Arcane Transmogrification

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Arcane Transmogrification Page 9

by Robert Harper

“What was the gift bestowed upon you?”

  Danny shook his head, smiling, “I won't tell you unless someone else tells me what they got. Information for information.”

  Elder Breeze looked confused, “The gift bestowed is the same for all members of the same race. For intelligence, Elves receive the ability to think faster and thus perceive time at a decreased pace, humans can split their concentration, and dwarfs can form a space in their sanctuaries to create, train, and test their skills safely. The effects on the beastman races are still unknown to us.”

  Danny nodded, “I also received the split concentration ability.”

  Elder Breeze looked confused, “What kind of education did you have to get such high magical affinities, yet not know about attribute thresholds?”

  Danny shrugged and slowly started to rise up toward the ceiling, “I assumed it was the same for everyone and didn’t ask. Also, humans tend to keep their libraries locked tighter than their purse strings.”

  They broke shortly after for lunch, with Danny agreeing to meet back in the council chambers afterward.


  Danny flew down the hallway. He was pleased to find active movements used the mana still allocated to Air Aspect, while floating didn't. More than a few servants and guards looked up in alarm as he flew by too quickly for them to react.

  *The three guards they assigned to us are struggling to keep up.*

  “They know where I am headed, and I am sure this will be a nice change from just standing around all day.”

  *It’s crazy how easy it is to manipulate the air around us in this form. Do you think we could fly like this in our natural state?*

  “I don't know, maybe. Well, at least not for long. Mana put into this aspect goes a lot further than in our natural state. If we do test it, let's just try it over a body of water in case I fall. How much mana did I put into this aspect? I was a little upset and didn't pay attention.”

  *You had about twelve percent of your total mana saved, and you grabbed seven percent when you activated your aspect. Then after your tantrum, you only had five percent left. So, at this rate, you should be able to fly around for another twenty minutes before you turn back.*

  “Works for me, let's go show the girls!”

  Danny flew into the guest wing past the Basalts, who were sitting in the atrium with an important looking elf, and then down to the girls room. Flying in through the open doorway, he found the room empty. Turning back, he flew into the atrium where the Basalts were eying Danny warily.

  Danny looked around the room, “Hey, where did the girls go?”

  Arya recovered first from the surprise, “Danny, what are you doing?”

  Danny flipped over so that everything was upside down, “…flying.”

  Wizard Basalt started chuckling at Danny's antics, “I assume that's your Air Aspect then. You will find the girls in the courtyard right outside. There are a number of them surrounding the castle. The elves have allowed them to train under some of their experts here. Something about your future wives needing to be able to keep you safe.” The wizard winked at him.

  Wren Basalt spoke up, next to her husband, “Danny, the elves have never allowed a human to train under them. What exactly are you doing for them?”

  Danny turned right side up and straightened out his clothing, “Nothing I can talk about without serious consequences. I am going to go find the girls, bye!”

  Danny took off out one of the large windows before they could ask any further questions.

  Danny flew out into the cold open air and gratefully felt the midday sun warming his skin. Looking back, he realized each opening in the tree held a few layers of air over it, trapping the air, and thus heat, inside. This aspect allowed his air scanning ability a new level of detail he wasn't used to.

  Danny realized he was wasting a great opportunity with his nerding out and quickly shot off into the sky, flying as high as he dared.

  While Danny wasn't scared of heights, he did have a healthy respect for gravity and his limited mana. Looking down, he could see that the city radiated outward like a five petal flower. Maybe the different areas had a purpose.

  *Four percent mana left!*

  Danny flew back down to the palace and noticed a few guards staring up at him through the leaves, with bows drawn. Suddenly unsure of what he had been thinking, Danny slowed down outside of what he hoped was their bows’ range. He wasn't about to try testing the skill of an elven archer.

  Three familiar guards ran up into the bowers of the tree, and the archers quickly lowered their bows.

  Moving closer to the bottom of the palace, Danny spotted three familiar heads practicing in a courtyard below.

  Jade had her bow out and was shooting at a target while dodging things being thrown at her by an older female elf. Brooke and Ivy were sparring together while a male elf looked on with arms crossed.

  Danny flew down toward Jade as she was the first to stop in order to catch her breath. The instructor helping her noticed Danny and looked up in shock. Danny held his finger up to his lips, and the instructor nodded dumbly.

  Jade was busy studying the placement of her recent shots and completely missed their little interaction.

  Danny floated upside down and right above Jade, tapping her from behind on one shoulder. Turning, she looked around in confusion before turning back to her instructor. The older woman had a horrible poker face, but to her credit didn't look up at Danny once. Tapping her shoulder again, Danny couldn't help but laugh after Jade whipped around in frustration.

  Hearing his laugh, Jade finally spotted him, and her frustrated expression quickly slipped away.

  Still laughing, Danny floated lower to kiss her on the nose. Jade instinctively jumped backwards and flushed a bright shade of red upon finally recognizing him.

  Noticing the commotion, Ivy and Brooke ran over to them, along with their instructor.

  Brooke was laughing, “Danny, what are you doing up there?”

