Arcane Transmogrification

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Arcane Transmogrification Page 16

by Robert Harper

  Danny closed the book he was reading and, coming to a decision, asked, “What is buried in the room right above this tree’s source?”

  Elder Frost cocked her head to the side, “I’m sorry, did you say buried?”

  Danny nodded, “Yes, there is a room that I can only guess is used for storage, right above the tree’s connection to the source. Then right next to that is something I have never seen before.”

  Elder Frost looked confused, “I don’t know anything about this. When did you get a chance to go down there?”

  “I didn’t. I can see it from here… There is some sort of circle of dense magic near the base of the tree. After that is…well nothing. I can’t see anything past that. It’s as if my magic just ceases to exist whenever I get near it.”

  The elder looked alarmed and asked Danny to follow her. As they left the elder’s wing, Frost grabbed a servant and gave them orders to fetch Elders Cardinal and Breeze and meet them down to the palace’s basement.

  The trip took them past parts of the palace Danny had yet to see. Servants bustled around, carrying trays of food or hauling laundry. Many stopped, surprised to see the elder in the area normally only frequented by the servants.

  “Here it is, Danny. This is the place, correct,” Elder Frost asked as they entered a nondescript storage room.

  Boxes were stacked neatly in the corners. By the level of dust down here, Danny assumed no one had added anything or had needed to access the contents of the room in some time.

  Pointing down to the middle of the room, Danny explained, “The tree’s source is just down there.” Turning to the side where multiple stacks of boxes were set, Danny continued, “The anomaly is right through there.”

  Frost left, to return shortly with servants who began to move the boxes and clean the room.

  Danny sat in the middle of the floor with Phantom, studying the curiosity.

  *Cranny, it is obviously not normal. How did it take us until yesterday to see it?*

  *We weren’t looking for it, and I didn’t know to be looking for gaps in our scans. Whatever it is, it covers a large area down there. The tree’s source also provides a convenient distraction from it. I would almost guess it was intentionally placed there.*

  “Frost, Danny, what is going on?” Elder Breeze asked as he swept into the room with Elder Cardinal.

  Elder Frost explained, “Danny has found something here. Do you know anything about this?”

  Elder Breeze shook his head, “No, I have not been made aware of anything that is supposed to be down here.”

  Standing, Danny walked over to the now cleared space, asking, “Can I have permission to remove a large section of the tree? It shouldn’t hurt the tree or endanger it’s structural integrity.”

  The three elders looked amongst themselves before Elder Breeze consented to his request.

  Bark started to cover Danny’s body as he activated his Sacred Tree Form with Nature Affinity. Focusing on what he needed, Danny created a hole going down into the roots of the tree.

  The resulting hole was instantly filled with the debris from the section of tree which used to be there. The bottom of the new hole was filled with soil, and Danny was able to get the earth to swallow the remains from the sacred tree.

  As the debris were removed, a dim light began to filter up from the hole. The elders gathered with Danny at the tunnel’s entrance to see a rounded surface blocking the path downward. This rounded surface glowed, reminding Danny of Hollywood depictions of a force field.

  Danny turned to the druids around him, “Do you have any idea what that could be?”

  “I have not seen anything like that,” Elder Breeze replied.

  Elder Frost added, “I do not recognize this light crossing its surface. Do you, Cardinal?”

  The last elder didn’t appear to hear her and seemed engrossed with something. Stepping further down the hole, Elder Cardinal jerked in surprise, “It’s like red diamond… Of course, it is surrounded by a wall of obstinite!”

  “What is obstinite?” Danny asked.

  Elder Cardinal quickly explained, “Rare mineral that negates all magic.”

  “What in Gaea’s name is it doing down here?” Elder Breeze exclaimed.

  No one seemed to have a good answer to this.


  “I can’t believe it just absorbs everything we throw at it. Fire, Ice, and that explosive thing you did with the small rocks. You will have to show me how you do that one, Danny.”

  Danny nodded to Elder Breeze, “Of course, Elder. I just don’t know how it can repel all physical attacks as well as absorb all magical attacks. I fear we are getting nowhere. Also, I am still convinced it is a doorway or hatch of some kind.”

