Who Loves Ya, Baby?

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Who Loves Ya, Baby? Page 16

by Gemma Bruce

  Chapter 14

  It was after eight when Julie drove up to Cas’s cottage and parked between the old green truck and the police car. She tried to convince herself that she was here to check her e-mail and get another look at his clue. But what she really wanted was Cas. Feel his warmth and his strength and every tantalizing inch of him. And she knew she was a fool for wanting him.

  She was about to head toward the house, when she heard the sound of drilling coming from the corrugated outbuilding. She walked over to it. A serious padlock hung from the hasp on the door, but it was unlocked, so she pushed the door open and peered inside.

  The interior was warm and brightly lit. In the center of the long, narrow room, a boat rested, hull side up, on giant sawhorses. She stepped all the way in and closed the door quietly behind her.

  The boat was at least fifteen feet long and nearly as wide as the room. Thin wooden strips overlapped each other lengthwise down the hull. A work table ran along one side of the room and what she could see of the other was filled with tools. The air smelled of cedar and machine oil.

  The drilling stopped and the sound of sanding came from the far end of the room, behind the hull.

  She eased along the space between the boat and the work table. “Cas?” she called out softly, not wanting to break the sense of peace that permeated the room.

  “Yeah?” Cas’s head appeared over the top of the boat, consternation on his face. Consternation that quickly became something else.

  Taken off guard by the sudden heat in his eyes, Julie turned away and her gaze fell on a large sheet of white paper rolled out on the work table. Julie leaned over for a closer look.

  Cas appeared at her side and whisked it off the table. Turning his back to her, he rolled it up, drew a rubber band around it and tossed it onto a shelf above the table.

  He was wearing jeans and a blue plaid shirt and he looked like Mr. Mountain Man instead of clueless sheriff or wimpy banker.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt,” she said and made a pretense of backing toward the door. But she was mesmerized by the sight of him; dark cowlick sticking up while another lock fell over his forehead, his throat showing at the opening of his shirt. And she wanted to touch him. “Sorry.”

  He took her hand and pulled her into him. They fit perfectly together. And though Julie knew it was an illusion, it felt so good and right that it took a few seconds for her to summon the strength to move away.

  “I came to use your computer.”

  Cas flashed her a grin and slipped his hands around her waist.

  “You don’t give up, do you?” said Julie, giving in to his nearness.

  He tightened his grip. “Not any more.” And he kissed her. Julie’s eyes closed even as she willed them not to. But hell, it was only foreplay, and it felt good. And it will lead to trouble. She pulled away. Cas’s mouth shifted to her jaw. His hands pulled at her coat, opening the collar, and he kissed his way down her neck to her sweater. Then suddenly he stepped back and frowned at her.

  “You make me insane,” he said in a strained whisper.

  Join the club, thought Julie and wondered how cold the concrete floor was. She shook herself. “My e-mails?”

  “Right, better idea.” Cas took her hand and led her toward the door. He stopped to fiddle with some dials, then turned out the lights. Outside, he clicked the padlock shut and shivered.

  “Leave your jacket inside?” asked Julie, fighting a smile. He only had sex on his mind. Which was not good. But since she only had sex on her mind at the moment, she could hardly complain.

  E-mails, she reminded herself as Cas began to pull her toward the house. She was in dangerous waters, a recurring theme when in Cas’s presence. Because she knew that she would take more than just sex if he offered. And that wasn’t good.

  Inside the door, he turned her around and began to unbutton her coat. She placed her hands over his and thought, these are not banker’s hands, these are strong, capable hands.

  She finished the buttons herself, dropped her coat over one of the hooks that were arranged in a row just inside the door.

  “Where’s your computer?” she asked, as she pulled off her shoes and looked around like she didn’t know the room by heart already.

  “Over here.”

  She followed him past the drafting table to the desk. He motioned her into a swivel chair and then leaned over her to boot up the computer.

  His shirt was cold as his arm brushed her shoulder, but she could feel his heat through the fabric. She had to force herself not to lay her cheek against his arm. She sat rigidly in the chair, both feet on the floor, eyes on the monitor, until the screen lit up and rows of icons appeared on a blue-and-white swirl of sea spray.