  Danny turned right side up and floated over to Brooke.. “I was trying out a new aspect when I realized it was lunch time. I was wondering if you three wanted to eat with me.”

  Brooke looked to her instructor, who shrugged and gave her a nod. Smiling she turned back to Danny, while failing to act nonchalantly, “Sure.”

  Danny couldn’t help chuckling and looked at the other two girls. “You two ready?”

  Jade's face had returned to normal and with a huge smile she said, “Yep!”

  Ivy though looked concerned, “I don’t know...”

  Danny raised his hands and all three girls screamed as they rose into the air. Bands of wind swirled close to their bodies, holding them in place. Danny turned and headed toward the guest wing with the three girls in tow.

  Forgetting something, Danny turned and bowed slightly to the two instructors, “Thank you for agreeing to train them!”

  Jade’s instructor just stood there, mouth agape, while Ivy and Brooke’s instructor numbly nodded back to him as the four floated up into the air.

  *Danny, at this rate you have two minutes to get them there. I will add more mana to the aspect if needed.*

  Danny nodded and called out to the girls, “You wanna see the city?”

  Jade and Brooke excitedly screamed, throwing their hands into the air, “Yes!” “Let's do it!”

  Turning to Ivy, it looked like she was drowning in the air. Danny immediately stopped them and floated her over toward him. Grabbing her arms, he pulled her into a hug until she seemed to calm down a bit.

  “Ivy, are you alright now?”

  Ivy was taking short breaths while looking everywhere yet nowhere, all at once, “No, please, can we just get down?”

  Danny looked at the other two girls who looked disappointed but nodded in agreement.

  Danny pulled her up into his arms in a princess carry, “Alright, we will go to lunch. I won't let go of you until we get there.”

  Ivy swallowed visibly and nodded her head that was now burie
d as deep into his chest as she could get it.

  Danny chuckled at the girl who always seemed to have it all together. He had to admit this side of her was very cute.

  *Now we know what to do next time she gets upset at us!*

  They all floated over through one of the large atrium windows in the guest wing.


  Danny made sure to set Jade and Brooke down on the floor of the guest wing's atrium first before he began lowering Ivy and himself down.

  Cranny’s exasperated voice laughed out lightheartedly, *You realize you just wasted over a day and a half's worth of mana regeneration, just to fly around and annoy everyone.*

  Danny just shrugged in reply.

  The Basalts had stood to watch the whole spectacle from the window that faced the courtyard the girls had been training in. The elf they had been speaking with had gone, but now was returning with the elven queen and princess in tow.

  The three female elves walked in right as he reached the ground, where he slowly began the process of untangling the beautiful human girl in his arms. Of course, the death grip Ivy had on him made it all the harder.

  Ivy unsteadily walked toward the nearest chair where she promptly sat down with her head between her legs.

  Walking right up to him, the queen beamed, “Danny, you didn't tell us you could fly!”

  Danny was a little stunned by the queen's ever present beauty and sudden closeness. Before he could speak, a blur ran past the monarch and flew into his arms. Danny barely managed to catch Princess Willow, who now occupied the space Ivy had recently left. Danny was thankful the princess had on a short sleeve blouse and long skirt that only came to her knees. A full gown, like the queen was wearing, would have made the elven girl even heavier and more awkward to try and carry.

  The princess looked up at Danny while somehow bouncing in his arms, “It’s my turn, my turn! Let's fly!”

  Danny looked around for assistance with what to do, only to be met by the amused looks from the adults and glares from the two girls who were not currently trying to now throw up.

  Jade stepped forward, crossing her arms, “Princess, you do not have to be in his arms to fly. You can fly with him while standing next to him. That's how Brooke and I flew with him.”

  The princess looked over at the tall human girl with a sudden annoyed look in her eyes.

  Snuggling further into Danny's chest, she smiled toward Jade, “No, I want to fly like this! Danny, you are so...fluffy and comfortable in this form.”

  Danny looked pleadingly toward the queen for assistance with her daughter, only to see the smug and calculating look she was giving him be quickly replaced with a feigned innocence.

  “Danny, would you please take my daughter for a small flight around the palace? The silly child has been trying to fly ever since she started using her Air Affinity.”

  Danny was debating how to handle the situation when he remembered Cranny's most recent words. His aspect form should disappear with just the smallest bit of usage. He could claim he had run out of mana.

  *Annnnnnd, I added more mana to the Air Aspect, so you have at least seven minutes of uninterrupted princess time. Don't worry, I already factored in her weight from you holding Ivy… You can thank me later.*

  Danny did his best to hide his sudden frustration and question if there was a way to recrystallize a certain someone. Looking to the elven girl still hanging onto him, Danny explained, “Princess, I only have enough mana for a few minutes, so we can't stay up too long. Also, Jade is right, you can fly next to me. That way you can actually feel like you are flying.”

  *Spoil sport...*

  The princess seemed a little reluctant at first to leave her place in his arms, only to quickly jump down and bounce excitedly as she stood next to him. Danny realized, now that she wasn't next to her giant of a father, that the princess was actually slightly taller than himself. He also realized all the bouncing was very distracting.

