Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series)

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Rockstar Daddy (Decoy Series) Page 11

by K. T Fisher

  I need to properly think about how I'm going to do this. Jax tours the world now and goes of doing god knows what a rock star does so he might not even have the time for Finley. I look at my little boy and smile to myself, I can't believe how much he looks like his dad. He will be a little heart throb when his older I know it. He will be a good man though just like his dad, I know it. I get up from my bench and join him playing, I chase him around and where both laughing so loud. He squeals when I find him hiding in the tunnel and we spend time on the swings before we go. He sits on my knee, facing me with his legs wrapped around my waist and his arms hugging me. I rock us slowly on the swing for a little while listening to Finley singing one some of his school songs and a few chart singles. His voice is lovely, so sweet and innocent. He rides his bike home like he promised to do. When we get home his so tired so I quickly run him a bath. We have a little something to eat and then I get Finley to bed. His eyes shut straight away and within two minutes he was softly snoring. When I get downstairs I hear my phone vibrating on the kitchen side. A picture of me and Sophie pulling stupid faces at the camera flashes up.

  "Hey Soph."

  "Hey, how are you?"

  "So tired. Had work until 3 and then I took Finley to the park all afternoon."

  "Wow you have been busy."

  "Yea I'm feeling it now though. So whats up? How are you and Maisy doing with the wedding plans?"

  "It's going great, Maisy is brill. I got a call from Sarah and she said your dresses are ready. She's coming next Friday at 9 to check they all fit. She's also bringing the shoes too Sarah says there amazing, I can't wait."

  I imagine her jumping up and with a huge smile on her face.

  "I think I'm working Friday morning but I'll see if one of the girls will swap a shift with me. Shouldn't be a problem."

  "OK great! I'll talk to you later."

  "See ya"

  Chapter 9

  When I wake up on Saturday it's not a surprise that Finley is jumping on my bed. I think I'm going to have to have words with my son about how he wakes me up every morning.

  "Get up mummy. Get up mummy"

  Finley sings while jumping on me. Today I'm going to miss my little guy because today I'm working 9 till 5 at Bianca's so I can't even take him to school today. When I take Finley to my parents at 8:30 he gives me a quick kiss and a hug and leaves me for the play center. This is the first time I've been back to see my mum since she got some information out of me and Finley about Jax. So when my mum gives me a hug I feel a little awkward, my mum is not normally a hugging person.

  "I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to press you the other day but I really do worry about you."

  I'm suddenly very tempted to tell my mum about who Jax is but I'm scared. It would also be allot easier to come clean, maybe she wouldn't bug me as much and now I actually want to find Jax maybe she could help me?

  "Anyway, enough of that, what time is your break today?"

  She lets go of me and goes about her kitchen.

  "It's usually between 12:00 and 1:00 but that depends how long the customer is around my break time. Why?"

  "I thought you would like to come back here for something to eat. I 'll do something quick."

  Aw that sounds great, I could see Finley for a little bit aswell then.

  "Yea OK. I'll text you when I know what time my break will be, I've got a feeling it's going to be mad today because me and Tanya don't normally work all day at the same time."

  I bet there's women booked in for all sorts today seeing as me and Tanya are working all day that means there could be a lot of nail work and tanning too.

  "Sounds good kiddo. Make sure you text me ASAP."

  I shout bye to Finley who barely takes notice and leave to get to work for 9:00. When I get into work I check my bookings before my break time. It's only a spray tan so shouldn't take too long so I send my mum a text to say I should be at hers for about 12:30.

  My mum made us all pasta tuna with salad cream which goes does a treat. I love to eat this on a hot summers day.

  Finley sits beside me and keeps giving me the cheesiest grin whenever I look down at him. When I finish helping my mum wash up I receive a text from Jessica.

  JESSICA: Hey! U and Finley wana come round mine tonight

  4 dinner? xxx

  Well it seems today I won't be cooking at all.

  ME: Sounds great, I finish work at 5 so I'll fetch

  Finley n then come over xxx



  Well I was right about it being a very busy day today. I did a mixture of hair and beauty and I was glad to finally leave. I pick Finley up from my parents and quickly leave to go to Sam and Jessica's. I decide to leave my car at my house and walk round to their house. There house is exactly the same layout as mine apart from in Jessica's front garden she has planted pretty flowers where as mine I just have nicely cut grass. If I was to plant some cute little flowers in my garden Finley would trample all over them, they wouldn't even survive for a ten minutes let alone a day. As soon as were a house away from theres Finley rushes off and bangs on there door. Jessica opens up and Finley rushes past her shouting after the puppy.

  "It's so nice how I get a kiss and a cuddle."

  Jessica jokes as I put my bag away in her cupboard.

  "Aw why didn't you say!"

  I grab and squeeze her tight and then kiss her while she's laughing. There's a clearing of the throat cough and I let Jessica go and see Sam standing there leaning on the kitchen doorframe with his arms crossed.