  Water again. She smiled in spite of herself, remembering the two of them rolling on the kitchen floor, the open pipe sending geysers of water over them, slicking their skin.

  He leaned farther over her to move the mouse to the internet icon. Her gut twisted and heat spread out through her thighs and she thought, you’re doing that on purpose.

  The screen changed again and she was looking at the Netscape home page.

  “I’ll make coffee,” Cas said and moved away.

  The air seemed suddenly cold and Julie gritted her teeth. No. No. No. Think e-mails. And find that clue. She ran her hands around the edge of the blotter. The paper was gone. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure Cas was making coffee and looked more thoroughly. Definitely gone. Had he become suspicious? Hidden it so she wouldn’t be tempted again?

  Welcome to AOL appeared on the screen. She typed in her screen name and password.

  She had mail. But there wasn’t much. Several pieces of spam that had sneaked through her screen and several from friends wondering where she was. She read and deleted until she came to the last message. One from Harriet Andrews from the bomb squad.

  Julie clicked it open.

  How’s it going? Where are you? I’ve called you a couple of times, but there was no answer. Grimwald said you resigned. Is that true? You were smart if you did. Got a new job? Sitting on a tropical island, drinking pina coladas with some hunky surfer? Let me know.

  Julie heard Cas move away from the stove. She moved closer to the computer, shielding the screen with her body.

  The shit has really hit. Seems there’s more than one AH in the department. But the primo one, Donald, is back at work. Can you believe it? Ratted on the others, so they gave him a desk job. He’s badmouthing you to anyone who’ll listen. Says you were asked to leave.

  “What?” exclaimed Julie.

  “Did you say something?”

  Julie’s head snapped in the direction of the voice.

  Cas stood at the fireplace, holding a log and looking at her with concern. “Bad news?”

  “No.” Julie went back to reading.

  “Says you took the bribes and he took the fall. BS. BS. BS. Everyone knows you blew the whistle on him, but they listen anyway, because it’s easier than arguing. Grimwald sent around a memo saying you had resigned but were not under suspicion. Don’t worry about any of this BS. The only thing you’re guilty of is bad luck in partners. You’re a heroine among the honest cops, so don’t give it another thought. Just wanted you to know. Stay in touch. HA

  Julie clicked reply.

  That fucking bastard. I can’t believe him. If there’s any fallout let me know ASAP. I don’t want my name associated with that piece of crud. I’m back in my home town. I’ve inherited a house and stuff. I’ll let you know what I’m going to do next. And keep me informed!!! JE

  She pressed send just as Cas came over and placed a mug of hot coffee at her elbow.

  “No need to hurry,” he said. He glanced at the screen. She logged off.

  “I’m done,” she said, her voice strained with suppressed rage. “I better be going.”

  “Come over by the fire and drink your coffee first. I could make some dinner. Have you eaten?”

  “Thanks, but—”
br />   “Or we could go out. There’s a decent restaurant over in Henryville. And we don’t even have to dress up.”

  She couldn’t. If they had dinner, she would have to make conversation and she would inevitably tell him about being a cop and that would really turn him off. And they’d be stuck over dessert without anything to talk about. And she wasn’t sure if he would applaud her blowing the whistle on a fellow officer. But if they did talk, he might tell her about his half of the riddle. Oh hell, it was just too complicated.

  “Thanks, but I can’t.”

  Cas put his coffee mug down next to hers and wrapped his fingers around her arm. He lifted her out of the chair. “Do you know how many times you’ve said, ‘I can’t,’ in the last few days? Are you having second thoughts about what’s happening between us?” He smiled, sort of, but it was that hurt kind of smile that made Julie want to hug him. And she thought, he’s manipulating me so he’ll get laid tonight. But even as she thought it, she knew that wasn’t the truth. Cas was after something more and she wasn’t sure if it was her or her riddle.

