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Lycans Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 13

by Sara Anderson

  “Yes, I am afraid that the house is quite a mess now. A lot of your things were damaged, and the walls need repair.” Derek laughed at her stunned expression. “It’s okay, Anna. Our cleaners are used to making it look like there was never a werewolf and vampire fight somewhere. Your old house will look perfect.

  Derek laughed for a moment, then his expression turned to one that was at odds with his warrior body. He looked vulnerable as if she could slay him as easily as she wiped out the ant colony in her basement. “I know you didn’t choose this life, but if you had just met me, do you think you would have chosen me? I don’t have fancy things to offer you like Marcus. I am just a simple man, but I promise to love you with all my heart and defend you with my own life.”

  Anna reached her hand up to stroke the stubble on his chin. “Yes, Derek. I would have chosen you. I’ve thought about you nonstop since that night we met. Once we made love, I thought perhaps I could forget you, but now I only want you more, and I really want you for you, not for what things you can offer me. What more could I ever want but to have the two men I love beside me.”

  Derek’s eyes widened for a moment. “I love you, too. I loved you in the woods, and at the club, and even more so now.” His head lowered to her shoulder, and his sharp fangs sank into her flesh.

  Anna gasped at the pain but held still and stared up at the ceiling. She felt his hand move, and he stroked her wet folds until he found her engorged nub. He stroked her clit in slow, sensuous strokes until all she could feel was the burning need to come. When Derek finally released her shoulder, she was writhing. Derek sliced into his forearm with a nail and held it to Anna’s mouth. Again, she eagerly drank down his blood, but this time he continued to play with her bundle of nerves until her body detonated.

  Anna’s back arched as her climax pounded through her. Derek kept his arm pressed to her mouth as his thick finger pressed into her. “Take me, darlin’. Take everything I have to offer you. You are everything to me. I’d die for you.”

  Anna whimpered as the aftershocks of her orgasm rippled through her body. She knew Derek meant what he said, she felt just as strongly for him. She’d do anything to keep him safe, even sacrifice her own life.

  Derek moved to cover her body with his and spread her legs with his own. His cock sand into her warm heat while he moaned. Once he was seated in her, his face settled in the crook of her neck.

  Anna held him close to her as he began to thrust into her. He was her tender warrior, and she would love and care for him.

  Derek raised up on his forearms and used one of his teeth to nip the skin on his wrist. He held it to Anna’s mouth, and she allowed him to press the bleeding cut to her lips. She wasn’t shocked this time when she eagerly drank his coppery blood down.

  Derek lifted his arm away and kissed her deeply. “All mine now,” he said with his voice thick with emotion. He picked up his pace and hammered into her while she cried out in pleasure.

  Her climax rushed at her and swamped her senses. She dug her nails into him as her pussy clenched around his cock until Derek came with a shudder.

  He rolled to his side and took Anna with him. He wasn’t sure how long they lay together before he heard the front door and heavy booted feet stomping up the stairs.

  Marcus walked in looking grim, and Derek knew something had gone wrong. “How did your talk with the elf go?”

  “It seems we killed Mortef’s son when we hunted the vampires that killed those humans. Mortef seems to think he can take our mate and start a war as revenge.”

  “Over my dead fucking body. Mortef dares to touch her, he will die,” Derek snarled, feeling his wolf trying to burst forth.

  “Mortef won’t get near her. You know as well as I do that Mortef only cares for himself. He didn’t care at all for a son he never acknowledged. He only wants an excuse to take Anna.”

  Derek shook his head. “Mortef has laid low for years. What got stuck up his ass now?”

  Marcus regarded him with his steady gaze. “I can only guess he wants Anna. He tried to claim her that night at the club. It was only after we claimed and then kicked his ass for trying to turn her into his slave that he decided his long-lost son was worth starting a war over.”

  Chapter Nine

  Anna stretched, feeling deliciously sore. Mated. I am mated to two werewolves. It sounded crazy, even after everything she knew. She couldn’t imagine trying to explain this to Rachel or her parents. “God, my parents.”

