Take to the Limit

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Take to the Limit Page 1

by Dawn Ryder

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  For Alexandra.… Thanks for all the hard work, I can’t shine without you!


  Rick Sullivan liked the scent of blood.

  And the taste, too.

  His mouth was full of it and he only spit it out to intimidate his opponent.

  Let him see how much he liked bleeding …

  Around them, the guards were shouting. They had their hands hooked into the battered fencing that served as a cage for matches. There was money on the table, lots of it, folded around the rungs of the wire while he and the prisoner across from him fought.

  One of the guards fired off a shot from his gun at the ground to get them fighting again. Sullivan waited for his opponent to lunge at him before he twisted and brought his fist up into the underside of the man’s jaw. There was a crunch and a gurgle as the bone broke and the man went down.

  The guards roared. Some with victory and others spouted profanity. Sullivan absorbed it all, taking note of who had won money on him. Information was the real thing he was after, not the scraps the guards would give him for providing them with entertainment.

  Still, later that night, he sipped at the tequila he’d won and smiled at the woman between his knees. Mexican jails were shit holes, but that just meant there were loopholes for him to slip through.

  Carl Davis and Tyler Martin could bet that Sullivan would be slipping out of the jail they’d left him to rot in. No one double-crossed him. Martin was going to learn that even all of his Secret Service agents wouldn’t make a difference. Because when a Sullivan came for you, there were only two choices: make your peace with God or placate the devil.

  He enjoyed the idea of seeing Carl Davis beg for his life.

  But he fucking loved the thought of killing him.

  * * *

  America …

  The party was winding down. At least the first phase was.

  Somewhere around ten, the toddlers were sleeping and mothers were gathering up the last of the swim towels. You could feel the vibe changing. The carefree demeanor that had presided during the day was being overshadowed by the darkness and the cravings it somehow granted permission to. The summer weather was perfect for it, negating the need for layers of clothing. As soon as darkness was added, people shifted closer to each other and ventured deeper into the shadows.

  Bram Magnus leaned against the house, the stucco still warm from the heat of the day.

  Or maybe it was from his temper.

  A couple moved further off into the darkness, unaware that he was watching. The way the female looked around before taking a few more steps into the night, it didn’t take a genius to deduce what sort of party they were in the mood for. There was a flash of trim thigh as her short dress flipped up with her hurried steps, a sultry sway to her hips that was unmistakable. She leaned in closer to her companion, his fingers tightening around the curve of her hip before he slid his hand further down until he was gripping her thigh beneath that short skirt.

  LeAnn let out a husky laugh. Bram recognized it, which pissed him off.

  The problem was, he realized he was mad over the fact that he’d always known LeAnn’s feelings for him didn’t run deeper than lust.

  “Jesus…” A bag of trash hit the concrete but Jaelyn surprised him by controlling the rest of her emotions. Her eyes flashed wide but returned to normal faster than he’d have given her credit for. He’d never pegged her as having much nerve. But she stared back at him, steady as could be.

  Impressive …

  “I’m sorry, Bram, I didn’t see you.”

  Jaelyn’s voice trailed off as she heard a soft laugh and recognized it as her sister’s. Bram watched her face, wanting to know if she knew what her sister was about. Jaelyn turned toward the sound and frowned.

  “Your sister is busy,” he informed her dryly.

  “But you’re her boyfriend … oh, never mind.” She bent to pick up the trash bag but only made it halfway there before straightening. “Look … I’m really—”

  “Sorry? Don’t be,” he said with a shrug. “Better this way.”

  “I can’t see how.”

  His temper was sizzling, and another soft laugh drifting on the night breeze turned up the heat. “It’s simple enough. I’m shipping out at daybreak, and it looks like I’m doing it as a single man. No strings attached.”

  She started to bite her lip. There was something on the tip of her tongue; he watched her contemplate whether or not to voice it.

  “Yeah, that’s your MO, isn’t it? Always playing it safe.”

  He knew he was being a dick by saying that. Pushing her away with a cutting remark because … well, the flat truth was, there was something about her that made him feel less than worthy.

  Her eyes narrowed as she sent a harsh look straight at him.

  “If you’re trying to show a contrast between the way I live my life and the way you show up here whenever you want to feel like you have a relationship … you’re damned right I’m the opposite of what you and LeAnn have been doing,” Jaelyn informed him. “For the record, I don’t call it playing it safe. I call it having integrity and not using my grandfather’s home as a place to get your fix of family love while you invest nothing of yourself.”

  Direct hit.

  Bram felt his lips curving slightly in response. She was kicking his ass and doing a good job of it.

  Her eyes narrowed as she took in his grin. She let out a snort and reached for the bag of trash again. “Fine. Hope you and LeAnn are deliriously happy with your … relationship.”

