Trent's Montana Bride (Sweet, clean Western Historical Romance)(Montana Ranchers and Brides series)

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Trent's Montana Bride (Sweet, clean Western Historical Romance)(Montana Ranchers and Brides series) Page 7

by Maya Stirling

  The entire morning he'd been out working, all he could think about was whether Chloe and Evan were alright. Even in the midst of all the duties associated with taking care of cattle, supervising men, checking the condition of fencing, his thoughts were filled with images of Chloe and Evan. He wondered what she was doing back at the ranch. It was obvious to him that she was still uncomfortable and that settling in was taking some time. In spite of the show she'd put on at the breakfast table that morning, he knew that she was still trying to come to terms with her new life.

  He'd seen those flashes of sadness in her eyes. Thoughts about Lucas couldn't be held back all the time. Trent knew that himself. Every day since he'd heard the news about his friend he'd struggled to contain the emotion that would rise up inside him at the thought of how his friend had lived and died. It was so unfair that a man so good would come to such an untimely end. The world was a cruel place. Even Montana, as beautiful as it was, could be a dangerous and perilous land. For all it's beauty, this land gave and took away in equal measure.

  A mother must surely feel uncertainty and even anxiety at the prospect of life on the ranch. But Chloe was doing and amazing job.

  And the baby! What about Evan? It was just as well that Evan was too young to understand what was going on. He'd learn eventually about his real father and the circumstances of how he'd come to his end. In a way, it was good that Evan was still a baby. When they were that young kids took everything as it came. Trent had no doubt that as he got older Evan would get used to life on the ranch. Living on the ranch would seem like second nature to the boy.

  He was filled with admiration for how Chloe was coping with the childcare. She'd organized Evan's room as best she could, but he could tell that there was an urgent need for a crib. The belongings from Helena would take bit longer to come over. He'd employed some men to bring the things over. But in the meantime Trent knew that Evan deserved only the best. He'd head on over to Nathan's the first chance he got.

  After lunch Trent gave Chloe and Mrs. Ross what he knew sounded like an unconvincing excuse for taking the buckboard. Although he knew Chloe was expecting him to bring over a crib from Nathan's he didn't want to miss even the slightest opportunity to surprise her.

  As he drove away from the ranch house he looked back and saw Chloe standing there, on the porch, holding onto Evan. When she waved goodbye to him he felt something shift inside him, but he couldn't put words to the feelings.

  The journey over to Nathan's ranch took Trent along a straightforward trail. Before long he was pulling up in the yard in front of the Grantly ranch house. The familiar sight of men working the ranch told Trent that Nathan was as busy as he was on his own spread.

  Trent knocked on the door and was welcomed by Nathan's young wife Abby.

  "Trent? How nice to see you," Abby said smiling warmly.

  Trent kissed Abby politely on the cheek. She led him into the parlor. Abby sat down but Trent stood, shifting on his heels.

  "I don't know whether you've heard," he said.

  Abby smiled. "Of course I have. Congratulations. You got married."

  Trent nodded. "Thanks. It's all been sudden, you know. Not what I expected."

  "Nathan told me. He heard from Devlin. You went to Helena. How is your new bride coping with ranch life?"

  Trent eyes narrowed. "It's complicated, Abby. Her name's Chloe. She lost her husband in bad circumstances," he said.

  Abby frowned. "I'm so sorry to hear that. How is she?"

  "She's fine. And the little one's doing okay too," he explained.

  Abby's eyes widened. "The little one?"

  "Yup. There's a little baby boy. His name's Evan," Trent said.

  Abby's mouth opened in surprise. "Nathan didn't tell me about a baby," she exclaimed.

  "Don't suppose he would have," Trent said. All this explaining was making him feel awkward. But he could see that Abby had an understanding heart. Trent briefly explained his promise to Lucas and how he'd decided to wed Chloe. As he described his trip to Helena, and the difficulties in persuading Chloe to agree to the marriage, he could see a light of recognition shining in Abby's eyes. Abby was newly married with Nathan and was herself still adjusting to a new life as the wife of a rancher. Nathan had gone all the way to Boston to bring his new bride to Montana. Things were as new and strange for Abby as they were for Chloe.

