The Enchanted Crossroads

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The Enchanted Crossroads Page 8

by Dora Blume

  “You need to let that go. It was one time.” She huffed and turned back to the television.

  Leif smiled wide and his eyes met mine. “One time is enough.” The searing gaze he gave me made my breath catch in my throat. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. Damn, I didn’t like how fast his words, his gaze, could affect me. If I kept this up, I’d be stripping naked and throwing myself at him. I was a respectable girl. I didn’t do things like that, but for some reason this man made me want to throw all my dignity out the window. I blinked before looking down at my food.

  After we finished, I cleaned up, putting all the leftovers in the fridge. Leif stayed perched on his stool and watched me. “So, have you changed your mind, yet?” he asked.

  “No, I still need to get my work done.”

  “You don’t seem to be getting any done here either.”

  I rolled my eyes and glanced at Shar on the couch. “I know.”

  He held his hand out. “Come on, where’s your office. Maybe I can help.”

  I laughed. “Help with what exactly?”

  “I don’t know, help you focus. I’m good at research and stuff, too. I do have a degree of my own, you know.” He straightened.

  “Oh yeah, what is your degree in?” I asked.

  “Philosophy.” he announced.

  I let out a laugh. “Is that why you’re a Lyft driver?” I clutched my stomach as I continued to laugh. When Leif glared at me, I stood up. “Sorry, but philosophy? What were you planning on doing with that?” I asked.

  “Why, save the world, of course.” He smirked. “I liked the idea of having an education for itself, not to do something else with. I like reading philosophy and history, so that’s what I did.” He shrugged. “Now, are we getting to work or are you going to continue to ask me questions?” His eyes were focused on mine and I felt a pleasant flutter in my stomach.

  I walked past him toward my office. “Both.”

  I sat at my desk. Leif moved my reading chair closer to the desk. He lifted his leg and rested his ankle on his knee. “So, what are you working on?” he asked.

  “The deposition I have tomorrow is about a few major pharmaceutical companies filling prescriptions for opioids without a valid prescription. We’re questioning a witness about a few incidents. If we are able to get testimony we can move forward with a suit. There are other states that are working on the same thing. We are attacking the issue on all fronts. Some are working on regulations, others are hitting the companies making and prescribing the drugs. Today, I need to comb through some evidence and prepare my line of questioning.” I slumped in the chair when I realized how much work I really had to do before then.

  “Okay, so let’s start looking at evidence.” He pulled the chair closer, realizing the chair wasn’t great for working at a desk.

  “I’m not really supposed to let anyone else look at this stuff.” I bit my lip and looked down at him. I could lose my job if they found out I had shared confidential information with anyone.

  “Well, I’m a mage and you live in an entirely different world than this one. I’d say I’m pretty good at keeping secrets.” His brow raised in a challenge.

  I sighed. “I guess that’s true.” My eyes met his. After a minute, I realized he was right. I could trust him with this. I had already trusted him with my life. “Fine, but let’s take this to the kitchen. It’d be easier for both of us to look over all the documents.”

  He leaned closer to me. His cedarwood and orange scent hit me and I licked my lips in response. “I like the privacy in here.”

  “Ha, that’s just cause you don’t want to be in the same room as Shar.” I collected my folder and laptop. “Come on.” I stood and walked out.

  Leif cleared his throat then followed. “Kitchen it is.” I heard him murmur behind me.

  I set everything down on the counter. Leif pulled out a stool and sat down. I opened the file and started sorting through the different documents.

  We worked well into the night. Shar had gotten bored watching her show alone. “Well, I’m going next door. If you need me, just say my name. I’ll hear you, even if I’m sleeping. Don’t leave the apartment. I’ll cloak it for now. It’s not a long-term solution, but it will work for the night. I need to get my beauty sleep.” To emphasize she yawned and stretched her arms over her head.

  Leif met my eyes. “Now, are you ready to go back to my place?”