  LeAnn and her lover had moved off into the night. Bram found it suited him because Jaelyn was far more interesting.

  He wanted a fight and was being an ass. But a flare of hunger entered her eyes, deflating his initial surge of temper. It left him poised on the edge of something volatile, something he felt like he’d known had been simmering inside him but had been ignoring. For all the right reasons, of course, but tonight, there was a boundary missing between them. That knowledge set something loose inside him.

  “Your sister seems to have vacated the post of being my girlfriend, so you won’t have to worry about seeing me again.”

  The trash bag dropped once more. Jaelyn faced off with him like she didn’t notice that her head barely reached his chin.

  “Are you really torn up about…” She gestured toward where LeAnn had gone. “It’s not like you put a ring on her finger.”

  “Your sister doesn’t want a ring weighing her down.”

  “No shit,” Jaelyn retorted.

  Bram chuckled.

  Jaelyn rolled her eyes. “Right, you think I don’t cuss. Know something? I don’t give a fig for your opinion. You were using LeAnn as much as she was you. At least I won’t have to worry about you showing up and messing with my grandfather. He thinks the world of you, and you’re just here to get your fix. Judge me as you will, but I see through you.”

  He’d b
een cussed out by the best—seasoned brass and underworld thugs—but there was something about her Lucy Ricardo insults that shamed him.

  “You’re not a prude after all.”

  “You’ve got nerve.” She made a scoffing sound and sent him a glare. “Know something? Just because I think sex should be more than physical doesn’t make me a prude. My grandparents loved each other. Maybe you’ve just never seen how amazing that looks, but I have and I’m not settling for”—she was gesturing at him—“for what you’re clearly willing to settle for. I am going to find a man who curls my toes and—”

  He pushed away from the wall and wrapped his arms around her. He was being presumptuous at the least, a huge prick at the worst, but the flicker of heat in her eyes drew him to her. Maybe it was plain old desperation to cling to the living before he shipped out to a place where life was cheap and easily smashed.

  Like hell it was that simple …

  Whatever had broken free inside him was growing, stretching, as it gained freedom. It was hungry and needy, as well as uncontrollable.

  Bram trapped her arms at her sides, sliding one hand up her spine to capture her nape before claiming his kiss. He needed to hold her, needed her to feel his strength. A soft gasp got muffled between their lips as he pressed a deep kiss against her mouth. He forgot what his intentions were when the taste of her swept through his brain, knocking his better judgment out cold.

  The only thing left was the feel of the woman in his arms. The way her lips moved beneath his, the way her body curved to fit against his, was mind-numbing and exhilarating at the same time. She was warm and soft, and he teased her lips with a sweep of his tongue because he needed to know what she tasted like. The thin, summer dress she wore was nothing but a frail barrier between her hard nipples and himself. He slid his hand around and cupped one breast, feeling its weight, and brushing his thumb over the puckered tip. The soft sound she made snapped him back into focus.

  What the fuck was he doing?

  He opened his arms, fighting that thing inside him with every ounce of self-discipline he had. All he wanted was to press her against the side of the house and keep pressing until he was deep inside her.

  God … he craved her …

  Jaelyn staggered back a pace, her respiration agitated, her eyes wide.

  That was why she tasted so good. She was everything pure, everything his hands were too dirty to touch.

  She was waiting … and he was a damned bastard for touching her when she was pure and he was a hell of a long way from it himself.

  “I had no right to do that.” But he wanted to do a whole hell of a lot more.

  His jeans felt too tight, his cock swollen and demanding. Her taste clung to his lips as he forced himself to walk away before he lost his grip on his discipline.

  Before he took what he wanted …

  “Hold it right there, Bram Magnus.”

  Surprise made him stop. The husky sound of her voice was something he’d never heard before. Or expected to.

  But he liked it. Liked it a hell of a lot.

  He turned to face her and felt his arousal spike when he found her standing only a pace from him. There wasn’t a hint of outrage on her face, only a glimmer of something in her eyes which promised him hell.

  He liked the look of that, too.

  “Kisses…” She closed the gap between them, captivating him with the way her hips swayed. She stepped up to him and settled her hands on his chest. “… aren’t meant to be one-sided.”

  She stroked him, moving her hands up and over his collarbones to his neck. It was slow, so damn slow he wasn’t sure he could remain still but it was worth the effort. Her touch sent shivers down his spine, the kind he hadn’t felt since he’d been a raw youth in the troughs of his first love.

  Back when he’d believed in love, that was.

  She believed in love, though. He saw it glittering in her eyes, and it threatened to buckle his knees.

  “Always shared, Bram … it’s called … making love.”

  When her hand reached his head she rose onto her toes to complete the kiss but he was still too tall. She gently pulled on his neck and he had no problem complying with her demand.

  Shit, he could take orders from her all night so long as she was touching him.

