The Enchanted Crossroads

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The Enchanted Crossroads Page 3

by Dora Blume

  The man chuckled. “You are not leaving this room alive, witch.”

  “Witch? What the hell are you talking about?” I asked. I was surprised my voice was steady as I spoke.

  “Witch, do you not know what you are?” he asked. Then he let out this booming laugh at my expression. This guy must be crazy. Maybe he had escaped from the psych ward. I’m sure the cops were looking for him if he had escaped. Maybe they’d know to find him here. I doubt it, but miracles happen every day, right?

  “Ah, no obviously not. Last time I checked I was a lawyer.” I chanced a glance over to the kitchen. I looked back to my attacker. I had one advantage; I knew my apartment better than him. It wasn’t much of an advantage since he was twice my weight in all brooding muscle. If I could get to the second drawer, I’d have a knife. I knew enough self-defense that If I could get one stab in, I could run out the door. I took off to the kitchen and made it to the drawer before two hands grabbed my waist and pulled me back. I screamed again. He pulled me toward him and clapped a hand over my mouth. I bit him and he cursed.

  He carried me kicking back to the bedroom. He threw me onto the bed and leered over me. True terror gripped me as I realized what he was about to do next. He was much bigger than me and now he had me in my bedroom. I got up to run toward the door and he caught me again.

  He slapped me across the face and I felt his ring bite into the side of my cheek. I screamed again, and he pushed me down onto the bed, putting his hand over my mouth. I bit him again, tasting the copper of his blood in my mouth. This time he didn’t move his hand, only pushed his hand harder against my face. I could feel the silver of his ring digging into my cheek. A tear slid down my face as I looked up into the dark eyes of my attacker. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

  Suddenly, a knock sounded at my door. I bit him again. He cursed. “Bitch, shut the fuck up and stop fucking biting me.” he whispered harshly.

  “Kaira?” I heard a familiar male voice.

  I struggled beneath the man. He tightened his hand over my mouth. I struggled and tried to kick at the man, praying the driver didn’t leave. I kept struggling, trying to get my mouth free, so I could yell out. I had no idea why he was at my door, but I was grateful. I wiggled and thrashed my entire body in hopes that I would throw him off enough to loosen his hand.

  The door flew open, Razor stood at the door with fire in his eyes. He flicked his wrist and the man holding me flew against the wall. He ran to me and held out his hand. “Come on.”

  I reached up and gripped his outstretched hand. I didn’t ask questions as we ran out of the door and down the stairs. His car was parked across the street, and we raced for it. When I closed the door, I took a deep breath. He started the car and hit the gas, hard, throwing me back against the seat. I clenched my hands in fists to stop myself from crying. I knew if I let go I wouldn’t stop.

  I gulped in air as he drove. When I had finally calmed myself I asked, “What the hell was that back there?” I took another steadying breath. Nothing about what just happened made sense. “How did you make him fly off me? What the hell did he even want with me?”

  My mind raced with questions. There was so much I couldn’t explain. How did that guy even get into my apartment? How did Leif get in? I must not have locked my door. In all fairness I was distracted by an intruder. I tried to focus on the important questions before I spoke aloud.

  My voice lowered. “Why did he call me a witch? I’m not a witch. I’m a lawyer. There are no witches. I mean, not really, there may be people who practice Wicca, but that’s different.” I realized my words were running into each other in my panic. I needed to get it together. I was supposed to be able to recall details. I was a lawyer. I knew the drill. I tried to recall things about my attacker to tell the police. They would need details to find him.

  “Kaira, calm down.” His voice was soothing as he spoke. Calm down? Was he serious? I was just attacked in my own fucking apartment. How was I supposed to calm down? I took a deep breath anyway. I hated being told to calm down. It always had the opposite effect.

  “Who the hell are you?” I asked. I was more than a bit irritated, even though he did just save my life.

  “Damn, I guess you deserve to know my name. I’m Leif. I don’t give anyone outside of our world my name. I have a name to blend in, but that’s my real name. Nice to meet you.” He inclined his head toward me.

  “Our world? What are you talking about? There’s only one world,” I said.

