Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama’s Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security

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Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama’s Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security Page 39

by Michael Savage


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  Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk, 283

  Abortions, 307

  “Abridgement of freedom,” 14

  Abunimah, Ali, 234

  Accounting standards, 83

  ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union),20, 121, 193, 258

  ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)

  big box retailers, 229

  front groups, 235

  history of, 217–219

  impact of, 221

  living wage and, 225

  Obama and, 214, 216, 234, 236

  voter fraud and, 72, 211–212, 213–215,230

  Actors, global warming and, 181–182

  Affirmative action, 307

  Afghanistan, 264–269

  Agriculture, Stalin and Russian farm industry, 67, 68–69

  AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming), 161

  Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 281, 292, 305

  AIG bailout, 95, 99

  Air America (radio talk show), 252

  Airbus, 69

  Al-Qaeda, 284, 285, 292

  Al-Sahaf, Muhammad Saeed, 239

  Alinsky, Saul, 68

  Alternative minimum tax, 107

  “Alternative” uptick rule, 86

  American Apology Tour (Obama), 40–41

  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 20, 121, 193, 258

  Amnesty for illegal aliens, 193

  Anchor babies, 304

  Anger, 5, 29, 113

  Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), 161

  Anti-Americanism, 255-259

  Antiquities Act, 13

  Aponte, Maria del Carmen, 198

  Arizona, illegal alien problem in, 189

  Arlington National Cemetery, 2010

  military ceremony, 280

  Armey, Dick, 20

  Armstrong, Neil, 277

  Arpaio, Joe, 303

  Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. See ACORN

  AT&T, 136

  Atlas, John, 218

  Attlee, Clement, 52

  Automobile companies, government bailout of, 99–102

  Avatar (movie), 251–252

  Axelrod, David, 173, 241

  Ayers, Bill, 35, 42–43, 54

  Bailouts, 94–96, 110

  See also TARP legislation

  Baker, Mike, 234

  Balanced budget, 301, 302

  Banking industry. See Financial industry


  economic crisis and, 86

  Glass-Steagall Act, 308

  Barnett, James, Jr., 282

  Barofsky, Neil M., 94

  Barr, Bob, 20

  Baucus, Ma x, 143

  Becker, Craig, 104–105

  Behenna, Michael, 279–280

  Benmosche, Robert, 95

  Bennett, Robert, 16, 19

  Bernanke, Ben, 92, 93

  Berwick, Donald, 130

  Biden, Joe, 143–144, 280

  Big box retailers, 228–230

  Big business, healthcare bill and, 136

  “The Big Lie,” 243

  Bilderberg Group, 87–90

  bilingual education, 194

  Black nationalist groups, 213–221

  Black Panther Party, 218–221

  Black tar heroin, 190, 202–203

  Blacklisting, 258

  Blackwood, David P., 215

  Blankfein, Lloyd, 95

  Blitzer, Wolf, 253

  Bloom, Ron, 15, 35, 45, 79, 259

  Bloomberg, Michael, 288

  Blumer, Tom, 232

  Boehner, John, 139

  Boeing, 69

  Bologna, Tony, 199

  Boskin, Michael J., 110

  Boustany, Charles, 119

  BP, Gulf oil spill, 159, 313–316

  Brandeis, Louis, 151

  Brewer, Jan, 188

  Broadcast media, 250, 252

  Brown, Scott, 21–22

  Browner, Carol, 46

  Building wealth, 79

  “Bundling,” 231–232

  Bush, George W., 5, 94, 104, 171, 242, 278, 280, 306, 313

  Bush, Laura, 11

  Business owners, healthcare bill and, 134

  Cable Television, 252

