Preacher (Dixie Reapers MC 4.5)

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Preacher (Dixie Reapers MC 4.5) Page 2

by Harley Wylde

  I slowly pressed inside her, gritting my teeth at how fucking tight she was. I’d never known a virgin who could suck cock like she could, but the way she gripped me had me wondering if I was her first. I nearly stopped, but she felt too damn good. She moaned and leaned back on the table, popping the front clasp on her bra and cupping her breasts. Christ! I sank balls-deep into her, only pausing a moment. The fact she wasn’t in any pain, and I hadn’t felt anything tear inside her, gave me a sense of relief that I wasn’t going to fuck up her first time.

  She lifted her hips a little, letting me slide in even deeper, and my control snapped. I gripped her hips tight as I plunged into her again and again, fucking her with a passion that had long been absent from my life. Her sweet cries just added fuel to the flames, and I wouldn’t have been able to stop if I tried. I wanted her, needed her. I’d not allowed myself to feel a connection to anyone in so fucking long, but with her, even if it was just a few minutes, I completely lost myself in the moment. I didn’t shut down my emotions. It wasn’t mindless fucking, but something more.

  “Rub your clit, baby. Let me feel you come on my cock,” I murmured.

  Her small fingers circled the little bud, and I felt her pussy clench down. It wasn’t long before she was coming, crying out my name as her body tensed and her pussy tried to milk me dry. I fucked her until every drop of cum had been pulled from my balls, and even then I wasn’t ready to pull out. She clasped me tightly as she panted for breath, her eyes still glazed and hazy from her release.

  “That was so worth the wait,” she said softly.

  I didn’t know what the hell she meant, and my brain was too sloshed with alcohol to puzzle it out. I knew I hadn’t met her before, so how could she have been waiting for this? For me? I pulled free of her body and helped her stand. Her lips pressed against mine in the gentlest of kisses, then she fixed her skirt, refastened her bra, and pulled on her shirt. With a sassy smile, she kissed me once more, longer and deeper than before, and then she walked out the door. I waited a few minutes, trying to gather my thoughts. A good ten minutes passed before my mind began to clear, and I decided to clean myself up. Whatever had just happened, I knew that it was different from anything I’d experienced in the last twelve years. I’d already met my one and only, but Kayla had touched a part of me I’d thought long dead. If I’d known she was going to disappear, I might have moved faster. Especially when I realized the fucking condom broke.

  Fuck my life.

  I disposed of the rubber, zipped up my pants, and started for the door, pausing when I saw a scrap of black lace on the floor. I picked it up, inhaled her sweet scent, then stuffed the ripped panties into my pocket. I hadn’t wanted to keep a woman’s panties since the night I’d first slept with my wife. I’d analyze later why I wanted to keep the damn thing, then I went back to the main room looking for Kayla. The little minx was nowhere to be found. I didn’t know who she’d come with, or why she’d been here at all, but I wasn’t ready for her to go. There wasn’t room in my life for a steady woman, and there never would be, but it didn’t mean we couldn’t enjoy each other’s company a little more.

  I stepped out onto the porch and scanned the area. No sight of her. The Prospect at the gate was smoking a cigarette as I approached, and he straightened when he saw me. I didn’t care much for the little shit, but one of the members thought he had potential. I personally didn’t think he was going to patch in. There was just something about him that had always set me on edge.

  “What can I do for you, Preacher?” he asked.

  “Did you see a woman come out of the clubhouse? Maybe five or ten minutes ago?”

  “Yeah, she took off. Why? Did she do something wrong? Want me to go after her?”

  The light in his eyes told me that he had other reasons for wanting to go after Kayla, and I wasn’t sure I liked it. She wasn’t mine, would never be mine, but she sure as fuck didn’t belong to some punk ass Prospect either. I’d had my doubts about this one, and I’d told Torch and Venom as much. Carter. That was the little shit’s name. I’d seen the way he treated the women when he thought no one was looking, and that wasn’t going to fly as long as I was around. It was one thing to use the sluts to let off a little steam, but it was another to treat them like trash.