  "Can I join in?"

  I walk up to him and smack his arm. He chuckles and and grabs me in a hug and kisses me hair. They both lead me outside where they have a BBQ set up and smelling delicious. After Finley has had enough burgers and hot dogs he runs off to play with the very cute Fudge the puppy, he didn't have a name until Jessica walked in on him stuffing his face with her gorgeous fudge cake slices so that's where his name was from. Adorable. Sam finishes his chicken wing and turns to me.

  "James told me he saw Rhys. How you feeling?"

  "I'm fine, it's only a matter of time until I see them now. I need to get used to the idea and I am going to tell Jax. The next time any of us sees one of them I need a number or an address."

  I look at Finley who's running around like a maniac and then look back to Sam and Jessica who nod to me, they still have that pity look.

  "Thats good honey, I think its best."

  "One more thing I need to ask you all. I know you all care and are trying your best but can you stop looking at me like that?"

  Sam and Jessica look at each other looking confused. Finley comes to the table to get a well needed drink.

  "Like what?"

  Finley spits out his juice and laughs at them because they spoke at the same time.

  "Like I'm perthetic, like I'm about to fall apart at any minute. You look at me like I could break down. I would forget all the crap and I'll see all your faces and it will remind me again."

  Jessica looks horrified.

  "We didn't realize honey. We will try and I'll tell the others."

  The rest of the evening is great. Sam and Finley kick a football around in the garden while me and Jessica talk about the dress fitting. I really can't wait and Jessica jumps in her seat excitedly about setting her eyes on the shoes. At 7:30 it's time to go. After Finley's bedtime story which I love doing every night I tuck him in and I go to bed and read a romance novel. The perfect type of boyfriend, a book one.


  On Tuesday I take Finley to school and meet up with Sophie and Jessica for breakfast. Tanya and Maisy are sadly at work.

  "Soooooo are you excited for Friday?"

  We both nod enthusiastically with big smiles.

  "It's all coming together now. I'm gutted you and Maisy missed my dress fitting Kendal. You need to come to the next one."

  "Ah it's gorgeous. Bring tissues you will cry."

  We al laugh and takes sips
of our drinks.

  "Speaking of all things gorgeous."

  Sophie looks at Jessica and I know what she's going to ask her. She asked me last night on the phone if she thought Jessica would like to and I knew she definitely would.

  "Would you do me the honor of baking me my wedding cake?"

  Jessica gasps and places her hands over her heart. Her eyes are shiny with tears.

  "Really? I'd love to Sophie. Don' even think of paying because your not."

  "No I'm paying Jessica. I just wanted to ask you because it will mean more coming from you and your cakes are amazing. I can't think of having anyone else make my wedding cake."

  Jessica stubbornly shakes her head no.

  "No you're not paying. Call it a wedding present."

  Sophie scrunches up her face at Jessica, we know for a fact Jessica will still buy her a present. We all are actually, we have planned her hen do and her presents and Sophie knows nothing at all.

  "You're still going to get me a present aswell though aren't you."


  I laugh at Sophies eye rolling and Jessica folding her arms to prove she's serious.

  "I told you Sophie. She never lets me pay for Finley's birthday cakes either."

  It's true, every year she makes Finley a birthday cake and it's always in his favourite characters. Jessica snaps her head to glare at me.

  "You new?"

  I nod at her sticking my tongue out. What can I say? I'm being playful.

  "I should have known."

  Sophie leans forward and narrows her eyes at my tongue.

  "Ohh let me see your tongue, I haven't seen it yet."

  Sophie then grabs my head, not very gently I might add, to look at my tongue.

  "Your so brave. I couldn't do it."

  "Yea well, only because your too dam sexy ex did it for you. Anyone would get a piercing if he did it, extra flirting? No charge."

  Still holding my head Sophie eyebrows draw together.

  "What ex?"

  I pull my head out Sophies grasp with more effort than I thought I would need. I suppose I need to tell her about Harley now. I give Jessica a dirty look. By the look on her face at least she knows she's just fucked up by dropping Harley into the conversation like that.

  "Harley is my ex, we were together for about a year-ish. He owns his own tattoo and piercing studio up the road."

  "Oh my God Soph! You should see him. His all bad boy look with a body that can make you faint. He doesn't act like a bad boy at all though, his such a nice guy."

  "Geee Jess, don't let Sam here you saying that."

  I can't help the sarcastic drawl as I speak my words and she just rolls her eyes and waves away my comment.

  "So why did it end? If he was as sexy as he sounds and is a good guy? If you don't mind me being nosy."

  She bites her lip after her last comment.

  "No it's OK Soph. I just didn't realize he was getting so serious about me. He asked me to move in with him but I realized I couldn't do it. I didn't feel the same as him and I was being a bitch keeping him away from finding someone who does."

