Fight Like A Girl: An Opposites Attract Romance (Fighting For Love)

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Fight Like A Girl: An Opposites Attract Romance (Fighting For Love) Page 9

by Harley Reid

  I've never been in his room before, but it is decorated fairly similar to mine with the same grey walls and most of the same furniture. It smells different though, more like an outdoor woodland on a dewy autumn morning. It smells like him.

  Shuffling up the bed, I watch as he slowly strokes his thick shaft before grabbing a small metallic packet from his dresser, tearing it open with his teeth and sliding the condom on.

  Fully sheathed, he takes a step towards the bottom of the bed, never once breaking eye contact.

  Crawling up the bed in my direction, he nudges my thighs apart, placing his broad shoulders between them as he continues to stalk towards me like an animal about to devour its prey.

  Taking my nipple in his mouth, I fist the sheets beneath me, feeling another orgasm building as he gently nibbles and licks while positioning his tip at my entrance.

  I roll my hips into him, desperate for him to fill me, but he pulls away gently teasing me as he kisses me deeply.

  “You want this?” He moans into my mouth.

  “Yes!” I cry as his fingers find me again.

  “Tell me what you want?” The corners of his mouth curl into a devious grin.

  “I need to feel you inside me.” I pant, digging my fingers into his back as he gently thrusts into me. I roll my hips into him hungrily as he thrusts again, slowly picking up the pace as he plunges deeper inside me.

  He dips down, kissing my neck and caressing my breast as I let out a whimper, then he comes back up to probe me with his tongue.

  “Fuck, you feel so good.” he exhales into my mouth, thrusting harder and faster with each stroke as my moans fill the room.

  Waves of heat wash over me as he brings me to the brink once again.

  “Oh god!” I pant. “I'm...”

  Close to hyperventilating, he collapses his forehead against mine as he thrusts harder and faster. My body quivers against his as he sends me hurtling over the edge.

  “Oh God!” I exhale shakily as he kisses me hard.

  Thrusting into me one last time as I tighten around his pulsating manhood, he squeezes his eyes closed and seconds later, collapses heavily on top of me before rolling onto the twisted sheets, a thin layer of sweat glistening in the moonlight.

  I roll into him, resting my head on his chest and draping an arm and a leg over him as he wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses my forehead.

  What happens now? Should I stay, or does he want me to leave?

  "That was... amazing" My breathing is shallow, and my head feels light. “Do you... do you want me to go?”

  When I don't get an answer, I quickly realise that he has fallen asleep. I snuggle into him, relaxed by his deep rhythmic breathing as I listen to the rain tapping on the windowpane.

  Not sure whether to allow myself to drift off to sleep or not, I slide out of bed, and tip toe to the door. Realising that I am completely naked, I grab one of Ethan's t-shirts from his dresser, putting it on as I leave his room and creep down the corridor to mine.

  “Just five more minutes.” I groan, reaching over to snooze the alarm on my phone. It's six-thirty in the morning, the sun is just starting to rise, and I curse myself for choosing a career that relies on me training three times a day.

  The house is silent, why wouldn't it be. I'm the only one stupid enough to get up at this ridiculous hour.

  I roll over, hoping to see Mia sleeping soundly beside me but her side of the bed is empty.


  The energy drains from my body as I reluctantly, roll out of bed, throw on my tracksuit bottom and head into the kitchen to pour myself a cup of coffee to fuel this morning’s run. I need to speak to her about what happened between us last night, but it'll have to wait until she's awake.

  Sitting in front of the coffee machine is a deliciously smelling home baked batch of cinnamon rolls with a little note standing in front of the cake rack with my name written in neat cursive handwriting. I reach for paper, taking it in my hand and flipping it over, to read:

  Couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd get a head start on breakfast. Help yourself. Mia x P.S. I really enjoyed last night. Thank you!

  My thoughts drift back to last night as I carried her from the bathroom and into bed. My dick twitches as images of her body fill my mind. When I asked her if she was going to join me, I had absolutely no idea that she actually would.

  Fuck! How did this get so complicated?

