Billings, Rachel - Three Men and a Woman: Felicity (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Billings, Rachel - Three Men and a Woman: Felicity (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Rachel Billings

  Three Men and a Woman: Felicity

  On a night of rejection and reckless abandonment, Felicity Reed, R.N., falls in with hot Navy Corpsman Reinen Kilbourne. When she wakes, he’s packing for an emergency deployment. He kisses her roughly and instructs her to wait for him. He’s not done with her.

  Reinen shares his home with two other sailors. Andrick Skinner is a single dad, and he’s in desperate need of childcare for his baby. Feeling adrift in her own life, Felicity volunteers. She moves into the house—a temporary plan—and spends two weeks falling for Juniper.

  Then the third housemate, Wesley Coleman, returns from his deployment. Living alongside her, he falls for Felicity. By the time Reinen and Andy get back, he sees the dilemma.

  Reinen’s not only not done with Fee, he’s in love. Andy’s been burned and resists what’s in front of his face, but he needs Felicity most of all. And Wesley doesn’t want to give her up.

  There’s only one solution.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/.Quatre

  Length: 67,897 words


  Rachel Billings


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2014 by Rachel Billings

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-105-1

  First E-book Publication: July 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

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  This is Rachel Billings’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Billings’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my own Navy guy, my son Alex.

  You do us proud.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  About the Author



  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  “He had his tongue down her throat right there behind the nurses’ station. What about that makes you think I’m ever going back to him? I’m not going back to the hospital, either. Ever.”

  Felicity Reed’s friends groaned, sympathetic but also disbelieving. Cassie objected first. “You love Brian, Fee. You’re not going to give up on him for one mistake.”

  Felicity set her third margarita down with a little more thud than she intended. Two was her usual limit. It wasn’t a usual sort of evening. She spoke emphatically. “Tongue. Throat. Done.”

  Brian was in the third year of his surgical residency. They’d met his very first day on the unit, and at least one of them had fallen in love. They’d been living together for two years. Today, just before the end of her twelve-hour shift, Felicity learned why she didn’t have a ring on her finger.

  That bitch Madison Gray had got her expensively manicured fingernails into Felicity’s man. Cute little Maddie was one of only two women in the male-dominated residency—you’d think she could find an up-and-coming surgeon who didn’t belong to somebody else.

  “Don’t go off the deep end,” Angela counseled. “You can’t just leave your job without notice.”

  “I can. My boyfriend, my job, and my condo.”

  “You mean, his condo?”

  Yeah, that was what she meant, though she didn’t need her best friend to point it out. “Yes, Cass. His condo.”

  “All right, Fee. You can stay at my house this weekend. That will give Brian something to think about. But you have to show up at work on Monday.”

  It was a nice offer, typical of her caring, giving friend. Cassie had had a baby young, worked her way through community college nursing school a couple classes at a time, and had finally found and married a good man. She was happy and well loved, just as she deserved. But sharing a small bedroom with Cassie’s new baby wasn’t how Felicity intended to spend the night.

  “Brian can think what he wants.” She looked over at the bar. “And thanks, but I’ll find my own place to stay tonight.”

  “Oh, no,” Angela warned. “She has gone off the deep end.”

  “You two should both go home. You’re not going to want to see this.” She’d already caught the eye of one likely character. Brian-the-asshole had done her the favor of letting her know their relationship was over on a Friday evening. The bar was busy and there were quite a lot of men to choose from.

  Docksiders was one of the best pickup bars in Norfolk. You could ID the Navy guys by their short haircuts and that military way they had of standing—relaxed, but also sort of at attention. At least until they were several be
ers under. Felicity had been forced to pout in order to get her friends there—Cassie usually went right home to her family. Just occasionally, she’d agree to an after-work glass of wine at the quiet neighborhood bar right down the street from the hospital. And, well, Angela hit for the other team. This wasn’t her usual scene, either.

  Cassie leaned across the table and took her hand. “We’re not going to leave you here.”

  Felicity met that sweet, concerned gaze and nearly caved. But no, it wasn’t a usual night. She wasn’t going to spend it living with her usual caution. “Thanks, Cass. But I mean it. Go home. You, too, Ange.”