  "The poor dear!" Abby said eventually. "Losing her husband like that. You say he was murdered?"

  "That's what it seems like. But there's some doubt about the details. We'll find out eventually."

  "But for now she must be finding it so hard. What with the sadness she must feel, and having to take care of her new baby," Abby said shaking her head in disbelief.

  Trent came to the sofa and sat down next to Abby. He could see that she was truly concerned for the plight of Chloe. It was probably born out of a deep understanding of how it felt to be suddenly thrust into a new life in the wilds of Montana.

  "I'm doing my best to help her settle in," he said.

  Abby smiled. "I'm sure you are. She's not there on her own today, is she?"

  "She's got Mrs. Ross to help her," Trent explained.

  Abby nodded. "Well that's something. She won't let any harm come to Chloe," she observed. "I'm sure of that."

  "You see, Abby. The thing is I'm at a bit of a loss."

  Abby's brows furrowed. "How so?"

  Trent sighed. "I know she's trying to adjust. But she's got so much to think about. Evan keeps her up day and night. I'm concerned she's gonna get worn out with the worry and all," he said.

  Abby shook her head. "She won't. She's got you to take care of her."

  Trent's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

  Abby smiled. "Look Trent. I've heard about your reputation. With the ladies of Billings and all that."

  Trent felt his face flush. "Let's not talk about that," he murmured.

  "But now things are different for you. And for Chloe. There's so much you both are going to have to get used to. You're man and wife now," she said.

  The words settled inside Trent, heavy and serious.

  "You want the best for them, don't you?"

  "I surely do," Trent agreed.

  "Then you'll have to do what Nathan did for me?"

  Trent coughed and cleared his throat. "What was that?"

  Abby squinted at Trent. "You'll have to find ways to help her adjust to life on the ranch. Make her see that ranch life isn't all cattle and ranch hands. That it's a place where a family can live well and be happy."

  Trent considered what Abby had said. It was true. Although he'd tried to make Chloe feel at home by bringing her clothes and settling her in to the house, he could see that Chloe hadn't yet seen how a ranch could be a great place for a family. Better than the town.

  "How do I do that?" Trent asked frowning.

  Abby rolled her eyes and sighed. "Be a father and be a husband. That's what you are now. Isn't that right?"

  Again the finality of the words hammered into him with all the force of a blow to the chest. He was a father and a husband. He'd been pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind. But to hear someone else tell him straight to his face momentarily took him aback.

  "But I already am both of those," Trent objected.

  "Show it to her. Let Chloe see how important she is to you," Abby stated firmly.

  Abby leaned in close and peered into Trent's eyes. "I know this is a marriage of convenience. Right now at any rate. But she is your wife. You do care for her. Don't you?"

  Trent sighed and nodded. "I do. How it can be that I do care for her when we've only just married is a mystery to me. But I do," he said with a quiet, firm voice.

  Abby nodded in satisfaction. "I can see it in your eyes, Trent McIntyre."

  Trent glanced away, avoiding Abby's knowing scrutiny. What had she seen? Was it that obvious? He'd been able to shield it from Chloe. Or had he? He wasn't sure of anything anymore.

  When the door open
ed and Nathan came into the house Trent felt a flood of relief course through his body.

  "There he is. The new husband," Nathan called out teasingly, striding up to Trent and extending a hand. Trent shook his friend's hand. With the other hand Nathan patted Trent hard on the shoulder. "You went and did it, after all. You said you'd never marry, and now you go and surprise us all," he said.

  Trent saw Abby shake her head, wordlessly urging her husband to restrain himself.

  Nathan caught the look and frowned. "What? Have I said something?"

  Abby came to Nathan and touched him gently on the arm. "I think Trent's got a few things to explain to you, Nathan. I'm going to make some tea for us," she said heading out of the parlor and toward the kitchen.

  When the two men were alone Trent explained the circumstances of his marriage to Chloe. As he he went over things the expression on Nathan's face changed from joy to one of serious and intense understanding. By the time Trent had finished his account of things, Nathan's shoulders had sunk and he was nodding slowly, his features thoughtful and earnest.