  Shar cut him a sharp glare. “You need to stop trying to get my friend to go home with you. I can protect her, even while I’m sleeping. I will know the minute a Morrigan passes my protections. Now, if you’ll excuse me. I’ve had enough of the insults for the evening. If you’re not careful, I’ll give you a shock to teach you a lesson.” She stalked toward the door and the wall rattled when she slammed the door behind her.

  “Please, Kaira, you have to see how dangerous it is to stay here. You got a lot done and I can continue to help you at my house.” Leif’s eyes searched mine.

  “I trust that Shar knows what she’s doing. Besides, it’s late and you said Morrigans come out more at night. Wouldn’t it be better for me to stay here? Wait to leave until morning.” My voice was high. I wanted to sleep in my own bed. I knew he was right about it not being safe, but I trusted Shar. If she said the apartment was protected, she meant it.

  He blew out a heavy breath. “Fine, we’ll stay here.”

  “We? You’re staying here with me?” I asked, surprised. My heart hammered in my chest.

  “I’m not going to leave you here alone. What would you do if someone got past Shar’s protections?” I bit my lip and looked down. I didn’t want to admit I wasn’t sure.

  “Start them on fire?” I responded.

  “Oh yeah? You think you have enough control to use your power to defend against an experienced Morrigan? The guy who was here the other night was not experienced. More experienced guys will be sent after you. Are you really ready for that?”

  My eyes studied the tiles on the floor. I wasn’t ready for that. I had no idea how my power worked or even how to control it. Leif knew I couldn’t do it on my own. I narrowed my eyes at him. I didn’t like to admit to any weakness, ever. I would take on whatever came, I always did.

  “I’d figure it out.” I didn’t like his challenge.

  He chuckled. “I bet you would. You’d probably end up starting the whole building on fire.” His eyes sparkled.

  “The Morrigan would be dead if I burned down the building.” I shrugged.

  “Fair enough.” He nodded.

  “I’m staying.” My voice was firm.

  His eyes raked over me and he nodded as if he’d just decided on something. “Okay, I’m beat. You’re a slave driver when it comes to this research stuff. You look like you’re ready to pass out on that stool, so I think we need to get some rest.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Here, I’ll show you out.” I stood and took a few steps toward the door.

  He grabbed my wrist. “Kaira, I’m not leaving you alone.” He sauntered toward the couch and stretched out putting his arms behind his head.

  “Oh,” looking at him, I wished I had a spare bedroom. My couch was comfortable but Leif was tall and his feet hung over the edge. He crossed one ankle over the other. “I’ll get you a pillow and blanket.” I hurried off to the hallway to grab a pillow and blanket from my linen closet. I walked back into the living room and shook out the blanket, laying it over him. “Are you sure you want to stay? My couch isn’t super comfortable, and you have much more comfortable beds at your house.” I bit my lip and raked my eyes up his body.

  He raised up and pulled up the back of his shirt, pulling it over his head. My breath caught as I stared down at his bare chest. His eyes glided up to mine and my cheeks flushed.

  “I’m not going anywhere. If you stay, I stay.” He took the pillow from me and tucked it behind his head. He clasped his hands behind his head and smiled at me. “Now, go get some rest. I’ll be here if anything happens.” He close
d his eyes. I had to drag my eyes away. I headed into my bedroom. I changed into a pair of cotton shorts and a camisole. I crawled under my covers and relaxed. Leif had been surprisingly helpful with research. I hadn’t expected him to be so knowledgeable in how to phrase my questions just right. We discussed the best way to phrase something to get the information I needed to continue with the suit. I yawned and before I knew it I drifted off.

  The field of flowers was breathtaking. It was purple and white as far as I could see. I hadn’t seen anything like it. I blinked and turned in a circle. I must be dreaming. I tried to remember what Shar had said about a dream. She said a Goddess would be visiting me and it was important. I can’t remember why exactly it was so important. Maybe the Goddess would explain. I kept looking around. What was taking her so long?

  “Kaira, dear I would caution you. I can hear your thoughts.” A beautiful woman appeared before me. Her dark hair flowed down her back. Her bright blue eyes bore into mine. Her pale skin was perfection with a light pink framing her sharp cheekbones. I took a deep breath and met her eyes.