  He stepped closer. “We’ll just talk, okay? I know everything has been fast and furious.” He smiled sheepishly. “Something just comes over me when I’m near you.”

  Yeah, your hormones, thought Julie as her determination wavered beneath his gaze.

  The fire was crackling. The coffee smelled wonderful. And so did Cas, now that she thought about it. A combination of skin, man, smoke and something definitely yummy.

  If they just made love—had sex, she amended—just a quickie in front of the fireplace, he might fall asleep and she could search for his clue. And then she’d leave.

  Cas’s hand shifted from her arm to her back and warmth spread across her. He led her to the fireplace and settled her on a bearskin rug in front of the hearth, then went off to retrieve their coffee mugs.

  “Is this rug real?” she asked as he came back and handed her one of the mugs.

  He laughed. “No. Just one of We—it came with the house.”

  “Oh,” said Julie, wondering if he’d been about to say “Wes” or “we.” Was there a “we” in Cas’s life? He hadn’t mentioned being involved with anyone. Of course, one didn’t usually mention such things when they were busy seducing someone else. He was definitely going solo here. Maybe someone back in Rhode Island?

  Julie sipped her coffee and stared into the fire.

  Cas sat down beside her.

  “Are you going to stay in Ex Falls?” she asked. She thought she saw a faint blush spread across his cheeks, but it was probably just a reflection from the fire.

  “Actually I have a place picked out in a little town over on the coast. A marine and boat supply store that’s for sale.” He fell silent, then said, “You should see it. Ex Falls spiffed up and nestled in a natural cove. There are still families who make their living fishing.”

  Julie smiled. “It sounds nice.”

  “It’s more than nice,” said Cas, looking into the fire, the flames mirrored in his eyes. “Everything is vibrant with life there. The people are tanned and healthy all year round. The water is as blue as the sky. Sometimes it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. In the winter, the winds blow in and the waves turn to steel gray and the air is bracing, so heavy with salt, that it can cleanse your soul.

  “I keep my catamaran docked at the marina there. I can be on the open sea in less than ten minutes. There’s nothing more exhilarating than riding the swells, the wind tearing at the sails.”

  He stopped, half-embarrassed. “No banker’s hours, no suits, no people going bankrupt with me helping them down the road to disaster.”

  “You always said one day you’d sail away.”

  “Did I?”

  “Yeah. I used to kid you about it, but Wes would say, in that pseudo-stern voice he had,” she lowered her voice and said gruffly, “‘Leave the boy alone. If he wants to sail away, he will.’ ” She returned to her normal voice. “And you did. For a while, anyway.”

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?” He smiled, making it a joke, but his eyes were serious.

  She looked away. Tell me about your riddle.

  But Cas only gazed into the fire.

  Julie rubbed the back of her neck as tension tied her body into knots of disappointment, frustration, and several other emotions she’d rather not name.

  Cas put his mug on the hearth and moved her hand away. Gently, he began to rub her neck. His fingers moved in small circles up her spine and she let her head fall forwards. It felt really good.

  He shifted to her shoulder and his other hand joined the first, pulling the muscles away from the bone and stroking them into relaxation.

  Julie sighed contentedly. “I know you’re only trying to butter me up.”

  “That’s right.” Cas shifted so that he was sitting behind her. His hand moved between her shoulder blades, and his lips settled on the muscles he’d just left.

  Okay, thought Julie, succumbing to pleasure. I’ll let him work his way down, we’ll have terrifyingly wonderful sex, then I’ll tell him I have to feed Smitty. And I won’t have to lie. And he won’t have to lie. And we’ll be right back where we started. Strangers.

  Cas unfolded his knees and stretched his legs to either side of her. His hands released her long enough to find the ribbing of her sweater and lift it up, then his fingertips pressed into the bare skin of her back, sending sparks up her spine until she figured her hair must have been standing on end.

  She exhaled and taking this for acceptance, Cas moved to her hip bones and pulled her into him. Then he slid his hands to her abdomen, circling her ribs with a gentle massaging motion, the same motion that she felt as he pulsed his erection against the small of her back.