  California, bilingual education, 194

  Cameron, James, 251–252

  Camp, Dave, 119, 134

  Campaign Finance Reform legislation, 231–232

  Campaign financing, 232


  hate speech in, 254–255

  healthcare system, 142

  Cantwell, Maria, 308

  Cap-and-trade legislation, 90, 156, 156–165, 167–168, 169, 170, 172,173, 301

  Capitalism, 79

  Carbon credits, 156, 170

  Carbon emissions, 156

  “Card check,” 102

  Carter, Jimmy, 40, 297

  Carville, James, 22

  Castro, Fidel, 75, 242

  Census, rigged, 209–210

  Cernan, Eugene, 277

  Chamberlain, Neville, 296

  Chandoo, Mohammed Hasan, 73–74

  Chávez, Hugo, 75, 163, 255

  Chessani, Jeffrey, 278–279


  closing the borders, 303

  La Raza, 192–199

  MEChA, 192–195, 196

  Savage Manifesto, 303

  voter fraud and, 210

  See also Illegal immigration

  Childbearing, encouraging, 307

  Children, pre-existing conditions, 133


  climate legislation, 167

  communism in, 57, 65, 255

  Friedman on, 237–238, 255

  missile defense system, 271

  tariffs on, 306

  Chretien, Jean, 142

  Chrysler, 99, 102, 307–308

  Churchill, Ward, 242

  Churchill, Winston, 51–52, 56, 297

  Civil servants, pay and pensions for, 108, 306

  Claes, Willy, 89

  Clean energy bill, 159

  Cleaver, Emanuel, 241

  Cliburn, James, 243–244

  Climate change, 154–187

  Climate legislation, 167

  Climatic Research Unit (CRU), 161

  Clinton, Bill, 22, 23, 198, 307

  Clinton, Hillary, 222, 234, 252, 270, 277

  Cloward, Richard Andrew, 53, 54

  CNN, 253, 254

  Coakley, Martha, 101

  Coleman, John, 182

  Coleman, Norm, 233


  cost of textbooks, 246

  student loans, 244–246

  Commissioned Corps, 119–120

  Commonwealth Care, 132


  J. Edgar Hoover on, 72

  Mao Zedong on, 175

  progressivism as, 175

  theory of, 67

  Three Stooges of, 61–65

  Communist countries, 57


  in Hollywood, 258

  House Committee on Un-American Activities, 239, 257–259

  Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, 194, 211


  public distrust of, 124

  reelection of members, 9–10

  Connecticut v. American Electric Power, 157

  Connor, “Bull,” 208

  Conrad, Kent, 96

  Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 19–20

  Conservative revolution, 300, 312

  Conservative talk radio, 254

  Constitution, disregard for, 302–303

  “Contract From America,” 20–21, 301–302

  Conway, Edmund, 12

  Coolidge, Calvin, 301

  Corner v. Murphy Oil, 157

  Countrywide Financial, 96

  Covington and Burling, 258–259

  Cox, Christop
her, 80, 81, 83

  Credit card fraud, campaign financing and, 232

  Crime, illegal aliens and, 190–191, 199–203

  Crow, Sheryl, 183–184, 260

  Cruise, Tom, 251

  Cuba, 65, 75

  Darder, Antonia, 193

  Daschle, Tom, 104

  Davis, Frank Marshall, 33, 34, 35, 54, 75

  Dean, Howard, 34, 143

  “Death panel,” healthcare bill, 122, 126

  Death tax, 306

  Deepwater Horizon oil disaster. See Gulf oil spill

  Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 306–307

  Demilitarization, 297


  environmental legislation and, 158

  modern social legislation and, 223–224

  Tea Party and, 21–24

  on wages, 225

  Dengue fever, illegal immigration and, 206–207

  Desegregation, 223

  Dewey, John, 250

  DiCaprio, Leonardo, 182–183

  Dimon, Jamie, 95

  Dingell, John, 115

  Dirksen, Everett, 223

  Disease, illegal immigration and, 206–207

  Doctors, shortage of, 135

  Dodd, Christopher, 93, 96

  Dohrn, Bernardine, 35

  DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), 306–307