  Quickly turning back to everyone in the room, Danny remembered protocol and bowed to the queen, “We will be back shortly, Your Majesty.”

  The queen waived demurely as they flew up and out of the window. Danny took the princess for a few turns around the palace before flying higher so they could see the whole capital.

  “This is sooo amazing, Danny! Though it is really cold up here.” The princess hugged herself and started to shake.

  “I am glad you like it, Princess. Here, let me try something I saw the sacred trees do.”

  A large bubble of air surrounded the two. It had two layers and kept the wind out. Danny thought it would keep them insulated with their body heat raising the temperature inside. Danny noticed that the sun still felt hot on his skin. He would have to be careful and let the hot air out soon or they might start broiling in there after too long.

  The princess smiled shyly, “Please Danny, call me Willow. Well, at least when we are alone.”

  Danny looked at the elf next to him, who appeared to be nothing more than a young girl having the time of her life.

  Danny slowed them down once they were high enough. Willow took the opportunity to look around, taking in everything she could. The city extended far out below them. Elves could be seen moving from building to building, like tiny ants.

  Danny coughed awkwardly, speaking, “So, your mother offered me your hand in marriage as a reward if I can help your people. I didn't really have any plans to do such a thing. I was wondering what your thoughts were on the matter.”

  *Have you ever heard of easing into something, Danny?*

  The princess stopped looking around excitedly and replied without turning back to face him, “I don't know honestly. My family expects me to marry someone for political gain. Mother has been pushing me toward you lately... I don't know.”

  Danny flew around so they were facing each other, “You seemed to be real cozy to me down there just now.”

  The princess smiled ruefully at him, “Yes, because I wanted to do this!” The princess spread her arms wide and leaned back as far as Danny's magic would allow her, before she toppled over into a flip that brought her back up to where she had been.

  “Ah, I thought that was just something your mother made up to get us alone together.”

  Willow shook her head, “No, she didn't lie, but I have no doubt she did it to get us alone together. Would marrying me be that horrible?”

  Danny shrugged, “I don't really know you past the beautiful elven girl who likes to fly. I mean, I don't even know how old you are.”

  The princess spun around, “Oh, I am very young.”

  ”I know it is rude thing to ask a lady, but how young exactly is young?” pressed Danny.

  The princess laughed, and the quality of her voice seemed to change; it seemed richer, more refined, “Mother was hoping I could get you to fall in love with me before you asked that question.” The princess’s demeanor changed slightly, and she seemed to age a bit before his eyes. With a small smile she continued, “I don't mind telling you the truth. I don't want to be stuck with someone who balks at something as silly as an age difference.”

  When the princess didn't continue, Danny crossed his arms and looked at her, with one eyebrow raised.

  The princess looked away, “I will be fifty four in a couple of weeks.”

  Danny uncrossed his arms and frowned, “Hmmm, that does cause a problem.”

  The princess looked up warily, “It does?” Her face hardened, “Oh, well that's a relief then, I will save me the trouble of...”

  Danny interrupted her, “That is not enough time to get you a decent gift that I know you will like. As I said before, I barely know you. I can't go offending one of the elven royalty. People have been imprisoned or worse for doing less.”

  The princess looked back at him suspiciously, “Wait, so you have no problem with my age? I am old enough be your mother.”

  “No, I don't have a problem with your age, and actually, you are older than my mother.”

; Willow looked shocked and offended all at once, “Excuse me, bald little boy, but I don't think the best way to win a woman's heart is to mock her age.”

  Danny looked around with mock confusion, “Who said I was trying win your heart?”

  Willow looked agape at him, “Wha...why not! Is it the age thing again? You humans and your hang-ups on age. If we elves did that, our population would dwindle and quickly cease to exist.”

  Danny shook his head, “What about you? You really ready to latch yourself to a 'little boy'?”

  *You forgot bald.*

  Ignoring Cranny, Danny continued, “What I can't fathom is why you would want to marry me?”

  Willow looked at Danny like he had just told her he was really from another world, “Really, Danny? You don't think I would have a reason to want to marry you?”

  Danny shrugged, “Yes, your people are pressuring you to because I am an Ascendant. You would become a chain that shackled me to the elves like those three girls down there will to Diadem. Except, I have no interest in political marriages. Yes, my fiancées are children of council members, but they are not recognized ones. So, marrying a princess would be up there on the list of things to avoid at all costs.”

  The princess stared at him for a second, “What are you talking about? You are already marrying a princess...”

  It was Danny's turn to look confused, “What are you talking about?”

  The princess looked uncertain, “Ivy... Ivy Diadem. Third daughter to the current head of the Diadem family. Even though they claim to only head the council as equals, it is in reality more like our arrangement with the Council of Elders. My mother rules, and they only advise. We at least have the decency to not lie to our subjects.”

  Danny floated, unmoving for so long that Willow reached out and dragged herself over to him.

  “Danny, are you alright in there?”

  Danny's eyes finally seemed to focus and look over into hers, causing him to lose himself in a fleeting thought. Back on earth, he had once gone snorkeling near a coral reef. The amazing multitude of fish and plant life all in one place. The water there had the same coloring as her eyes.


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