Police Officer's Princess: A Single Dad, Brother's Best Friend, Police Officer Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 31)

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Police Officer's Princess: A Single Dad, Brother's Best Friend, Police Officer Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 31) Page 11

by Flora Ferrari

  But for this one moment I want us to be those same two kids again. I want to save this damsel in distress and in doing so save myself.

  I lean in and can’t help but stop just short of her mouth. I feel the heat from her face, the tenderness of her cheeks in my hands, and something indescribable within me.

  I lean in the last bit and our two lips meet. It’s tender, gentle, and true…just like she is and just like she deserves. My fingers slide through her hair and onto the back of her head and our instincts take over. Our kiss grows more primal, more passionate, and more lustful.

  I completely miss the countdown to New Year’s but in doing so I gain so much more…the most incredible moment we’ve ever had.



  A few days later

  “What has gotten into you?” Penelope says.

  I raise two fingers to the waitress.

  “Another round?” she mouths as she runs a circle through the air with her index finger.

  I give her a thumbs up and she turns and keys in our order into the electronic register.

  “Another round? You are an animal uncaged. Who is this girl? Knock knock. Hello. Is Violet there? Who is this? Who is this person who has come and invaded her body and is pretending to be her right now?”

  I laugh as I take the last sip of my frozen margarita.

  “Who knew these things could be so good?”

  “Well for starters I did since like way back in high school. You never had one of these growing up? These were one of my go to drinks.”

  “You had a go to drink in high school?”

  “Let’s not get off topic here. What in the world has turned you into the happiest free spirit on the planet right now?”

  “Nothing. I swear.”

  “It’s him. Isn’t it?”


  “Uh huh,” she says as she pokes her straw into her drink. “Mister Nightstick?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Come on. I saw that bulge in his pants the entire New Year’s Eve. The real question is did you help him make his balls drop.”

  “Oh my god! This isn’t high school puberty class.”

  “Does that even exist?”

  “Health class. Puberty class. Whatever it’s called these days.”

  “Well I know what you’re called and that’s a puppy dog in love.”

  “I am not!”

  “Puh-lease. Your table is the most popular table in the whole casino recently. Even the losers are winning because they’re having such a great time. I see the pit bosses watching. They are on cloud nine with all the money your shifts are bringing in right now, and you’re on cloud nine too.”


  “Come on. Your table is the loudest and most fun. People are loving playing at your table and are risking more and more with each hand. Your table is doing double what anyone else’s table is doing.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I know things, just like I know about you and Chance. Come on. Give me the scoop. Was he good?”

  “There is no scoop.”

  “Okay, where were you when we lost track of you guys on multiple occasions over the course of the night? Huh? Huh?”

  Penelope pokes me in the ribs playfully. Did she really notice?

  “Me? What about you and Rico?”

  “Me getting my freak on is old news. And by the way let me just say that Rico is indeed the Latin lover with the luscious lips. Good lord that boy is not afraid to please and he loves going downstairs.”

  “Too much information,” I say, suddenly glad I already finished my drink.

  “Your drinks ladies,” the waitress says as if right on cue.

  “Thank you,” we say in unison.

  Penelope tips back her first and then we raise our glasses on our second round to I’m not even sure what exactly, but it’s perfect. I think I’m not sure exactly what because I can’t put my finger on it. It is everything.

  Everything is him. I just feel so much more alive. I have so much more energy. The air smells fresher. Food tastes better. I feel lighter on my feet and have a spring in my step.

  And to think we haven’t even had sex yet. Only a kiss. That’s all it took.

  “Well, whatever is going on between you I must say you are dealing with one cocksure cop.”

  I lean forward. “Cocksure cop?”

  “Cocksure. You know, a guy with a big dick and the confidence to back it. He reeks of confidence, but not in a cocky way. It’s just the perfect amount. And I know at least one area where he gets his confidence from. From what I can tell he is definitely packin’. I’m surprised you’re upright these days with that trouser snake of his.”

  I giggle at her choice of words and lean back in my seat. Cocksure, huh? I define cocksure in a different way as in I’m definitely sure I want his cock. All of it. I’m ready for my first time.



  “No more women dad!”

  “Just this one. Come on Chance.”

  “No. This has to stop. Now.”

  “I’ve just got—“

  I am so mad I could reach through the phone, grab my dad by the shoulders and shake some sense into him. Unfortunately that’s not possible, and two I don’t put my hands on people unless they’re the kind who are breaking the law and I’m fulfilling my oath to serve and protect.

