Boys of King Academy

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Boys of King Academy Page 21

by Rose, Louise

  “Romy told us you were pretty,” Kate says first. “I have to say my boy certainly has good taste.”

  “Er… thanks.” I blush. God, this awkward. Do I tell her she is pretty too?

  “You two make such a cute couple,” she continues. “I always hoped he would find someone like you to settle down with.”

  I frown, tilting my head to one side. “What do you mean, settle down?”

  “Romy! Do you mean you didn’t tell the poor girl?” Kate lightly swats his shoulder.

  “She just got back. Maybe we could wait for a better moment?”

  “What is going on?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

  “It’s nothing to worry about,” Romy replies, glaring at his parents.

  “I’ll handle this son,” says Ben. “Ivy, I understand you’re having some problems at home.”

  You could say that.

  “I’m not interested in seeing my father, if that’s what you mean,” I say.

  “Understandable,” Ben agrees. “Romy has told us a little about how he treated you.

  Much as I would like to say I’m shocked, sadly I’m not. Little surprises me about Solomon Archaic. He always is… unscrupulous, shall we say? Romy asked us if we could offer you sanctuary, and of course we were willing to oblige. For a price.”

  Here it comes. The catch.

  “How much?” I sigh.

  “Oh, we don’t want your money,” Ben laughs. “As you can see, we have no need for it. No, what we want from you is something that will benefit both our families and make sure your father can never hurt you again.”

  “And that is?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? You and Romy are getting married.”

  I blink a few times. Of all the things Ben Navarre could have said, that was the last thing I expected. “We’re what?”

  Romy blushes and looks down at his feet, refusing to look me in the eye.


  “It really is quite simple, Ivy,” Ben interjects. “We are willing to offer you the full protection of House Navarre. Our resources are extensive and we can make sure your father does nothing to hurt you. But you have to see there needs to be some quid pro quo. A union between our two Houses would be of significant benefit to both our empires.”

  “I don’t have an empire!” I protest.

  “You will when your father is no longer with us,” Ben points out with a smug grin that makes him look too much like Romy. “And that may well be sooner than you’d expect. A young woman like you needs to be careful, and combining our forces would mean that neither the Dauphins nor the Knights would ever dare take us on. Marry Romy and you will be safe for the rest of your life.”

  “That’s a very kind offer, but I can take care of myself.”

  “There seems to be a misunderstanding here.” Ben’s smile lost a little of its sparkle.

  “I’m not asking if you agree with me. You will marry my son. From all accounts the two of you are highly compatible, but even if you were not, this would not be the first marriage for political and financial reasons and I’m sure it won’t be the last.”

  “And what if I say no?”

  “If you really insist on being so obstinate, you are of course perfectly free to refuse my son,” Ben replies. “However, should that be the case, I would be obliged to place you in the care of my guards who will deliver you to your father forthwith. Whatever he chooses to do with you after that will be entirely up to him. My understanding is that he is most displeased when you ran away. I suspect that any punishment he chooses to mete out will be harsh, albeit fair to ensure you do not leave again.

  “So, it is your choice, my dear. Will we be welcoming you to the Navarre family or would you prefer to return to your ever-loving father?”

  “When do we go wedding dress shopping?”


  Ben insisted on toasting our engagement with champagne, and it is late by the time I finally manage to excuse myself. My head spinning, I stumble as I stand up.

  Romy rushes over to help me. “Let me take you to your room,” he offers, and lowers his voice. “And let me explain. This isn’t what it seems.”

  “No, I’m fine,” I say, wanting to get as far away from him as possible.

  “Do you know how to get back to your apartment?”


  “So, let me take you to your room.”

  “Whatever,” I mutter, pushing him away as he tries to take my arm. Realising I’m not interested in any physical contact, he lets me walk ahead, as his parents chuckle over our first ‘lover’s tiff’.

  I wait until I think we are out of earshot of his parents before I turn on him.

  “What the hell was that all about?”