  Julie lay back against him, let her head rest against his collar bone and when his hands moved from her ribs to her breasts, she arched up to meet him. He unclasped her bra, pushed the pieces of fabric aside, and replaced them with his palms.

  She couldn’t seem to get enough of him, ever. Especially knowing that it all must end sooner or later. And probably sooner. His thumbs rubbed over her nipples ... nipples that had been in a permanent state of arousal since she first saw him. This was crazy. It was dangerous. And she wanted more.

  “That really feels good,” she said and turned off her mind and gave in to the pleasure, now for the moment. His hands slipped from her breasts and he wrapped his arms around her waist, while he nuzzled the hair away from her neck and he kissed his way to her ear. He bit the lobe, then his tongue invaded her ear, hot, moist, and so erotic that she thought she would come just from the pressure of her jeans between her legs.

  She rubbed her hands down his thighs. Made him jump when she squeezed the ticklish place above his knees. Drew her fingernails up the denim to the crease of his hips. Edged her hips away from him so that her hands could slide between them and settle on the fullness in his jeans. Played the denim there until he ground against her.

  He slipped his hands down the front of her jeans and she sucked in her stomach to make more room. His chest heaved against her back while his fingers teased her. Then he pulled out his hands, flipped open her jeans, and pulled the zipper down, each action making her rock in anticipation. His fingers dipped beneath the tiny triangle of thong, slid through her slick crease, until he found the center. Julie gulped back a moan.

  “On your knees,” whispered Cas, the words husky. He nudged her forward with his crotch and pulled her up, rising with her, his hands still cupping her, and the pressure became almost unbearable.

  His lips moved to her shoulder. He sucked the skin there, while he unfastened his jeans and pushed them down. Then he pulled hers down until they pooled at her knees. She shifted so that he could tug them the rest of the way down her legs. He tossed them aside, pulled her sweater over her head, and she let her bra slide off her arms to the floor.

  His hands explored her neck, caressed her arms, then clasped her hands and held them to her sides,
while he licked his way down her back. When she settled back against him, he pulled her up again. He licked down to her tail bone, then across her butt and bit one cheek. It sent a shiver through her. She tried to move her hands, but he held her wrists tight as he trailed a wet line to the other side and bit again.

  “Is this a version of cow—” She caught her breath as she felt his cock press against the cleft of her butt, then move its way up her back, warm, hard and silky smooth. He made deep rumbling purrs as he worked himself up and down her backside.

  He took her hands and pushed them between her legs. Together they brought her close to climax, while his body pressed against her back, and Julie thought, This is how it should be, and gave into whatever was going to happen.

  They rocked on their knees, one body, one rhythm, Julie caught between wanting to keep the fragile balance of extended pleasure and desiring to shoot off though the void. Then Cas moved away and she thought, Not yet. But his hands slipped between her legs from behind until they met hers in front. He pushed a finger into her, and she lifted her butt to draw him farther inside her.

  But his finger pulled out and he spread her cheeks. An instant later, he pushed his cock between her legs. The force of it knocked her off balance and she fell forward onto her hands. Another thrust and he was inside her, his hands beside hers, his chest hot on her back. He withdrew just enough not to slip out and she lifted her butt higher.

  He thrust again. “More.” The word exploded from him and she lowered herself to her elbows while he straightened up and held her hips to his as he pushed into her again.

  She met him push for push, only wishing she could see him. She wanted to see his face when he came, to know that she’d brought him the same kind of pleasure he was bringing her. His hands kneaded her butt as he drove his cock deeper inside her, then his hands moved around to her stomach and downward, until his fingers stretched between her legs. Each time he thrust from behind, his fingers slid back to meet him.

  Julie lost track of everything but the sensation spiraling inside her. Winding tighter until she couldn’t stand it, and she gave up trying to control the pace. She arched her back and thrust back until lights exploded before her eyes and waves rolled over her, one after the other, so fast and strong that she couldn’t catch her breath. She contracted around the thick length of Cas’s penis until he went still. She squeezed her thighs together; he cried out and pumped himself into her.


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