  Angela exchanged a glance with Cassie and shook her head. “No, Fee. What you’re planning isn’t safe.”

  She nodded her head toward the guy at the bar with the soft brown eyes. He was cute, just a little pudgy, and only about five ten. In her three-inch heels, Felicity would be an inch above him. Best of all, it looked like he liked redheads. “He’s nothing I can’t handle. I’ll be careful. You know I will. And I’m not leaving here alone.”

  Cass tried once more. “You’re not alone. You’re with us. And we love you.”

  “I love you back. Now go away.”

  Felicity had a stubborn streak and her friends knew it.

  Angela was leaving it up to Cassie, and that one finally gave a reluctant shrug and stood. “All right,” she said. “But text me the address of wherever you end up tonight, along with the guy’s name, rank, and number. And be sure to let him know that’s what you’re doing.”

  With a small smile, Felicity nodded. “Copy that.”

  When the two were out the door, she nodded at the server for another. While she waited, she went back to making eyes with the guy at the bar. It looked like he was getting his nerve up just as her drink arrived. But as soon as the waitress set it down, a large hand lifted it and set it back on the serving tray along with a twenty-dollar bill.

  “She’s done.”

  Apparently, six feet and three inches of hard male was enough to scare the waitress away. This wasn’t the soft guy at the bar. This one was all muscle and testosterone. His biceps stretched the short sleeves of the black tee he wore, and it was a snug fit across his chest as well. It was looser at the waist, where he was substantially narrower. His jeans were worn and fit him intimately, like an old friend. They did nothing but call attention to his package, which was just about at eye-level.

  The tail of a dragon tattoo curled up one around one arm. A curve of scales peeped out at his shoulder, and she had to wonder whether the thing was blowing fire along the guy’s back or chest.

  It looked like she might have a chance to find out. If she dared.

  Felicity lifted a brow, hoping for imperious but doubting she managed even as far as stern.

  In any case, he didn’t look impressed. “If you have one more, some might question your ability to consent to what I’m going to do to you tonight.”

  Yikes. She picked the safer topic to quibble with. Her empty glass was still on the table, but only the one. “How do you know that’s not just my second?”

  “It was going to be your fourth. Now it’s not.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest, a move that served to emphasize the bulge of his biceps. His eyes were blue, cold and hot at the same time, like the tempered steel of a fine blade. His mouth was a firm slash across his chiseled face. He leaned forward, looming.

  “You’re coming with me. You wouldn’t have liked the guy at the bar you were eyeing anyway. If you’d paid a little bit of attention, you’d have seen the white band on his finger where his wedding ring usually goes. I already got that you don’t like a cheater.” He leaned closer yet. “Stand up, Felicity.”

  Maybe it was that third margarita. Maybe it was that life lived carefully. Maybe it was as simple as that tongue-throat thing.

  Felicity knew it wasn’t safe. She knew she was taking a chance. But she stood.

  “Good girl, Red.”

  She let him take her hand and lead her out of the bar.

  * * * *

  The woman was an idiot to give herself over to him so easily. But for tonight, she was his idiot.

  Reinen Kilbourne thought he should feel a little bad for encouraging her to put herself so much at risk. He wasn’t going to hurt her—at least not in any bad way—but she didn’t know that. She was taking a ride on the wild side and, in most instances, he’d be opposed to a woman behaving so carelessly.

  He’d spotted her as soon as he’d walked into Docksiders, and from that first good look, he wanted her. She was a tall, lush redhead with bright green eyes.

  He liked redheads. He like brunettes, too, and blondes…That wasn’t to say he was without discrimination. Sure, he liked women to be curvy and busty and generally easy on the eyes. He also liked them smart and sassy and just a little bit…submissive. It wasn’t necessarily easy to find all those qualities in a single package, but he had a sense about Red here.

