your people that we might need sent for from your ship,”

  “Yes sir,” Bannon replied with his hand to his chin as he glared up at the holo fortress floating above them.

  “Lt. Collins, I want you to aide and assist the commander while he is onboard the Star Wolf,” Hope ordered nodding to the young officer.

  Mike nodded back and holstered his side arm. “Aye sir.”

  Collins and Bannon both knew what the old Captain was really saying “Escort and keep an eye on the NIA officer.”

  “What about the enemy squadrons that are searching for us?” Daily asked knowing that this could take days or even weeks to plan an assault on the Blue’s Forward Operating Base.

  “I think I have an idea about that,” Commander Richards said with a slight grin.

  “Good, we’ll discuss that in private as for the rest of you let’s reconvene in six hours,” Hope commanded dismissing his officers to get to work.

  As people got up and turned to leave Hope called for them to halt.

  “Just one more thing,” he said.

  “What is it, sir?” Richards said looking to the old captain’s face and realizing that he had a look on his face like he just realized something.

  “Commander Bannon, I think you still need to tell us your real mission,” the Hawk stated his eyes narrowing in controlled anger as he spoke.

  Jake Bannon was half way to the door thinking he was in the clear when the ancient warrior called them back.

  “Sir?” he asked playing dumb.

  “What is your real mission? The Star Tiger and the Black Prince weren’t in enemy hand’s when you were sent to get them. So, what is your real mission and why do you need them?”

  Walking back to the stuffed leather chair and he flopped back down.

l?” Hope pressed.

  “I was sent out here to find the Star Tiger and retrieve the Black Prince for another mission. Members of my family and others along with the royal family were held as prisoners by the Voroosh back during Red’s War. The Kazad were also prisoners and they augmented the human slaves so we could fight back and win in their gladiatorial death matches. My father - Robert Bannon along with the current king who was the Black Prince back then, led the slave rebellion and stole a starship. Instead of coming home to Earth they went to a base where the Kazad were being forced to make a true warship, the first and only real warship they had ever made.”

  “The Black Star,” Hutton said with some reverence to his voice.

  Bannon nodded, “The Black Star.”

  Everyone knew the story about the super ship and how it blew away the Vorooshin ships around Earth, freed the Karduans and returned the Kazad to their home world.

  “You’re looking for that lost ship,” Mike exclaimed putting it all together. After all things looked pretty bleak for the Confederation worlds, what better time to retrieve a lost super starship.

  “Not lost just hidden,” he clarified “and only the royal family and the Bannon family know where it is and how to activate it.”

  “So you need the Black Prince to help you find and retrieve her,” Hope commented sitting back down in mild wonder at the thought of finding and using such a powerful ship.

  “Why did your families hide her in the first place,” Daily asked voicing an obvious question they were all wondering.

  “She was too powerful, if the technology fell into the wrong hands they could rule the universe. Also the Kazad wanted her back probably for the same reason and are most likely still looking for her.”

  “But they didn’t destroy her,” Hutton remarked.

  “No, for the same reason. She was a fall back plan in case Earth ever needed her again plus there was another problem,” Bannon said finally letting it all out.

  “What was that?” Mike prompted wanting all of the facts this time.

  “The Black Star has a very advanced A.I. computer that wouldn’t allow itself to be destroyed or used in anyway that would be detrimental to humanity or for purposes that it would consider evil.”


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