  Fumbling around in the washing pile, I try to find a clean t-shirt, and once ready, I stuff my wireless buds into my ears and step out on to the open road, hoping to clear my head.

  About half-way into the five-mile run, my mind begins to wander once again. No matter what I do, I can't shake the sight of Mia snuggled up in my arms, her dirty blonde hair flopping down over her creamy, pale skin as her breathing returns to a slow, steady rhythm. Clearing my head obviously isn't an option this morning, instead, I find myself replaying the night over again as my feet pound against the pavement.

  Before I know it, I'm back at home, standing outside Mia's bedroom door. Hot, sweaty, and fuelled with desire.

  Madison can sleep for England, so I know she won't be up for at least another hour but as I stand in the corridor, I hear a little noise coming from Mia's room. Tapping lightly on the door, I open it with a creek to be greeted with sight that stirs up all kinds of emotion deep inside me.

  I came here with the intention of telling her that last night was a mistake and that it can't happen again but right now, all I can think about is tearing her white panties off with my teeth and tasting her again.

  Suddenly, she realises my presence in the room and spins around, her cheeks reddening with embarrassment as she reaches for her dressing gown, tugging it around her half naked body and moving towards me.

  “Sorry, I didn't hear you knock.” She blushes “Did you enjoy your breakfast?”

  Taking a step towards her, I hook my finger into the belt of her dressing gown, behind the loosely tied knot I just watched her make.

  “There's only one thing I have an appetite for this morning.” I tease as I brush a strand of hair away from her emerald green eyes with my other hand, letting my fingertips slowly trail down her cheek, then her neck, finally coming to rest on her hips.

  Pulling her towards me, I bend my head, my mouth brushing lightly against hers.

  Half expecting her to pull away, I break contact, lifting my gaze to watch as she stares at me in wonder, but instead of backing away, she nervously runs her hand through my hair before her lips crash into mine.

  She moans softly as I gently part her lips with my tongue, embracing her tighter as the kiss intensifies.

  Then my body starts to ache as I feel her pulling away from me.

  “This is wrong. We can't do this.” She moans breathlessly into my mouth before taking a step backwards. “You're my boss... and...”

  “Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't want this as much as I do and I'll walk away.” I take a step towards her, closing the distance as I grab her robe and pull her body against mine. Holding her behind the neck, I kiss her deeply as I feel the blood rush to my throbbing groin. Still kissing uncontrollably, she tugs at my t-shirt, fisting the sweat streaked material as we pull it over my head and fling it to the floor.

  Her dressing gown is hanging by her side, wide open, her nipples straining against her white lace bra. I lower my head, flicking my tongue over the coarse fabric caging the dusty pink flesh and at the same time, I slide a hand into the other cup and gently roll the tip of her other nipple between my fingers. Lacing her fingers through my hair and throwing her head back, she lets out a little moan as I hum in appreciation, my cock pulsing in my boxers.

  “Oh, Ethan.” Her breath is ragged as my fingers trail down her torso, making their way inside her underwear and pushing a finger inside her.

  “I want you so much right now.” I spread her moisture up to her clit and move my fingers in a circular motion. Her knees start to buckle as she gazes up at
me with hooded, desire filled eyes. I slip a finger inside her tight pussy, and then another, using my thumb to work her clit as I pump my fingers, watching as her body begs for more.

  Watching her come is driving me crazy.

  “Ethan wait...” She slowly takes a step away from me and wraps her robe tightly around her “This...Us...Last night was... amazing.” She presses her lips together in a thin-lipped smile and spins her hair around her finger. “But it can't happen again. I want romance, and serious commitment. I want a relationship that results in a husband and that's not what you want so we need put a stop to this before things get awkward. Before one of us gets hurt.”

  “Is that really what you want?” She nods her head in response.

  I want to pull her close and tell her that I want her, but she's right. I'm not ready for a relationship, and I'm certainly not looking to get married again. I have absolutely nothing to offer a girl like her.