  Douglass, Linda, 137

  Dreams from My Father (Obama), 35, 36

  Dreier, Peter, 218

  Drew, John, 36–37, 73

  Drug cartels, 202

  Duncan, Arne, 246–247

  Dunham, Madelyn, 123–124

  Dunham, Stanley, 33–34

  Dunn, Anita, 36, 46, 48, 72, 259

  Ebell, Myron, 172


  cost of textbooks, 246

  Outcome-Based Education, 247–248

  school lunch programs, 281–282

  student loans, 244–246

  Education policy, under Obama, 244–250

  Edwan, Monir, 232

  Einstein, Albert, 299

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 223

  The 11th Hour (film), 182

  Elijah Muhammad, 220, 235

  Emanuel, Rahm, 53, 140

  Employee Free Choice Act, 104

  Employers, healthcare bill and, 134


  big box retailers, 228–230

  living wage, 225–228, 229

  End-of-life decisions, healthcare bill, 122–124

  Enemy combatants, Muslim radicals as, 305

  The Enemy Within (Savage), 312

  Energy costs, 171

  Energy market, controlling, 90

  Energy policy, “Contract From America,” 302

  Engels, Friedrich, 62, 63

  English only, 303

  “Enraging the Right” (Atlas & Drier), 218

  Entrepreneurship, encouraging, 308

  Environment, 314

  Democrats and environmental legislation, 158

  Escalante, Jaime, 248–249

  Estate tax, 306

  Estes, Harold B., 294–296

  European Union, 271

  Exceptionalism, 300

  F-22 Raptor fighter jet, 263, 305

  Fabian socialism, 297

  Fairness Doctrine, 253–254

  Families on welfare, 217

  Fannie Mae (FNMA), 91, 96, 98, 105, 110

  Faria, Miguel, Jr., 127

  Farming, Stalin and Russian farm industry, 67, 68–69

  Farrakhan, Louis, 26, 42

  Federal bailout money. See TARP legislation

  Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP), 245

  Federal government, reducing size and scope of, 304

  Federal Textbook Act of 2009, 246

  Feinberg, Kenneth, 35, 45–46

  The Ferguson Affair (MacDonald), 191

  FFELP (Federal Family Education Loan Program), 245

  FHLMC (Freddie Mac), 91, 96, 98, 105, 110

  Film industry, 258

  Financial crisis, 91

  Financial industry executives,

  compensation to, 95, 105

  Financial institutions

  Glass-Steagall Act, 308

  manipulation of, 80–81

  Financial markets, 83–87

  crash of 2008, 80–81, 83–84, 87

  uptick rule, 83, 84, 87, 308

  Financial reform bill, 96–99

  Flat tax, 306

  FNMA (Fannie Mae), 91, 96, 98, 105, 110

  Ford Motor Company, 100

  Foreign donors, campaign contributions from, 232

  Foreign policy, 269–271

  Foulkes, Toni, 214

  Fox News, 254

  Frank, Barney, 91, 95, 106

  Franken, Al, 233

  Franklin, Benjamin, 309

  Frattini, Franco, 271

  Freddie Mac (FHLMC), 91, 96, 98, 105, 110

  Free Press, 49

  “FreedomWorks,” 20

  Freeloaders, 27–28

  Friedman, Thomas L., 237–238, 255

  Fugitive Days (Ayers), 42

  Fuld, Richard S. “Dick,” 92

  Fund, John, 210

  The Future of Media (Scott & McChesney), 50

  Gardiner, Niles, 40

  Gas prices, 169

  Gates, Robert, 262, 263, 286

  Geithner, Timothy, 84, 95, 97

  General Motors, 99, 102, 307–308

  Gensler, Gary, 95

  Gibbs, Robert, 6

  Giles, Hannah, 213, 219, 234

  Gingrich, Newt, 19

  Gladney, Kenneth, 102

  Glass-Steagall Act, 308

  Global warming, 90, 154–187

  actors and, 181–182

  polar bears and, 179–181

  Glover, Danny, 184

  Goldman Sachs, 94–96

  Gore, Al, 154–156, 162, 175, 177


  limited government, 302

  power of, 70

  reducing size and scope of, 304

  Government employees, 108, 306

  Government-run industries, 69

  Government spending, 302

