The Sugar Cup

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The Sugar Cup Page 3

by Helen Perelman

  “It is a supersweet honor to win this for Candy Kingdom.” She loved how the cup felt in her arms. She was feeling all puffed up and proud as she pretended to receive the Sugar Cup.

  “Maybe you should be brushing up on your art skills and not accepting awards,” Cocoa said as she suddenly flew overhead.

  Dash quickly put the Sugar Cup down. “I was . . . I was just . . .” She didn’t know what to say. She was embarrassed, and the look on Cocoa’s face was making her very uncomfortable. “I couldn’t help but hold it,” Dash told her. “That was likely my only chance.”

  “Don’t be silly, Dash,” Princess Lolli said, surprising both fairies. She landed next to the Sugar Cup. “We have a good chance of winning this year. And I hear you and Cocoa are working hard on your events.”

  “Yes,” Cocoa said. “I hope to do very well on the slopes.” She gave Dash a cold, hard stare.

  “Excellent,” Princess Lolli said. “We are going to have an exciting competition this year against all the other kingdoms.”

  Cocoa’s wings were twitching, and she quickly excused herself. “I have to meet a friend on the mountain,” she said as she raced away.

  Dash knew Cocoa didn’t want to be around her. Her chilling stare and no response to her sugar fly note made Dash feel bitter about the Sugar Cup Games.

  She didn’t mention to Princess Lolli how she was feeling about her new event or that she and Cocoa were not getting along. She just smiled at Princess Lolli and then looked longingly at the Sugar Cup.

  Just then Tula returned with Dash’s new set of brushes. She handed them to Dash. The brushes were gorgeous, and the gift made Dash brighten.

  “So mint!” Dash exclaimed. “I feel like a real artist now,” she said. The gift definitely lifted her spirits.

  “Use them well,” Princess Lolli said, smiling.

  “Brushes don’t make an artist,” Tula told her. “You are the artist. Remember that, Dash.”

  Dash smiled as she held the wrapped set of brushes. Tula believed in her. Now more than ever, Dash wanted to win her Art Treat event . . . and the Sugar Cup!

  Sweet Apologies

  Dash set up an area in Peppermint Grove to practice her Art Treat designs. She lined up a couple of round, flat, fresh mints. The candies were just the right size for the contest, so she picked a few extra for her practice pieces. Dash mixed some colors and dipped her new brushes into the colorful icing. She splattered the paint and stood back to admire the design and colors.

  “Hi, Dash,” Cocoa said.

  Above her, Dash saw Cocoa circling.

  “Hello,” Dash said. She wasn’t up for another match of bitter words. She hoped that Cocoa wasn’t still angry with her.

  “I wanted to apologize,” Cocoa said. She landed next to Dash. “I shouldn’t have been so sour about your holding the Sugar Cup yesterday, and I should have sent you a sugar fly note back.” She bowed her head and paused for a long time. “And I shouldn’t have made such a big deal about your laughing when I got all that frosting on me.” Cocoa looked up at Dash and smiled. “I have to admit, it was hilarious.”

  Dash giggled. She was glad that her old friend Cocoa was back. “I’m glad you are saying this,” she said. She drew in a long breath. “And I’m really sorry too. I haven’t been acting so sweet either.”

  The two fairies hugged.

  “I like it much better when we aren’t mad at each other,” Dash said.

  “Me too,” Cocoa told her.

  “When I was at Candy Castle yesterday,” Dash said, “I saw lots of fairies having fun practicing for their Sugar Cup events. Remember when we used to feel that way about our events?”

  “I know what you mean,” Cocoa said. “Listening to Raina, Berry, and Melli the other day at Sun Dip, I was remembering how fun practices used to be.” Cocoa looked Dash straight in the eye. “You didn’t come to Sun Dip . . . was that because of me?”

  Dash didn’t want to lie, but she was also done making Cocoa feel bad. “Let’s not talk about that anymore,” she said quickly. “Let’s try to have a drop more fun.” She held up a dripping brush. “I just mixed some new colors! Would you like to paint a little with me?”

  Cocoa reached out for a brush. “Wow, these are beautiful,” she said, admiring the new brush.

