Police Officer's Princess: A Single Dad, Brother's Best Friend, Police Officer Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 31)

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Police Officer's Princess: A Single Dad, Brother's Best Friend, Police Officer Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 31) Page 17

by Flora Ferrari

  I grab the back of my sweats that she’s wearing and yank them down to her mid thigh. I reach back and unhook her legs from behind me so I can slide those sweats off her feet, allowing me to spread her legs so I can bury my face deep inside her thighs.

  She’s got her feet on the seat, her hands cuffed to the cage and I’ve got my hands under her ass supporting her, and holding her like a bowl as I drink her juices from her pussy. Her perfectly shaven, immaculate, abso-fucking-lutely delicious, glorious pussy.

  She’s already wet like an afternoon rain in the tropics, and we’re just getting started. I slide a finger inside immediately locating her G-Spot. I press up into the squishiness before making a come hither motion which causes her to rattle the cage even louder as she moves in pleasure as I torture her senses.

  “I want your cock,” she says.

  “You’ll get an extra finger,” I say as I slide in another, “and that’s all you’ll get.”

  I lick her pussy lips straight up the middle and back down again before taking her clit in my mouth and rolling it around then releasing it and flipping it with the tip of my tongue.

  I can feel her ass tightening and I know she’s close. It’s too quick.

  I pull my fingers out of her causing a loud popping sound. It’s a vacuum emptying, showing just how perfect we fit together in every way.

  “Why are you doing this?” she says. “Fuck me, please.”

  I see her eyes lock on mine in lust, pleasure, and torment at the same time. She wants to cum, but I’m not going to let her. Not yet.

  “I need to sample the evidence first,” I say. I slide my two fingers into my mouth as she watches me take their wetness, but as I slide them back out they’re bone dry. I’ve made sure not to miss a drop as I dragged them across my tongue and then my lips, which caught every last bit of her juices.

  I make a big slurping sound followed by a deep inhale. The mouth is connected to the sinuses and I can smell her in my mouth.

  I put my face back in-between her groin and kiss just next to her outer lips, causing her head to fall back against the cage and her back to arch once again.

  I kiss my way down the inside of her thigh, keeping an eye on her pussy. It’s red, open, and ready. It’s calling for me and my cock is so hard against my navy blue slacks I know there’s nothing to do but answer the call.

  I unhook my belt and unzip my fly before sliding my underwear down. My cock springs out and points right to where it wants to go…inside her.

  I slide forward and attempt to stand up halfway, arching my back almost completely horizontal as I grab the fencing with one hand and support her ass with the other.

  I line my cock up and she’s so wet my dick slides right in as I bring my hips forward. I pull out slowly the first time, but I’m so turned on that it will be the last thing that’s under my control.

  I thrust again as I plunge inside her dark hole causing her body to writhe up and down. I feel like a boat at sea, fighting a tremendous swell as her body fights back like a fish caught in a net trying to escape for dear life.

  Her hips rise as she clenches her midsection, only to come crashing back down as I slide back inside her. The sounds of our actions fill the car…the creaking of the seat, my head hitting the inside of the roof, the caging struggling to contain her as the metal cuffs bang against the steel mesh.

  And suddenly I see a spray shoot up from her pussy just as I unleash a fury of my own juices deep inside her.

  The rattling of the cage stops as our bodies freeze, taking what the other has to give and giving all we have to the other.

  I collapse down into the floorboard, but continue to support her with my hands on my ass. I reach for the key, panting, and reach up and free one hand and then the other.

  I slowly bring her down towards me. She wraps her arms around me and kisses me hard in-between attempts to get enough oxygen into her lungs.

  “That was hot and heavy and unbelievable,” she says. “I want to do it again.”

  “How are your wrists?” I say, in-between trying to catch my own breath.

  “They might hurt tomorrow, and I hope they do. It will remind me of what we just did. Make me think about it all day long, waiting for the next time my perfect policeman decides I’ve been a bad, bad girl and brings me in for questioning.”

  “You are never a bad girl,” I say, “but I’ll be sure to treat you like one from time to time.”

  She smiles.

  “It’s the best of both worlds for both of us. You’re too good to be bad, so sometimes you need to be punished for always being so good. So I guess we’re both bad in that case.

  “The worst,” she says laughing.

  “Which is the best,” I say.



  I tried to slide out of L.A. before rush hour but I totally blew it. It’s taken my eight hours just to get to Vegas and now I’m totally out of it. I just want to crash and there’s no better place than Chance’s house. I just need to get a shower and get settled into his spare bedroom and I’ll be passed out the minute my head hits the pillow.