  “I’m sorry, Ivy. I didn’t think they’d bring up the engagement so soon.”

  “Why wouldn’t they? Apparently, that’s what it takes to get some sanctuary in this town. Jeez, Romy. Why didn’t you mention this sooner? You had plenty of opportunity to let me know the real deal. It’s not like we weren’t stuck in a car together when you brought me back.”

  “I didn’t think you’d come with me if I told you my dad expected us to get married. Being truthful, you would have run a mile. So stubborn.”

  “Ya think?” I laugh bitterly. “This. This right here is exactly why I didn’t want to come back to this town. It’s so messed up. It’s like something out of the Middle Ages.”

  “Would it really be so bad being married to me?” Romy asks, taking a step closer. His chest brushes against mine as he runs a finger down my cheek. I shiver, almost closing my eyes from how much I enjoy his touch. “You can’t deny there’s a spark between us.”

  “Romy, I’m eighteen. I wasn’t planning on even thinking about getting married for at least another ten years, if ever. It’s not like marriage worked out too well for my parents. We may well have a spark, but-”

  “You basically just admitted you have feelings for me,” he points out with a happy smirk.

  My shoulders slump. “Yes, I have feelings for you. But they’re more the ‘wonder if he’s as good in bed as he says he is’ kind of feelings rather than ‘oooh. Let me spend the rest of my life with the man who’s slept with half the girls in town.’ And right now, there’s no way I’m ever going to let you see me naked again, so you’d better prepare yourself for many decades of celibacy because if we’re married and you cheat on me, we’re heading to the divorce courts faster than you can say ‘I blackmailed her into marrying me.’”

  “Ouch.” Romy mimes being shot in the heart, but I’m in no mood to fall for his charms.

  “I’m serious, Romy. You have no idea how angry I am with you right now. I thought you were different, but it turns out you’re just as bad as my father. Worse-–at least he doesn’t pretend to be a nice guy.”

  “Don’t be like that, Ivy,” he counters, lifting my chin with his finger. “You know I’m not that bad. I don’t want to trick you. I just want you. Period.”

  “Still a trick, Romy.”

  “I can see you’re in no mood to be reasonable, so maybe it’s best if we talk about this in the morning.”

  “You think I will want to talk to you in the morning?” I smile sweetly. “Oh, Romy. You really don’t know me at all.”Burning with anger, I walk away, not giving one shit that I’m going to get lost in this house. No one is tricking me into marrying them.

  Not even Romy with all his charms.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  I was so angry the night before that I didn’t think I’d ever go to sleep, but I must have drifted off at some point, because I am woken up the next morning by the sun streaming through the windows. I’m still wearing the clothes I wore last night and my head feels like a hundred tiny little people are hammering at my skull. I don’t know what was in the champagne I’d had last night, but whatever it was, I am paying for it now.

  Dragging myself into the bathroom, I turn on the shower, letting the water warm a little before stepping in.<
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  “Oh my god,” I practically moan as powerful jets of water massaged my aching body. This certainly beat the trickle of water I’d had to make do with when I was living in the care home. The luxurious shower helps chase away some of the fog from my mind as I think about how crazy the past twenty-four hours have been.

  One thing is for sure. There is no way I am marrying Romy. Sure, I’d play along with his father’s little game for as long as it suited me, but I would be long gone before the time came to walk down the aisle.

  Yet again, I find myself planning my escape from King Town.

  And yet again, my heart hurts at the thought of leaving Romy or Archer or Declan. I don’t even know if Declan or Archer want to see me again. They could have moved on, got lost in the secrets of this place, but I hope they didn’t. A part of me just wants to see them again.

  The same part of me that doesn’t question the feelings I have for three guys.

  I lose track of how long I spend in the shower, loving the endless supply of hot water. Eventually I know I have to get out though. Much as I am tempted to lock myself in my room and never come out again, Romy said we are going to go shopping and I intended to milk his father’s card for everything I could get today. If they want to keep me here and marry me off to their son, I’m not going to make it cheap. A part of me feels a little guilty, but then again, trapped people do insane things.