  Plucking my t-shirt from the floor and tugging it over my head, I walk out the door and without saying another word, I plod down the corridor to my room with the worst blue balls I have ever experienced, slamming the door behind me.


  “Is that really what you want?” A hint of sadness flickers in his voice as he waits for a response. I nod my head, worried that if I speak, the wrong words will come out.

  My heart, or most likely my hormones, are telling me to take what I can from this Adonis, but my head is telling me to walk away before I end up hurt. As much as I want him, he will never be willing to give me what I need, and I can't let myself be hurt like that again. Guys like him are only interested in one thing, and I'm not the type of girl that can get involved without emotions taking over.

  His eyes are fixed on me for a second as my gaze darts around the room, doing everything I can to avoid eye contact with him as he grabs his t-shirt from the floor and leaves, slamming the door loudly behind him.

  What have I done?

  Slumping down on my bed, going over the list of reasons why we can't be together, I try to remind myself that I made the right decision.

  It's not like it was an easy decision to make, I've been thinking non-stop about it since I left his room at just gone one this morning. I even got up and made a full batch of cinnamon rolls to distract me. It probably wasn't the best idea to leave him that note but I've done it ever since I moved in, so I thought it might be a little odd if I didn't.

  At least he's training today, so I should be able to avoid him easily for the rest of the day. Hopefully, that will give him enough time to calm down.

  The bright sun beams dance across my mirror as I pull a pair of denim shorts out of my chest of drawers and pull them up over my thick thighs, matching them with a loose fitting, pastel pink off the shoulder graphic tee with the slogan 'be your own kind of beautiful'.

  Just as I pull the t-shirt over my head, my phone lights up and starts dancing across my bedside table. I glance down at the screen and a groan escapes me when I see the familiar name on the screen.

  “Hey mum, what's up?” I ask as I answer the phone. I contemplate not answering but it's the third time she's called in less than an hour and I'm starting to worry that something might be wrong. “Is everything alright?”

  “Hello Amelia.” Her voice sounds tired, probably from the long hours she's working, “The hospital fundraiser is this Friday and I just wanted to let you know that I have sent a couple of tickets over to the house for you. They should be with you tomorrow.”

  I've attended the fundraiser for the past five years, and before the break-up I was excited to go to the extravagant event that usually includes a seated meal, dancing, and a silent auction to raise money for heart disease. Now, I'm not so sure.

  As much as I would love to go, my chest aches at the thought of seeing Peter there with her. He'll be there having fun with his beautiful fiancé, and I'll be alone and miserable. Unless I can somehow find a date in less than a week.

  “Amelia, are you still there?” The voice at the end of the line is getting agitated.

  “Yes mother, I'm not sure I can make it this year.” She sounds surprised, almost a little angry that I won't be there to support her. “I have other commitments now.” I continue.

  “Surely that man can give you one night off. It is for a good cause after all.” She spits venomously, “Put him on, I'll have a word with him for you.”

  “Mum, I'm a big girl, I can ask him myself.”

  “Good, so I will see you on Friday then. In fact, if you are not bringing a date, I have a lovely House Officer that I'd like to introduce you to.” Absolutely no way am I'm letting mum fix me up again, not after last time.

  “I've been dating someone, so I'll check if they're available.” I lie, “If not, I'll convince Lexi to come with me.”

  “Please tell me you're not dating that ogre you live with. I've seen all the posts on the internet of him surrounded by half naked women. I don't understand how you feel safe enough to stay in that house with him after all the things he's done.”

  “He's not that bad mum.” He is actually pretty amazing once you get to know him. “Besides, he wouldn't hurt the woman looking after his daughter.”

  “Okay darling, but I still think he's bad news.”

  We say our goodbyes and I scroll through my contacts to dial Lexi's number while walking to the mezzanine floor to wake Maddie up for school.

  Realising the time, I decide to text her instead. She'll still be sleeping off last night's hangover and definitely won't be in the mood to do me any favours if I wake her up.

  Mia: Hey sis, need to chat. Brunch at the house?

  Not expecting her to respond for a while, I make a start on my morning tasks.