  Graham, Franklin, 290

  Grassley, Charles, 113

  Graves, Robert, 209

  Gray, William, 177–178

  Gra ziano, Rock y, 59

  Great Depression, 149

  Great Society legislation, 223

  “Green taxes,” 90

  “Green” technologies, 112

  Greenhouse gases, 156, 167

  Grover, Atul, 135

  Gulf oil spill, 159, 313–316

  Gunnarson, William, 191

  Haldeman, Charles, Jr., 105

  Hamilton, Alexander, 250

  Hamilton, Marci, 152–153

  Hannan, Daniel, 315–316

  Hasan, Nidal, 284–286, 289, 291

  Hastings, Alcee, 109

  Hatch, Orrin, 18

  Health insurance

  employer-sponsored, 131

  under Savage Manifesto, 306

  Health savings plans, 306


  “Contract From America,” 302

  health savings plans, 306

  Pelosi’s plan for reform, 8–9

  Savage Manifesto, 303

  Schecter Poultry case, 151, 303

  tort reform, 122–123, 309

  See also Health insurance; Healthcare bill; Healthcare system

  Healthcare bill, 115–153

  access to medical care, 147

  big business and, 136

  business owners and employers and, 134

  cost of, 117–118, 127–128, 133

  end-of-life decisions, 122–124

  ensuring passage of, 138–141

  exemptions from individual responsibility requirement, 152

  freedom of choice and, 130–138

  illegal aliens, 133, 145

  IMAB, 122–124, 126

  IRS and, 118, 119

  length of, 138

  medical records
and, 144–145

  patient-doctor relationship, 124–125

  Ready Reserve Corps, 120–121

  religious conscience exemptions, 152–153

  senior citizens, 124, 125, 128–130

  tort reform, 122–123, 309

  Healthcare reform, Pelosi’s plan for, 8–9

  Healthcare system, 27, 52–53, 115–153

  nationalization of, 57

  Pelosi’s plan for reform, 8–9

  See also Healthcare; Healthcare bill

  Hedge funds, 80–81, 82–83, 86, 87, 91, 98, 103, 107, 308

  Herbert, Bob, 222

  Herlong, Albert, Jr., 249

  Heroin, illegal aliens and, 190, 202–203

  Hession, Gregory, 229

  Higher Education Act (1965), 245

  Hinderaker, John, 243

  Hiserodt, Ed, 161, 162


  voter fraud, 210

  See also Chicanos; Illegal immigration

  Hiss, Alger, 257–258

  Hogberg, David, 135

  Holder, Eric, 189, 208, 214–215, 221, 255–256, 259, 289, 305

  Holdren, John, 35, 46, 47

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 72, 219

  House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), 239, 257–259

  Housing crisis, 90–92, 105–106

  Housing recovery, 106

  Hubris, 1, 3, 4

  Huckabee, Mike, 103

  Hüttl, Reinhard, 161, 162

  ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency), 204

  Ice Age, prediction of impending, 163–164

  Iceland, 82

  Identity politics, 223, 224

  Illegal immigration, 188–212

  amnesty for illegals, 193

  anchor babies law, 304

  Census and, 209–210

  closing the borders, 303

  crime and illegal aliens, 190–191, 199–203

  Illegal immigration (cont.)

  disease and, 206-207

  healthcare bill, 133, 145

  jobs and shadow economy, 203–206

  La Raza and MEChA, 191–192

  Savage Manifesto, 303, 304

  voters and voting, 207–212

  Illness, illegal immigration and, 206–207

  IMAB (Independent Medicare Advisory Board), 122–124, 126

  Immigration policy

  illegal aliens, 188–212

  Savage Manifesto, 303

  Immigration Reform Bill of 2007, 193, 194,211

  In the Valley of Elah (film), 251

  An Inconvenient Truth (film), 156

  Independent Medicare Advisory Board(IMAB), 122–124, 126

  India, 167

  Inhofe, James, 168

  Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), 160–161


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