Unruly Life of Woody Allen

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Unruly Life of Woody Allen Page 48

by Marion Meade

  "Once my heart was one": Newsday, 11/18/92.

  "quite frightening": 60 Minutes, 11/22/92.

  "the degree of pain": Allen v. Farrow, court testimony.

  "I'm a bad girl": Farrow, What Falls Away, p. 284.

  "The person sleeping": Allen v. Farrow, court testimony.

  "I just pounced": Ibid.

  "in constant contact": Ibid.

  "Stop asking me": Farrow, What Falls Away, p. 293.

  "Let's burn them": Ibid., p. 295.

  "screwing one of my kids": Ibid., p. 282.

  "I always thought": New York magazine, 9/21/92.

  "like someone who was out": New York Daily News, 8/24/92.

  "Many times she threatened": 60 Minutes, 11/22/92.

  "She was hard": Confidential source.

  "She was never religious": 60 Minutes, 11/22/92.

  "reel-life stars": New York Daily News, 3/10/92.

  "berserk screaming crazy": Vanity Fair, 11/92.

  "We are certainly empathizing": Oprah Winfrey Show, 2/11 /97.

  "Well, you kind of go": The Tonight Show, 12/17/91.

  "the flip side": The New Republic, 4/20/92.

  "not significant": Bjorkman, Woody Allen on Woody Allen, p. 192.

  "and no weekend relaxation": New York Post, 8/15/96.

  "I reported that Woody": Richard Johnson interview with MM.

  "The first thing she said": Hans Weise interview with MM.

  "things had gotten really crazy": Confidential source.

  "seemed to be her primary": Allen v. Farrow, decision.

  "a household of enemies": 60 Minutes, 11/22/92.

  “Woody no goody": Groteke and Rosen, Mia and Woody, p. 193.

  "rot in hell": Newsday, 11/18/92.

  "Daddy, don't forget": Esquire, 10/94.

  "something very disturbing": "Mia Farrow: A Life of Drama," A&E, 3/12/98

  CHAPTER 15: What the Heart Wants

  "Did Woody have his face": Farrow, What Falls Away, p. 299.

  "like a pig": Confidential source.

  "I'm doing a sociological study": Bananas, unpublished screenplay.

  "I figured": Hartford Courant, 3/31/96.

  investigation: According to What Falls Away, p. 307, the police found hair samples in Mia Farrow's attic that were microscopically similar to Woody's.

  "an adult, healthy relationship": Newsday 4/20/93.

  "there has never been any suggestion": Allen v. Farrow, court testimony.

  "a normal paternal thing": Ibid.

  "You took my daughter": 60 Minutes, 11/22/92.

  "a call out of the blue": Hal Davis interview with MM; also New York magazine, 9/21/92.

  "Mr. Allen has never": New York Post, 8/14/92.

  "Her hysteria and terror": Groteke and Rosen, Mia and Woody, p. 143.

  "a kind of mediator": Newsday, 4117/93.

  "needed a defender": Newsday, 4/18/93. In 1986, when the Klaus von Bulow story was

  being filmed (Reversal of Fortune), Alan Dershowitz wanted Woody to play his own character. Woody, amused and flattered, replied, "Well, I'm a comedian and it sounds like it would be fun. But I don't know if I could do it justice—no pun intended. (The National Law Journal, 7/21/86) Dershowitz was portrayed by Ron Silver.

  "a desperate and evil man": New York Daily News, 8/16/92.

  "a lovely, intelligent": New York Post, 8/18/92.

  "a very nice guy": Newsday, 8/18/92.

  "assiduously avoided publicity": New York Times, 8/19/92.

  "What's Woody's latest flick?": New York Post, 8/20/92.

  "The question most people": Newsweek, 8/31/9.

  "The heart wants": Time, 8/31/92.

  "The heart has its reasons": Blaise Pascal, Pensees—iv. 277.

  Woodenhead Allen": New York Post, 8/28/92.

  "When all of it": People, 9/7/92.

  "He couldn't imagine": Walter Bernstein interview.

  " 'Whoa,' he whistled": Dominick Conde interview.

  No wonder confused readers: Many people continued to lump Woody's behavior with Joey Buttafuoco's, contributing to the impression that Woody, too, had sex with an underage girl. According to New York state law, the age of consent is seventeen. Amy Fisher had been sixteen when she first had sex with Buttafuoco, and therefore was plainly a victim of statutory rape, for which Buttafuoco would serve six months in prison. Soon-Yi, over eighteen, was legally a consenting adult. Still, these differences were swept under the rug. Probably confusion rose from the fact that nobody was 100 percent certain about her age, not even Soon-Yi.