  Anna stood up and grabbed a flannel robe hanging on the bedpost. It was huge on her, but she pulled the sash tight and made her way downstairs. She found her mates in the formal living room, and they both turned around with smiles on their faces. She could see the worry lines on their faces and a part of her feared something had happened.

  “Is everything okay?”

  Marcus nodded. “Yes, everything is fine now that I can hold you again.” Marcus held his arms out to her, and Anna went to him. The comforting feeling that enveloped her as soon as Marcus’s arms engulfed her had her melting.

  Marcus buried his face in her neck and asked, “What can I do for you, my precious mate?” His voice was muffled by her hair and the thick robe, but she understood him perfectly.

  “My parents. They don’t know anything about you or Derek. I am sure they will hear about my house, and they’ll worry.” Anna glanced over at Derek, and she saw the concern etched on his face.

  “Yes, we do need to speak with your parents. We may need to move them, as well,” Derek said while he paced the living room.

  “I get the feeling there is something you’re not telling me.”

  Derek nodded. “We have to tell her, Alpha. She is part of this pack now.”

  Marcus nodded. “Come and sit with me, Anna.” He pulled her toward an antique couch that looked like it had just been made. Marcus sat down and pulled her down next to him. Derek sat down on the other side, enveloping her in their warmth.

  “When you first found us, we were fighting with a vampire coven that had just attacked a campground. They killed a couple of campers and harmed two others.”

  Anna nodded. “The ones I was camping with.”

  “Yes,” Derek said. “As an enforcer, it is my job to protect the pack. Part of protecting our pack is making sure humans never suspect the myths of lycans are fact. The old stories of hunters gathering lynch mobs to eradicate monsters are not just old stories. They are facts of our history. It is only when Alphas learned how to manipulate human minds into believing lycans and other supernaturals were myths that we could live in peace, without fearing humans would kill us.”

  “I tried to alter your memory, but you are one of the few humans that doesn’t work on,” Marcus said while rubbing her back. “I didn’t know it hadn’t worked or we wouldn’t have let you leave.”

  “I had that feeling, and I was scared of what you would do to me if you knew.”

  Derek placed his hand on her leg and rubbed it. “Now you know.” He raised his eyebrows at her as he ran his hand lightly up her leg.

  “We had to get to you first, though. Mortef is angry with us and wants to reignite a war with us. One of the vampires we killed was his son. He knows his son broke the law when he chose to kill humans and raise human law enforcement suspicion.”

  “His son?” Anna covered her mouth with her hand. He must be devastated to lose his child.

  Marcus and Derek both shook their heads no. Marcus tightened his grip on her. “No, he didn’t really care for him at all. There is a good chance he knew about him since his mother lived with a pride. Cats and vampires are closer than we are with them. If he didn’t know, it’s because he didn’t care.”

  Anna still couldn’t get over the fact the vampire had lost a child. “Still, he was his child. He must be upset.”

  Marcus shook his head. “Mortef doesn’t feel things like you or me. He sees how he can gain power and use others, whether they are human or supernatural. He wants a reason to take you from us, and th
is gave him a reason.”

  “What does this mean for me? Will he attack us here now?” Anna asked, giving Marcus and Derek a worried look.

  “It means we won’t be allowing you to wander free like we would have without a threat. You will stay with us at all times, and we’ll need to move your parents.”

  “Can we do it now?” Anna felt her fear spike for her parents. They were old and completely defenseless against an angry vampire.

  “Yes. We will go now and collect your parents.

  Anna held Marcus’s hand as they walked up the sidewalk to her parents’ home. Nervousness had her hands sweating, making them slick as Marcus held on and Derek held the other. She hadn’t been close to her parents in many years, and she doubted telling them she was living with two men would help.

  “For now, let’s keep our werewolf status out of the conversation. The less they know, the better,” Derek said as he walked up the stairs and pushed the doorbell.

  “I agree. My parents are quite opinionated.”

