Arcane Transmogrification

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Arcane Transmogrification Page 12

by Robert Harper

  Danny was pretty sure he had seen a blush creep up Willow’s neck. He didn't think his words were that strange. He was sure she had heard them before from countless suitors. He had actually been hoping to trick her into telling him her intelligence level.

  *Wow, Mr. Casanova! Where did that come from? We interested in girls finally?*

  That reminded Danny, and he ran back to grab the bouquets before hurrying after Willow.

  Handing one of the bouquets to Willow, Danny saw her smile down at them happily before she seemed to realize what she was doing and quickly tried to control her expression.

  Nodding politely toward him, Willow said, “Danny, these are lovely, thank you.”

  ”They are an apology for earlier. I didn't mean to scare you,” Danny said with great sincerity.

  Danny was happy when the smile didn’t leave Willow’s eyes as she looked over at him.


  Danny and Willow returned to the guest wing, but Danny was surprised when Willow immediately bade him a goodnight.

  “Did you just come get me for supper? You could have sent someone else,” Danny asked, confused.

  The princess seemed to find some microscopic speck on her blouse that needed removing, “I honestly wanted to see if you all had made any progress.”

  Danny frowned, remembering his lack of success, “Sorry, I was only able to eliminate a bunch of things that won't work.”

  Willow smiled, placing a hand on his arm, “That's still progress. You are doing fine, Danny. No one expects miracles.” The princess leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, “Good night, Danny.”

  Taken off guard, Danny almost forgot to respond, “G-Good night, Willow.” Danny couldn’t help but stand there stunned as he watch her walk away.

  *Danny, your life is sooo much better than mine was!*

  *Yeah, well she is probably just doing it under pressure from her mother. Remember the whole being told to get me to fall in love with her bit?*

  *Hmmm, I don't know. If she was doing that then she was also faking an elevated heart rate, blood pressure, oh, and her eyes wouldn’t dilate whenever she looked at you.*

  *Cranny, were you were scanning her again?*

  *Yeah, only the elders seem to notice it. I wonder if it's a skill only they have?*

  *Yeah, well anyway, all that could easily be because Willow associates my appearance with my powers, and she was nervous I wouldn't fall for her womanly wiles.*

  *Danny, if that is true, I am alright with that. She uses you, and I get to enjoy having my very own elven princess.*

  *Why is what I want not even considered in that statement?*

  *Danny, I am pretty much your subconsciousness. You want to marry the princess.*

  *But what about the girls? What are they going to say?*

  *Honestly, right now they are probably wondering when you are going to turn around and quit staring at the princess’s remarkable royal rear end.*

  Danny froze, *Why didn't you tell me they were behind me?*

  *Because you have poor multitasking abilities, and plus, things are more interesting this way!*

  Danny turned around slowly to find all three girls staring at him. While Ivy and Brooke looked unamused, Jade looked livid.

  “Hi girls…look what I brought for each of you!” Danny held out the bouquets.

  No one moved.

  “Come with us, Danny.” Ivy turned around, and Brooke and Jade followed behind her.

  Danny lowered the flowers and looked back down the hallway. “Better give me some privacy for this next part.”

  The three guards appeared and bowed, “Your secrets are safe with us, Ascendant.”

  Danny shook his head, “I'm sorry, but I cannot trust you, not yet anyway.”

  The guard closest to him bowed, “We will stay far enough to not hear.”

  Danny nodded and entered the guest wing to follow the girls.

  He sensed the girls in his room, and when he entered, Danny announced, “All guards leave the room. You are welcome to wait outside.”

  Five guards materialized around the room and walked out into the hallway.

  The girls looked around in shock and confusion.

  “Are you not a guard?” Danny turned to look in one corner.

  A guard materialized and bowed, “My apologies, Ascendant.”

  After the final guard left, Ivy started to speak, but Danny held up his hand. A double layer of air surrounded them, effectively cutting off the sound from either side.