  “Tula gave me a set of brand-new brushes,” Dash told her. “And I am going to keep them as clean as you keep your set!”

  Cocoa laughed. “Starting with clean brushes is important,” she said. She looked over at Dash’s mint. “I love how you drizzle the icing,” Cocoa told her. “It’s unique.”

  Dash stood up straighter. “Really? Wow, thanks, Cocoa. I’ve been trying to paint more like you. You work so neatly. The only thing is . . . I can’t really do that.”

  Cocoa flapped her wings. “You shouldn’t try to copy anyone,” she said.

  Dash blushed. “I know,” she said.

  The two fairies painted the mint candies together. Dash was so happy. It was like old sweet times, hanging out with her friend Cocoa. She started to hum as she painted. This was actually really fun!

  “After we finish, do you want to come with me to the slopes? Maybe you could give me a couple more racing tips?” Cocoa asked.

  Dash’s eyes widened. “Are you sure you want me to come to the slopes with you?”

  “Sure as sugar,” Cocoa replied. “Your way of preparing for the race is different, but I would be foolish not to listen to a champion like you.”

  “Thank you,” Dash said. “I was hoping you’d ask me. I’d love to race today. Let me just clean up here a little, and I’ll meet you on the slopes.”

  Cocoa smiled. “Okay,” she said. “I understand about that! I’d be happy to help you.”

  Dash took the brush from Cocoa. “No, you go and start practice,” she said. “I owe you a cleanup!”

  “Thanks, Dash,” Cocoa said, grinning. “I’ll see you at the finish line!”

  When Dash reached the Frosted Mountains, she spotted Cocoa at the top of the slopes. She knew her friend had racing talent. Cocoa was fearless and knew when to lean in and when to hold back. She took her turns tight and fast. Cocoa was making great time on this run!

  “You were so mint up there,” Dash told Cocoa at the finish line. “I think that was your best time ever.”

  “I was thinking about what you told me the other day,” Cocoa said. She took off her racing goggles.

  “Really?” Dash asked. “I’m so glad that I was able to give you good advice!”

  Cocoa grinned. “We do make good partners,” she said. “Dipping candy, painting, racing, and winning the Sugar Cup!”

  “We hope,” Dash added. She helped Cocoa pull her sled off the slope.

  “I’m not sure that I’ll be able to sleep tonight,” Cocoa said.

  “Me neither,” Dash replied. “Tomorrow is the big event. Are you ready?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” Cocoa said.

  Dash nodded. After all the practices, tomorrow was their one shot at winning the Sugar Cup for Candy Kingdom. But first she took one run down the slopes next to her friend.

  Delicious Music

  A loud, blaring trumpet sounded from Candy Castle. The Sugar Cup Games were about to begin! Dash flew over Sugar Valley, amazed at all the fairies flying toward Candy Castle. There were stages and banners set up all over the kingdom for the different events. The grandest events were the fast-fly and the closing ceremonies, but all Dash could think about was the Art Treat. She had to wait until the afternoon for her event. She didn’t think she could wait that long!

  The trumpets sounded again, and Dash swooped down to meet her friends at the entrance to the Royal Gardens.

  “Can you believe all the fairies that are here?” Dash asked.

  “This is the biggest turnout ever!” Raina exclaimed. “There are fairies from Cake Kingdom, Ice Cream Isles, and Sugar Kingdom, not only to compete but to watch!”

  Cocoa took a deep breath. “And they all wa
nt to win the Sugar Cup,” she said.

  “But we’re going to,” Melli said, feeling proud.

  Dash bit down on her lip. She was so nervous! She never got this nervous before a racing competition! She looked down at the schedule Raina was holding. First there was the music event, then trivia, Art Treat, sled racing, and the fast-fly.

  Berry flew down and put her hands on her hips. “Who’s coming to hear Melli and me at the first event?” she sang out.

  Everything about Berry was glittering and sugar-tastic. Her pink dress, her sugarcoated shoes, her perfectly braided hair . . .

  Dash’s mouth hung open as she stared at her friend. “Wow, Berry,” she said. “You look scrumptious!”

  Berry laughed. “I might have outdone myself with the sugar sparkles, but I wanted to make a statement,” she said, smiling.