  And speaking of hitting, recently I’m starting to feel like punching the guy. Not literally, but I feel like he’s holding something back. It’s almost like something’s going on with him and my sister, but I know that would never be the case.

  He’d never do that. Not to mention there’s an age difference. Plus he’s my best friend. There are just too many reasons why that can’t be the case.

  But why can’t I get the idea out of my head? It’s like a seed that’s growing and won’t stop even though I do everything I can not to water it.

  I tell myself it’s crazy talk. I tell myself it’s ludicrous, but still it sticks there in my brain like a virus that won’t go away.

  So I figured what the heck. I’ll drop in on him with a pseudo-surprise visit and cheer him up. That and I want to see what he’s up to these days. I needed to get out of L.A. for a few days anyways, and since he’s out for my Valentine’s Day plan I guess now’s as good a time as any to hit the road and catch up with my best friend.

  I called him when I got to Barstow and also when I was an hour out. The first call rang, but the second one went straight to voicemail.

  He was available, but now he’s not. Maybe he’s in the middle of a big bust.

  No matter. I know where he keeps the spare key. I’ve used it a few times before and he’s always told me not to worry about knocking. His house is my house, and I’m welcome anytime. It goes both ways.

  I cut the lights and kill the engine a few houses down. I don’t want to wake Charlotte in case she’s already asleep.

  As I coast up to his house I see the cruiser’s parked in the driveway. He’s taking the cruiser home these days? He must be in tight with the motor pool guys.

  I park along the sidewalk and make my way to the front door. All the lights are out. This is weird.

  I look down at the third rock from the door in the little garden thing next to his front step. That rock is fake and the key is inside. He’s sure done a good job of making it look real though.

  This doesn’t feel right. I should probably ring…I mean it looks like the guy’s here since the cruiser’s parked outside. Maybe he’s asleep and I should just creep in and take care of business and catch up with him in the morning.

  I could also go look for a hotel, but I really don’t want to bother with that right now. Plus he’s not really close to any hotels, or even motels, that I’m aware of.

  What should I do?

  I look down at the knob and notice something I hadn’t before. The door’s open. It must be a full couple inches between the door and the jam. How did I miss that?

  I blame it on the dark and being out of it from the drive. It’s not like Chance to leave his front door open…not at all. I don’t like this one bit.

  Tensions are high in this country right now and some cops are targets. He’s got the cruiser parked right in plain s
ight, so it’s more than possible something bad is happening.

  I hightail it back to my car and grab my concealed carry. I move stealthily back to the front door and push open the door gently just enough so I can slide in.

  Still dark.

  Then I hear it. Something splashing around upstairs. Shit! Somebody’s got him in the tub and they’re having their way with him.

  I dart up the stairs and see the light at the end of the hall. I move through the hallway and stop just short of the door listening.

  He’s moaning and I hear water splashing wildly.

  I didn’t see an accomplice or another car parked outside. There could be one perpetrator inside, maybe two. I need to come in ready for anything. I step in-front of the door and lean back before throwing my shoulder right into the door.

  The door comes flying off the hinges and I almost follow it to the floor, but I catch myself. I point my weapon at the tub and then fan it across the room.


  My eyes dart back to the tub and I see more splashing and two people trying to cover themselves as quickly as possible.

  “Fuck! I’m sorry. I thought…” I cover my eyes with my hand and turn to go.

  “Sorry. Sorry, man. I thought,” I leave the bathroom and go down the hall to the living room.

  “Holy shit, the guy had some girl over and he was getting crazy. I show up and ruin it all. This whole time I think he’s with my sister, but he’s not. He’s with someone else. It totally makes sense now. Now I know why he didn’t want to do anything on Valentine’s Day.”

  I sit down on the couch and laugh. This is crazy and he’s going to want to kick my ass for sure, rightfully so. But I know we’re going to look back at this in ten years and have the biggest laugh ever.

  “Remember the time you busted in on me and that lady in my tub?”

  Oh my god. How paranoid can I be? First I’m thinking he’s with my sister and then I think some criminals are roughing him up.

  And that poor girl’s head. She was underwater and under all those bubbles. Was she giving him an underwater blowjob? Is that even possible?

  Chance, that dirty little devil.

  Well I’m glad to see he’s finally moving on. It’s good for everybody.

  And I’m sure as hell relieved it wasn’t with my sister.

  I can’t believe I ever thought that was even a possibility. I sure am glad to know now that it wasn’t.



  Violet breaches the water’s surface and gasps for air.

  I frantically think of what to do next.

  “Did he see me?”

  “I’m not sure. I don’t think he recognized you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “No. But I think he would have went off if he would have known it was you. That was quick thinking.”

