Kane: A Dirty Mafia Secrets Short

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Kane: A Dirty Mafia Secrets Short Page 1

by Beth Wynne


  A Dirty Mafia Secrets Short Story

  Copyright: Published in the United Kingdom by Beth Wynne

  © Beth Wynne

  Published October 2016

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  A Dirty Mafia Secrets Short Story

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Thank You

  A Note About The Author

  Next Steps…


  Before there was us there was just me. Even before I knew you, I dared to dream you could be real, out there somewhere living your life. When we met I knew that I there would always be us, there would always be you and me… because my heart had found its home in you.

  For R, my sweetheart. Xx



  It took a while, but I eventually convinced my sister that I was going to have an early night and that she didn’t have to change her plans. I blew a sigh of relief as she finally hung up the phone. God, it’s not like I’m a kid anymore and I need her to take care of me. Just because I got my shifts cut at work today doesn’t mean I’m about to jump out of the nearest window. What it does mean is that I want to go out have a good time before the money in my bank account runs low. I never wanted to use the trust fund money that dad had left me. What little was left would have to last.

  Mae waited impatiently in silence as I finally got Lauren of the phone, blasting the hair drier onto her wet blonde bob as soon as I hung up. “Fuck, I thought she’d never stop talking. I even thought she was going to come over.” Mae’s steely blue contact lenses almost pierced through me, her gaze watching me keenly. We’d become best friends at college – even before I knew she worked as a dancer in Fitzy’s, but that relationship changed the night she introduced me Denver. Mae took me in, had fed and protected me when I had needed couldn’t go to Lauren, so I was stuck with her for the foreseeable.

  I groaned as I threw myself back on my bed. “You know that she wouldn’t, she’s going to that charity dinner that Karl is hosting tonight. I give them six months and Lauren will have another engagement ring.” Sometimes I was glad of the distraction Karl gave her, but mostly that was just so I could get on with my own life without her micromanagement. “I just hope she doesn’t expect me to give her away again. That was truly tragic.” My older sister had already married twice, and her taste in bridesmaid dresses was as bad as her taste in men.

  “Yeah, I felt for ya. That pink dress did not do you any favours.” Mae laughed, and I caught a glimpse of the bruises on insides of her arms as she stretched in her dress.

  Putting the memories to the back of my head I grabbed my glass of Jack and Coke, I threw the last mouthful down and I headed for the kitchen. When I came back with the two bottles I handed both to Mae and smiled hopefully. I perched on the chair in front out of my mirror, pulled my makeup bag over and was dabbing foundation over my face when I got a refilled glass set beside me.

  Poking me in the arm Mae warned, “You’d better hurry up, we’re meeting everyone in twenty minutes.” Sometimes I just wanted to poke her right back when she did that… hard… in the face. But I didn’t, I liked having my fingers attached to my hands.

  I breathed deeply, “Alright. But don’t say anything about what actually happened at work earlier, ok?” I pleaded.

  “Depends… if you hurry up I might just keep it schtum.” She laughed, “I mean, how much do you want to keep it quiet that you got caught earning some extra cash from a client?” she wrapped the word earning with some finger quotes. The way she said it made it sound dirtier than it was, he was a photographer and wanted a couple of shots, he offered some cash and I couldn’t afford to refuse.

  “Can’t talk, doing my lippy.” I replied. I thought it was the safest reply.

  Chapter One


  I loved visiting home, even though it was more for business than a holiday. My services were always in demand and now that the McCauley’s were low in options, they were prepared to pay my rates. From what I’d heard, it had been a dumb move on their part that lead to a dozen of their guys getting killed. Not that I actually cared. I didn’t. Those fucks were all kinds of sick. Their tracker had got taken out and they needed someone who could do the impossible. We were to meet in a couple of night’s time and left tonight for me to have some downtime.

  My services were always in demand by one mob or another so it always felt good to take a few days off and be able to just hang with Robbie. Well, it had been until he got himself loved up with a new girl. I had planned for the two of us to hit the bar tonight but it was clear that he needed his older brother to get out of the way for a while. I decided to amuse myself with a walk down memory lane and a few drinks. I smiled to myself when I walked past the sports bar he barely was able to walk out of during my last visit. My little bro was growing up and seemed pretty serious with this girl, she was from a mob family too, so things had potential. God, I hoped she wouldn’t break his heart.

  I finally decided on the Flannigan’s bar. It only took a few minutes to get served and I managed to get settled on a stool at the bar. They even had live music tonight; a guy with a guitar and a mike. Well, we’ll see how the first couple of drinks go and I might just go to the sports bar.