  “Even Melli is wearing sugar sparkles,” Raina said, admiring Melli’s hair and outfit.

  “Thank you for noticing,” Melli said. She gently touched her new sparkling outfit. “This was all Berry’s idea.”

  “I could have guessed that,” Cocoa said, laughing.

  Berry stood tall. “If you want to be a star, you have to look like a star,” she said.

  Dash gazed at her two sparkling friends. They did look like shining stars. She was a little jealous, seeing how sure of themselves they were about their event. They were both so excited and didn’t seem a drop nervous. Dash looked down at her own sweaty hands.

  “And we’re right behind you,” Raina said, flying after them. “We want to get a good seat to watch!”

  Dash, Cocoa, and Raina followed Berry and Melli to the corner of the Royal Gardens where a stage was set up for the music competition. There were many fairies in the audience from different kingdoms, waiting for their turn to show off their musical talents.

  “Sweet caramel!” Melli exclaimed. “There are Creamie and Dot!” She pointed to the Cake Fairies across the stage. “They won the duet last year.” Melli blew a few notes into her licorice stick and looked around. “I don’t remember there being so many fairies in last year’s music event.”

  Berry put her hand on Melli’s shoulder. “We sound great,” she told her. “And we look great! This is going to be fun.”

  “You two are going to have the sweetest duet,” Dash said. “A delicious unicorn lullaby. No one else is doing that!”

  “Thanks, Dash,” Melli said.

  “Where are you going to sit?” Berry asked.

  There were a few empty seats near the front of the stage. Dash slid down and put her hands on the bench. “We’ll sit here,” Dash told Berry and Melli. “We wouldn’t miss watching and cheering you on!”

  “Have fun!” Raina called.

  “Sweet thoughts!” Cocoa cried.

  “Thanks,” Berry and Melli said as they flew off to take their places.

  Princess Lolli took center stage and quieted the crowd. “Welcome to the Sugar Cup Games!” she said.

  There was a huge roar of applause from the crowd.

  “Thank you all for coming,” Princess Lolli went on. “We’re so excited about the Games this year. We wish you all good luck and a sweet time. Our first event is music. Please enjoy!”

  The crowd cheered again and Dash held her ears. Would all these fairies be at her event too? Dash didn’t want all these fairies watching her create her art. She didn’t like when people stared at her. When she was racing, she was in her helmet and goggles and speeding down the slope, but there was no hiding or speeding away during the Art Treat. Her wings felt heavy and her stomach ached.

  “Cheer up, Dash!” Raina said, giving her a poke. “We’re just watching this event!”

  “This is the easy part,” Cocoa said, laughing.

  Dash knew her friends were right. As the event started she tried to listen and enjoy the music. When Berry and Melli finished their piece, the crowd cheered loudly. But when the crowd roared this time, Dash didn’t mind the loud noise. She was so proud of her friends!

  Dash watched the judges talking and writing down notes and scores. It was hard to wait for the final decision. She hoped her friends won!

  Princess Lolli and her husband, Prince Scoop, got up and stood center stage. They gave the first-place medal to Berry and Melli. Her friends both had huge grins on their faces.

  “Sweet sugars! We have a real chance of winning the Sugar Cup this year!” Raina cried.

  “This was only the first event,” Cocoa said. “Each of the events counts toward the final score. We all have to do well.”

  “But fast-fly is worth double,” Raina added, grinning.

  Dash started to feel the pressure.

  “What if I totally blank out on the Art Treat?” Dash cried. She was nervous to face the blank candy. What if she couldn’t paint what she had planned? Maybe she wouldn’t be able to mix the right colors and the whole piece would turn a horrible color!

  Raina put her arm around Dash. “Berry would say, ‘Don’t dip your wings in syrup yet.’ The Sugar Cup Games are fun!”

  “That’s because Berry is wearing a first-place medal around her neck,” Dash mumbled. She stared at Berry with her shiny, sparkling medal.

  “Dash, stop worrying,” Raina said.

  Dash wanted to believe Raina. She took out her new brush set and held the brushes tightly in her hand. Maybe they would bring her the luck she needed.

