by Mia Carson

  He felt it in every touch of her hand, with every glance, the way she whispered his name as they made love well into the early morning hours. His heart swelled with the love she showed him, letting him see who she really was as they talked for hours and laughed until their sides hurt and he cried from mirth. Things he’d never experienced with Mary nor any other woman in his life.

  When her inner muscles clenched his fingers, he thrust deeper and harder until she gripped his shoulders and groaned, her eyes closing and legs spreading wider for him. He cursed at the sight and knelt before her, letting his tongue flick her clit, groaning at the sweet taste of her filling his mouth. She was his, and no matter how stubborn she might be, she would always be his as he would always be at her mercy.


  Evelyn gripped the sheets hard as heat flowed through her body in waves she could barely stand. His mouth kissed her inner thighs, his beard tickling her sensitive skin until his tongue replaced his fingers. He gripped her hips and held her closer as he thrust into her, chasing away the last of her worries.

  She had taken her pill today, though she knew it might not even matter. With Viktor driving her over the edge, she didn’t care about anything except having him buried inside her. When the orgasm ripped through her, she arched her back, crying out his name until her voice cracked and she squirmed with the need to be closer and away at the same time, fighting the pleasure tearing through her without mercy. While she struggled to catch her breath, he stood, a smug grin on his face, and undid his jeans, letting them fall to the floor.

  His eyes smoldering liquid silver, he gazed hungrily at her body, and the fire flared even hotter inside Evelyn. Her gaze caressed his body, and his jaw clenched when she landed on his length, hard and ready to take her just as she wanted. His hands snaked slowly up her legs, massaging her, and his lips followed close behind. Gently, he rolled her to her stomach, and she shivered when the soft blankets rubbed against her hard nipples.

  Viktor’s presence surrounded her, along with his sharp pine scent, and she closed her eyes, breathing him in as his fingers inched up her calves. When he nipped the back of her knees, she gasped, desire sparking inside her again until it was unbearable. He chuckled, his breath warm against the back of her legs as he continued his slow climb until the bed shifted and he covered her completely with his body. Brushing her hair to the side, he kissed her neck and shoulders, but his hardness between her legs made her whimper, desperate to feel him again. He’d managed to turn her inside-out, tear her apart, and make her feel like the woman she was meant to be. His touch was intoxicating, and she swore she was drunk off his love.

  Her heart fluttered rapidly as he spread her legs and lifted her hips as he kissed her shoulders and back. His tip pressed against her wet folds, and she shifted backwards, wanting him, but he teased her, pushing in just barely before pulling out again.

  “Viktor,” she whispered, bunching the sheets in her hands.

  He pushed into her again, and she moved back, taking him deep within her as he groaned and his hands tightened on her hips. “Damn it, Evie,” he groaned. She sighed as he stretched her, pulling out then thrusting home. Their bodies trembled together at the intense connection until he moved his hips.

  Enveloped by his love, Evelyn let herself go and urged him on, grinding her hips back into his each time he would thrust. His hand reached around, and when he tugged on her clit, she struggled to focus, not wanting to come again until he did with her, but his fingers didn’t let up and another orgasm shook her body, curling her toes as he buried himself between those soft lips. When she thought she couldn’t take any more, he pulled out, rolled her over, and plunged back into her.

  Her eyes rolling back, she wrapped her legs around his waist and lifted her hips as her body quivered in his arms. He drove into her as if it was their last time together, and she took everything he had, working her inner muscles to clench him tighter each time. He grunted harshly as he spilled inside her, and Evelyn cried out again, his name on her lips as he kissed her passionately, keeping them connected until he was fully spent.

  As he pulled out, she frowned at the loss and her body wept, but her limbs were flimsy and a laugh escaped her lips.

  “Something amusing?” he asked breathlessly, a wry grin on his face.

  “No,” she said and reached up to kiss him. “Just happy. Ungodly, perfectly happy.”