  “No. I’m putting a stop to this right now. I will not see anymore of these women you are trying to set me up with. I’m done.”

  “The date is already setup.”

  “Well Mister Match Dot Com you better call and offer this girl a refund because I won’t be there. It’s your neck that’s on the line. Not mine.”

  “You met someone didn’t you?”

  It’s too early to answer that question. “My personal life is my business. What I do on my time is up to me.”

  “I’ve heard about this girl. This Violet. A card dealer at a blackjack table? Come on Chance you can do better than that.”

  “Better than what? A beautiful woman who’s got her head on straight, cares about other people, and isn’t spoiled or jaded. A girl who’s fun and enjoyable and whom I’ve known for years and know I can trust her. Sounds pretty darn good to me, dad. And I’m not even saying I’m with her.”

  “You don’t have to say. I know.”

  “You don’t know anything.”

  “People see things. People talk. It gets back to me.”

  “What gets back to you? There’s nothing to get back. What…you’re trying to pull information out of Harmony? I know she’s not telling you anything.” Saying it out loud made me think. Wait? If he’s not getting the info from Harmony then who is he getting it from? “Wait a minute. Who’s telling you what?”

  “Don’t worry about where I get my information from. Just know I have it.”

  “Are you watching me? Are you spying on me? Don’t fucking tell me you’ve got someone on the payroll keeping tabs on me.”

  “Don’t talk to me like that. I’m your father.”

  “My father? Really. That’s strange. I thought you were my pimp, not that I ever asked for one or needed one. Just pimping me out for campaign contributions. Now that I finally put my foot down on your stupid game I find out you’re spying on me too. You’re sick.”

  “Stay on the line, Chance. My secretary will schedule a meet. We need to talk about this face to face.”

  “What?” I say. “Stay on the line. I’m not one of your business associates.”

  “Hi Chance. The governor can fly you up tomorrow at two p.m. If that suits your schedule.”

  “The governor? You mean my dad. Are you kidding me? This call is over.”

  I hang up my phone and drop it on the couch in disgust.

  My dad got into politics to make the world better, but it’s only made him a whole lot worse. It’s gotten worse and worse each year. Ever since mom died it just pic
ks up steam. Now he wants to control my life? Hells to the no.

  If he wants to talk to me he can get his ass on a plane and come down here and talk to me like a man.

  I don’t want to speak with him anyways. Not after that stunt he pulled when I finished the police academy. The way he abused his power. I should have stopped talking to him then. My instinct was right. I’ve only stayed in touch because of Harmony and Charlotte. I’m trying to keep them out of this as best I can, but his behavior is downright sickening now. I’ve had enough of him. For good.



  I check in with the pit boss who escorts me to my table. It’s go time.

  There are literally people waiting for me to show up. Do I have groupies now?

  “There she is,” someone says. I see a man pointing at me.

  A couple guys on a table next to mine fumble with their chips, dropping a few, as they run over to my table to get a seat.

  “It’s really you,” a man says. “Lucky Lucy. I saw your picture on the Internet.”

  “On the Internet?” I laugh. I’m a little nervous but a little intrigued at the same time.

  “Yeah. In an online poker chat forum. Everyone’s talking about you. Play her table. You can’t lose, and even if you do it will be the most fun you ever have in Vegas.”

  “But I’m not Lucy,” I say. I give an awkward laugh as I prepare my table.

  “Online you are. Doesn’t matter in real life. On the Interwebs you’re Lucky Lucy. The new Lady Luck.”


  “A goofy term we use for the Internet.”

  “Oh,” I say. I’m not so sure how I feel about this newfound…fandom shall we say?

  “Sir, you need to step away from the table.”

  “Huh?” he says.

  I look up from counting my chips and see three gigantic men in suits with sunglasses on and communications devices in their ear forming a wall at the perimeter of my table.

  This could be bad. I turn and look at my pit boss. He’s watching like a hawk. He nods his head signaling everything’s okay.

  This is beyond weird.

  One of the men grabs the lapel of his suit and says something into it. He must have additional communication equipment sewn into or attached to his clothing. What in the world is going on?

  Suddenly an older gentleman comes walking through the casino towards my table. He carries himself like he owns the place and his suit is fitted to perfection. He’s attractive, but not my type. He gives off an air of power without any hint of charisma or likability mixed in.

  Have I drawn the attention of the owner of the casino?

  “Good afternoon,” he says as he sits down at my table.