  "a nice girl": New York Post, 8/26/92.

  "not for their needs": Time, 8/31/92.

  "Child molestation's a touchy subject": Allen, Hannah and Her Sisters, p. 30.

  "I don't consider you": Allen v. Farrow, trial exhibit.

  "Moses would get very angry": Confidential source.

  "Mia was going": Confidential source.

  "has no morals": 1992 television news clip, aired on the Oprah Winfrey Show, 2/11/97.

  "They were nervous": Andrea Peyser interview with MM.

  "a remarkable mother": New York Post, 8/20/92.

  "degrading" and "unbelievable": Bookspan and Yockey, Andre Previn: A Biography, p. 252-253.

  "Le’s not get hysterical": Newsweek, 9/31/92.

  "little to do": Time, 8/31/92.

  "stunned": Andrea Peyser interview.

  "I don't want to talk": New York Post, 8/20/92.

  "she was used to publicity": Newsday, 8/25/92.

  "Now you want little girls": Allen v. Farrow, trial exhibit.

  "Lots of people": New York Times, 8/16/95.

  "Look, I've only spent": New York Times, 12/20/92.

  "Choosing him": Raoul Felder interview with MM.

  "For all intent": New York Post, 8118/92.

  CHAPTER 16: Dirty Laundry

  "It was a huge story": Victoria Gordon conversation with MM.

  "What about the way": 60 Minutes, 11/22/92.

  "He was very organized": Steven Kroft interview with MM.

  "Her style of mothering": Confidential source.

  "There was something awful": John Simon interview.

  "The press depicted": Roger Ebert interview.

  "I don't care": New York Post, 12/4/92.

  "We knew enough": Confidential source.

  "I screwed up": Allen v. Farrow, court testimony.

  "I'm so sick": Groteke and Rosen, Mia and Woody, p. 223.

  "If you asked her": Confidential source.

  "Satch and Dylan": Confidential source.

  "What are sex perverts?": New York Times, 8/6/72.

  "stacked in favor": New York Post, 2/19/97.

  "would save on cleaning": New York Law Journal, 5/4/93.

  "asked sharp questions": Ibid.

  "His reputation": Confidential source.

  "a starfucker": Confidential source.

  "I'm going to break": New York Post, 1 /13/93.

  "lying together": Allen v. Farrow, affidavit.

  "Great, the wilder": Chicago Tribune, 3/24/93.

  "They played it dirty": New York Post, 11 /6/95.

  "He acted in a rude fashion": New York Times, 2/11/93.

  "I concluded that abuse": Farrow, What Falls Away, p. 311.

  "Let him have 60 Minutes": New York Daily News, 3/21/93.

  "Jane was very special": Confidential source.

  "an indelible black": Vanity Fair, 11/92.

  "open for about one second": New York Times, 8/25/96.

  "Whatever we do": Douglas McGrath interviewed by Neil Rosen, New School for Social Research, 12/8/97.

  "sleep through and awaken": Chicago Tribune, 1/26/86.

  "concocted or imagined": Report, Child Sexual Abuse Clinic, Yale-New Haven Hospi-

  tal, quoted in New York Times, 5/4/93.

  "Ms. Farrow has had a very disturbed": Ibid., quoted in Newsday, 3/19/93.

  "But so deep": New York Daily News, 3/21/93.

  “always stand by": Ch
icago Tribune, 3/19/93.

  "I think Dylan": Ibid.

  "grossly inappropriate": Hartford Courant, 12/7/96.

  "A pall has fallen": New York Post, 8/21 /92.

  "too burdensome": New York Daily News, 8/24/92.

  "the burden of guilt": New York Daily News, 3/21 /93.

  CHAPTER 17: Allen v. Farrow

  "a short thing": Allen v. Farrow, court testimony.

  "I could have put her socks": Allen v. Farrow, court testimony.

  "silliness": Raoul Felder interview.

  "gets into people's heads": Newsday 3/24/93.

  "because she begged me": Allen v. Farrow, court testimony.

  "totally in character": Hal Davis interview.

  "very funny": Joan Ullman interview with MM.

  "Do you have an opinion": Allen v. Farrow, court testimony.

  "It's a classic case": Vanity Fair, 11/92.

  "His savagery toward women": Vivian Gornick interview.

  "Have I talked": Newsday, 9/16/92.