  He laughed, “Oh, Kaira, there’s a whole other world you know nothing about, apparently.” His tone changed as though he were speaking to a child. “Don’t you know anything about your birth? I can sense you’re a witch. How come you don’t know you’re a witch, or well, a Mage as we’re usually called?” He eyed me skeptically.

  “I am not a witch. I’m a lawyer. There’s no such thing as witches. Not real witches anyway.” I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out the window. This guy was crazier than the guy in my apartment if he thought I was going to believe in witches or Mages or whatever.

  “Oh Kaira, you are most certainly a witch. I could sense it at the bar. How is it you don’t know? That’s the reason I could throw the guy across the room. I have the ability to move objects with my mind. I wonder what your power is?” He glanced over at me. His gaze penetrating as he tried to figure something out. I shifted in my seat.

  “Power? I don’t have a power. I’m a lawyer. I’m not a witch. What part of that didn’t you understand?” I asked. I bit my lip and rubbed my palms on my pants. My heart was finally returning to a normal pace. This conversation was frustrating. You’d think I would know if I were a witch and I most certainly wasn’t. A magnet for crazy people, yes, but not a witch.

  “Oh, you have a power. When we get back to my place, we’ll have to figure out what it is.” He glanced over at me. I watched him lick his lip as his gaze racked over my body. It should have made me uncomfortable after what just happened, but I wasn’t. I wanted him, despite his crazy talk. Then it hit me, he was taking me to his place.

  “Your place? Shouldn’t we be going to the police? Report the guy who broke into my apartment. He needs to be caught.” I looked wide eyed at him. I needed to be on my way to the police station. I knew eyewitness testimony diminished after time. They were already going to have a hard time finding him if he wasn’t still at my apartment. We needed to get to the police, now.

  “We can’t go to the police. They’ll find you. There are too many people working for Morrigan in the police department. We’ll hide out at my place. It’s safe. I don’t think that guy saw my face, so I doubt he’ll know who I am. It’s the reason I don’t give out my name. I don’t want to be found so easily.” He gave me a peeved glare.

  “What do you mean by that?” I accused.

  “I wasn’t the one giving just anyone my name at the bar. How many guys did you tell your name to?” He rolled his eyes at me.

  “Ah, tonight, only one. Why would that matter? I give people my name all the time.” I narrowed my gaze.

  “Great, just great. So you could have tons of people after you. Why don’t you just put it on a billboard? Do you want Morrigans to find you?” He asked, tightening his grip on the wheel he turned into the Lake of the Isles neighborhood. I stifled my desire to whistle. If he lived here, he was wealthy.

  “Morrigans? What the hell are Morrigans?” I asked.

  “They’re like warlocks. Don’t you read any fantasy books? Male witches, the kind I’m talking about are evil. They take the powers of good witches or Mages like us. Morrigan is their God. It’s where they get their name from. He was egotistical enough to create an entire breed and name it after himself. He rewards the Morrigans who track down special powers. I’m betting you have a coveted power. The guy who was in your apartment isn’t just any old Morrigan. He’s an enforcer. They work directly under Morrigan. I’m surprised he didn’t use his powers on you. If he did, you wouldn’t be here right now. Why did
n’t you use your powers?” he asked and studied me. I blew out an exacerbated breath.

  “Are you kidding me? I already told you. I don’t have any powers.” I huffed out frustrated. I had no idea what this guy was talking about, but he was talking crazy. I wasn’t a witch. I didn’t have any powers. I didn’t understand why these guys were after me. I was a lawyer for crying out loud, not a Mage. My only power was in filing court documents.

  “You have a power. You just don’t know anything about it, apparently. Not sure how that’s possible.” His voice was annoyed as he looked to me skeptically. I couldn’t believe he thought I was the one lying. He was the one going on about things that don’t exist.

  “Okay, whatever.” I shrugged deciding to give up on this one. He’d find out soon enough that I don’t have any powers.

  When he pulled up to a large iron gate, he rolled down the window to type in a code. The gates creaked open, and he drove forward. “You’re a Lyft driver and you live here?” I asked, the surprise leaking into my voice.