  Staying out of her line of sight, he’d taken a chair at a table behind her. Leaning back to eavesdrop—it was a skill he had—he’d gotten the gist. Some asshole doctor had dumped her in the most humiliating of ways. Himself, he’d have found a bit of retribution for the dude that would sting some. Felicity chose a method that the ass might not even notice, and put herself at risk for it.

  Turned out it was Reinen’s lucky night.

  The three women were nurses. They were bright and funny and obviously good friends, but the lesbian and the married one—Cassie—should never have left their BFF alone in the state she was in. Again, their mistake, his good luck.

  None of them had dressed for a night in a singles bar. Obviously, this had been an impromptu show of support for the wounded one among them. Still, Felicity looked good in slim jeans and a tight-fitting, cropped top. He put his hand on the small of her back to guide her through the door, and he liked the way her ass swayed when she walked in those wedged sandals.

  He also liked the heat of her skin where her top didn’t quite meet her jeans. Jesus, he was going to have trouble controlling his hard-on while he got her home.

  Reinen always had his gear with him, so he drove a pickup with a crossbed lock box.

  He steered Felicity to his truck and backed her up against the passenger door. If he had any say in it, he wouldn’t be the only one making the ride home in an uncomfortable state of arousal.

  He figured he ought to let her know what she was in for right off the bat. From chest to knees, he pressed against her. If she felt nothing but cold steel behind her, well, she got nothing but heat to her front. Her breath caught and she looked up at him, a little alarm in her eyes. He dropped his head so his mouth hovered over hers and their gazes locked. Likely, she could feel hard cock against her belly.

  He rutted once to be sure of it. “I’m a little rough with my women, and I take what I want. If you’re going to turn chicken and run, now’s the time. You come with me, then I’m going to assume you’re all in.”

  There was a quiver in her voice, but her eyes held his when she answered. “I’m not going to run.” She swallowed hard. “I’m all in.”

  He nodded once—terms settled. “Good girl.”

  God bless the crazy, sweet, innocent bitch. Still watching her face, he used his left hand to reach into the vee of her shirt. He pushed his fingers into her bra, feeling the jut of her nipple against his knuckles. With a hard jerk, he had the bra and shirt pulled down and her breast fully exposed. Though the parking lot was well lit, she was in the shadow of his body, and he rolled just a bit to the side so he could get a good look.

  She was fucking beautiful. She had that nearly white skin of a redhead with a rosy-pink areola and perky raspberry nipple. She was full but so firm that her lacy bra was just so much pretty window-dressing.

  He left her there in the light while he reached down to unfasten and unzip her jeans. He opened them enough to get a look at the little bit of white lace that covered her mons.

  Taking her
back into the dark, he covered her breast with his hand, finding her nipple with this thumb and working it. Hard. Right off. At the same time he shoved his right fingers inside her undies, sliding over her clit and pushing into her hot, wet pussy.

  He cut off her cry—pleasure or objection, it was too damn late to matter—with his mouth. He rubbed her—inside with his fingers, her clit with his palm—and jerked at her tit. He kept his mouth on hers so all she could manage were little moans and then breathy hums. In just a minute, it was clear none of them were complaints.

  When he was sure of that, he let go of her mouth and took his lips to her neck, her ear. He bit and sucked hard, putting his first marks on her. “Come, bitch. Come, Red. Here. Now.”

  She was so fucking hot and tight, he was freaking tempted to let loose his cock and fill her right there. But he was aware of other partiers walking to and from their cars just a few feet away, even if she was too far gone to notice. He hardly wanted a reprimand for public exhibitionism on his record.

  She was going to come, though. He’d make sure of it. It was her first lesson—she was his, and he called the shots. So he squeezed pitilessly and pushed deeper and in a couple more minutes she was spasming hard, creaming his fingers and choking back her moans.

  He didn’t stop right away, didn’t let her down easy. With a few more hard thrusts and jerks, he took her just past that edge of pleasure. He didn’t ease up until she moaned out her objection.

  She’d burrowed her head into his shoulder, hiding in a way that didn’t please him. He shrugged her off. Her head fell back like a puppet’s, thudding softly against the truck. She was all rag-doll collapsed, held up almost entirely by his fingers still wedged in her pussy.


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