  "I think Mia": New York Post, 1/7/93.

  "He's treated": Vanity Fair, 11/92.

  "When people ask me": Elliott Mills interview.

  "disappear by scrunching": New York Times, 3/25/93.

  "At first people believed": Joan Ullman interview.

  "Her affect was studied": Andrea Peyser interview.

  "Under New York law": Hal Davis interview.

  "She eats bullets": USA Today, 4/20/93.

  "Andre is my new daddy": Groteke and Rosen, Mia and Woody, p. 194.

  "I can't stand it": Ibid., p. 231.

  "bring on the Woody": Richard Ross, A Day in Part 15, Four Walls Eight Windows Press, 1997, p. 75.

  "played games and colored": Allen v. Farrow, court testimony.

  "a scullery maid": Allen v. Farrow, court testimony.

  "soldiers and pawns": Allen v. Farrow, court testimony.

  "It's magical": Husbands and Wives, unpublished screenplay.

  "trust his insight": New York Post, 3/14/95.

  "Mr. Allen has demonstrated": Decision, Supreme Court: New York County, Individual Assignment Part 6, Index No. 68738/92. Woody Allen, Petitioner, against Maria Villiers Farrow, also known as Mia Farrow, Respondent.

  "self-absorbed, untrustworthy": Ibid.

  "just about lost the case": Raoul Felder interview.

  "Phyllis Gangel-Jacob": Hal Davis interview.

  "didn't take into account": Andrea Peyser interview.

  "We won!": New York Times, 6/8/93.

  "I'm thrilled": Ibid.

  "People just irresponsibly": Esquire, 10/94.

  "an enormous hit": New York Times, 6/8/93.

  "No one can mistreat Mia": McCall's, 5/67.

  "Custody went to Mia": New York Times, 6/16/93.

  "Why did he bring": New York Times, 8/16/95.

  "For so many, many months": New York Times, 6/8/93.

  CHAPTER 18: Second Law of Thermodynamics

  "a fact both had freely": Farrow, What Falls Away, p. 330.

  "He'll hound them": New York Post, 6/9/93.

  "a lovely little note": Stephen Silverman interview.

  "they know tenth hand": Rolling Stone, 9/93.

  “the stupidest thing": Esquire, 10/94.

  "It's the second law": Husbands and Wives, unpublished screenplay.

  "This was no time": New York Times, 9/25/93.

  "a vindictive mother": Ibid.

  "Because this is being taped": Press conference transcript, quoted in Groteke and Rosen, Mia and Woody, p. 263.

  "if Woody puts Maco": New York Times, 10/14/93.

  "I love you": Woody Allen, Petitioner-Appellant v. Maria Villiers Farrow, Respondent, Supreme Court, Appellant Div., 611 N.Y.S. 2d 859 (A.D. Dept. 1994).

  "I'm supposed to say": Ibid.

  "Was she wondering": New York Daily News, 3/21/93.

  "it interferes with Dylan's individual treatment": Decision, Supreme Court: New York County, Individual Assignment Part 6, Index No. 68738/92. Woody Allen, Petitioner, against Maria Villiers Farrow, also known as Mia Farrow, Respondent.

  "Woody Allen touched": Groteke and Rosen, Mia and Woody, p. 253.

  "pattern of extreme bias": New York Post, 8/26/97.

  "I do it seven days": New York Times, 1/2/98.

  "the nonshooting section": Esquire, 10/94.

  "I went seeking Solomon": New York magazine, 10/17/94.

  "just not up to the case": London Times, 2/15/97.

  "I don't trust him": New York Post, 3/13/95.

  "a harsh, punitive decision": Confidential source.

  "Whatever hell was created": New York Times, 11 /2/95.

  "They rain all this": Spin, 1/98.

  "a genuine love": The New Yorker, 12/9/96.

  "kid who was eating": Wild Man Blues, documentary, 1998.

  "never read anything": New York Times, 4/19/98.

  "long and tedious": Ibid.

  "She's very clear": Ibid.

  "a punishment": Wild Man Blues.

  "sue her for the rest": New York Daily News, 3/7/96.

  "This used to be a joyous place": New York Times, 5/8/94.

  "I've never paid": Shadows and Fog, unpublished screenplay.

  "continuation of the relationship": Woody Allen, Petitioner-Appellant v. Maria Villiers Farrow, Respondent, Supreme Court, Appellant Div., 611 N.Y.S. 2d 859 (A.D. Dept. 1994).

  "a couple of million": New York Daily News, 3/21/93.

