The Enchanted Crossroads

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The Enchanted Crossroads Page 21

by Dora Blume

“Yeah well, you left for a long time. I had to keep myself busy.” I shrugged. “I used to play darts. I figured it wouldn’t be much different. So, I tried it out.” I turned toward the board and admired my work.

  He walked up behind me. “It looks like you got good at it.” He rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me.

  “So, what took you so long?” I asked. I wondered if he would tell me the truth about Shar.

  I felt him tense against me. “I have some news, and you’re not going to like it.”

  I breathed out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t going to lie to me again. I had to play it cool. “What is it?” I asked.

  “The Morrigans have kidnapped Shar. They’re holding her at your apartment. I’m trying to round up as many Mages as I can to go in and get her. I need to keep you away from this. I can’t let anything happen to you.” He tightened his arms around me and kissed my shoulder. I turned to look at him.

  “I get that you need to protect me, but we’re talking about my friend. I need to be there to help her. I know she’s supposed to be my guardian, but she needs our help. Are you going to the apartment?” I asked. I watched as he looked down at the floor then up to my eyes. He looked uncertain.

  “If it means you are going with me than no. I’m sorry, I can’t let anything happen to you. They are laying a trap specifically for you. They will call at some point to tell you they have her and to come save her. I can’t let you do that. You’re not ready for the fight.” His eyes pleaded with me.

  “So, what you’re saying is, if you go I have to just let you. I can’t go with you. If I try, you won’t go at all. Leif, that’s hardly fair. Someone needs to be there for her. She doesn’t know the other Mages. She may not go with them. Are there any other Verities around to help? Maybe she’d be more willing to go with them.” I didn’t know anything about this world. Even after all the reading I’d done, I still felt lost.

  “I’ll find out about other Verities. Will you promise me you won’t go? I need to know you’ll be safe, no matter what.” He closed the distance and cupped my face in his hands. “Promise me.”

  “Okay, okay, but I need to know everything that’s going on. You have to keep me informed at all times. Promise me that.” I looked at him with determination. I wasn’t going to promise. I would do whatever it took to save my friend. He would do the same for someone he loved.

  “Fine, let’s go see Haskell.” He looked at the bullseye. “Remind me to get you some throwing knives the next time we go out. It looks like you’ve gotten pretty good with them.” He took my hands in his. He noticed the small knicks and cuts on my fingers and hand. “He lifted my hands to inspect the cuts. “Looks like you had a little bit of a learning curve. Let’s go get these cleaned up and bandaged. Haskell would throw a fit if you bled on his keyboards.” He guided me out of the room and to the bathroom. He pulled a small box out from under the sink. “Sit,” he commanded as he guided me to the toilet seat. I sat and looked up into his beautiful hazel eyes. I loved seeing the gold and green flecks when he was this close to me. He opened the box and pulled out several small bandaids. He wiped the small cuts with cotton swabs. It stung momentarily. He wrapped each one with a small bandage. When he finished, he kissed each finger. The way he took care of me swelled my heart. Somehow, I knew it would always be like this. He would always take care of me.

  I wanted to breach the subject of saving Shar. He was being so sweet that I didn’t want to ruin the moment. I think he could tell I was preoccupied. “Okay, come on. Let’s go get a status update from Haskell. I’ll order some food for dinner. I might have to hire a cook after all. We seem to be busier than normal, and I’m not sure I want to keep ordering take-out.”

  “We can worry about that later. Let’s go talk to Haskell.” We hurried down the stairs. Haskell turned in his chair. He had several screens surrounding him. I counted nine in total, all displaying different images. One of them looked like one of those heat signature things. I remembered what Haskell had said about heat registers. I pointed to the screen. “Is that my apartment?” I asked.

  Haskell narrowed his eyes at me. “Ah, yeah, how do you know that?”

  “Ah, I recognize the layout of the building.” I shrugged.

  “You can’t see the building or the layout, only the people.” He stared at me.

  Leif looked to me, then Haskell. “Why don’t you give us an update about what you know? Who’s able to come help with Shar?” he asked.

