Fight Like A Girl: An Opposites Attract Romance (Fighting For Love)

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Fight Like A Girl: An Opposites Attract Romance (Fighting For Love) Page 12

by Harley Reid

  “You’re not going anywhere. It’s official, you’re mine now.”

  The warmth of Ethan’s body heats mine as he snakes an arm around my waist and pulls me closer, his erection digging into the small of my back as he nuzzles his face in my hair and kisses the back of my neck. I could stay here forever, but a quick glance at the clock tells me if I don’t get up, Maddie might end up finding out about us sooner than anticipated.

  Trying to lift my body off the bed, Ethan groans beside me and pulls me in closer. “Don’t go yet.”

  “It’s half nine. I’m surprised Maddie hasn’t been in to wake you up.” I moan as I roll towards him and kiss him, “I should go before she catches us.”

  Forcing myself from his grasp, I pull myself up and out of bed, turning to look at him as I step into my dress and pull the straps up over my shoulders. He throws the covers back, staring at me while exposing his deliciously naked body.

  “What am I supposed to do about this?”

  “You're a big boy, I'm sure you'll figure it out.” I try to give him my sultriest smile as I check to see if the coast is clear before sneaking down the corridor and into the safety of my room.

  Getting dressed, I hear laughter coming from the kitchen and the smell of bacon drifts through the crack under my bedroom door. Lexi and Maddie must be up and making breakfast already. Making sure I look presentable, I make my way towards the kitchen where Madison is sat watching Lexi cook.

  “Morning sleepy head.” Madison grins when she sees me. “Is daddy awake yet?”

  “I don't know sweetie. Why don't you go see if he's joining us for breakfast?”

  “Okay.” She slips down off the tall stool and runs out of the kitchen — the girl goes everywhere at warp speed, it's difficult to keep up with her sometimes.

  “So... How was your night?” Lexi eyes me curiously as she flips the bacon.

  “Yeah, it was really good.” A wave of happiness radiates from me and I can't control the huge grin spreading across my face. “He was a perfect gentleman.”

  “Oh, cut the crap. I went to your room this morning and your bed hadn't been slept in, so spill.” She leans her elbows on the counter, resting her head in her hands as she stares at me, waiting.

  Heat rises until my face feels like it’s on fire, then I realise, I have nothing to be embarrassed about.

  “Okay, okay. It was amazing.” I'm not usually a kiss and tell kind of girl but I want to scream from the roof tops. Not the sordid details obviously — that's staying between me and him. “He's amazing.”

  “Just be careful, I don't want to see you get hurt.”

  “I know, but we've agreed to give things a go. Ooh, is that fresh coffee?” Lexi pours a coffee as I sit and watch. It feels really surreal considering she's the guest but it's a side of her that I'm not used to seeing so I'm taking advantage of it while I can.

  Just as she pops the cup in front of me, Ethan and Madison walk through the door. It takes every ounce of self-restraint that I have to not throw myself at him, but I know we need to handle things with care. Me and Madison are in a really good place, so I don't want her to think I'm trying to replace her mum.

  “You look a bit rough.” Lexi passes a freshly poured cup of coffee to Ethan as he sits down next to me and discreetly gives my thigh a rub. Electricity surges through my body.

  “Yeah, I didn't get much sleep last night.” He winks at me before raising the cup to his mouth and taking a drink. Why does he make me feel like a giddy little schoolgirl?

  “Yeah, I bet.” Lexi smiles knowingly and returns to the stove to plate up the bacon sandwiches and pass them out. “Mads wanted bacon butties this morning and I figured you guys will have worked up a bit of an appetite last night... You know, from all the dancing and stuff.”

  “Thanks Lex. You're the best.” I grin before trying to change the subject. “What you got planned for the rest of the day?”

  “Well...” She pulls out a chair opposite and takes a seat. “I'm meeting with a couple of friends this afternoon so that will probably be the rest of the weekend wrote off.”