  “She didn’t do anything wrong. I just wanted to spend some time with her.”

  He grinned. “Yeah, she’s a hot little thing. I’d love to get those legs of hers wrapped around me.”

  I grunted and walked off so I didn’t give in to the urge to hit the little bastard. I had no business feeling that way about a woman I’d just met, one who meant nothing to me. But there was that little voice at the back of my head, the one I didn’t like most days. But she’s different.

  Yeah, she was different. And different was very, very bad.

  I’d ask around and see who knew her. Maybe she was a friend of Isabella’s or Ridley’s. If I had to guess, they were close to the same age, which made her too damn young for me. Then again, my Pres was in his fifties, and he’d claimed Isabella. Fuck, he’d damn well married her, and seemed more than happy. Maybe age really was just a number in the grand scheme of things.

  When I went back into the clubhouse, I scanned the crowd and quickly found Ridley and Venom. They seemed surprised when I approached them, and I wondered if I’d been too much of a reclusive bastard lately.

  “Preacher,” Venom said, slapping me on the back. “Enjoying the party? The ceremony was perfect. You haven’t lost your touch.”

  I grunted, not giving a shit about the wedding. Yeah, I was still technically an ordained minister, but I’d given up on God a long-ass time ago. The day he’d let my wife die, I’d turned my back and walked away. I didn’t even touch my fucking Bible anymore, unless the club needed something. Like this wedding tonight.

  “Do either of you know a Kayla?” I asked.

  Ridley’s brow furrowed, and she shook her head. “No. Should I?”

  “I thought maybe she was a friend of yours. Are Torch and Isabella still here, or did they already take off to celebrate on their own?” I asked.

  “With the looks he’s giving her, they won’t be around much longer,” Venom said. “But Isabella is across the room.”

  I glanced that way and saw the blushing bride. “Thanks.”

  By the time I pushed through the crowd and reached Isabella, Torch looked about two seconds away from tossing her over his shoulder and walking the fuck out. She smiled when she saw me, and the next thing I knew, she’d thrown her arms around me and was hugging the shit out of me.

  “Thank you so much,” she said. “It was the best wedding ever!”

  “You’re welcome. I actually came over for a reason. Do you know anyone named Kayla?” I asked.

  “The name sounds familiar, but I can’t place her,” Isabella said. “Did she do something wrong?”

  Why the fuck did everyone assume Kayla did something bad? She was too fucking sweet to get into trouble, unless that trouble included a drunk widower and a broken condom. I needed to find her and make sure she was okay.

  “I met her here tonight, and I was just trying to figure out who she knows.”

  Torch turned his piercing gaze my way. “Some woman you don’t know was here?”

  “I know her now,” I muttered.

  “Who’s manning the gate?” Torch asked. “This event was family only.”

  “Carter,” I said, trying not to sneer as I said his name.

  Torch grunted. “I’ll have a word with him tomorrow. For now, I think it’s time I get my beautiful bride out of here.”

  “Congratulations, both of you,” I said, then blended back into the crowd.

  I still had no idea who Kayla was, or how to find her. My gut churned as I thought about never seeing her again, but I’d fucked up. If I’d stopped her from walking away instead of standing there like an idiot, then I’d know more about her.

  She probably thought I was just another asshole, using her for he
r body.

  I had this horrible feeling that I was never going to see Kayla again, and for some reason, that really bothered me. Fuck it. She was gone, and there wasn’t shit I could do about it right now. I’d have a few more drinks, then call it a night. I could battle my conscience tomorrow.

  Chapter Two


  I shouldn’t have been a chickenshit and run out like that, but I hadn’t thought Preacher would want me to stick around. Weren’t bikers the fuck-and-leave type? At least when it came to random women like me. He’d needed comforting, and I’d offered it, but that didn’t mean he wanted to hang around and cuddle afterward. If anything, I’d imagine he’d be fucked in the head each time he slept with a woman who wasn’t his wife. So, I’d given him the space he likely needed, and since he hadn’t exactly come after me, I was probably right to leave.