  “Good,” he said, kissing her before falling to the side as he stretched out his arms, “because I think you’ve officially exhausted me for a few days, at least.”

  Absently, she ran her hand over her belly, swearing she felt a flutter there, ignoring it as she rolled over to face him. “That’s too bad. I have some more ideas involving that huge tub in the bathroom,” she said with a wink.

  He stared at her with one narrowed eye. “Is that right?”

  “Yeah, unless you can’t keep up with me, old man,” she teased, hopped up from the bed, and darted into the bathroom. She barely had the water on when he came in behind her and shut the door behind him, tucking her into his arms as he kissed her until she was dizzy with his love.

  Chapter 17

  The coffee gurgled as it brewed behind him. Viktor grabbed two coffee mugs, setting out the sugar canister beside them along with a spoon, and flipped open the morning paper as he waited. The past few weeks had passed in a blur of laughter and late night talks, along with a fair bit of exploring each other’s bodies until he knew every spot that made her laugh or gasp with pleasure.

  Evelyn and he were happy. As stubborn as they were with each other, they’d fallen into a routine, and for the first time in years, Viktor saw the future ready and waiting for him to take it.

  He wanted her to meet his family, knew the time was right, and honestly, his mom and dad harassing him every day about who this mystery woman was had driven him to stop answering his cell when they called. Evelyn was ready. She didn’t need to worry about anything, but Viktor puffed out his cheeks in anticipation of the wall he’d hit when he brought up the topic. His mom told him when he was a kid, no one else in the world had his level of stubbornness.

  Viktor smirked, knowing firsthand how wrong his mom was. Evelyn still threw fits about him buying her new clothes and finding ways to pay off the rest of the debts that plagued her. When she received the letter in the mail saying her student loans were gone, she’d been ready to throttle him.

  Her steps sounded on the stairs as the coffee finished brewing, and he poured two steaming cups. “Morning,” she said through a yawn, wearing his flannel shirt again.

  He leaned down and kissed her, hoping if he put her in a good mood it wouldn’t be such a fight to get her to agree to dinner with his family. The holidays were just around the corner, and though they’d managed to skip Thanksgiving by going to their families separately, he wanted her to be able to spend Christmas with everyone, just as he wanted to eventually meet her parents.

  “You’re thinking,” she said when he released her mouth and she smoothed her fingers over his brow. “What are you thinking about now?”

  “I think it’s time,” he said, stepping back so he could put sugar in her coffee before he handed it to her. “My parents are having dinner this Wednesday night, like they always do, and the whole family is going to be there. I’d like you to meet them.”

  She sipped her coffee, eyeing him over the rim of her mug. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” she asked, shifting on her feet and biting her lip.

  He sighed and picked up his own mug. “You have nothing to worry about. Really, Evie. My family might own half the town, but they don’t act like it. You’d get along great with my cousins, and they’re always looking for another woman to bring into the fold.”

  “You make it sound like a cult,” she said, laughing.

  He shrugged, holding his breath and waiting for the fight he was sure was coming. Seconds ticked by, and Evelyn drank her coffee, not speaking, only watching him closely. He saw the resolve in her eyes
as the amber darkened, and she sighed and set her mug down.

  “I guess if you think I’m ready,” she said quietly, “then I’ll do it.”

  After a second, he blew out a breath. “Good, I’ll let Mom know today so she will have enough for us.”

  “If this goes badly, I’m blaming you,” she said and poked him hard in the stomach.

  He caught her hand and sucked on her finger until she cursed and her eyes slid closed. “If it goes badly, promise, I’ll make it up to you.” When she moaned as he kissed her palm, he wanted to whisk her away and have his way with her, but he glanced at the clock and dropped her hand regretfully. “I have to meet Joseph to go over plans for the renovations soon and start working out a budget.”

  “You need me there?” she asked, her voice husky, and he smirked.

  “No, you are free to do whatever you want,” he said. “It won’t take me too long. Then we can get back to what we started.”

