Recipe 12: Afterplay™ of the 3rd Kind Philosophy
There are 3 play stages in the ultimate sexual encounter. The 1st stage is foreplay. This is the game of sexual stimulation, and arousal brought on by the touching and feeling that leads to the 2nd stage which we call Hump-play™ which is another way of saying having sex.
We don't think that we have to further describe hump-play. Let's just say that foreplay is your doorway to the hump-play. After the hump-play, there is the 3rd stage which most people are aware of but have no name for it. The Hounds call it the afterplay stage.
The afterplay stage is when you start relaxing after your hump-play, but in a few seconds you start re-thinking your sexual conquest and then the reality of potential consequences kicks-in.
Will I get caught because of my encounter? Is there any incriminating evidence? If you follow the Hounds teachings, you can throw that one out the window.
Then you start thinking about other potential problems such as pregnancy, venereal disease or even worse. Again, if you follow the Hounds teachings, you can also throw these concerns out the window since you had protection and follow our advice.
Will my sex partner try to contact me? Even worse, will they try to blackmail me? Once again, if you have been following the Hounds teachings, so also throw this concern out the window.
So relax since you read and followed our guidelines. Remember, the afterplay is only the replay of your foreplay with a hump-play. Are you getting sleepy with that smile on your face? Or are you ready for round 2? The Hounds are always up and ready for another round.
Our afterplay philosophy is so brilliant that it even works in non-sexual situations. Here is an example: You want to purchase a nice watch. So you start shopping around for the best deals, this is foreplay. Once you find the best deal and purchase the watch, this is hump-play. Then you start to wonder if you made a mistake in paying so much money for that watch, this is afterplay. See it doesn't have to be just about sex. You can use this philosophy on almost any situation.
Recipe 13: The Free Love
Philosophy (See Chapter 9)
The Hounds believe in the "Free Love" philosophy, where you are free to express your sexual desires. In fact we are starting our own movement. It is based on ancient cultures and the hippie era of the 60s which is commonly known as the free love era. Do you remember "Make Love, not War"? Our drug is the drug of free love. The Hounds will be the charismatic leaders of this movement. Our movement is free to join but we will require a continuous payment of love and devotion. We will leave hints throughout our series of books about our Hounds Hippie Free Love movement. Of course, you can always go our website,
We would imagine that most peoples dream of fantasy fulfillment lies in the free love arena. This is what has led us to the creation of this movement.
In celebration of this movement, the divine Hounds will be hosting our famous Hounds Hippie Hoopla (HHH) parties where Woodstock never ended. This is a 60s theme adult party celebration where you dress in hippie attire and enter the party through pearly gates. At these parties you will meet the Hounds and other celebrities from the 60s era. You will enjoy fun and games with like-minded "free love" people. These adventurous activities could lead to fulfilling your adult fantasies. HHH parties are designed to give our members the freedom to open their minds, the freedom to express their desires, and the freedom to fulfill their fantasies.
The Hounds goal is to enhance your life through the philosophies in our books and the camaraderie at our events. You can always spot a HHH member because they will be the ones wearing the HHH merchandise, carrying our book, and flashing a big smile or maybe flashing their . . .censored.
Recipe 14: Miserable Mutts
(Mongrel Hypocrite) Philosophy
There are people who enjoy making a ruckus out of almost anything that will give them an audience and make them look saintly to others. They have the façade of being unhappy with someone's view point. They pretend to have beliefs that they do not really possess. The Hounds call these people mongrel hypocrites, and/or miserable mutts.
This is an example of a miserable mutt; let's take someone from some religious organization who finds all kind of juicy ammunition to ridicule the Hounds good book. They could say that this book is the work of the devil, that it will lead people to sin. Does this sound like what the clergy would have said during the Salem trials? The Hounds would argue don't throw stones... What about the numerous religious leaders who got caught in numerous cheating scandals? Also, the Hounds book cannot force anybody to sin. In fact, we do not even condone cheating. The way that we figure it, if you are going to cheat anyway, then why not do it in a way that won't destroy your relationship? Matter of fact it may even enhance your relationship.
You could say that these miserable mutts are actually doing the Hounds a favor, such as advertising our book? So when you hear someone trying to put down our book, just remember that we must be doing such a great job to get such a vocal spanking, and we Hounds do like a good spanking.
All those protesting against our good book could even be interpreted as another recipe. These miserable mutts are actually contributing to your fantasy fulfillment. They are helping you by breaking the ice. For example, when you find your potential prey, you ask your prey what they think about the protesting against the Hounds good book. Depending on what they say, depends on what you do. If they say that they are against the protest, you have broken the ice toward fantasy fulfillment. If they agree with the protest, you move on. Why waste your time?
We appreciate our many fans who stand-up for the Hounds. It is like the 60s, we are going against the norm but the norm is not always the truth? We feel that a lot of people actually have a desire to go against the norm, but they are so bottled-up in their little world. They are like actors on the stage of life trying to keep within the role that they think society wants or has been dictated to them by outside pressure. In other words, these people are wearing societal shackles. The Hounds proclaim to our many fans to 'come together right now to the Hounds stage, where acting is not the game'.