  I was half way through my pint when I heard a rowdy crowd before they even get in through the door to the bar. As the door whooshed open, they rushed in, waving at the singer excitedly and moved to sprawl over a couple of tables near where he sat. Great, just great.

  Two of the girls came back over to the bar, standing near me as they waited to get served. The bleach blonde Asian girl was clearly very confident, back straight, perky ass and fake tits bubbling out of a tight little party dress. Pretty, yes. Predictable, yes. Good fuck? I sincerely doubted it. Little teases like that act like they know what they’re doing until they’re alone… then they just lay on their back and wait for all the magic to happen. It was the other girl, the one standing beside her that was what convinced me to stay here a while longer.

  Chapter Two


  “Blondie” was busy trying to exude a sexy come-and-get-me vibe that every man recognises as please-fuck-me-and-I’ll-be-your-bunny-boiler-psycho-bitch-forever. Not. Worth. It. Especially as I’d now figured out she was hustling for business. I’d met a few just like her over the years; rinsing any guy fool enough to take interest in her.

  Her friend was a different story. Confid
ent, yeah, but not doing the whole preening, smiling and flirty-eyes thing. The open black shirt, tank top, blue jeans and heeled boots looked a lot sexier to me. Sexiness was something many try to fake, but it just resonated somewhere inside me when I seen it. She was not like her friend and that just intrigued me more… since when did a tramp like her friend allow such a sexy looking side-kick?

  “I don’t think I’ve noticed you here before – have you come to listen to Anton? Fuck, are you from the label! He is amazing, but you already know that! You know, if you are from the label, can you check out my YouTube channel?” “Blondie” babbled at me.

  “No, sorry, I’m not from a label.” I could have said I was; this one would have been out the back alley sucking my cock faster than I could have said A&R Man.

  “Hey, you should check my channel out anyway, I mean, Anton’s been producing my videos.” She continued, flicking her hair and batting her eyelids.

  “Mae, come on, leave the guy alone.” Her friend tried to convince “Blondie” Mae, but she certainly wasn’t going to give up that easily.

  “It’s ok Erin, he’s cool. Aren’t you?” She smiled coyly at me, bright red lips pouted around her straw. This is what works for guys these days?

  “Sorry, she was a bit drunk before we even got here.” Erin sad. Her green eyes looked directly at me apologetically, but darted to the floor quickly after. She knew what blondie was up to.

  “It’s fine, Erin, she’s excited about your friend up there.” Mae went to say something, taking my reference of her to mean I wanted to talk to her, but I went on, “So, you must be a pretty good friend to be watching out for “blondie” here.” Erin hid her smile behind her hand, before reaching for her glass on the bar.

  “Yeah, I must be. Well, sorry for interrupting your night. “Blondie” and I will be going again. Nice talking to you.” She said as she ushered her friend away with their drinks in hand.

  Out of curiosity I stayed on to watch Anton. Being fair, I didn’t think he was the worst singer I’d ever heard, but Ed Sheeran was certainly safe. When Anton finished, I noticed that “Blondie” was first up to the stage to help him pack up, flesh bobbling about as she teetered on her high heels trying to take the microphone down. Apparently another guy’s outcome was decided.

  Erin came back to the bar for another drink. The bar had only ever reached half full but was almost empty now that the singer was finished. “So, your friend is pretty good.” I lied, looking for an excuse to speak to her.

  “Hmm, yeah, if you like that sort of stuff.” She said.

  “Not your kind of thing then?” I laughed.

  “All these pretty boys singing like girls? Nah, not for me. He’s my friend, but he takes longer to straighten his hair than I do.” She shrugged and looked at the bar man who was replacing one of the vodka bottles.

  “Your friend seems to like him.” I joked, hoping to persuade some more conversation from her.

  “Mae? Yeah, she likes him a lot more now that she thinks he’s about to go big time.” Mae waved from the side door as she left with Anton. “He’s got a second gig tonight over town, so she volunteered to help him with setting up. As if she knows the first thing about that.” I chuckled to myself, of course she would be interested in him, his minor celebrity brought him to the attention of more women and nothing set a siren like her to work more than knowing she took someone that was very desirable.

  “Er, that’s… great?” I said.

  “Um yeah, sorry again about her being so forward with you earlier… Mae’s pretty out there.”

  “You’re not leaving too?” I asked, hopeful that she was staying a little longer. I noticed she had pushed her sleeves up enough that a glimpse of the ink on the inside of her arm peeked out and I wondered what was hiding under the shirt sleeve.

  “Nah, I’ve heard enough for one night I think. I’ll be out of your hair once the bar man decides he sees me.”

  “I’m enjoying the conversation Erin, I’m Kane.” I extend my arm and gestured to the stool she’s standing beside. Jumping up on the stool easily, she smiled a genuine smile at me.