  Her father, wearing a gray sweater and black slacks, opened the door with a frown. He smiled for a moment, but it died with he saw Anna holding Marcus’s and Derek’s hands. “Anna, who are your…” he paused for a moment and examined Marcus and Derek as if they were some sort of rodent, “…friends?”

  “Daddy. I sort of got married. Can we come in and talk?”

  “Alan, who’s at the door?”

  She watched her dad look into the house. “Our daughter, with two men, Doris.”

  Anna winced when she heard the gasp. She had hoped her parents would try to be understanding. She almost laughed. What was she thinking?

  Her mom, wearing jeans and an autumn long sleeve shirt with pumpkins and leaves on it, came to the door. “Anna, what is this?”

  “Mom.” Anna held up Marcus’s hand. “This is my husband, Marcus.” She then held up Derek’s hand. “And this is my other husband, Derek.”

  “Good afternoon, ma’am and sir,” Marcus said, nodding his head slightly. “May we come in and speak with you?”

  Both her mother and father shook their heads. “No.” Her mother’s face hardened, and she focused her hostile stare at Anna. “Not right now, Anna. How can you do this to us? It almost the holidays and you show up with this kind of news. What will the deacons at church think when they hear you’ve shacked up with two men?” her mother asked in an outraged tone.

  Anna blinked at them, too stunned to say anything. She’d expected some shock, but not to be turned away. How could they put some old stuffy men ahead of her? Didn’t she matter at all to them? She was happy, and that should count more than what some judgmental old man at church thought.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Mason,” Marcus said while wrapping an arm around Anna. “It is important we speak to you. There is a threat against Anna, and we feel they may come after you in order to get to her.”

  Alan grabbed the screen door and pulled it shut. “Don’t worry. If anyone comes here, we will tell them we have no daughter.” The wooden door slammed shut, shaking the fall wreath hanging on the door and leaving Anna standing outside alone with her two husbands.

  She felt herself begin to shiver and then a soft cry escaped. She knew she shouldn’t cry over them. They’d been judgmental her whole life over every little thing from smoking as a teen to listening to rock music.

  “Let’s get you home, sweetheart,” she heard Derek say and her men pulled her along toward the black SUV. “Fuck ’em. They’re no better than Mortef.”

  Anna wiped her eyes. “They’re just in shock. They’ll come around.” She hoped so anyway.

  Marcus got into the driver’s seat, and Derek pulled her into the back seat with him. Once he was seated, he pulled her into his lap.

  “Derek,” Anna said half in question and half in need. She needed to feel loved. She needed to know that they still loved her. If her own flesh and blood could reject her, then maybe she wasn’t safe after all. Anyone could turn her away.

  “Anna,” Derek said a moment before he claimed her lips in a dominating kiss. His tongue caressed her lips until she opened just enough to allow him access. He groaned as his hands found their way under her shirt and onto her skin.

  His touch brought her shivers of delight that made her nipples and pussy ache. She was drowning in need, not just for Derek, but Marcus, as well.

  Derek pulled away and caught her gaze. “Anna, sweetheart, I’m so sorry your parents were so shitty to you.”

  “It’s okay. I sort of expected it.”

  Marcus met her gaze through the rearview mirror. “Have they always been that disapproving?”

  “Yes. If it wasn’t the time I smoked, then it was rock music, drinking, even just a little at parties, boyfriends. It’s always something with them.”

  “Lycans, while not perfect parents, love their young unconditionally. We may not always approve of the younglings, but we’ve never turned one away, especially for finding their fated mate.”

  Derek feathered his lips in light kisses along her shoulder. “We love you, Anna. Nothing you do will ever change that.

  Anna met his gaze, and she knew he meant it. She could betray them, and they would still love her, not that she ever would. She’d never loved someone so much in her life. “I love you so much, and I feel the same. You have the power to destroy me, but I know you won’t.”

  “Never,” Marcus said with a snarl in his tone. “Now tell me Rachel’s address.”

  Feeling better, Anna recited Rachel’s apartment address, and Marcus changed lanes to get off at the right exit.