  “Okay, well there are at least six guys at the apartment. They have been coming and going pretty freely. They always have at least four there. I’ve rounded up six of our guys. Eight if you two go in.” He looked to Leif, “Or not, I’m sure the six will be fine.” His voice was shaky as he blinked at Leif.

  “Do you know any Verities we can call in? I can’t think of anyone, but you know a few more,” he paused, stroking his chin, “different breeds, than I do.”

  Haskell nodded. “I know a few Verities, I’m not sure any of them would be interested in Mage business though. They don’t like to be involved unless directed by a God or Goddess to do so.” Haskell shrugged.

  “Would they get involved if they knew Morrigans had one of their own?” Leif asked.

  “I could make a call. Anything else? I’m thinking it’s better if we hit the place during the day. They’re not as strong in the daylight. We’ll have that in our favor. They also have fewer guards first thing in the morning. One of the guys usually goes out for breakfast or coffee. That would be our best chance. There’s usually only four at the apartment between eight and nine. That’s our best time, especially if you’re not going. We don’t have anyone else with your power.” Haskell studied us and his eyes rested on me. I could almost feel what he was thinking. He knew I was the reason Leif wasn’t going in to save Shar. I would think he would be happy about that, but he didn’t seem to be. He’d given Leif shit every time he didn’t check in with him. Now, he was giving me the evil eye because I was the reason Leif wasn’t going. Haskell was definitely a conundrum.

  “Haskell, do you think it’d be better if we both went?” I wanted Haskell to back me up. I wanted to be involved in saving Shar. She was my friend after all.

  “Uh, I’m leaving that up to you two.” Haskell crossed his arms over his chest. He seemed to guess what I was doing. I wasn’t giving up that easily.

  “Come on, Haskell. I know you have an opinion. Would it be better if we went?”

  “Kaira, you’re not going. If that means I have to stay here then we’re staying. Anything Haskell says will not change my mind.” His voice was firm.

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine, whatever.”

  “Haskell, see if you can find a Verity to go with the others. It would be helpful to have an extra power boost. I’m surprised they were even able to capture Shar, let alone hold her for very long. She’s strong.” Leif looked to the screen.

  Haskell lowered his voice. “I think they have a drainer. Anytime she looks like she’s getting better, one of the guys drain her power again. It’s why she hasn’t been able to escape them. They’re keeping her alive, but barely.”

  I drew in a slow breath. “Does draining her hurt her?” I asked.

  “It’s not physically painful, no. It’s not the most pleasant experience either.” Haskell cocked his head to the side and tapped his finger on his lips. “It’d be the equivalent of feeling like you hadn’t slept for a week. You feel tired and weak. It’ won’t hurt her in the long term though. A few days rest and she’ll be good as new.” Haskell put his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, love. We’ll get your friend back. I promise.”

  I nodded weakly. I was afraid to speak. I knew my voice would crack. I turned and walked up the stairs. I heard Leif say, “Let us know about any updates. Please try to find a Verity. I really don’t want her to go.”

  I made it to the kitchen and sat on one of the stools. I wanted to go to my apartment right now. I wanted to save Shar. She shouldn’t ha
ve to go through all that for me. I put my head down on my arms on the counter. I knew Leif was trying to protect me, but I needed to help. I know I really sucked in the fight last time, but I could do better. I know I can do better. I felt a hand on my back. Leif’s orange and cedarwood scent enveloped me as he stroked his hand in circles on my back.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. His voice was full of concern. I was trying really hard not to cry. I didn’t want to appear weak. I wanted the chance to go save Shar, and I knew I wouldn’t get the chance if he thought I was weak. I took a deep breath and rose up from the counter.

  “No, not really. I want to save my friend. I want you to see me as a partner not a weak girl you have to protect. I can throw fireballs for christ sake. Don’t you see that together we could save Shar. The Morrigans would be no match for us. What do I have to do to convince you I can fight alongside you?” My eyes searched his for understanding. I’m pretty sure the look he was giving me was pitty and that pissed me off more than anything.