  Frozen Mint

  The hours leading up to Dash’s event were as slow-moving as thick mint syrup. Dash couldn’t enjoy the festivities around the kingdom at all. She could barely concentrate on Raina’s trivia event. It was no surprise to anyone that Raina took first place.

  Dash knew that Art Treat was next after the trivia contest. She had a funny feeling from the tip of her wings to her toes. She couldn’t move!

  “Dash, you have to get to the art tent,” Cocoa said. “Your event is about to start.”

  “Sweet strawberries,” Berry said, looking at her. “I think Dash is frozen!”

  Melli shook her head. “I’ve seen this before,” she said. “Dash has stage fright!”

  Cocoa put her hand on Dash’s arm. “Dash, you are going to paint the best design,” she said.

  “I don’t know,” Dash said. She had trouble breathing and felt like her wings were made of lead. “I can’t go!”

  Dash felt her friends all staring at her. She wanted to show them that she could paint a mint, but she just couldn’t.

  “Oh, this isn’t good,” Melli muttered. “She’s frozen mint!”

  Cocoa stepped forward. “Listen, Dash,” she said. “We know how you feel. You need to keep calm. Don’t paint for everyone, just yourself.”

  “But everyone will be watching me,” Dash said. She looked at all the fairies gathered near the art tent. It seemed that every fairy from every kingdom was curious about the Art Treat this year.

  Finally Cocoa took Dash’s hand in hers and flew her over to her painting area. There was a large white mint waiting for her with a new set of frosting paints.

  “Why don’t you lay out your brushes?” Cocoa asked.

  Dash was so thankful for Cocoa. She listened to Cocoa’s voice and did as she said. She tried not to focus on all the other fairies. She looked down at her paints and set up her palette of colors. Cocoa stood off to the side with the other spectators.

  “Welcome to the Art Treat!” Princess Lolli said to the fairies. “Fairies, take your brushes, and at the sound of the bell, we will begin!”

  Dash heard the bell, but she didn’t move. Once again she felt frozen like icing on the Frosted Mountains.

  Then Dash looked over at Cocoa. Her friend smiled at her. Dash thought back to the day when they were dipping mints in Chocolate River and meeting their friends at Sun Dip that evening. The sky had been full of beautiful colors, and all her friends were together. She imagined sitting at Red Licorice Lake and watching the sun disappear as the pastel colors grew brighter across the sky. She took a deep breath.

ow Dash could see the colors in her mind. She opened her eyes and started to mix a few colors together. She didn’t think about anyone else. Dash splattered and drizzled her paints. When she was done, the final bell rang out. She took a step back to admire her work. She had to smile. She had made her version of a Sun Dip scene.

  “Dash, this is remarkable,” Tula said from behind her. “You should feel very proud.”

  Dash stood up a little straighter.

  “The piece is choc-o-rific!” Cocoa exclaimed.

  “Oh, Dash!” Melli cried. “You did a sugar-tastic job.”

  “Sweet,” Berry said, admiring Dash’s work.

  Raina gave Dash a hug. “I knew you’d do a great job.”

  Dash went over to Cocoa. “I was thinking about us the day we dipped mints, and that delicious Sun Dip,” she told her. “Your smile when I was feeling stuck really helped me.”

  “Friends are for getting you unstuck!” Cocoa said with a smile.

  “One hundred mint percent,” Dash replied.

  After a long wait, Princess Lolli came to the center of the tent. As the medals were given out Dash felt a little uncomfortable. Fairies from Ice Cream Isles, Sugar Kingdom, and Cake Kingdom took the top prizes. Dash didn’t get a medal and was starting to feel extra-sad. And then there was an honorable mention for the most creative piece.

  “Dash the Mint Fairy,” Princess Lolli said loudly, “please come forward.”

  Dash raced to Princess Lolli. She bent her head down so Princess Lolli could place the fancy medal around her neck. Dash looked at the shiny medal and grinned.

  “So mint!” she exclaimed.

  Princess Lolli laughed. “So mint, indeed!” she proclaimed.

  When Dash left the stage, she found Cocoa and gave her a warm hug. “Thank you,” she said. “If it weren’t for you, I would have been a frozen mint for the whole competition.”

  Cocoa laughed. “I’m glad that I could help. You should be very proud. Especially since this was your first art competition ever.”


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