  “I saw his face in the mirror so I instinctively went underwater.”

  “Smart thinking. He was looking right at us so he couldn’t have seen your face from the angle you were seeing him in the mirror.”

  “Did the commotion wake up Charlotte?”

  “I haven’t heard her door open. Okay…here’s what we’ll do. I’ll turn on the TV downstairs and you can use the noise it makes to move from the bathroom to the bedroom. Just leave everything here like it is. We’ll figure it out in the morning. I’ll take him somewhere early.”

  “He’s not going to let you leave Charlotte alone.”

  “You’re right. He’ll know. It won’t make sense.” I pause. “I should have told him about us before.”

  “You’re not going to tell him now are you?”

  “No. Wrong time and place. I’ll tell him tomorrow. Take him to breakfast and tell him.”

  “Make sure he doesn’t order a steak for breakfast. He likes to do that.”

  I think about her comment and draw a blank. “Why can’t he order a steak?”

  “Because he’ll have a knife in his hand,” she says.

  I don’t laugh. This is real and I have no idea how Vic’s going to react. I don’t think Violet was joking about the knife either. I know he won’t stab me or anything like that, but still…as a policeman I see what happens when emotions run high. We call them crimes of passion but what we call them doesn’t matter…the outcome does.

  I towel off as quickly as I can and throw on some clothes.

  I go downstairs and look for Vic, but he’s nowhere to be found. Did he take off thinking I’m with a girl?

  I step outside the house and there he is. He’s sitting in his car facing the house. He’s got the door open and one foot on the ground and one foot on the floorboard.

  “I’m really sorry, man. I just thought something bad was going down.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I can get a hotel.”

  “No way. You’re staying here. Are you kidding me? Come on back inside.”

  “What about the girl?” he says.

  “She’s going to stay the night. Everything will be okay. No biggie.”

  “Really sorry, man. I had no idea.”

  “No problem. Come on back in,” I say.

  Vic stands up and shuts his car door. He starts walking toward me with his hand extended for a handshake.

  “I have to tell you something,” he says.

  “What’s that?” I ask. Damn, I really don’t need any more surprises tonight.

  “I don’t really know what got into my head, but I was just thinking,” he begins. He laughs. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but…I was starting to think you and Violet had something going on. Crazy, huh?”

  “Wow. That is crazy,” I say. I’m not exactly lying. I’m not admitting we don’t and it is totally crazy that I’m with his sister…and that I’m crazy about her.

  “Could you imagine?” he says. He stops just short of me on the front step and I extend my hand to meet his. “You and Violet. How messed up would that be?”

  I raise my eyebrows as to say “totally crazy.”

  He puts his hand on my shoulder and we walk in together. “But I’m really glad to see you’re back at it. Glad that you’re dating again.” He stops and because he’s got his arm on my shoulder I stop as well. “Wait! Are you actually seeing someone?”

  “Yeah, you know…” I pause. “I’ve been meaning to tell you about that.”

  “That’s why you didn’t want to do anything for Valentine’s Day?”


  “Okay, I get it now.” He laughs again. “And I was thinking it was because you wanted to sneak out and do something with someone. You sounded weird on the phone. That’s one of the reasons I started doing the math and was thinking it was Violet.”

  “How crazy would that be?” I say.

  “Dude. Don’t even go there. That’s my sister we’re talking about. But I know you wouldn’t try anything with her anyways, so it’s all good.”

  I’m trying to act normal, but I know I’m a little off…or a lot off. I try and assess the situation again now that I’ve had a second. I should probably be angrier. I mean if someone walked in on you and you were with your girl you’d be mad right? I’m being too calm about everything. It’s too late to flip the switch now though and act all bent out of shape.

  “Get you a drink?”

  “I’m parched. Whaddaya got?”

  “Let’s see,” I say. We walk to the kitchen and I try and run a mental inventory of what things Violet might have lying around the house. Charlotte just cleaned the house yesterday so we should be all good. As long as Violet hasn’t intermixed any of her things with mine. It’s funny to think about it. I’m ready for mine and hers to start becoming ours but right now that would be the absolute worst. I just need to get through tonight so I can tell Vic the news tomorrow morning, the right way.

  “Bacardi Breeezers? You going soft on me?” Vic says when I open the fridge.

  Shit! I got those for Violet for our next celebration. That and a bottle o
f champagne. I never know when our next celebration might be, but we tend to have a lot of them and I need to be prepared.

  “Those must be left over from New Year’s Eve,” I say.

  “We had those on New Year’s Eve?” he asks. I don’t remember seeing those.

  Is he starting to catch on…again?


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