  “Can I come too auntie Lexi?” Auntie Lexi, that's new. It's too cute how much Madison loves Lexi.

  “Give it a couple of years and once you're old enough, I'll take you out with me.”

  “Like hell you will!” Ethan laughs, trying not to offend Lexi but yeah, there's no way I'd let her take Maddie out. She's too much of a bad influence on me, never mind an impressionable young girl.

  “And on that note. It's about time for me to go home and get my sexy on.” She stuffs the last bite into her mouth and swallows. “Perfection doesn't happen on its own you know.”

  “Brunch on Monday?” I ask as she slinks towards the door.

  “Is the pope catholic!” I'll take that as a yes.

  Moments later, the front door closes, and she screeches up the drive.

  “Can we go to the park today please?” Madison looks at me expectantly and I look to Ethan for some sort of cue.

  “Yes, we'll all go in a little while but first, can we talk to you about something?”

  “Okay, but if you're going to tell me off, Lexi did it.” Laughter fills the room as we try to put off what could be a really awkward conversation. I sit in silence, sipping on my coffee and letting Ethan take the lead.

  “What would you say if daddy asked Mia to be his girlfriend?” Okay so we're not messing around here.

  “Do you want to be my daddy's girlfriend?” I can't help but smile. Seven years old and she already understands how consent works.

  “Very much.” I reply, waiting anxiously for her response.

  “Okay.” She shrugs, without even giving it much thought. “But no kissing because that's gross. Can we go to the park now?” She hops back down off her stool and disappears out of the room, leaving me and Ethan looking at each other flabbergasted.

  “Well, that went better than I expected.” He leans over and kisses me on the forehead.

  “I said no kissing!” She pops her head around the door, shoes in hand and a big goofy smile on her face.

  It’s been a couple of days since we decided to give things a go but somehow it seems like we’ve been together forever. Things are so easy and comfortable between us. My favourite thing so far is waking up next to her every morning.

  As she stirs beside me, I lay on my back staring at the ceiling. A few seconds later she rolls over onto her back and blinks her eyes open.

  “Is everything okay?” She asks as I twist my head to look at her.

  “Yeah, just thinking about how much I enjoy having you in my bed.” I stroke the side of her thigh with the back of my hand as she moves closer, intoxicating me with the familiar smell of coconut and making my cock stir. “I thought it would be weird to have another woman in my bed but it’s not.”

  “I didn’t really think about how much of a big thing it would be. I guess with your reputation, I just assumed it wasn’t an issue and I’m so sorry I misjudged you.” She rolls into me, draping her arm over my chest and swirling her fingers softly over my tattoos. “You know, I didn’t want to take this job… but I’m glad I did.”

  “Me too.” I smile, leaning in to kiss her.

  My dick swells, as she kisses my chest, pinching my nipple between her teeth and then using her tongue in a flicking motion. I swallow hard as heat soars through my body. She drives me crazy, and I don’t think she’s even a little bit aware of the effect she has on me.

  Her hand trails over my abs, every muscle tensing beneath her touch as she takes my shaft in her hand causing a groan to escape me.

  “You were always my first choice.” I pant as she continues working up and down my length. Aching to be inside her, I push her onto her back and let my hips find their place between her thighs as she wraps them tightly around me and grins.

  The door swings open and Maddie screams excitedly. “Come on, it’s time for breakfast.”

  Being careful to keep the two of us covered up,
I quickly roll onto my back, cursing under my breath. Fuck, that was close. I glance over at Mia as she reaches down for her robe and gets out of bed, wrapping it around her and heading for Maddie, who seems to be completely oblivious to what she just walked in on — thank fuck!

  “I’ll get started on breakfast, can you grab her suitcase and put it by the front door when you get up please?”

  I nod, remembering that today is the day that Maddie is going on a little camping trip with a school friend and her grandparents. Finally, we will have some time alone.

  “Be good and we’ll see you in a few days.” I slam the door closed after making sure Maddie is secure in the back seat and wave goodbye as the camper van pulls away. This is it, four days of alone time. Well, once Sarah has been over to go over final details for the fight and I get the balls to tell her about me and Mia being a couple.