  “Kaira…” he stretched out my name as if he were speaking to a child.

  “No, Leif. I can fight. I’ve been working on my abilities. I want to go save Shar. If you won’t let me go. I will figure out a way to go myself. Stop treating me like an invalid, instead of your partner.” I turned away from him. I couldn’t stand the look he was giving me. I was not a child.

  “You can’t go. The trap is for you. I can’t let them kill you. Not just because you’re a descendent. I care about you. I don’t want to lose you.” His voice was soft. I should be happy that he cared so much about me. Any girl would love being protected by the one they love. Not me, I needed to be his equal. I was not a damsel in distress, never would be.

  “Fine, I’ll be training until further notice. Maybe if I can kick your ass, you’ll see me as more than just some girl you need to protect.” I stormed out of the kitchen and to the training room.

  “Kaira,” Leif called after me, but I wasn’t listening to him. I needed to get stronger. I would do whatever it took to save my friend.


  I spent a few hours working on throwing fireballs. I worked on focusing all my energy and increasing the size. I was getting really good at calling up my power without having to think of something that made me angry. Considering that I was angry at Leif right now, maybe that’s why it was easier.

  A knock sounded at the door before Leif came through it. I was laying in the middle of the room on the mat staring at the scorched marks on the bowl. Leif walked in and sat on the mat next to me.

  “I see you’re getting better. Ready to kick my ass yet?” he smiled as his eyes met mine. I conjured a fireball in my hand and bounced it like it was a ball.

  “I’m not sure you could handle me anymore.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  He quirked a brow. He flicked his finger and my fireball went flying into the bowl. “I think I still could. Not that I would ever actually hurt you.” He brushed a piece of hair from my forehead.

  “Not intentionally,” I muttered.

  “Kaira, I can’t let you go. It’s not about how strong you are. You’re the key to saving all the Mages. I can’t put you in any kind of danger. You have to understand.” His voice was pleading.

  “No, I don’t. I want to save my friend. I’m capable of fighting the Morrigans.” I threw my hands up when Leif shook his head. “Leif, you have to give me a chance. You have to let me be there. I can wait outside, in the car if it makes you feel better. I need to be there when Shar comes out. Please.” I looked to the ground. “I’ll do whatever as long as I’m there.”

  Leif blew out an audible breath. “You’re not going to give up on this are you?”

  I looked up in surprise. “No, she’s my friend. Wouldn’t you want to be there if it were me?” I bit my lip. I knew he would be there if it were me.

  “Ugh, fine. We’ll go, but we’re staying outside. We will wait in the car while the others go in and get her. The others will bring her downstairs, and we’ll be the getaway. Okay?”

  I scrambled into his lap and hugged him to me. “Thank you, thank you.”

  “I’m not happy about it.” He wrapped his arms around me. He kissed the side of my head and stroked my hair with his hand.

  “I know, but it’ll be okay.” I moved back to look at his face.

  “Come on, you’ve been in here for hours. You need to eat. I ordered Tai.”

  I ran my fingers through the stubble on his chin. I liked the feel of it. “Awe, you’re so sweet to me.” I stood up and held my hand out to him.

  He gave me a cocksure grin and took my hand. I pulled but it didn’t take much effort for him to stand in one fluid motion. “I do look forward to the day when you can kick my ass.”

  “Ha, who said today isn’t that day.” I grinned.

  He wrapped his arms around my waist. “Baby, we both know you’re not there yet. It’s going to take more than a day in a gym for you to reach my level. I’ve been training my whole life.” He bent his head and kissed me. It wasn’t a prideful kiss but a soft and loving one.

  After eating, we joined Haskell downstairs. “Well, look who finally decided I’m important. Just so you know, I have everything set for tomorrow. I believe, after everything is successful tomorrow, I deserve a week off, maybe two.”

  “If everything goes as planned, we’ll talk about a vacation.”

  I jumped into Haskell’s captain’s chair and spun around. “So, what’s the plan? Leif and I will be the getaway once Shar’s out of the building. What’s the master plan to get her out?”