  "I had no idea, Trent," his friend said after a long pause.

  "It was a secret between me and Lucas," Trent explained.

  Nathan laid a hand on Trent's shoulder. "It's a fine thing you've done, Trent. I never would have thought you had it in you," he said.

  "Neither would I," Trent admitted. "But a man's word is his bond. Isn't that right, Nathan?"

  Nathan nodded. "Especially out here. If you can't keep your promises you won't last long," he said. "How's the baby faring?"

  "Evan's fine. In fact he's amazing," Trent said.

  Nathan's eyes brightened. "You're a father now, Trent. That's what is really amazing. I never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth," Nathan said with a grin.

  Trent looked at Nathan and was briefly lost for words.

  "What else brought you here? Apart from breaking all this news to Abby and me," Nathan asked.

  "I need your old crib."

  "Emma's crib?" Emma was Nathan's daughter by his first wife. Emma's real mother had died tragically and Nathan had done what he had to do to ensure that Emma had Abby as her new mother.

  "Chloe's things are coming over from Helena in the next few days. In the meantime I need a crib for Evan," Trent explained.

  Nathan nodded. "No problem. Follow me and we'll load it on the back of the buckboard."

  Abby emerged from the kitchen holding a tray just as the two men were heading up the stairs. "You're not waiting for tea?"

  Nathan kissed Abby on her cheek. "I'm just loading up Emma's old crib. It's for Trent's boy Evan," Nathan explained. "We'll be back in a short while."

  Trent followed Nathan up the stairs. When they'd reached the top floor of the house, Nathan pulled down a ladder and climbed up to the attic. Despite the darkness Trent could see the space was clean and well ordered. In the corner Nathan pulled away a white sheet to reveal a beautiful wooden crib. It would be just perfect for Evan.

  Before Trent and Nathan started to move the crib, Nathan turned to Trent. "I have to tell you something, Trent," Nathan said glancing over toward the entrance to the attic.

  Nathan's brows furrowed and he lowered his voice. "I was in town this morning and I was talking to Ned. He owns the mercantile."

  "I know Ned," said Trent. "Decent guy."

  "You can believe anything he tells you. Anyway. Ned told me that someone's been asking about a new bride in town. Said the wedding only took place this week. Wanted to find the couple." Nathan said quietly.

  "What!" exclaimed Trent."Who?"

  " Ned told me the guy was a stranger in town."

  "You don't mean he was looking for Chloe and me?"

  Nathan shook his head. "I don't know, Trent. Your wedding is the only one I know about this week."

  Trent frowned. He couldn't figure it out. What could a total stranger want with him and Chloe?One thing was for sure. It wasn't a welcome development.


  Chloe sat on the porch with Evan in her arms. The late afternoon air was getting cooler. It was nice to sit and watch the comings and goings of the ranch hands. Many of them smiled and tipped their hat as they walked by the house. One or two even came up and said hello to Evan. They were a friendly bunch of men. Chloe felt momentarily bad about her preconceived notions of what ranchers were like. One thing was for sure. Trent wasn't anything like her previous idea of a rancher.

  He'd been really nice to her when he'd come home and had lunch with her. Most of the awkwardness of the previous night had gone. It had been replaced by a casual and warm quality. He knew how to make a lady feel at her ease. That thought had reminded her of his reputation. How many women had Trent McIntyre really been friendly with? And just how friendly, when it came to that?

  All throughout the lunch she'd had to pull her thoughts away from Trent's past. The only thing that mattered now was the future. Chloe and Trent both had pasts which looked like they'd need leaving behind.

  Chloe looked down at Evan. He was awake and staring up at her. His little bright eyes shone with love. Chloe's heart filled with warmth. She leaned down and kissed Evan on the tip of his nose. He giggled at that and Chloe bathed him in the biggest smile she could summon.

  Chloe heard the sound of wheels and she looked up. It was Trent driving the buckboard to a halt in the yard in front of the house. When Trent saw Chloe and Evan seated on the porch a huge grin spread across his face.

  He leapt down and came over to Chloe. He looked tired, like he'd been driving the buckboard fast, almost as if he'd been in a hurry to get home.