  Looks like that conversation is going to be coming sooner rather than later when Sarah pulls up as me and Mia stand on the porch in an embrace. Judging by her facial expression, Jamison, didn’t go blabbing to her about it after I told him at practice the other day.

  “What the fuck are you two playing at?” She pulls up and slams the door, completely ignoring Mia as usual and heading straight for me like a bull to a red rag. Mia’s phone beeps again and she excuses herself, going back into the house. “We need to talk!”

  She storms past me, straight into the study as I trail behind like a little boy who’s just been scalded for behaving badly — except, we haven’t done anything wrong.

  “This is bad Ethan. What were you thinking?” She sits down in my chair and glares at me. “You promised you wouldn’t get involved with her. Are you even aware that you have a fight in less than two weeks time. A fight where everything is on the line.”

  “I’m perfectly aware that I am fighting, and I haven’t faltered from my training plan once.” I lower myself into the chair opposite, never once breaking eye contact. I don’t want her to think I’m backing down because that implies we’re doing something wrong. “I am fighting Lucas Stone in ten days. I am going to become champion and she is going to be standing right there beside me when I do. If you don’t like it that’s fine but that’s your problem not mine.”

  As Sarah opens her mouth to speak, there’s a small knock at the door and Mia peers around the edge to let me know she’s heading into the village to pick up brunch and then we’re alone again.

  “You’re her fucking boss Ethan. Do you know how wrong that is?” She rubs her forehead with her hand, screwing her face up as she tries to understand what’s going on.

  “I’m fully aware, and that’s why I asked you to come over today.” I breathe deeply, soothing the anger boiling just below the surface. “I need you to take over all employer duties, so it doesn’t get too complicated. I’ve had new contracts drawn up and Mia has already signed them and we’ve both signed a consensual relationship agreement form because we knew you’d be pissed.”

  “Fine, but I’m not happy about any of this.” She shakes her head before taking the papers and signs them before handing them back to me.

  For the next twenty minutes we talk about preparations for the fight. My corner team will consist of Jamison as head coach, Thiago for ground game advice, Mike for striking and Jesse will be my water man. Mia will be staying at home with Maddie because she doesn’t like watching the fights anyway so I’ve given the ringside seats to Sarah — she can either use them herself or run a competition to give them to a couple of fans, either way, I don’t really care.

  Once we’ve decided on who will be my cut man, we say goodbye and I pull my phone out and text Mia to let her know that she’s safe to return home, she responds almost immediately.

  Mia: I’m just waiting to order. Be home soon and then I’m all yours.

  All mine! I can’t wait. I tap my reply into the keypad.

  Ethan: OK. See you soon.

  I press send on my phone, shove it into my pocket and head for the kitchen to grab another glass of water.

  The fight is not that far away so training has slowed down a little now to make sure I don’t pick up any last-minute injuries or get too fatigued before the big night. I still need to shed a couple of pounds to make championship weight but so far, the cut has been going well so at least I’m not having to excessively water load.

  It’s not something I like to do if I can help it. When done right it means I can lose weight rapidly without losing too much of my power and speed and can usually gain the weight back between the time of weigh-ins and the start of the fight, giving me a huge weight advantage in the octagon but if done wrong, I could risk organ failure or worse, a stroke.

  Over the years there have been many stories about fighters going blind and putting themselves in so much danger they ended up being pulled from the fight so it’s a really fine balancing act that I’ve only had to do a couple of times.

  The house seems so empty without Mia and Maddie. No Disney songs blaring through the corridors, just the sound of birds chirping in the trees outside and the occasional dog barking in the distance.

  A text from my ex-boyfriend is the last thing I want to be dealing with this morning, especially when we've just sent Maddie away with her friend so me and Ethan can have some alone time.

  Peter: Meet me in town this afternoon. I need you.