  Danny looked to Ivy, “It is safe to speak now?”

  Ivy looked around the room as if she would find more guards hiding somewhere, “I thought they just followed the queen.”

  Danny shook his head, “You each have at least two following you at all times.”

  Jade shuddered and crossed her arms. Brooke just looked angry.

  Danny took the initiative, “I was planning to talk about this with you three, but I haven't had the chance. It seems a lot can happen in a day.”

  Danny told them about the last reward the queen offered him the day before. The girls’ emotions ranged from uncomfortable to frustrated.

  Jade stepped up to him and touched his arm, “Are you going to accept the offer, Danny?”

  Danny shrugged, “I wanted to hear your three's opinion as I do not know what would happen if I chose either way. I barely know her, and she admitted her family is pressuring her to convince me. I didn't want to make you mad, and then, she went and kissed me in front of you.”

  Jade looked to be almost in tears, “So, you don't want to marry us anymore?”

  Danny shook his head, “No, the offer was for her to join us.”

  Jade looked like she had just eaten something sour, “Oh...”

  Ivy sighed and sat down on his bed, “Even with us married to you, would they use her to take you away?”

  Danny nodded, “I asked Willow about that, and she said that if I can do what they want me to do, I can demand stipulations that absolve me from obligations normally required of one married to the princess.”

  Brooke walked over and punched Danny hard in the arm, “You are calling her Willow now?”

  Danny nodded, “She asked me to call her that, sorry.”

  Brooke pursed her lips, “You like her, don't you?”

  Danny shrugged, “I won't lie. I tried to get to know her today so I could find out what kind of person she is. She at least appears honest, but I know, we just met.”

  Ivy scoffed, “Yeah, I don't know about this... Can we bring Arya into this conversation?”

  Danny looked up at her, “I would rather like to know what you three think before we speak with her.”

  Jade spoke quietly, “I don't want to share you with anyone else…”

  Brooke nodded, “I'm with Jade.”

  Ivy stood up and started walking to the door, “We might not have a choice...”

  Danny grabbed her arm, “Ivy Diadem, I know you want to stay true to your family, but I want to know what you think, not your family.”

  Ivy looked wide-eyed back at Danny. She had a worried expression as she nervously asked, “Who...who told you?”


  Ivy looked down, frowning. She seemed lost in her own thoughts.

  Danny pulled Ivy back over to the bed and sat her down, “Ivy, is it true what they said? Are you in all but name a princess? I thought your connections to your family were severed when you joined the order?”

  Ivy shook her head, “That is something said but rarely followed for my family. I am still in line for the high seat of the council, if something were to happen to my older sisters… Even though we are put into harm’s way, it has always been beneficial to have a daughter hidden inside the order. Besides training in the martial arts, I am taught what I would need to know in case I must rule one day.”

  Danny grabbed one of Ivy's hands, “One of the things I was going to ask you three was if you would be willing to leave the order and potentially Dia
dem and follow me?”

  The room was completely devoid of a sound as all three girls quit breathing. Danny patiently waited.

  Ivy stood up, “No, Danny. We can't do that... I...I want to say yes, but I have to think about my family. I have obligations. It is what I have been trained for all my life.”

  Danny shook his head, “How many third daughters have had to assume the high seat in the council?”

  Ivy seemed to look around the room for the right answer, before replying, “Well, my family expects this of me!”

  Brooke shook her head, “Danny, we can't…”

  Jade was oddly silent, not looking at anyone. Brooke and Ivy seemed to notice this as well.

  There were many things Danny could do or say at that moment that might change the girls’ minds, but he couldn’t bring himself do it. Especially, now that he knew how strongly at least two of them felt. He had no doubt they would come to resent him later on if pressured against their instincts. They had grown to be too important to him now to just cast aside.

  Danny hung his head down, “Go get Arya.”

  Ivy looked very scared, “Danny, please understand!”

  Danny still held her hand and brought it up to his lips, “Don't worry Ivy, I do understand. Go get Arya and let’s decide our next step.”