  "Aw Kendal"

  She reaches across to hold her hand over mine and gives me sympathy eyes. These ones I don't mind because these aren't for Jax.

  "Yea well she's still hung up on Finley's dad so - "

  Jessica immediately stops talking realizing what she's just said. She winces and looks up to me, I just stare at her with a blank expression written on my face. How could she? Why did she just say that? Luckily I think Sophie realizes this is a sore subject.

  "That's perfectly understandable honey."

  She gives me a slight smile and I give her one back.

  "Thanks Soph."

  I do need to tell Sophie who Finley's dad is but here is not the right place. Plus I'm leaving it until after her wedding. She's was quite understanding then when Jessica opened her big mouth so she might be OK when I finally tell her the truth. I hear Jessica clear her throat across from me, I look to her and her eyes swivel to the doors of the little diner. Oh my fucking god! Why me? Why me? Why me? Harley has just walked in and fucking hell he looks good enough to eat! He has dark gray jeans on that are hugging his bum. He has a tight white short sleeve shirt on with his studio label on the back. His back is towards me and I'm feeling drawn in by him. I ask myself again why I couldn't have moved on with this delicious man? Sophie has obviously noticed me and Jessica staring at a hottie ordering food at the counter. She looks in the direction were looking at and her eyes go wide. Obviously marveling at the sexiness that Harley is. In fact a lot of the women in here are swooning, even the old woman who is taking his order. Jessica picks up conversation with Sophie for me while I'm freaking out a little inside. I'm glad too because when his finished ordering what he wants he walks to the little breakfast bar near the counter and sits on a stool to wait for his food. Then his eyes sweep the diner and I'm thinking 'shit shit shit!' I look away and try to be involved in the girls conversation but then I feel it. I can feel his gaze landing on me and staying there. My body heats to him, a reaction I haven't had in a while because i haven't had sex since Harley.

  "Hey Jessica, Kendal."

  We all look up to see Harley standing near our table. Jessica quickly looks to me and then back to Harley.

  "Hi Harley, what are you up to?"

  I see Sophie's eyes widen a little at Jessica calling him Harley, Obviously she's going to realize this is my ex Harley. Of course he would just appear moments after we have just spoken of him. His studio is just up the road though so I suppose there was a chance of him coming in here.

  "Just picking up some food for me and the guys at work. And who is this pretty lady?"

  I decide to stop being scared and step in.

  "This is Sophie, Sophie this is Harley."

  "She's our new sister in the group."

  "Oh I see, you must be special then Sophie."

  He leans across to shake her hand and then he kisses the top of it, the lady killer move.

  "Any friend of Kendal's is a friend of mine."

  I can practically hear Jessica and Sophie swooning, honestly these women are taken!

  "You look very nice today Kendal, as always."

  He leans down and kisses my cheek, his hand creeps behind my neck to hold me in place and I'm sure I heard him breath me in. The woman shouts Harley's order and he says his goodbyes, I don't miss that his yes linger on me for a while before he walks out the diner. Our table is quiet for a while and then Sophie is the first one to speak.

  "I know you said he was sexy Jess but fucking hell Kendal! How was you not in his bed 24/7?"

  Jessica blurts out laughing.

  "Sophie you're going to be a married woman soon."

  "Yes but I'm not blind."

  We all laugh and gossip over Harley, I even share a few stories about him. Like the fact he has a snake tattoo on his hip bone and the tail ends on the start of his cock. I add that he is very big in that department, oh yes, Harley has a big cock. Jessica lets Sophie in on a few details of hers and Sams sex, those two experiment in the kink department now and then. Sophies eye's widen when Jess tells her some of her story's. Jess should remember that Sophie nearly ran out the sex shop screaming so she may be frightening her with her spanking and rope stories. When it gets to 12:00 we decide to leave, I have work at 1:30 so I need to go home to get ready. We all say bye and go in our cars and leave, I put my roof down and put my shades on and make the most of this weather. Today Jessica is fetching Finley for me, I hate having to ask people but I do need help from time to time and Finley loves going over there anyway. When I get home I have time to do some housework and then get ready for work. I decide on my black skirt that ends just above my knees and my purple vest work top and my hair in a simple ponytail.

  When Jessica comes over to bring Finley home when I've finished work later she stays while I put Finley to bed and we talk excitedly about the hen do planning. Maisy got hold of Sophie's boy
friend's phone number to ask him secretly if he could help us get a private plane to Barcelona for Sophie. He loved the idea of going private so he offered to plan it all and the guy who owned the plane didn't even want paying! He said it was his wedding present to Sophie and he was owed a dance by a hot bridesmaid as extra. Of course Tanya volunteered the little gold digger. So travel is sorted and were booked into a very posh hotel which Sophie's boyfriend helped sort, I'm sure he payed most of that too because from the pictures I've seen I'm sure it would cost more than what we have paid. We talk over what we can do while we are there because we only have two weeks to go and have a good laugh before she goes home.


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