  “Wait, you’re going to be the getaway? Since when? I thought you were going to stay home with me and watch from the sidelines. What changed?” He looked to Leif and slumped. “Bloody hell, are you going to give in to everything she asks of you?”

  “No, but she wants to be there for Shar. As long as we stay outside, it should be fine.” Leif crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Oh, everything should be fine. Okay, so what happens when the guy running for coffee sees you and calls in reinforcements? Everyone has her picture. Every single one of them is looking for her. Having her hanging out in the open, outside of her building is like waving a white flag screaming ‘we’re over here, come get us.’ Have you bloody lost your mind?” He threw up his hands and walked away from us.

  “We’ll be in a car with tinted windows.” I shrugged. It seemed easy enough to me.

  “Oh, tinted windows? You think that’s going to help you?” Haskell began pacing the room. “I make these perfect plans, so nothing goes wrong, and you throw a bloody wrench into the mix. Any other surprises you have for me? Maybe you thought you’d invite all my exs over for some tea. Ugh.” He stopped pacing and crossed his arms over his chest looking at Leif.

  “Are you done throwing your temper tantrum yet?” he asked.

  “No, but the show must go on I guess. I got ahold of Alexis. She’s a Verity. Apparently she’s friends with Shar. She had no problem going in to kick some Morrigan ass as she so eloquently phrased it. Brady, Mariah and Alex will be joining her. They are going in as soon as the Morrigan goes out for breakfast. They’ll be in the apartment complex across the street. Alexis is having a vampire charm a tenant tonight, so they believe Alexis is their best friend. She’ll have an apartment to hole up in tonight until the guy leaves for breakfast. She’s going to call me when she’s in place. Those four will be on watch for the night. Which means, I guess you two will need to make your way there at six, just to be on the safe side.” Haskell rolled his eyes. “I might as well go, too. Since we seem to be having a party at the kidnapping.”

  “Aren’t you usually the one who stays behind and coordinates everything?” I asked.

  “Usually, yes. This time I think I’ll go with in case anyone needs any healing. I don’t want to be so far away again.” He gave Leif a meaningful look.

  “Fine, it’s not a bad idea for you to go with us. Shar will probably need you once she gets out of there
” Leif crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Oh, that’s true. Can you heal any breed?” I asked suddenly interested.

  “Sages were made to be healers. So, to answer your question, yes, I can heal any breed. I will be able to heal your friend.” His eyes met mine.

  “Awesome, then you have to go with us. You already said she was weak.” My voice broke. “That they were weakening her. If you can help her you have to go.” My voice was desperate and I felt like I was struggling to breath. Leif took a step toward me and began rubbing his hand in circles on my back. I felt instantly calmer.

  “Don’t worry, love. I wouldn’t miss it. I need to get out of my stuffy lair more often.” He smirked and my face brightened. We were all set for tomorrow. “Why don’t you two get some sleep for now. Kaira, no offense love, you look like hell.”

  I blanched. “You don’t really know how to sugar coat things, do you?” I asked.

  “Why bother? One look in the mirror, and you’d agree with me.” He focused his attention back on Leif. “I’ve got everything covered for tonight. We’ll leave here at say five?”

  Leif nodded. “Yeah, that should give us enough time to scope out the area for anything suspicious before we go in. Are the others taking watch all night?” Leif asked.

  “Yeah, that’s why Alexis brought in a vampire friend. I don’t know who it is, but she said she trusted him. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow.”

  “Wait, won’t it be daylight when we get there tomorrow? Won’t a vampire, you know, like turn to dust?” I asked.

  “Ah, are all your ideas about breed from fairy tales?” Haskell asked.

  “Um, no, for your information my extensive knowledge on vampires is from Anne Rice. She is the goddess of vampire fiction after all.” I folded my arms over my chest.

  “Ah, Vampires don’t turn to dust under the sun. Yeah, they get sunburnt faster than most, and really don’t like the pain the direct sunlight causes them. But they won’t outright die from it. It’s more of an inconvenience than anything.” Leif shrugged as I stared at him with wide eyes.


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