  Chapter Three


  I knew Mae was going to ditch me as soon as she even got the slightest hint that Anton might be interested. And when she put on the full charm offensive, usually no man was safe. That guy at the bar gave her a run for her money though. I almost laughed out loud when he hadn’t succumbed to her power pout. Sitting chatting at the bar now felt cosy, he was easy to talk to and I could have got lost in his ebony eyes. I’d never seen eyes so dark before.

  Kane seemed to be a pretty cool guy, he told me he’d served in the Army for a few years before being honourably discharged and now taught Politics at a university. He didn’t look old enough for the life he talked about, but the way he held himself definitely screamed Army, perhaps some kind of special forces?

  I didn’t realise how late it was until Ray came over to leave my coat with me and say that they were leaving to go for pizza. Whilst I was tempted, I didn’t want to leave Kane just yet. His complements were giving me a lovely confidence boost. That he dismissed Mae in the way he did and then was obviously trying to charm me gave me a warm feeling inside… Women like Mae don’t generally get turned down, especially for a guy to focus his attention to someone curvier like me. Mae will not be happy about this.

  “So, would you like to grab something to eat?” He smiled, “I’m not entirely sure I can get us to it, but there’s a great all night café not far from here. Last time I visited I went with my kid brother, Robbie.”

  “Was it Finlay’s All Night Café?” I asked. I knew exactly where it was since I went there at least twice a week; it had been my favourite spot since I moved here a couple of years ago. I always had an appetite after drinking and my mouth watered at the thought of eating.

  His face lit up, “Yes, that’s it! D’you know, the last time I was here I had their fried chicken. It came with-”

  “Chilli dip, sour cream and salted chilli chips?” I laughed as he nodded in surprise, my focus diverted from the idea of food to the thought of being with this guy for a while longer. I licked my lips. “Yeah, I love their food too. It’s only about a five minute walk.”

  “So, do you want to go now?” he asked, finishing his beer. “Or will we see if we can get some drinks somewhere else?” As I stood I realised that I was leaving with a complete stranger. “Let’s get some food, I really am starving!”

  Chapter Four


  It’s been a while since I picked a girl up, but Erin wasn’t your typical woman. Her dry sense of humour made it feel more like I was chatting with one of the guys, but the body certainly couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than one sexy woman with curves in all the right places. She drank beer, laughed heartily, smiled widely and had some wicked one-liners that kept me on my toes.

  We both ordered the fried chicken, which I soon found out was her favourite dish and that Finlay’s genuinely was one of her main places to eat. They knew her by name.

  We chatted easily as we ate. She picked at her food with her fingers, and the way she licked them was just about enough to drive me crazy. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop imaging those lips around my cock rather than her juicy fingers. I was barely finished my food when I looked over and Erin was eyeing up the dessert menu.

  “So, do you fancy dessert then?” She asked. Her body language was completely innocent to the offer I thought she was really making and the one I actually wanted.

  “There’s nothing on the menu that I want.” I replied, licking the spicy morsels from my own fingers. It was now or never. If she wasn’t interested, and from what I knew about females, all the signals were there – but if she wasn’t, this would be the time to know.

  “Oh, but you haven’t even looked at it.” Erin went to reach the menu over to me.

  “I know what I do want though; I’d love you to come back to my hotel room so I can taste you.”

/>   Chapter Five


  Well, I guessed Kane wasn’t shy in speaking his mind. I’d been fantasising about him all night, even before we’d talked. It had been so long since I allowed myself to break loose and enjoy myself in that way, and getting caught and sacked today gave me one more reason why I shouldn’t be doing this, but I needed to feel close to human being. Especially a toned, fit one with huge arms and a mouth I could imagine all over me.

  “It’s a pity you say that, Kane.” I teased. “Finlay knows I always finish up with apple pie and it’s probably already getting heated up.” It wasn’t the only thing feeling hot.

  He threw down some money on the table and stood: “Let’s get it to go then, you can eat it from my place.”

  Walking out of the café door I felt his eyes watch me from behind. For a second I wished I had borrowed one of Mae’s dresses so he could get a better view, but I’d always been a jeans girl, and that’s what you would have always found me in. As soon as we were outside he drew me against him and kissed me without warning. OK, that wasn’t what I had expected. He smelled like a mix of spice, musk and soap. His lips pressed against mine; softly at first and the instant I responded he deepened his kiss. I wondered if he knew I’d wanted to kiss him all night. As quickly as it had started, he stopped. “Sorry, well, not sorry, but I’ve been thinking about that all night and watching you lick those lips the whole time we were in there was driving me crazy.”


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