  “I drive for something to do. It’s a way for me to drive around the city without notice. We all have jobs outside of what we’re assigned by Hecate. Driving for Lyft has an bonus. When I turn on my light, police don’t bother me.” He shrugged and hit the button above his head.

  The house was a Spanish style with large pillars surrounding the front. The stark white stucco was in sharp contrast to the darkness. The light of the moon shown on the large fountain out front. I was mesmerized by the beauty of the house. I couldn’t believe he lived here. The garage door opened, and he pulled his car inside. He hit the button, and the door closed behind us. I couldn’t believe I was about to go to this strangers house. It was a remarkable house in the best part of the city, but still. I knew nothing about Leif. What if this whole thing was a set-up? I bit my lip. What the hell had I gotten myself into?

  He opened his door then looked back to me. “You coming?”

  “Yeah.” I scrambled out of the car and followed him into the house. I gasped when I walked through the entryway. A crystal chandelier with gold accents dangled over a green marble table in the center of the room. A light Renaissance style painting hung on the wall opposite the door. The dark wood floors shined in their brilliance.

  My eyes widened as I followed Leif into the kitchen. The white marble countertops over pure white cabinets was breathtaking. This was the house of my dreams and I hadn’t even known it. I was slightly afraid to touch anything. It was all too beautiful. I’d tarnish it with my sweat soaked hands. I quickly rubbed them on my pants.

  “Do you have a girlfriend who lives with you?” I asked. There was no way a man designed this house. It was beautiful. A chandelier hung over the white marble island in the center of the kitchen. The stove was a stainless steel top like I’ve seen on cooking shows. No one actually had something like that in real life. No one I knew at least. I thought my uptown apartment was fancy, but this blew anything I had out of the water. Hell, it blew it out of the damn ocean. Who the hell was this guy? I glanced over to Leif trying to figure out if I’d missed something. He was wearing dark jeans, boots and a t-shirt. Nothing about him screamed rich. Looking around his house, told an entirely different story.

  “Are you asking cause you’re interested?” He wiggled his brows as he pulled out a stool from the counter to sit.

  ‘Honestly, I don’t believe you designed this home yourself. This has a woman’s touch all over it. The logical conclusion is you have a girlfriend who designed it.” I looked down to the leather upholstered stools.

  “Ah, it was my parents’ home before they passed. I kept it just as my mom left it. She was into design. She took pride in every inch of this house. It’s why I’ve never been able to change it.” He looked around the kitchen and shrugged.

  “Oh, so no girlfriend then?” I said, then bit my lip. I couldn’t believe I just said that.

  He chuckled, “Persistent one, aren't ya. No, I don't have a girlfriend.” There was a note of curiosity in his voice as he spoke. I was suddenly aware of his eyes studying me.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” I breathed, looking down to my clasped hands.

  “It’s fine. I haven’t had much time beyond being a Mage to devote to a relationship. My parents were important members on the council. I inherited an important role when they passed. I’m not on the council, but I work directly for them. I’ll need to report the incident with them tomorrow. First, we’ll need to figure out what your power is, and why the Morrigans are after you.”

  He shifted in his chair. “Can I get you something to drink? I know this may be a bit of a surprise. What happened at your apartment was a little traumatic. Do you need anything? I have a fully stocked bar if that will help to sooth your nerves.” He stood and walked to the fridge.

  “Can I just get a glass of water? I think I had enough beer earlier tonight.” I looked into his dark hazel eyes. He nodded and took a glass down from the cabinet. He filled it from the door on the fridge and handed it over to me. He opened the fridge and took out a bottle. He popped the top off and took a long drink.

  “You may not need the beer, but I do.” He took another long pull from the bottle.

  Suddenly, I heard the shuffle of feet coming from the hallway. “What in the bloody hell is going on in here?” A husky voice called down the hallway.

  “Hey Haskell, just saving a fellow Mage from an enforcer. You know, typical Friday night.” Leif said in a light tone. He took another swallow from his beer.

  “Bloody hell, you’re kidding? An enforcer? What did a lovely lady such as yourself do to have enforcers after you?” Haskell asked. He gave me a skeptical appraisal after he spoke.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about? I’m starting to think everyone is crazy.” I threw up my hands and took a step away from both of them. This had to be some kind of practical joke.