  “Yes, I believe we are in in agreement that it what it is. The question now is, do we really wish to open this vault?” interjected Elder Frost. Danny and the three elders had decided to refer to the unknown structure as the vault.

  Elder Cardinal had his head in a book, and suddenly exclaimed, “Aha, I knew it was here,” before going back to reading.

  “Well, are you going to tell us or not Cardinal?” Elder Frost asked impatiently.

  Elder Cardinal looked up as if forgetting where he was, “Ah, yes. Let’s see… Oh, here it is. Obstinite, also known to some as the blood diamond, is a rare mineral found only deep within the earth. Crafting with obstinite is nearly impossible, given its unnatural hardness and resistance to magic. While rumor has it the dwarfs had found of method of manipulating the stone, the only confirmed person able to work with this mineral was the…Archdruid Wisteria.”

  Cranny interrupted, *Obstinite, seriously Danny?*

  *It’s impossible to deal with, and when I look at it all I see red. So of course I named it after you,* Danny smugly replied.

  Meanwhile, the elders had gone quiet in thought, and Danny couldn’t wait for them to snap out of it, “So, you’re saying this Archdruid Wisteria created this…barrier and vault down here out of an impossible to damage or change crystal?”

  Elder Cardinal stared off into the distance before nodding, “Yes, it appears so.”

  Danny looked confused, “Elder Breeze, why are you not an Archdruid? Aren’t you the head of the druids now?”

  This question seemed to shake Elder Breeze out of his daze, “What? No, Danny, I cannot be an archdruid. Only Ascendants were given the title ‘Archdruid.’ Wisteria was a local Ascendant, many centuries ago, who did much for this remote grove. Though, if I remember correctly, she disappeared long before the cataclysm.”

  *You realize, this could be what we need to figure out the seed issue? There could be a treasure trove of notes or books on how to propagate the sacred trees. I thought it strange they wouldn’t leave some form of instructions behind.*

  *Well, it could it be a tomb for this Wisteria’s body? Or maybe it is a prison for some terrible entity that is impossible to kill! You think about that,* Danny accused.

  *Danny, no one builds prisons filled with world ending monsters right under their home… Well, not intelligent people.*

  As Danny and the three elves traveled down the hallway discussing their finding, a sense of déjà vu overcame him. Past memories washed over Danny of arguing over what was wrong with the most recently broken equipment with his laboratory coworkers. Smiling, Danny realized it didn’t matter what universe, world, or species, nerds be being nerds.

  The three elders escorted him all the way to the entrance of the guest wing, where Ivy stood waiting patiently.

  Danny had missed the girl’s presence as he was still busy arguing with Elder Breeze, “I tried every aspect I had, and it didn’t faze it one bit. If it was meant for only an Ascendant to access, it’s something I haven’t thought of.”

  Ivy asked from the doorway, “So, what are you all trying to do?”

  The three elders froze, realizing where they had been and what they were discussing in front of the girl.

  Danny looked back at the elders, “Can we a
t least talk about this around them?”

  Elder Breeze smiled apologetically, “I am sorry, Ms. Diadem, we cannot discuss this with you without approval by the queen. Please understand.”

  Ivy’s face fell, but she put a smile back on it, “That’s alright, I am here to get Danny for the outing he promised me.”

  Looking out a nearby window, Danny hadn’t realize how late in the day it had gotten. They had decided to give up for the day, but only because they hadn’t come up with any further ideas for how to break through the barrier.

  “If you two would excuse us, we will just be heading back to our offices. Have fun,” Elder Frost smiled, as she practically dragged her fellow elders off. Before they even got out of earshot, the three started bickering over if the barrier required a verbal pass phrase, and what language to use.

  Danny laughed to himself as he turned to Ivy, “Did you have somewhere in…”

  Actually looking at the girl for the first time, he realized she was wearing a long dark and sleeveless blue dress of obvious elven origin. The dress looked like someone had sown giant blue leaves together. She wore a light fur coat that hung loosely off her bare shoulders. Danny couldn’t help notice how the blue of the dress went well with her long glossy black hair and rich brown eyes.