  I felt the stickiness between my legs and tried to fight down the panic rising inside me. He’d put on a condom. I distinctly remembered him doing that, but something must have happened to it. I knew condoms weren’t foolproof, but… Butterflies rioted in my stomach as I thought about the possible consequences I’d face. Surely I wouldn’t get pregnant the first time I had sex, right? That shit only happened in books and movies.

  The walk home was long, and I hunched my shoulders, trying to disappear as I walked down the broken sidewalks of my neighborhood. Once upon a time, it had been a nice place to live. A really fucking long time ago. Ever since my parents were kids, it had been crackhead and prostitute central for our small town. I think that was a large part of why Johnny had left, and I couldn’t really blame him. He deserved a shot at a better life. If he’d stayed, he’d likely have been dealing drugs on the corner, or have been killed in a drive-by. I knew the life he’d chosen wasn’t exactly safe, but at least he had a group of guys to watch his back. He wouldn’t have had that around here.

  The dilapidated house I shared with my mom and her latest boyfriend was just up ahead, and I quickened my pace. It wasn’t safe to be out here dressed like this, especially since I’d lost my panties tonight. Guys in this part of town thought they could have whatever they wanted, and anyone who cried rape usually paid the price. I’d been lucky that nothing bad had happened to me so far. I knew a lot of that had to do with Johnny. He’d kept me safe all my life, even when my mom’s latest and greatest would get handsy with me. But I was on my own now, which meant I had to be smart.

  When I got into the house, I locked the front door and paused, listening for any sounds. I could hear my mom and her current boyfriend going at it in her room, the smell of pot heavy in the air. The living room was littered with beer bottles, and I knew they were likely drunk too. Bad things happened when Ray was high and drunk. I quickly walked straight back to my bedroom, trying not to make a damn sound to alert anyone of my presence.

  Johnny had installed two deadbolts on my door, and a chain, and I locked all three every time I was in my room. The first time I’d woken to one of my mother’s boyfriends looming over me in the middle of the night, jerking his cock off as he leered at me, I’d freaked the fuck out, and then Johnny had beat the shit out of the guy. I’d found all three locks on my door when I’d gotten home from school that day. Johnny had skipped class to make sure I was taken care of, but then he was always doing things like that for me.

  I stripped out of my clothes and pulled on my pajamas. As much as I would have loved a bath or shower, no way I was chancing it tonight. If Ray had consumed as much beer as I thought he had, and if pot was thrown in to the mix, then I wasn’t safe outside my room. He was one of the worst of all the guys Mom had brought home over the years. He didn’t even hide the fact he wanted me, rubbing his cock in front of my mom as he stared at me. I didn’t trust him, and sadly, I didn’t trust my mother either. If Ray gave her an ultimatum, like he got to do whatever the fuck he wanted to me or he was walking out, she’d hand me over on a silver platter. He supplied all her drugs and booze, and no way was she giving that up.

  The cheap cell phone Johnny had given me started ringing, and I quickly answered. He was the only one who ever called me, and I needed to hear his voice. I’d gone to the compound tonight, needing my brother, but I hadn’t even stuck around long enough to find him. Not after…

  “Why the fuck were you here tonight, Kayla?” he barked into the phone.

  “I needed to see you.”

  He got quiet a moment. “Everything okay? Did Ray… he didn’t touch you, did he?”

  “No. Not for lack of trying on his part.”

  “Kayla, you can’t just show up unannounced at the compound. You could get me into serious trouble, you know that? This is the best thing I’ve got going for me, and I don’t want to screw it up.”

  Tears pricked my eyes at his harsh tone. “I’m sorry.”

  “If it’s not Ray, then why the hell were you here? I’ve told you this isn’t the place for you to party.”