  “I’m no Verity, is she lying?” He narrowed his gaze on me before looking to Leif.

  “I doubt it. She honestly doesn’t know she’s a Mage. If she’s lying, she’s the best liar I’ve ever seen.” He shrugged and took another drink.

  “She’s right here.” I pointed to myself. “I don’t appreciate being called a liar. I also have no fucking clue what you're talking about. The only thing I know is that a guy attacked me in my apartment when I got home tonight. He,” I jabbed my thumb towards Leif, “saved me from whoever the hell that guy was. He was more likely a robber than an enforcer. Considering I have no idea what the hell an enforcer is, I’m sticking to my story. It makes more sense than either of yours.” I crossed my arms over my chest again. I had somehow entered the Twilight Zone.

  “She’s a little spitfire isn’t she?” Haskell smirked and slapped Leif’s shoulder with the back of his hand.

  “Ugh, you guys are ridiculous. Where’s your bathroom?” I glanced from Haskell to Leif.

  “Down the hall, third door on your left.” He pointed down the hallway where Haskell had emerged. I trudged down the hall. I needed a moment to get myself together, and those two weren’t helping. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I shut the lid on the toilet and sat down, dropping my head in my hands. Everything was starting to hit me at once.

  When I was in the kitchen, I needed to be alone. I wasn’t going to let two strangers see me cry. I knew if I stayed in the kitchen they would have. After a letting the emotions run through me and crying, I took a deep breath. I didn’t know what the hell was going on, but I needed to find out.

  Leif had mentioned I had a power. If they were right, I would be able to use it. I took another calming breath. Maybe mediation would work. I moved to the plush rug in front of the luxurious tub and crossed my legs in front of me. I’d seen other people meditate but never found reason to try it myself.

  I tried to silence my racing thoughts. When I closed my eyes, I saw the face of the man looming over me. His eyes were primal as he stared down at me. I let out a squeak and my eyes flew open. So
much for mediation. I didn’t want to see the face of that guy ever again. I was probably going to have nightmares. A light tap sounded at the door.

  “Kaira, are you okay?” Leif asked. There was hesitation in his voice.

  “Yeah, fine.” I stood up from the floor.

  “Are you sure?” he continued. I looked in the mirror and ran my hands over my frizzled hair. I opened the door and Leif was leaning against the door jamb, concern in his eyes. He took one look at me and cupped my face in his hand, running his thumb over my cheek. He brushed away a tear. “No, you’re not okay.” He looked down at me, then wrapped both arms around me, pulling me into him.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not normally this emotional. I just, I…” I wasn’t prepared for the feel of him against me. The comfort he gave me. I thought I’d finally pulled myself together.

  “Shh, it’s okay. You were attacked by a man in your apartment. Being shook up after an experience like that is to be expected. I’m sorry I didn’t see it before.” He stroked his fingertips down the length my spine, calming me. I took a deep breath and was intoxicated by the cedarwood and orange scent.

  I sniffled and enjoyed the feel of his warm body pressed against mine. I twinge of desire sparked in me and I sucked in a breath. He moved his hand to stroke my hair, thinking I was crying again. I backed my face away to look into his eyes. In them, I saw compassion and understanding. I didn’t know who Leif was, but somehow I knew I could trust him.

  “Will you explain to me what’s going on? I really don’t understand. Why was that guy after me?” I blinked as I looked into his eyes. His arms still held mine, and I felt calmer when he touched me.

  “How about we take this one step at a time? You want to come sit down, and I’ll tell you what you need to know.” The right side of his mouth quirked up, and I noticed dimples I hadn’t seen before.

  I nodded, swallowing hard. “Okay, dimples.” I smiled and lifted my finger to touch one. He laughed and shook his head at me.

  “That’s better.” He dropped his hand and took mine in his, pulling me behind him to the living room. This was the first room in the house that looked like someone actually lived here. There were two black leather sofas facing a television in the corner. I could see the cord from a gaming system hanging out from the sleek black tv stand. I smiled; the room felt comfortable. He sat on one end of the sofa and patted the spot next to him. I sat and curled my legs under me.


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