  “Why am I here?” I asked. “Sharalyn mentioned you would be coming to me in a dream. Something about a decision.” I clasped my hands in front of me and waited.

  “Yes, dear let me explain. You have an important decision to make.” She took a step toward me and placed her hands on the side of my head, running her hands down my hair. “You are so beautiful. Though I shouldn’t be surprised, you have my blood and therefore my beauty.” Her eyes sparkled as she took me in. “Green eyes, maybe you will be the one to succeed. Forgive me, I am Hecate the Goddess of all mages and good magic. You are one of my five descendants which means my blood runs through your veins. You, my dear have power over the element fire. You will adapt well to change and why you were the first to discover your gifts. Your fiery spirit will motivate the others to join you. Fire is a part of you, so trust in your gifts. They will guide you, as long as you choose to accept them.” Her eyes dropped.

  “What do you mean as long as I choose? I have a choice?” my voice rose as I looked at her in shock.

  “Yes, my dear, you have a choice. That is what I am here to discuss with you. The decision you make will alter the course of history and you need to know the details. You have a choice to accept your role in this world. If you choose to accept you will need to find each of the other four to aid you. Long ago, I gave birth to five children. Those children were the descendants of myself and Morrigan.” she paused.

  “Wait, what? The evil God, Morrigan? You had kids with that guy?” My mouth dropped as I realized what I’d said. My hand flew up to my mouth to cover it. My eyes were wide as I watched her face change into a gentle smile.

  “He was a different man back then. He was kind and doted on me endlessly. We loved each other fiercely. We raised our children with love.” She sighed as if remembering their love was painful.

  “One of the fates had been in love with Morrigan before we got together. I didn’t know she had declared her love for him and he had turned her down. Her jealousy for me turned into poison. She convinced her sisters that our children were too dangerous to live as Gods. By the time she’d convinced them my oldest son was nine. We had five children. Our last daughter was only a few months old.”

  She took a deep breath. Her kind eyes turned hollow as she continued. “When the fates made their decision, Morrigan was called away to the Council. I hadn’t thought anything of it. We had guards at our home and we were Gods. We didn’t think anyone would ever cross us. A mage was in trouble and I rushed to help her. In the early days, I used to go to Earth to help mages fight demons. I love my children in the human world. A demon had overpowered her and she was praying to me for my help. I couldn’t leave her to die.

  I let my children’s guardian know what was happening and rushed off to save her. While I was gone, the bitch fates put a sleeping spell on my children and their guardians. They lit the house on fire. They had to use magic to make the flames burn. The vengeful woman who was responsible said that our children would be the end of Morrigan. In her words, a prophecy was born. Each one hundred years, five descendants are born.

  They are each given a choice to accept the gifts given to them by their parents or to return to the world of humans. If each of you accept the gifts bestowed on you, Morrigan can be defeated. Only with the combined powers of all five descendants can Morrigan’s power be bound and destroyed.” She dropped her eyes.

  “You see, on that horrendous day, Morrigan returned and found the remains of our children and he went into a fit of rage. He blamed me for going to help a mage instead of protecting our children. From that day forward, he vowed to destroy every last mage in the human realm. He was furious I had put a mage before the lives of my own children. I had not known what would happen. I fell to my knees and sobbed with the charred bones of my baby in my hands. I didn’t care what he was ranting on about. I was inconsolable. He vanished and I was left alone in my grief. I hadn’t known it then, but Morrigan began a new race of evil warlocks. The Morrigans were born with the sole purpose of killing mages. The Fates prophecy is the only way to stop him from taking out all of my mages. The man I once loved turned into the man I hate. Well him and those stupid bitches who killed my children and fated this. They destroyed my family.” She took a step forward and clasped my hands in hers.

  “You must make the choice. Everything will go on as it always has if you choose to go back to your human life. You will not remember anything. Your life as a mage will be erased, including anyone you’ve met. You need to think long and hard about the decision you make. I will give you adequate time to think.”