Cheating Happens
For those of you who think that cheating won't happen to you, we got news for you. It happens all the time. Remember, the media is bombarding you to cheat on your significant other. Do you know anyone who cheated on their significant other? How many people would cheat if they had the opportunity? Have you ever thought about cheating?
Here is an interesting party game. If you are at a party with several married couples, ask them how many have actually thought of cheating on their significant other. We bet you are probably not going to get anyone to respond honestly, at least not in front of their significant other. You take the same group of partiers and ask the same question using a secret ballet. What would be the results?
It seems that many people are good at hiding their true desire and feelings by having an outer-shell of a saint, but in reality, underneath that shell, lays a mongrel hypocrite, or a miserable mutt.
Recipe 15: Enhance Relationship Philosophy
Before all the righteous fanatics start burning the Hounds good book, we contend that our interpretation of fantasy fulfillment may not hurt your relationship. In fact, it can actually enhance your relationship with your significant other.
At first, this may seem like a difficult pill to swallow, but eventually you will understand that this is a delicious treat to enjoy. Let us explain:
As we so eloquently stated in our Cheating versus Fantasy Fulfillment Philosophy, there is a major difference between normal cheating and the Hounds fantasy fulfillment. Normal cheating may eventually destroy your relationship. On the other paw, if you follow the Hounds recipes for fantasy fulfillment, your chances of destroying your relationship is greatly reduced. In fact, you will be so sexually stimulated by the success of your fantasy fulfillment adventure, that you will return home a motivated and rejuvenated person, ready to share those feelings through enhanced physical pl
easure with your significant other.
Furthermore, for those of you who proclaim that you would never even think of cheating, the Hounds have more food for thought.
The Hounds believe that every adult has fantasies of having sex with someone other than their significant other, and we can prove it.
Have you ever met someone that you are sexually attracted to? First you start daydreaming about having wild sex with them. Then you get into some innocent flirting. (The Hounds content that there is no such thing as innocent flirting.)
Most adults, if not all, use innocent flirting as a way to show someone that they could be interested. Is flirting a continuation of daydreaming? For most people flirting and daydreaming is as far as it goes. But for some, it is only the beginning, since they just want to have a sexual relationship. Once again, if you are going to have a sexual relationship, the Hounds recommend fantasy fulfillment instead of normal cheating.
For example, Fred is in his late 60s and is talking to his niece's friend Wilma, who is in her 20s and very attractive. Fred starts daydreaming as he gives her his best smile and finds reasons to touch her innocently, such as patting her back, holding her hand as he shows her his stamp collection. Is this really innocent? The Hounds says no. This is the old game of what could I do with someone like you if only I could.
This daydreaming and flirting encounter would probably stimulate him to give his significant other a wild time in bed as he fantasizes about having sex with Wilma.
Daydreaming with innocent flirting could be a first step toward fantasy fulfillment. The next step is for Fred to pack his bag, go to a place where he is not known, change his identity, and make his daydreams a fantasy fulfillment reality. When he comes home, he will definitely have his hornymones needle maxed out as he throws his significant other on the bed, and puts a smile on her face and sweat on her . . .censored. His fantasy fulfillment is now a real memory which should enhance their relationship.
When people ask us why we proclaim that we are experts in fantasy fulfillment, we let them know that we developed the recipes and we lived the book; that is why we wrote the book.
We just showcased some of our philosophies geared toward bringing you lifetime memories of a real fantasy fulfillment. These delicious memories are in your mind and cannot be taken away. We call this "Memories of Fantasy Fulfillment Reality". Before we leave this very important chapter, we will give you an example of memory reality, and why most people will never have these lifetime memories that will always bring a smile.
In this chapter, the Hounds have served up the recipes to help you fulfill your fantasies, but the problem is that most people will never use them because they have all kinds of excuses not to even take that trip to Vegas.
Memories of Fantasy Fulfillment Reality
When you start considering your Vegas trip, we bet that you will try to talk yourself out of it several times. If there were others in your travel group, we wouldn't be surprised if one or more of them will try to talk themselves and others out of going. You can always find all kinds of "legitimate" excuses for not going.
First you read our book, then you start daydreaming about your secret adult fantasies, you finally decide that you are going to make your fantasies a reality. So you follow our guidelines to fantasy fulfillment. It is that simple. Instead, here is an example of a typical person who is considering the opportunity of a fantasy fulfillment:
Lavern is a 35 year old mother with 2 preteen kids. She has been married to the same man for 15 years. She feels that her marriage is in a rut with basically the same humdrum daily routine. Lavern gets up in the morning and fixes breakfast for her family, and makes sure the kids are off for school. Then she and her husband are off to work. In the evening, they eat dinner together as a family. Lavern makes sure the kids do their homework. She and her husband watch TV. Then it is time for bed. If they are in the mood, they make love without the passion that they had in the first few years of their marriage. The next day, it's the same routine, until the weekend.