  I think about ignoring it but if the four years we were together taught me anything, it's that he's persistent. I'm just about to tell him I'm not interested when my phone beeps again.

  Peter: Please M. Its urgent.

  Wondering what he wants, I stare at my phone with a furrowed brow. A couple of months ago, I wanted nothing more than for him to be chasing me, begging for forgiveness. For him to love me the way that I loved him but now, I've moved on. I'm happy and I need him to know that it's well and truly over.

  Mia: Fine but you come to me. There's a coffee shop in the village, meet me in 20 mins.

  It's uncharacteristically warm for the beginning of September so I've made the bold choice to get my legs out with a pair of denim shorts paired with an old Nirvana tee that Lexi passed down to me. I gather my hair into a messy top knot and slip on my favourite biker boots before popping my head into his study to let Ethan know that I'm going out to grab brunch and then head out the door and towards the wooded trail into the village.

  “Hello Peter.” He's leaning casually against the wall of the coffee shop when I arrive. He looks so out of place. Everyone around us is dressed in their finest summer clothes and there he stands in a pair of chinos, a shirt with the sleeves rolled down and a pair of brown loafers.

  “Thanks for coming.” He steps toward the nearest patio table and sits down, beckoning me to join him.

  “What do you want?” Sitting down opposite him, I fold my arms across my chest. After the way he treated me, I owe him nothing but I'm here so I might as well hear what he has to say.

  “I just wanted to apologise for everything that happened between us. I was a jerk and you deserved better.”

  “Damn right I did.” I force the words through gritted teeth making sure he knows that I’m not the little push over I used to be. “But we've moved on.”

  I sigh, wanting this conversation to be over as quickly as possible so I can just go home.

  “But I love you.” He blurts out.

  Is he for real?

  I expected to feel anger or sad but, in this moment, all I feel is pity. Once upon a time I was convinced that we would get married and live this perfect life but meeting Ethan has helped me realise that what I had with Peter wasn't real. I was more in love with the idea of us and the man I wanted him to be than I was with him.

  “We were never in love Peter.” I see the sadness in his eyes, “You would never have treated me the way you did if you loved me. You were just in love with the opportunities being with me opened up for you and that’s fine because, I never loved you either. Not really. I was in love with the idea of us. The hope of a perfect lo
ve. On paper you were my Prince Charming, my kind, caring, intelligent boyfriend, good career prospects, the same traditional values and expectations… But none of it was ever real.”

  I pause, inhaling slowly. “Besides, you've got Amber now. We've both moved on.”

  “I broke up with her... for you.” He shuffles in his chair. I don't remember ever seeing him this nervous. He's usually oozing confidence and charisma. The perfect embodiment of a wealthy, well-educated man who's lived a life of privilege.

  “Peter.” I take a deep breath and place my hand on his to give him a comforting squeeze. “I have a boyfriend.”

  “Yeah, but I’m telling you that you could have a husband.” I pull my hand away and stand up to leave, trying not to laugh at his use of a quote from one of my favourite TV couples.

  “Goodbye Peter. Take care of yourself.” I waited four years to hear those words from him and six months ago I’d have been calling Lexi and Cristian and planning the perfect wedding but right now, it’s so easy to walk away.

  I feel bad for leaving him like this but, he's my past and my future is at home waiting for me.

  He stands and pulls me into a hug and instinctively, I place my palms on his chest and try to push him away. “Do you love him?”

  “I don’t know. I think I do.” I push him away, taking a step back and fold my arms across my chest again. “And I really do hope you can find someone who makes you as happy as he makes me.”

  I take a couple of steps in the direction of the door and hear the screech of his chair on the paved floor as he sits back down, holding his head in his hands, his elbows perched on the edge of the table.

  The door chimes loudly as I enter the brightly lit coffee house and weave between the closely spaced bistro tables and fancy wrought iron chairs towards the small queue of people waiting at the counter.

  I pull my phone from my back pocket and text Ethan while I wait.

  Mia: I’m just waiting to order. Be home soon and then I’m all yours.


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