  He leaned in to kiss her briefly before he went to get dressed, but her eyes darkened and a flash of panic filled them. He frowned, wanting to ask her about it, but she smiled and kissed him and reached around him for the morning paper. She moved to her favorite chair in the living room, curled up, and disappeared behind the pages, leaving him to rub the back of his neck, wondering if he even saw the panic at all.

  An hour later, when he was at his office with Joseph, running over costs and what permits they would need, his eyes drifted to the windows, wondering what Evie was doing.

  “Vik, we’re almost done, then you can go back to your love life,” Joe laughed, snapping his fingers to get his friend’s attention back. “You two are really madly in love.”

  “Yeah,” he said, an easy smile crossing his lips. “I guess we are. I can’t get enough of that woman.”

  “You’re welcome,” Joe said smugly. “I’ll be sure to tell Tucker you said thank you, too.”

  Viktor barked a laugh. “Do that for me. I owe you both, really.”

  “You going to ask her soon?”

  Viktor glanced at his desk drawer where the small black box had been for two weeks. He’d wanted to take Evie with him to pick it out, but surprising her was too much fun. He took Joe and Tucker, instead, to find the perfect ring for his future wife. It was a white-gold band with two lines of emeralds crisscrossing around a diamond. He created the design himself, with some help, but once he had it, he couldn’t find the right time to ask. They were so happy, and a doubting voice in his mind said he would ruin it by asking too soon. Could scare her off.

  The fact that he was pretty sure she was hiding something from him stopped him as well. The worry was back in her eyes as she stared at the fire at night when she thought he wasn’t looking. He asked her once, but she assured him it was nothing. He assumed it had to do with meeting his family, which was why he was so surprised she hadn’t put up a fight.

  “Maybe tomorrow,” he said, thinking of asking her in front of his whole family, and realized quickly that would probably not be the best idea. His family was overwhelming enough. “Or not. I don’t know.”

  “Sooner rather than later would be a good idea,” Joe said.

  Viktor’s office phone rang and he picked it up. “Viktor here.”

  “Mr. Hartmann? We’re having issues in one of the mills. The machine completely broke down,” the man said. “Sorry to bother you, but I think we need your magic touch out here.”

  “No problem. I’ll be there in five,” he said, glancing at his watch and hanging up. “Sorry, Joe, have to go fix an issue. Are we good here for now?”

  “Yeah,” he said, rolling up the plans. “It’s enough to get me started.”

  “Good,” Viktor replied, pulling out his cell to text Evie he’d be running later than he thought. “Wish me luck.”

  “With the machine or with Evelyn?” Joe asked chuckling.

  “Both,” Viktor grunted. He was going to need all the luck he could get.


  When Evelyn received the text from Viktor saying he was going to be late, she’d darted upstairs to dress, glaring at the box of pads she hadn’t opened all month, and rushed out the front door. He’d left her keys to his coupe, and she drove into town to the grocery store. Hoping no one she knew saw her, she picked up a few random things and then wandered down the pharmacy aisles.

  Last week, she’d spent every damn day waiting for her period to come, and when it hadn’t, she had refused to accept what might be going on inside her. But yesterday and today, she’d felt so sick she could barely stomach her coffee, hiding it from Viktor the best she could. And she was exhausted. Waiting around would only make it worse wondering if she were right. She needed to know.

  The pregnancy tests stared back at her, and she debated which one would be best. “Why are there so many?” she muttered.

  “Do you need some help?” a woman said from behind the pharmacy counter.

  Evelyn’s face burned, and she quickly picked one claiming to be the most accurate. “No… no, I think I’m good. Thanks!”

  She quickly carried her basket of odds and ends to the checkout. She needed to get home and pee on the damn stick before Viktor returned to the house. With her items on the belt, she set down a divider and waited, her foot tapping on the floor, impatient for the person in front of her to finish.

  “I hope whichever one you want,” a kind voice said behind her, “you get it.”