  Trent's boots made a loud, heavy sound as he strode across the wooden floor of the porch. He removed his hat. Chloe saw that Trent's eyes were bright and fixed on Evan.

  "How is the little guy?" he asked.

  Chloe turned Evan slightly so that Trent could see him better. "He's happy to be outside. I was beginning to wonder where you'd got to," she said.

  Trent swapped his hat back and forth between his hands. "Been over to see Nathan and Abby," he explained.

  "I guess you gave them the news," Chloe said.

  "Yup. They could hardly believe it. They both send their best wishes to you. They're coming over for dinner this weekend. I'm gonna invite Devlin and Elise too. It'll be a regular rancher's do," he said with a smile.

  Chloe felt a knot of concern in her stomach. "What'll I wear?" she asked instinctively.

  "You can wear the fine new gown I bought you," Trent replied.

  Chloe sighed. "It needs a bit of taking in. I'm not as wide as you think," she said. "Mrs. Ross can give me some help with that, I guess."

  Trent sat down by Chloe's side. She was intensely aware of his scent and his faster than usual breathing.

  "You look like you were in a hurry," she said.

  "I feel like I've been away all afternoon," he responded. "I brought something from Nathan's," he said pointing to the buckboard.

  Chloe peered over at it and saw something tied down on the back. "What is it?"

  Trent stood and started toward the buckboard. "It's the crib I was telling you about. Nathan let me borrow it for a few days," he explained.

  "Oh my!" Chloe exclaimed standing up from the seat, holding Evan tight to her.

  Trent untied the crib and heaved it off the buckboard. He brought it over and held it up for her to examine. It was a beautiful crib, sturdy looking and with delicate carvings.

  "It's beautiful, Trent," she told him.

  "It'll do for the moment," he offered. "Until Evan gets his real one. In fact I was thinking maybe Evan could do with a handmade one of his own. I'm kinda handy with wood," Trent said. "I could see what I could make. It might take me a bit of time. But it would be a privilege to do something for Evan," he said.

  Chloe smiled at Trent, touched by his generosity and consideration for Evan.

  Chloe reached out and touched the crib. The wood felt smooth. The crib had obviously been well us
ed. She looked forward to seeing it up in Evan's room.

  Trent heaved the heavy wooden crib up to shoulder level. "I'll just take this up to Evan's room," he said striding off toward the front door.

  "Trent," Chloe called out to him. He turned and raised an eyebrow. Chloe smiled at him. "Thanks for going and getting that for Evan. I appreciate it," she said.

  Trent's face lit up. He nodded. "It was no trouble at all, Chloe," he responded.

  Trent disappeared into the house. Chloe went back to the porch and sat down. From inside she heard Mrs. Ross call out to Trent. She heard Trent responding. She couldn't make out what they were saying to each other. It sounded like the usual banter between the housekeeper and the ranch owner.

  Chloe rocked Evan gently. "You've got a crib to sleep in Evan. Isn't that great?"

  Evan stared up at Chloe and smiled. She was sure it was a smile of absolute agreement.

  Trent laid the crib down on the wooden floor of Evan's room. He surveyed the room. He'd move the bed over to the side of the wall next to the door. Maybe Chloe would prefer to use that bed when she had to be in the room with Evan. The crib looked just perfect in the center of the room. Trent sighed in satisfaction.

  Once Chloe had a chance to make the crib snug and tidy for Evan he was sure she'd love it as much as he did. Trent felt strangely proud of what he'd done. He was discovering the pleasure that could be had in doing things for people. The truth was he'd spent far too long thinking only of himself. He'd never thought of himself as a self sacrificing type of guy. But in the brief time he'd known Chloe and Evan all that had changed. It felt good. The simple enjoyment that could be had from making others feel at home was something that had taken him by surprise. And that was what he was doing. Wasn't it? Trying to make Chloe and Evan feel as if this was the only place on earth for them.

  Trent sighed and shook his head. Abby had been right. It was time he accepted the consequences of what he agreed to do for Chloe. He had to be more of a husband to her, even if they'd only been married a short time.


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