  “You think I was there to party?” I asked, my heart feeling heavy. Did Johnny not know me as well as I’d thought he had? We were twins, two halves of a whole, and yet… “I’ve never been a party girl, and you know it, Johnny.”

  “Are you safe?” he asked.

  I glanced at the locks on the door. “For now.”

  “If you weren’t here to party, and it’s not Ray, then why did you need me?”

  “It’s Joe.”

  The silence on the other end lasted so long I’d thought for a moment he’d hung up.


  “Um, yeah. He’s been recruiting pretty heavy around here.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ. You’re not joining his stable, Kayla.”

  “I wasn’t planning on it,” I muttered. “But… he said if I don’t, then he’ll find a way to make me. I’m scared, Johnny. You know what he did to Vera. He fucked her up so bad she doesn’t even look the same anymore, and before she was even healed all the way, he had her working the streets.”

  “I’m on my way. Pack a bag, something small with just the essentials.”

  Pack a bag? Where the hell did he think I was going? It wasn’t like he could let me stay at the compound with him. He’d already told me there were only two types of women there. Old ladies, or club sluts. And since I wasn’t one of the first, and had no intention of becoming the second, there was no place for me there. Even if the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen did flash in my mind for a moment. No way Preacher would ever lay claim to me. He was still married to his dead wife, and just because we’d fucked didn’t mean anything. I knew I was just convenient for him tonight, and that was fine. At least my first time with a guy had been on my terms.

  “Kayla, did you hear me?” Johnny asked, and I realized I hadn’t said anything.

  “Yeah. I’ll get some stuff together.”

  “I’ll tap on your window when I get there. Don’t leave that fucking house.”

  He hung up, and I stared around my room. I didn’t have much, but I still had my backpack from high school. I pulled it out and dumped a handful of clothes inside. Three outfits and the other important stuff like panties and such. My brush was on the dresser, and I shoved that into the bag too. My hand paused on the locks to my door, and I listened to make sure Ray was still occupied before I crept into the hall bathroom to retrieve my small bag of makeup and my toothbrush. I grabbed the box of tampons I kept under the sink too.

  After my bag was stuffed as full as I could get it, I changed into something comfortable, and then sat on the bed to wait for Johnny. I heard his motorcycle roar into the driveway, and my body tensed. It didn’t take but another minute before he was tapping on my window. I lifted it and stared out at my twin, the only person who had ever been there for me my entire life. He held out his hand, and I gave him my backpack, then he helped me climb out the window.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “I’m putting you on a bus,” he said. “You’re getting the fuck out of this town before it ruins your life

  I froze mid-step. “Leave?”

  He turned to face me. “Kayla, I can’t protect you all the time anymore, and you’re obviously not safe living at home. Mom doesn’t give a shit what happens to you, never has and never will. And I’m sorry, but you’re just not tough enough to live here without ending up spreading your legs for Johns or dead in a ditch.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  “You’re my baby sister… “

  “By like two minutes.”

  “Whatever. The point is that I don’t know how else to protect you. So I’m sending you away. I have enough money for a bus ticket out of here and then hopefully enough to get you established in a new place. I made some calls. A buddy of mine has a studio apartment over the garage where he works. He’s going to let you rent it for three hundred a month, utilities and trash included.”

  “I don’t have three hundred dollars, Johnny.”

  He pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket and stuffed it into the front of my backpack before zipping it. “Now you do. There’s about seven hundred there, but it should hold you until you can find a job. I’ll take care of the bus ticket when we get to the station. And Kayla… whatever you do, don’t come back.”

  My eyes burned as I fought hard not to cry. “Does that mean I won’t see you anymore?”

  “Not for a while. I’ll try to come visit when I get a chance, okay? But you need to do this. This is your chance to change your life.”

  He took me by the hand and led me over to his bike. After he swung his leg over the seat, I climbed on behind him, slinging the backpack over my shoulders. I didn’t know where I was going, or what I’d do when I got there, but I knew he was right. I needed to get away from this place. I’d been lucky so far, but eventually that luck would run out.


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