On the weekend, there is always yard work, shopping, washing the car, maybe go to the movies, etc. In other words, they have their humdrum weekend routine. Then on Sunday evening Lavern begins thinking about having to go back to work and start the humdrum weekday routine all over again.
One day Lavern's friend Shirley, who is also in a daily rut, shows Lavern the Hounds good book and suggests that they should escape to Vegas.
They are housewives enslaved in a humdrum routine. They need a fantasy fulfillment. So Lavern and Shirley, using our book as their guideline of course, start to make plans for their Vegas trip together.
Lavern explains to her husband that in order to save her sanity, she and Shirley have decided to go to Vegas by themselves. Of course, Lavern's husband reminds her that she has family obligations, and a trip like this would be a great waste of money. Then to appease her, he suggests a double feature at the movies and to spice it up with some bowling. Lavern considers her husband's rational reasoning that it would be foolish to spend so much money on just herself and leave her family for a few days. Therefore, Lavern sadly decides that it would be foolish to take this trip.
Lavern continues to think about the fantasy fulfillment trip that didn't happen, because she is too scared to try. Now, her daily routine becomes even more unbearable and she becomes increasingly bitter for heeding to her husband's rational reasoning about not taking this Vegas trip. The Hounds wonder, will Lavern someday become another one of those ladies who will eventually cut off our husbands. . . censored?
If this sounds all too familiar, you have to decide if you are the one that gives into excuses or the one that seizes the opportunity.
While it is easy to give in and talk yourself out of going, remember the Hounds stated that you are actually doing this for yourself and also your family. Maybe you should re-read Recipe 15 above.
So don't make excuses. If you want to go, then just go and don't forget our recipes. We bet that you can whip-up something really tasty. This is really making us hungry and we are not talking about food.
After enjoying some delicious meals based on our unique recipes for fantasy fulfillment, you can now turn loose of your meatloaf. All you want to take home are those lifetime memories.
Chapter 8
Memories Forever
"Fulfill your Fantasies a lot, and then forget me not”
Proverb: Honor and follow the words of the Hounds good book, so your memories of many fantasy fulfillments will live in your heart and mind forever.
In chapter 8 the Hounds know how to leave Vegas for home without their tail tucked between their legs. That is because we are experts in the art of debriefing. We will guide you through the process. You should have no physical evidence showing your true intentions. If interrogated, you can show proof that you were doing what you stated to your significant other before leaving home. Be sure to try to keep the smile off your face while telling your significant other how much you missed them during this trip.
"What happens in Vegas are your fantasy fulfillment memories of a lifetime”
Think of the preparation for leaving as a military debriefing. You are gathering proof that no one in your group has any evidence that could spell disaster with their significant other. Remember, if anyone gets into trouble, then it will spill down on top of everyone. For example, Latoya returns home from her Vegas trip; while she was unpacking, her husband enters the bedroom. He notices a paper that fell on the floor from Latoya's luggage. It is a welcome membership letter from a Vegas swingers club. After a heated discussion, we expect that he will tell the other husbands. Now, not only is Latoya in trouble but everyone in her travel group may also be in trouble. On the other paw, Latoya's husband could get turned on from her sexual curiosity.
Excuse for Going
Whatever reason you are using for your Vegas trip, make sure that you can get evidence to justify it. If your travel group decided on a conference, then you
need something to show that you went to that conference. You will also need to come up with some funny stories on things that happen at that conference.
Be discreet when telling the events of your trip; do not start telling your significant other your rehearsed story as soon as you get home. Just say that you had a good time and let them drag out your canned stories. It would raise eyebrows if you start spurting everything that you agreed to say about the conference, show, and/or event as soon as you meet your significant other. Do not be nervous when telling the stories, this would be a dead give away. Be sure to make eye contact. There is nothing worse than someone staring at the floor as they tell you a story. Would you believe the story? Remember, the agreed upon stories supposed to get them off guard, not put them on guard.
Packing to Leave
When you are packing to leave Vegas, you should do the old smell test. Do you smell something that should not be on your clothes such as perfume, cologne, or any evidence of a good time? If you do, then you should wash your clothes or just throw that item away. It is easier to buy another shirt, than to fix a ruined relationship. Be sure that you do not pack anything in your bag that you will have to explain. Enough said in this area.
Hopefully you have not forgotten to make sure that you know the airport security rules. You should not take any liquids, alcohol, hand guns, weapons of mass destruction, etc. You need to check with the airline/airport if you are not sure what not to pack.
Doggy Treat: Because of the new full body scanners that can see through clothes, the Hounds suggest that all passengers go nude. It will save time, cut security cost, and lead to interesting conversation. Plus you can wear your identification around your neck like the Hounds.
Fantasy Fulfillment in Vegas - You Can Live Up To Your Imagination (Fantasy Fulfillment Guidebook) Page 12