  Ivy turned her head slightly to the side as she smiled at him, “What was that, Danny? I didn’t catch it all.”

  Danny blinked a few times, “I was saying…how beautiful you look in that dress.”

  He could tell she was trying her best to stop it, but a blush colored her cheeks, “Danny, let’s get going before it gets dark. I found the perfect place to take you.” With that she grabbed his hand, pulling him back down the hallway.


  They exited the palace to find the temperature had dropped even further and a strong crosswind was blowing. Ivy leaned into him for shared warmth, and as Danny wrapped an arm around her, he was pleased to find himself now at least a head taller than the girl. Unfortunately, the ground was cold on his bare feet, and his robe only provided so much warmth.

  Using Flame Affinity, Danny wrapped them both in an aura of warmth.

  Ivy relaxed visibly, “Mmmmm, that feels good. Thanks, Danny.”

  Danny smirked as he noted that Ivy didn’t bother to pull away from him, even though his magic was providing enough warmth to drive back the cold and wind.

  “Do we need to get a carriage?” Danny asked.

  Ivy shook her head against the side of his chest, “It’s not far.”

  Cranny asked, *Did you bring any money for this date?*

  *No, I don’t even know what they use for money here. I don’t think it matters because I get the feeling she is taking us on a date. Things in this world are definitely different*

  Cranny scoffed, *Well, she better not think we are a cheap date! I don’t just let anyone into my sanctuary on a first date.*

  The two teenagers leisurely walked between the massive trees as the city’s elves hurried from place to place, trying to only be out in the cold as little as possible.

  The sky was already clouded, and lights started appearing in the doorways and windows high up in the canopy of the sacred trees. Someone had the idea to illuminate parts of the trees themselves, and with the sacred tree’s colored leaves, it almost gave the city a holiday feel.

  They soon came to a large tree with an area out front crowded with small tables. Given the weather, they were understandably empty. The large doors at the entryway to the tree were wide open as light and music spilled out into the busy street.

  *Don’t worry Danny, I got your back tonight. I will be playing the role of your wingman.*

  Danny looked around in concern, *That is not as assuring as you think it is. Plus, I already have the girl; what do I need a wingman for?*

  Cranny made a disgusted noise, *Please, like I don’t already know how you will handle this, or more likely not handle this.*

  Moving inside, the two found a large restaurant full of couples and groups eating around numerous tables. Waiters hurried around taking orders and delivering meals. In a far corner, two elves played a soothing tune on flute-like instruments. The sound level was perfect for everyone inside to maintain their quiet conversations.

  Cranny grumbled, *I never understood why people always insist on going places with tons of strangers, more than a few within arms reach, in order to have a private dinner. Seems counterintuitive.*

  Danny rebuked him, *Not everyone is as anti-social as we are.*

  A male waiter passed by the entrance and stopped short upon seeing who was there, “Welcome to the… Oh, it’s you, you’re here. Please wait here. I will get your waiter.” The waiter exited the room through a nearby doorway.

  They didn’t have to wait long for a waitress to arrive, all smiles, “Welcome to Alder’s. My name is Petal, and I will be serving you tonight. Please, come this way.”

  They were taken past the ground floor and led up a flight of stairs to a large covered balcony overlooking the city. The vast opening to the outside was sealed with air magic, like the doors and windows at the palace. The view looked over the rest of the city, made all the more spectacular with all the lights illuminating the trees and buildings.

  *Now this is something we can work with,* Cranny didn’t bother to hide the excitement in his voice.

  While there looked to be room for a dozen tables, there was just a lone table in the center of the spacious area. Danny almost sat down before he remembered himself, moving around to help Ivy with her chair. The girl looked at him in confusion but allowed Danny to help her into her seat.

  Cranny mumbled, *Not bad, there’s some hope for you yet.*

  As Danny was taking his own seat, the waitress spoke, “I will bring your meals here shortly. Please ring that bell if you need anything while I am gone.”