  And I’m so tired of being trapped.

  When exactly do I escape this hell town?

  Wrapping myself in the softest, largest towel I’d ever seen, I go to the walk-in wardrobe to see if there are any fresh clothes for me to wear. Although most of the drawers are empty, I find some brand-new underwear in my size, as well as some jeans and a few T-shirts. None of them are very exciting, and I prefer black to the reds and blues that have been left out for me, but it is better than nothing. I can pick out some things which are more my style later today.

  Picking up my old clothes, it feels wrong leaving them for someone else to clean, so I put them on a chair in my bedroom. I decide to ask Johnson where the laundry room is and do it myself once Romy and I are back from our shopping spree.

  A strange buzzing sound catches my attention. For a moment, I wonder whether someone has messed with the ringtone on my phone, but then realise it’s the intercom. Going to answer, Romy’s face comes up on the screen.

  Damn, he looks more sexy than yesterday.

  “Morning, Ivy. How are you feeling today?”

  “I’m still mad at you, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Well hopefully you’ll give me a chance to redeem myself,” he suggests. “You still happy to go shopping with me?”

  “What–and miss out on the chance of maxing out your daddy’s credit card? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “Good,” Romy smiles, although I think he thinks I’m joking. The prince of this castle hasn’t seen anything yet. I can shop like a princess if I need to prove a point. “Have you had breakfast yet? Do you want me to get the cook to fix something for you?”

  The thought of food made my stomach lurch. I wasn’t great at eating when I got up at the best of times, but when I am hungover, the last thing I want to do is have breakfast.

  “Can we get something while we’re out?” I ask.

  “Of course. Anything you want. Do you need me to come and get you or can you find your way to the front of the house?”

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll meet you in a few minutes.”

  I might have been drunk last night, but I still remember that all I have to do is head straight down the corridor leading away from my room and I’d eventually hit the stairs down to the entrance. It isn’t long before I am outside where Romy is leaning against his Mercedes waiting for me.

  “You look good,” he says when I’m closer, his eyes running over me.

  “Save it.” I hold up a hand for him to talk to. “I’m not interested in your sweet talk. You can speak when you’re spoken to, otherwise I don’t want to hear a word. You had your chance when you decided not to tell me about our engagement. You kept quiet then, so you can keep quiet now.”

  “Whatever you say.” Romy mimes zipping his mouth shut, locking it, and throwing away the key.

  Dammit, he is too charming for his own good.

  “Ugh.” I shake my head, trying to hide the fact that it is impossible for me to stay mad with him for long. He is right–we do have a spark. There is something about him that melts my heart, so even though it is going to take me a long time to forgive him–if I ever did–I still want to feel his lips against mine, run my hands down that incredible body, lose myself in him…


  “What?” I shake my head to snap out of it.

  “I said, do you mind if we do a brief detour before we head to the mall?” Romy asks. “I’ve got an errand I need to run.”

  “Do what you like,” I reply, getting into the passenger side.

  “Did you sleep all right?” Romy went on, starting the engine and pulling away from the house. “I hated the thought of you sleeping on your own when I was so close. I don’t like fighting with you, Ivy. I-”



  “I don’t want to talk about this right now.”

  “Alright. But we are having this conversation at some point.”He bit his lip to stay quiet, and I stifled a grin, turning away so he wouldn’t see my face.

  Although I’m not familiar with this part of town, I have a pretty good idea about which direction the mall is and that’s not where we were going.

  In fact, I’d bet good money we were heading in the opposite direction.

  “Where are we going, Romy?”

  “I thought you didn’t want me to talk?”

  “Don’t be a smart ass.”

  “You’ll see,” came the enigmatic reply. “Anyway, we’re very nearly there. You might as well sit back and enjoy the ride.”