  She turned my palm up and placed a small purple amulet in my hand. “With this you can call me when you’re ready to make your decision. It will also glow in the presence of my blood. It will help you find your siblings, the other descendants. I must go. You have been asleep for too long. There is danger coming and you must be alert.” She pressed a kiss to my forehead. “There you should be able to control your power now. I do not wish to leave you defenseless against the Morrigans. Now that Morrigan knows who you are he will send more of his minions after you. Do not underestimate them.” She gave me one last look and she was gone.

  Suddenly, I felt cold. I reached for the covers to realize I had kicked them down around my ankles. I blinked my eyes open, realizing the dream was crystal clear in my memory. I sat up to pull up the covers. A loud crash sounded in the next room. My head whipped to the door as the sound of shattering glass filled my ears and stopped my heart. Oh my God, Leif.


  I jumped out of bed and flew out the door. Leif was standing next to the couch, looking down at the floor. I followed his eyes and noticed glass shattered on the floor. I saw the lamp shade a foot from the shattered glass.

  “I’m sorry Kaira, I hit it when I was sleeping.” His face was adorable. His bottom lip was out slightly and his eyes were wide. I could tell he felt guilty.

  I smiled and walked toward him. I placed my hand on his arm and trailed down to grasp his hand. “It’s okay. It’s just a lamp. I thought you were being attacked.” I looked down to the glass. “Come on. I don’t want you to get cut.” I pulled him away from the glass. I walked to a closet and grabbed out the broom and dustpan. He followed me back and picked up the metal and lampshade. He put what he could fit in the garbage and set the lampshade on the table.

  “I’m really sorry. I’ll replace it.”

  “I already said it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I’m pretty sure it was the same lamp that broke before. Apparently it really wants to stay broken.” I quirked my mouth up as I looked at him. He sat back on the couch but I could see the beginning of a smile on his face.

  “I thought I heard you talking in there, but I didn’t want to disturb your sleep. Are you okay?” his voice was low and filled with concern. I sat on the couch next to him. I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and wondered what it looked like. If I had bee
n thrashing around in bed my hair was probably all over the place. I reached a hand up to try to smooth it down.

  “I’m fine. I had a dream about the Goddess.” I responded, still trying to smooth down my hair. He took my wrist gently and I dropped my hand.

  “Your hair is fine. Tell me about the dream.”

  I worried my lip with my teeth. I wasn’t sure if I should be telling him what the Goddess told me in the dream. I could feel his eyes on me. “I don’t know if I should.” I admitted.

  “I’m here to help you, Karia.” He rubbed his thumb across my cheek. “You can trust me.”

  I could hear the sincerity in his voice. “I know, but it was so personal. It’s not my story to tell.” I huffed out a breath. His hand cupped my cheek, his eyes steady on mine. I breathed out after a minute and spoke.

  “She told me about the descendants. We were the children of Morrigan and Hecate.” I dropped my eyes to my lap and sighed. “They were in love once. So in love, they had five children. Their children were killed by the Sisters of Fate. One of them was in love with Morrigan and he denied her. She held a grudge and took it out on them. Hecate was with a mage in the human world and Morrigan blamed her for putting mages before her own children. That’s when he vowed to take out her mages. One of the Fates said something about Morrigan’s children being the end of him. Now we are part of this prophecy where we’re the only ones who can stop him from killing mages. She gave me the choice. We have to make the decision to accept our powers freely. She is giving me time to make the decision. She also gave me this.” I held the amulet in my hand. “I can call her when I’m ready to make the decision. It will also glow alerting me to one of my siblings.” I gripped it in my hand and met Leif’s eyes. He was nodding as I spoke.

  “I know the history. It’s something we’re taught when we’re younger. I read about it but never thought it was true. Well, I always hoped it was true, considering. I never let myself dream there might be a way to end Morrigan. Don’t get me wrong, I dreamt about killing him myself, but didn’t think it was possible. The descendants option always seemed too easy. Nothing in life is ever that easy.” He scratched the stubble on his chin.


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