  Ivy looked sick while she nodded. Getting up, she left the room.

  Danny got up and walked to the edge of his bubble. His movements slowed slightly as he passed through the double layer of stilled air.

  Turning to the nearest hidden guard, Danny stated, “I need you to stop Arya's guards from entering... You can tell the queen we are discussing her final offer. She will know what I am speaking of.”

  The wall where Danny was looking moved as the vague shape of a head could be seen bowing, “As you wish, Ascendant.”

  Ivy returned with Arya, and Danny made sure Arya's guards did as he had asked.

  Arya looked around in surprise as she entered the bubble, “What is going on here? Danny, did you duplicate the magic they put on the doors and windows?”

  Danny nodded, “We should be able to talk freely here.”

  Arya looked confusedly out the covered doorway to his room, “Why are the guards allowing this?”

  Danny shrugged, “Because I asked nicely.”

  Ivy touched Arya's arm, “Danny was offered the privilege of marrying the princess if he solves whatever it is they have him doing. The princess even said he would be able to add whatever stipulations he wants.”

  Arya turned to stare at Danny, “Did you give them an answer yet?”

  Danny shook his head, “Not yet. I wanted to hear the girls’ opinion first.”

  Arya nodded and walked over to look out Danny's window while she thought. Danny was surprised to see the normally stoic woman start biting one of her nails.

  Turning around, Arya stood so she could see all of them, “The Diadem...”

  Ivy interrupted, “Danny knows, Arya. The princess told him about my mother.”

  Arya looked annoyed and sighed, “Ivy's mother and the Umbra gave us explicit instructions for a number of scenarios similar to this one. While they were counting on a noble’s daughter, this goes beyond even their expectations. Danny, you will accept the queen's offer.”

  Jade and Brooke made sounds of surprise, while Ivy seemed to expect this news.

  *Danny, now part of me wants you to tell the queen ‘no’ just to spite them all. Well, it’s just a small part of me though.*

  Danny spoke up defiantly, “Arya, the girls do not want this. I do have a say in this matter.”

  Arya looked askance at Danny and barked out a laugh.

  Danny frowned, “What?”

  Arya shook her head, “Those two...never go against them unless you know you hold all the cards.”

  Danny didn't like where this is going, “My family, right?”

  Arya frowned, “Yes Danny, but not in the way you are thinking.”

  Danny growled, “Then, what is it?”

  “If you marry the princess you, Ivy, Brooke, and Jade will be kicked out of the order. Then, when you next visit Diadem, Ivy’s mother will tell you what happened with your family.”

  Danny’s eyes widened as he walked over to the woman, “You mean…”

  Arya held up a hand to interrupt him from going further, “She didn’t tell me what, just that it was something very important to you.”

  The girls looked concerned and Danny just frustrated.

  Arya explained, “The elves know who we are and about the order. The elves will undoubtedly make it a requirement that you all leave the order anyway, if you agree to marry the princess. Danny, you will not be the only one with stipulations.”

  Brooke asked, “Why would Diadem give up Danny, and us, just to marry the princess?”

  Ivy spoke up in sudden realization, “Because it would be like two royals marrying. The Diadem and elven alliance would be sealed with the marriage between two wives.”

  *Alright, I didn't see that coming. Danny, you need to be careful here.*

  Arya nodded, “You four will become the most important people in the two nations. And it is all thanks to Danny.”

  Danny couldn't help but feel sick at his stomach, “What will happen to us then, if I agree to say ‘yes’?”

  Arya shrugged, “Whatever you want, I guess. The elves will make requests of course, but I doubt you will reject us or your new extended family members.”

  Danny looked out the window nearby, thoughts returning to just running away and escaping it all. Danny could feel a metaphorical corner at his back, “Ivy, Brooke, Jade, you can tell me to say ‘no.’”

  Ivy shook her head, “Tell her ‘yes.’”