  CHAPTER 19: The Cost of Running Amok

  "There is no question": "Examining Psychic Phenomena," The New Yorker, 10/7/72, reprinted in Without Feathers, Random House, 1975, p. 7.

  "radioactive because the jokes": William Tully conversation with MM.

  "my Woody Allen": Groteke and Rosen, Mia and Woody, p. 244.

  "a hateful creature": Newsday, 3/24/93.

  "an infomercial": New York Times, 10/1/95.

  "It's the public": Newsday 12/1/96.

  "I'm the one": New York Times, 11/2/95.

  "How do you expect": San Francisco Examiner, 2/6/95.

  "For the French": Hollywood Reporter, 1/20/98.

  "Not only is there no God": Allen, "My Philosophy," The New Yorker, 12/27/69, reprinted

  in Getting Even, p. 31.

  "I must call Tom Cruise": Esquire, 10/94.

  "Just stop the book!": Minneapolis Star Tribune, 4/25/94.

  his fascination with sisters: New York Times, 1/19/86.

  "which she was": Marjorie Rosen interview with MM.

  "Do people say that": W, 12/95.

  "People were really sick": Marjorie Rosen interview.

  "All over Hollywood": Confidential source.

  "can put his career in an envelope": Time, 8/31/92.

  "I seriously considered": New York Times, 11/2/95.

  "therapy": Philadelphia Inquirer, 12/21/97.

  "Our deal with Woody": Newsday 7/26/93.

  "wrap fish in it": Hollywood Reporter, 9/23/94.

  "I love the idea": Rolling Stone, 9/93.

  "Nobody wants to be involved": Los Angeles Times, 7/28/93.

  "The story is": Ibid.

  "Conceivably I can see myself”: Take One, 11/78.

  "I put together": New York Times, 6/1/98.

  "I'd be thrilled": New York Times, 6/1/98.

  "Of course he allowed it": Confidential source.

  "He was cheap": Confidential source.

  "She belongs in the kitchen": Confidential source.

  "dressed to the teeth": Ibid.

  "elevator music": Rolling Stone, 4/9/87.

  "television had improved": Newsday, 7/18/94.

  "I thought he owes": Hollywood Reporter, 9/23/24.

  "If I can think": Playbill, 4/95.

  "a very personal account": Michael Blakemore conversation with MM.

  "manic-depressive cycles": The New Yorker, 6/3/96.

  "not being a New Yorker": Michael Blakemore conversation.

  "People think God knows what": Newsday, 12/1/96.

p; "It’s terrible!": The New Yorker, 12/9/96.

  "the Knicks play": New York magazine, 4/6/98.

  "Everybody kind of embraced": New York Times, 10/1/95.

  "good genes": New York Daily News, 10/20/95.

  "Hello?": Mighty Aphrodite, unpublished screenplay.

  "feeds into the message": All Things Considered, National Public Radio, 10/27/95.

  "recapture" ... "bloodshed": Hartford Courant, 6/6/97.

  "it would take a heart": Chicago Sun-Times, 4/22/98.

  "He's not funny": Sneak Previews, 12/8/96.

  "were never any good": Newsday, 12/1 /96.

  CHAPTER 20: Getting Even

  "hated and feared": New York Daily News, 12/6/96.

  "little understanding": New York Post, 12/6/96.

  "terrible": London Evening Standard, 3/12/96.

  "an incredible piece of work": Los Angeles Times, III 19195.

  "wouldn't take it easy": Entertainment Weekly, 2/23/96.

  "30 minutes went by": New York Times, 4/19/98.

  "Just one more time": Wild Man Blues, documentary, 1998.

  "the only Woody Allen film": Newsweek, 4/13/98.

  "while he is a better clarinetist": London Independent, 3/19/96.

  "You should let them all know": Wild Man Blues, documentary, 1998.

  "He needs people": Newsday, 8/29/97.

  "Look at this engraving": Wild Man Blues, documentary, 1998.

  "No one will be interested": Vanity Fair, 4/98.

  "Very entertaining": The Guardian, 5/7/98.

  "the best performance": Stanley Kauffmann interview.

  "a blatant attempt": New York Post, 4/17/98.

  "seems more like the adult": Chicago Sun-Times, 5/15/98.

  "She's able to be": The Guardian, 5/7/98.

  "telling the story of O.J.": William Luhr conversation with MM.

  "Does Soon-Yi miss": Marie Claire, 12/98.

  "What is the meaning": New York Post, 12/13/95.


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