  Twenty minutes later, they walked into Rachel’s destroyed apartment. Anna couldn’t hear anything over the thudding of her own heartbeat. Someone had broken or torn everything in her small apartment.

  She looked over to Marcus as tears blurred her vision. “Who would do this?”

  “I smell a supernatural. I am guessing a coyote.”

  Derek nodded grimly. “I smell it, too, but why would a coyote do this?”

  Marcus’s dark gaze met Derek’s for a moment before settling on Anna’s. “My guess is Mortef enlisted some to help him.”

  Derek popped his fingers, the sound much like snapping bones. “All the more warm bodies for me to tear apart.”

  Anna looked from Marcus to Derek. “What about Rachel? Is she okay?”

  “I don’t know,” Marcus replied, baring his wolf teeth. His arms bulged as he held himself tense and his nostrils flared ominously as he took in the destruction. “If they’ve hurt her, I will make sure every single one of them is dead. I don’t care if the council approves or not, they will all die.”

  The trip home was quiet and morose. Anna worried for Rachel and what the coyote shifters that took her wanted. Rachel wasn’t as tough as she tried to appear. She put on a strong front, but she put up walls to hide how sensitive she was.

  They arrived, and Marcus jumped out, then he opened the back door and helped her out. Anna smiled up at Marcus. “Thank you.” Her heart warmed despite her worry. Marcus and Derek were always looking after her, in small ways as well as big.

  Anna found her way to their bed and lay down. She’d never felt so helpless before. Was this her fault? If she hadn’t gone camping at all she’d…you’d still be with Brian, and he’d be screwing around behind your back. You wouldn’t have met Marcus and Derek.

  The thought of going back to Brian nearly made her ill. She wiped a tear away, then felt warm arms wrap around her. “Come here, sweetheart,” Marcus whispered.

  Something inside of Anna broke, and she turned and let loose the flood of worry and fear. “It’s okay,” Marcus whispered while he stroked her hair and back gently. “Let it out, baby.”

  Anna cried until her head and throat hurt, but thankfully she didn’t feel like her soul was being torn in two anymore. “Where is Rachel? What are they doing to her?”

  “Derek is in a meeting with his enforcers to find her.”

  Anna felt herself drifting off to slee
p, and Marcus left her side. She wasn’t sure how long she dozed before she heard her phone buzzing. She reached over into the drawer and saw Rachel’s name with her picture. She swiped the phone. “Rachel?”

  “Anna! I don’t have long. I’ve been kidnapped. You’re not going to believe this, but they turn into some kind of dog!”

  “Where are you?” Anna sat up in the bed fully alert now.

  “I am in some—”

  “Listen well, little Anna. You belong to the vampire overlord now. Don’t think some little bite by that dog can erase his mark on you. If you want your friend to stay in one piece, you’ll deliver yourself to him at your house. If not, well, poor little Rachel won’t survive long with my pack having their way with her until she’s dead. And if I see either of those dogs, I’ll give the order for her to die.”

  Anna gasped in horror. They would kill Rachel in such a horrific way just to get her? Yes, she believed they would. Her throat closed in grief. It wasn’t fair that she’d just found the loves of her life, and now she would lose them. “Okay.”

  Derek paced in the room he claimed as his office as he spoke to his best tracker and enforcer, Logan.

  “Mark and I have been through Rachel’s home, and we got a strong scent of shifter, coyote to be exact. They smell like the rogue pack the council has been trying to do away with.”

  Derek knew the one Logan was talking about. Not all shifters valued law and order. Some wanted to live wild and do as they please. If a rogue chose to live wild, then they were left in peace, unless they started breaking laws like this pack of coyotes had done.

  “It’s the same pack that your elf friend says raised Mortef’s kid. I think some shit is going down between the vampires and coyote packs.”

  “Damn fucking coyotes,” Derek hissed as he paced. They were damn hard to control, even when they were behaving.

  “Jerod and Wyatt, our cat pride allies, are gathering their enforcers, as well. If we allow the coyotes to start abducting our mates to blackmail us, none of the shifter breeds will be safe.”


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