  Brooke shrugged, “Danny, we need the elves’ help. Things are getting worse out there. Elven scouts returned today with news: the goblins are already headed to attacked Crossbark.”

  Danny stood up from the bed and looked to the open window of his room.

  *Danny, I know what you’re thinking. We need to stay here and get stronger. We can’t just run out there blindly! You do not have the power to save everyone. At least not yet.*

  Jade was staring at the ground and mumbled, “Tell her ‘yes.’”

  Danny closed his eyes and leaned his head back as far as it would go. With a sigh, he canceled the bubble, “Jade and Brooke, do you want to take that tour of the sky I promised you? Ivy, I figured you would rather sit this one out, unless you want to go?”

  Ivy looked conflicted and sad, “Sorry, I really do want to go with you, it’s just…”

  Danny smiled at her, “Hey, we can do something later. Just me and you.”

  Ivy perked up a little at this. Some of her old confidence and bravado returning, “I'm going to hold you to that.”


  The late evening sun was starting to dim as it moved closer toward the safety of the distant horizon. The wind whipped around the upper branches of the palace as clouds raced past overhead. Jade and Brooke seemed to forget the tense moments that had happened just moments before as they raced through the air, screaming in excitement. Danny was in his Air Aspect with the girls on either side. He was glad it was so windy or he would have gone deaf from the stereo squealing.

  Danny had to yell to be heard over the wind and screaming, “Do you two want me to put a bubble around us? You two have to be getting cold by now.”

  “Don't you dare,” threatened Brooke.

  Jade laughed merrily as she demanded, “No, go faster!”

  Danny could only laugh at the two adrenaline junkies.

  *Danny, there is something strange in the neighborhood!*

  A huge grin split Danny’s face, as he stopped their movement and turned toward the white blinking light that now appeared in his vision.

  Taking off as fast as he could, the girls, whooping and hollering, seemed to think Danny had finally given into their demands.

  Many elves looked up that evening in an attempt to find
the source of the unusual noises which seemed to be coming from the heavens.

  Past the edge of the city, the evergreen forest seemed to have turned a shade of orange as the setting sun was casting everything in a red glow. As Danny got closer, he saw multiple blips of a green color appear all around the original white blip.

  *Some elves have surrounded her. I don't think they have taken any action toward her yet.*

  Danny landed himself and the girls a short way from Phantom’s location, making sure Jade and Brooke were safely on the ground.

  “You two stay here; I need to take care of something.” Danny floated quickly toward the distant commotion.

  The two girls collapsed to the ground laughing from having such a good time. Brooke, misunderstanding Danny’s words, yelled after him, “Seriously Danny, you should have just gone before we left.”

  There was a steep rise in a large hill up ahead, and a group of elves had cornered Phantom against it. Danny could tell that something wasn't right with her the second he saw her. Phantom looked every bit a cornered, feral animal.

  The elves looked agitated, but none of them had tried anything other than to prevent Phantom from slipping away.

  One of the elves turned to Danny, “Ascendant, please stay back. This animal is sick. We think she might be corrupted by the goblins’ foul magic.”

  Danny released the last of the Air Aspect in the form of a blast of wind that blew through the area and carried his command to the rest of the elves present, “She is mine, leave her to me.”

  Never taking his eyes off of Phantom, Danny cooed, “Hey Phantom, hey girl. I am sorry I didn't go back to check on you. Please, let me help you.”

  One of the elves moved to stand in his way when Danny activated his Harmony Affinity. With the setting sun, the sky had darkened further since arriving, but that changed when a bright light filled the forest’s undergrowth. The elf who had moved to stop him, halted in awe as a brightly illuminated Danny walked past.

  Having heard his voice and seen his transformation, Phantom growled threateningly at Danny, baring her lethal fangs. Now that there was enough light, Danny could clearly see the war playing out below the surface of Phantom’s flesh. His Harmony Affinity only confirmed it when his aura lashed out to surround the cat.


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