  “Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to the Three Pyramids Casino. Would you like to begin?”

  “Let’s,” he says.

  I deal us each an up card and then proceed to deal us each a down card, but when I go to deal my down card I accidentally deal it up. I have both my cards up. A misdeal, but before I can say anything he’s already seized the moment.

  “The king of hearts and the queen of diamonds. Well well. Look at that. What a coincidence we have here. Look at how perfect those two look together.” He pauses.


  I look up at one of the pit bosses. He nods to play out the hand. I don’t like this at all. I have no idea who this high roller is but the bosses shouldn’t allow him to come in here and play like this and that includes treating me this way.

  “They’re even facing each other. It’s like they’re looking in each other’s eyes. How cute.”

  He takes his eyes from the table and looks up at me. His eyes are cold. His look steel. I recognize this man from somewhere, but I can’t quite place him. Is he famous? Is his picture hanging in the employee locker room so we know to recognize him as one of the owners if he comes in? Who is this guy and why did he come to my table?

  “See, that’s the thing, Violet. Life is a lot like Vegas. The game here is rigged, even when it seems like it isn’t. Just when you think you’re about to win…about to get that big payday…reality comes and slaps you right in the face and sends you right back to where you belong.”

  I am not comfortable at all. I feel my body pulling away from the table. I do my best to put on a friendly face for this customer, but there is no way I’m going to be able to take this for my entire shift.

  “Would you like to stay or should I hit you sir?”

  “Funny you should ask. You see we all know that the words hit you mean to give me another card.” He pauses as the faintest of smiles overtakes his lips. “But right now I’m not sure if you mean to hit me figuratively or literally.”

  “Sir, you’re making me uncomfortable,” I say.

  “And you’re attempting to make me uncomfortable miss, but it’s not going to work.”

  Is this guy absolutely bonkers?

  “The man you are pursuing doesn’t want a young girl. He needs a real woman. A woman who is his equal and can help him raise his child, not some girl dealing cards to drunk tourists in the middle of the afternoon and pretending that path leads somewhere in life.”

  He pauses again. He doesn’t remove his eyes from me.

  “Everyone knows there’s a big payday at the end of the rainbow, but it’s not waiting there for you. Oh no. It’s waiting for the woman I choose, not him. I know what’s best for him and that certainly is not you.”

  Oh my god it’s Chance’s father!

  “See just like your cutesy king of hearts and queen of diamonds here, your attempt wasn’t quite good enough. Together they only add up to twenty…and this game is called twenty-one. Blackjack twenty-one.”

  Again he pauses.

  “And there’s nothing worse than when you’re so close and a blackjack like myself comes along and spoils your plan.”

  He flips his card over. The ace of spades to go along with jack of spades. An original blackjack and where the game twenty-one takes its name from.

  “We all know he’s the king of hearts but I can see you are certainly not the queen of diamonds, nor will you ever get one from him. Stay away from my son.”

  Chance’s dad stands up and walks away from the table escorted by the three men.

  What in the world just happened? I feel like I’m hyperventilating and my knees and arms are shaking. I want to run to the bathroom and throw up.

  “Can we play now?” one of the online chat room guys asks.

  I feel my stomach tighten. I raise one finger and turn and run for the toilets.

  I barely make it to the last stall before my stomach turns and I feel tears running from my eyes.

  It’s like all my insides are suddenly broken. And my stomach and my head aren’t the worst of it.

  He’s also broken my heart.



  I somehow manage to ride out my shift, but it’s a terrible one. Nobody wants to play at Debbie Downer’s table. I start the day by learning I’m some sort of quasi-Internet sensation. I finish the day as a full-blown real life disaster.

  I drive home and immediately get in my bed. There are messages from Chance. I turn my phone off without reading them.

  I pound the mattress and cry and cry and cry some more.

  Just when I think I’m cried out and about to fall asleep I try and will myself to get tough. I walk into the bathroom and draw a bath.

  I prepare scented candles and even find an online station that plays the sound of a waterfall. Just what I need right now.

  What I didn’t need was some old man coming into my suddenly perfect life and wrecking it.

  What was he talking about? My plan?

  He made it sound like I was a gold digger. Are you kidding me? I’ve known Chance forever. The only gold I’ve ever dug for was not from him but with him, when we were kids digging for gold in the back yard. And when we couldn’t find any we decided to dig to China. I giggle at the silly things we did
back then. Sure, it wasn’t just Chance and I though. There were a lot of other boys there, but to me it always felt like it was just the two of us.


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