  Danny had never been to a restaurant where you didn’t order anything. He looked at the table to find a steaming hot cup of tea already set on his side of the table. Taking a sip, he was surprised to find it was his favorite.

  “Do you like it, Danny?”

  Danny looked up to find Ivy staring hopefully at him.

  “Yes, this is very nice, Ivy. How did you arrange all this?”

  “Well, the princess helped me to reserve the balcony. She also said the food here is really good.”

  Danny tried to hide his confusion, “The princess helped you reserve this…for our outing.”

  Ivy smiled knowingly, “Yes, she knows that if we are going to be all living together that it’s best if we get along.”

  Danny picked up his tea, wishing there was something stronger to put in it.

  *What’s the matter, Danny boy? They are working at getting along.*

  *That’s the problem. What happens when women get along?*

  *Nothing they… OH! Oh, crap.*

  “Danny, you have been working so hard since we got here we never get to see you except at mealtimes. As you know, the elves have been helping us train while we wait. I doubt there is a warrior in Diadem who can match our elven trainers. Now that I think about it, we have seen the princess more than we have seen you.”

  “Sorry, they have me working on this issue, and it seems to keep getting more complicated. More questions keep cropping up than answers.”

  Ivy reached across the table and grabbed his hand, “Just let us know, and we will come kidnap you for a day.”

  Danny smiled at that and then froze as Ivy started rubbing his hand with her thumb. Looking at Ivy across the table, she seemed worried about what his reaction to this would be.

  Cranny sighed, *Danny, I forgot how nice that could feel. It has been way too long.*

  *Uhhhhh, I don’t know. I have been trying my best to ignore all this stuff.*

  Cranny huffed, *I told you this is what you were going to pull. You know that’s not gonna fly for much longer. Plus, you are going to be busy keeping all four of them happy now.*

  *What do you mean by ‘you,
’ Cranny. We are in this mess together, Mr. Iwantprincesses!*

  Cranny mumbled, *I see I will have to pull out the big guns. What did they used to do in the movies… Ah, I wonder if I can teach Phantom to sing! No, she has horrible breath; that would be a disaster.*

  Danny squeezed Ivy’s hand and was just about to let go. Ivy tensed up expecting this reaction when, all of a sudden, his thumb started circling the back of her hand on its own. Ivy’s eyes seemed to cloud over as she smiled lopsidedly at him.

  Danny was internally appalled, *Cranny, did you just move my thumb on your own!*

  Cranny smugly said, *You are very welcome. Wow, that was about to be a disaster. Super Cranny saves the date!*

  Ivy took in an unsteady breath and then suddenly started to lean across the table.

  An excited Cranny announce, *Captain, we have incoming. Brace for impact!*

  Danny was saved by the arrival of stomping feet coming from the stairway. Ivy almost didn’t notice them and quickly sat back down in her chair. Their waitress and another waiter walked in with arms full of plates of food.

  Cranny groaned in frustration, *Seriously, perfectly timed interruptions. What, is this some sort of cheesy after school television special?*

  Somehow, the two wait staff were able to fit the small banquet on the tiny table for two.

  The waitress adjusted a few plates and said, “Please enjoy your meal and don’t forget to ring the bell if you need anything else.”

  With that, they were left alone again. Ivy looked perturbed and sullen while Danny dug into the delicious smelling food.

  Stopping for a second, Danny said, “Ivy, this is so good! You need to try the grey stuff, it’s deli… What’s wrong?”

  Ivy huffed with a frown, “Nothing,” before picking up her fork and stabbing it into one of the dishes.

  Danny knew what was wrong but didn’t know how best to salvage this.

  He was about to start with conversation when Cranny interrupted his thoughts, *Danny, I really don’t want to, but you need to hear this. It is coming from the tree next to this one.*

  Danny could hear an older sounding woman as if she was sitting across the table from him, “…attacks have been relentless. I don’t know how much longer they can last. There is no question their only focus is Diadem. Our scouts have yet to find a logical reason.”


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