  Just as I approach the house after dropping Maddie at school my back pocket vibrates with a text from Lexi.

  Lexi: Meeting Cristian so will bring him with. C U soon x

  I should be jealous about how well she is getting on with my best friend now that I'm stuck working all the time but honestly, they are so alike, I'm not sure how it didn't happen sooner. Plus, he has the balls to call her out when she's getting out of control which is something I've never been able to do, thanks to my crippling fear of upsetting people.

  Finishing up in the kitchen, I hear a car pull up outside and spy Cristian and Lexi heading towards me as I reach the front door.

  “Fucking hell Mia! How am I only just finding out that you live in a mansion now?” Cristian squeals as he prances through the door, spinning around in the open hallway as Lexi howls with laughter. “There's so much space!”

  “You're such an embarrassment, Cris.” Lexi grins, “Pull yourself together, it's only a house.”

  “Bitch please, like you didn't have an orgasm the first time you walked in here?” he retorts, bringing himself to a stop as I lead them through to the lounge where I've laid out some snacks and drinks on the coffee table.

  “So, what's up?” Lexi's tone turns serious as she sits down and grabs a sandwich, “You said you needed to chat?”

  “Well, mum's sending me over some tickets for the fundraiser gala next Friday, and I was hoping that you'd do me a favour and come with me, so I don't have to go on my own.” I do my best sweet and innocent face, battering my eyelashes at her and hoping she won’t be able to resist my charm — or desperation.

  “Not a chance, you know me and those things don't mesh well.” She waves her arms in front of her face in protest as Cristian gets stuck into the buffet. “Remember what happened last time?”

  “Please, mum won't take no for an answer and Peter will be there with Amber, I need a date.” I contort my face into a sweet and innocent smile, hoping to guilt her into agreeing, “You're my only hope.”

  Lexi sits, shaking her head as an out of breath Ethan walks through the door. A smile creeps across my face as Cristian's tongue hits the floor.

  “Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I heard something about you needing a date for next weekend.” He look
s me in the eye, nervously rubbing the back of his neck, “I'm available.”

  “Perfect,” Lexi claps her hands as though she solved the situation, “You two can go to the party and I will stay here and look after Madison.”

  “Great, what time am I picking you up?” He's staring at me with a sexy little smirk on his face and I want to slap him for putting me in this position. After this morning, why would he want to spend an evening with me?

  “The gala starts at eight and the dress code is black tie.” I don't trust myself to spend the whole evening with him, but I don’t have any other choice, it's either him or go alone. As quickly as he appeared, Ethan is gone again.

  “Imagine the look on Peter's face when he sees you with him, especially after I've finished with your hair and makeup.” Cristian beams, trying to talk and chew simultaneously.

  "Oh my gosh, Lexi did you buy me a..." As I enter my bedroom and turn to my sister, the confused expression on her face tells me that she's not responsible for the beautifully wrapped present sitting at the foot of my bed. But if it's not from her then who?

  "Daddy got it for you." Madison is sitting on my bed playing on my phone. "He said it's for tonight."

  As we sit down on the bed and wait for Cristian, me and Lexi glance at each other with intrigue. Please don't let it be lingerie!

  Since Ethan invited himself as my date last week, I still haven't had chance to tell Lexi about what happened between us. Part of me wants to fill her in on every single detail but another part of me knows that she'll lecture me for making such a big mistake. She told me not to get involved but I couldn't stop myself, and now look at the mess I'm in.

  "Well, are you going to open it?" Lexi picks the box up and shakes it, reminding me of when we were kids, and we'd found where dad stashed the Christmas presents, then she hands it to me. "Come on, I'm dying to find out what's in there."

  I take the gift from her, inspecting it while Madison and Lexi observe intently. Whatever it is, he's gone to a lot of effort judging by the expensive champagne coloured paper, wrapped with satin coffee coloured ribbon, and decorated with a perfect bow and sprigs of fake flowers. It's so gorgeous I almost don't want to know what's inside, but curiosity gets the better of me as I carefully unwrap it, revealing a black dress box.


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