  This time their kiss was sweeter but not because it was slower. It was in the way she explored his mouth, teasing him with soft pressure while tracing his lower lip with the tip of her tongue before thrusting shyly inside. That was his undoing. He wrapped his arms around her and captured her neck so he could turn her head to suit his desire. The kiss became hard and blistering hot. Control vanished as he fit her against him, pushing her back into the shadows and against the warm stucco of the house. He ravished her mouth with his lips and tongue. She moaned, the little sound pushing him further over the edge as she arched up against him, pressing against his cock and trembling when she felt the hard proof of his desire.

  He pulled his head back, stroking her back as he detected the ripple of reaction. Her eyes were wide, her lips open as she panted.

  “I shouldn’t have started this,” he said.

  “Well, I’ve decided to finish it.” She surprised him with how determined her tone was. Her fingers fisted into his shirt, pulling a handful of his chest hairs in the process. The little tingle of pain intensified the moment, feeding the savage side of his nature that was all too close to the surface.


  “Shut up.” She surprised him again—actually, stunned was a better way to put it. She was the sweet sister. The family-supporting, apron-wearing sibling who always embodied the model of a good girl.

  But there was one hell of a woman hiding inside her.

  He cupped her jaw, holding her head in place as he studied her gaze. It was hot enough to blister him, giving him a peek at the woman he’d never taken the time to notice she was.

  Hell, maybe he’d ignored it because he’d been stupid enough to chase her sister. A hundred missed opportunities flooded his brain as he watched the way her face turned sultry with the help of her lips still wet from his kiss.


  She kissed him again. There was nothing shy about it. Their mouths met with a hunger that curled his damned toes as she pressed up against him from knees to chest without a hint of hesitation.

  And then, she was gone, slipping along the side of the house while he was lost in the moment. He blinked and pushed off the stucco in a flash only to find her watching him with her hands propped on her hips and a very confident little smile on her lips, while her hard little nipples pushed out the soft jersey of her dress, proving she was every bit as turned on as he was.

  She was stunning in that moment.

  “Good-bye, Bram Magnus.”

  She reached for the bag of trash again but he nabbed it before she got a grip.

  “You’ll see me again, Jaelyn. Count on it.”

  * * *

  “Count on it…”

  Jaelyn heard Bram’s words ringing in her ears as she made it back into the laundry room.

  Ha! You mean after you ran for your burrow …

  God, why couldn’t she feel as confident as she wanted to be? It was such a stupid twist of reality that a person could be so sure of how they wanted to be and yet when faced with an epic uprising moment of hard, blunt reality like the one she’d just encountered, her damned emotions would liquefy.

  He wouldn’t be coming back.

  She needed to get real about that fact and fast, before the feelings he’d unleashed inside her settled into her bones.


  Yeah, she cussed.

  And it felt like Bram Magnus was a really good reason to lay out some mental profanity as she found herself having to force her fingers to release the doorknob.

  It was over …

  And it was better that way …

  Okay, logically it was way wiser to be in the house, even if it branded her a frightened little ra
bbit, than … well … she shuddered as her mind was all too happy to offer up what she might be doing with Bram.

  Hell, he’d curl her toes alright.

  Yeah, and leave you at the crack of dawn …

  Jaelyn ended up laughing at herself as she made it back into the kitchen.

  He was a true man-animal.

  Seriously cut and hardened and untamed.

  And she was jealous. It was true.

  But no one had it all.

  Getting a taste of him would be epic but it would haunt her, too.

  Life was just a bitch that way. Bram wanted to play midnight games, sure enough, but he wouldn’t be sticking around. Man-animals like him prowled.


  The word suited Bram so very well. There was a way about him that just drove her insane with curiosity. Both for the feeling of him against her and the need to know him. She’d been itching to tell him off for a while because of the way he seemed so detached.

  Ha! You think you can save him …

  He wasn’t a baby bird.

  She snorted and realized she was looking out the kitchen window.

  Bram didn’t need to be brought in for protection from the night.

  But she did.

  Oh, it wasn’t that she thought she would go to hell if she indulged in sex. If that was the case, she was damned already for how often she masturbated. She had a healthy sex drive, that was a fact.

  But there was something more in life.

  She’d seen it in her grandparents and in a few of her friends who had met their soul mates.

  Bram would laugh at that idea.


  And then again, maybe that made her just a little sick to her heart to think he wouldn’t understand something like soul mates.

  You’re back to wanting to save him …

  Yeah, but she was in the house, so, safe for the moment.

  Safe from yourself …

  It was the logical thing to do.

  So why did it suck so bad?

  * * *

  “Need a hand?”

  Bram jerked around, earning a smug little grin from Dare Servant. The Shadow Ops agent was halfway concealed in the dark, positioned so he could see anyone coming toward them.


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