  “Haven’t you learned anything from last night? I don’t like not being told what’s going on. Where are you taking me?”

  “Almost there… almost there… and here we are!”Romy pulled into the car park of a quaint little cottage with a sign over the door that simply says Weaver’s. Parking in a space close to the entrance, Romy says to me, “This place makes one of the best cooked breakfasts you’ll ever have. I figured you’re going to need the energy for a long day of shopping, and you can’t do better than some delicious crispy bacon, cooked to perfection.”

  As we walk into the café, I see something which makes me come to a halt, even though the sight brings my mood skyrocketing to exhilarated.

  My mouth goes dry as my heart beats happily in my chest as I stare at them. Archer looks too good as he sits on a stool, his leather jacket covered arms resting on the sides of his seat. Tight jeans, navy tee-shirt and heavy boots finish off his bad boy look that has me completely lost in him for a moment.

  But my gaze drifts to Declan at his side, looking his exact opposite in style and looks. The blonde, pretty boy has black trousers and a clearly designer white shirt on, tucked into the trousers. His sleeves are rolled up, making him look incredible in so many ways. I clear my throat as he runs a hand through his hair and stands up.

  “Oh yeah,” Romy says. “Archer and Declan both thought this was a good place to meet.”

  I run over to where Archer and Declan are sitting, falling into their arms in a crazy, three-way hug. “You guys! Why didn’t you tell me they were going to be here, Romy?”

  “What–and miss that look on your face?” Romy leaves me to sit down with the other two as he heads over to the corner of the counter to order food for us.

  “How have you been?” I ask. “It feels like forever since I saw you.” And I’ve thought of both at least twenty times a day.

  “Seven months, two weeks and four days,” Declan grumbles. “Not that I’m keeping track or anything like that.”

  We stare at each other, a thousand words going
unsaid. I pull my gaze to Archer, who hasn’t answered me.

  “And how are you healing, Archer? Did my father’s doctor do a good job at least?” I ask as I take a seat and they both sit back down in theirs.

  Archer’s leg presses against mine, and I almost gasp from the contact.“He did.” Archer pulls the neck of his shirt to one side to reveal an impressive scar. “I’ve got full mobility back in my arm, although it still aches when the weather’s about to change. The one thing I’ll say for your father is that he always did know how to find good help.”

  “So, am I forgiven for keeping this little secret?” Romy asks, coming to sit in the empty chair next to me, his arm wrapping around the back. It doesn’t escape my notice when Archer and Declan both look at his arm like they want to chop it off.

  “This one, yes,” I say. “But that doesn’t excuse you for our engagement.”

  “Your engagement?” Archer tightly asks.

  “Wanna explain this one, Romeo?” Declan growls.

  “Oh, didn’t Romy tell you?” I say lightly. “It’s the condition for looking after me. His father is insisting we get married, otherwise he’s sending me straight back to my father.”

  “That is not fucking happening,” Archer snaps, leaning across the table into Romy’s face. “I will not let you marry my girl. Asshole.”

  “Your girl? Huh, funny that,” Romy replies with a cocky smile.

  “Enough!” Declan shouts, grabbing Archer’s jacket and roughly pulling him back into his seat.

  I glance around the room, noticing how we are being watched by everyone. It takes a few moments for the room to pick up its chatter once again.

  Romy’s confident smile loses a little of its brightness as Archer looks like he is about to kill him–literally.

  “I want Ivy safe. That’s all I care about, and I assume you both want the same.” He turns to me. “I know you thought you had done a good job of flying under the radar, but you should never have stayed in touch with Katy, let alone live so close to her.

  “I honestly believe the only reason your dad didn’t get to you before I did is because he’s been fixated on control after his failed coup attempt. I had to get you out of there before he started looking. The only way my dad would allow an Archaic to stay with us is if it benefited him. I tried to argue with him, but once Dad’s got an idea in his mind, there’s no shifting it. He can be really stubborn. I figured the important thing is to make sure you were safe. We could work out the details later.”


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