  Evelyn turned to see an older woman with white hair running through the black and a gentle smile on her face. Evelyn followed her gaze to the pregnancy test and blanched. “Thanks. I… uh, I’m not exactly sure what… what I want yet.”

  The woman patted Evelyn’s arm gently. “We never do until it happens, but being a mother is a wonderful experience, and you look like a delightful young woman.”

  Evelyn didn’t know what to say, but the woman looked extremely familiar. Had she visited the diner? Maybe she just saw her around town like so many other people. The person in front of her finished, and Evelyn scooted forward to check out.

  When the bagger held out her two bags a long few minutes later, Evelyn turned and thanked the woman again for her kind words. “It was nice meeting you,” she said.

  The woman grinned a bit crookedly, and her eyes darkened to silver. “You too, my dear. I hope it works out.”

  Evelyn left quickly, her stomach clenching and heart pounding. That woman… She looked like… but no. Evelyn pushed the horrifying thought from her mind that the woman she had spoken to was Viktor’s mom. His mom, seeing her with a pregnancy test. She rushed to the coupe and gritted her teeth against the nausea rising in her gut. When she got back to the house, she breathed a quick, thankful prayer that she was still alone, took the pregnancy test upstairs, and peed on the stick. For the three minutes needed for the test, she paced the bedroom from one end to the other, biting her nails, something she hadn’t done since Viktor had showed up on her front porch.

  When three minutes had passed, she picked up the stick and swallowed hard. “Shit,” she whispered and sank to the floor, one arm wrapping around her belly. “Oh, shit. I’m pregnant. We’re pregnant.”

  The words didn’t sound real, but when she got up the nerve to take the second test to be sure, both results sat before her and she couldn’t deny the truth. She was pregnant with Viktor’s baby. She stood in front of the full length mirror in the bathroom and lifted her sweater to look at her stomach. She thought she’d gained weight from not being on her feet so much at the diner and actually eating three meals a day, but when she ran her hand over the tiny bulge, it was hard, and she stared at it, astonished.

  How had he not noticed? How long had she been pregnant? She thought about when they were apart and blanched when she realized her period then had been a meager two days long, unnaturally short for her. Had she been pregnant then?

  She wrung her hands and didn’t stop pacing around his room until he texted saying he was finally on his way home. Her fingers shook so badly she almost co
uldn’t text him back.

  “It's fine, everything will be fine,” she told herself firmly.

  Except they were expected for dinner with his family tomorrow night—his whole family. And for some weird reason the woman from the store popped into her thoughts. If she were really Viktor’s mom, sooner or later it would come back to bite her in the ass. Probably Wednesday night at the dinner.

  “Oh hell,” she muttered and plopped down hard on the edge of the bed. If his mom knew she was pregnant before Viktor, what would he do? She was still trying to get over the shock of being pregnant so soon after finding the man she wanted to be with. Her brain wouldn’t slow down enough to realize what the pregnancy meant for their relationship. They were having a baby. She and Viktor, together, and not because of some damn contract. Wrapping her arms around her belly, she stared down at the floor and smiled. When the time was right she’d tell him and hope a baby was still what he wanted.

  Chapter 18

  On Wednesday, Viktor did his best to keep a smile on his face as he walked Evelyn up to his parents’ front door, but he knew something was wrong. He’d noticed her biting her nails last night and that morning, and she was pale. He’d told her if she didn’t feel well they could cancel, but she’d insisted.

  “Ready?” he asked, still unsure about this. In the dim light of the porch, her color seemed off and the worry was back in her eyes.

  But she nodded and held his hand tighter. “Ready. Let’s meet your family.”

  He turned the knob and stepped inside with her. “Mom? We’re here,” he called loudly, hearing the voices and laughter drifting through the massive stone and wood mansion, twice the size of his. “Mom?”

  Evelyn shrugged out of her coat, and he hung it up with her purse on the coat rack by the front door. As she looked around at the huge house, he hung up his coat, too, and heard his mom rushing through the house.


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